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Old 23-08-2012, 02:25 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

I really did not know what I was doing.

It was like history decided to repeat itself and I was back to the way I was before. Fucking without feelings. Cold and emotionless and only wanting a place to park my dick and deposit my sperm.

Shirley and I kissed, tongues engaged in a furious battle, I really began to appreciate her new chest size. They reminded me of Amanda's. More than a handful, large sensitive nipples, soft yet firm, and probably large enough for a tit-fuck.

The way she touched me also signalled her desperation. She grabbed at my cock as though she had been terribly deprived of one for ages. It kind of hurt a little, as lubrication was absent, yet she insisted on wanking me forcefully, using the foreskin as much as possible, while grabbing my balls a little too hard for my liking. Thankfully, whatever pre-cum that oozed out was spread around by her fingers, rendering me temporary relief.

Slowly but surely, Shirley began her cat bath, licking me from behind my ears, down my neck, chest, ribcage, thighs and finally to the holy grail.

I turned her around and went to work on her bald pussy, tasting the juices from her soaked pussy. She was really horny. As I teased and licked her clit and labia, she skillfully tortured my cock with her mouth, tongue and teeth, going for the occasional deepthroat, gagging in the process. She had gotten a lot better at blowjobs. I wondered if the fucker who dumped her had anything to do with it.

I think I made her cum with my tongue as I felt her shudder, and moan softly while my cock was in her mouth.

Truth be told, for a very short while, I had forgotten the feelings I had while I was having sex with Nicole. Shirley was really making me want her sexually. Perhaps the feelings would come later. Now it was just lust, pure and simple.

I fought back a couple of urges to cum from her blowjob, or maybe something got stuck somewhere. After the longest time, she released my cock from its oral prison. She looked at me seductively, or perhaps, sluttily would have been a more accurate description.

S: I'm gonna ride you till you cum.

Me: Wait, what?

She did not wait, and mounted me in reverse cowgirl. I felt my dickhead hit her cervix straight on, and she moaned in a way I have never heard her moan before. I tried to stop her.

Me: What if you get pregnant?

S: I'm not ovulating.

Me: How can you be sure?

S: Do you use condoms with your fuck buddy?

Me: Er.... Nope...

S: Did you cum inside her?

Me: Yeah.

S: Then shut up.

Me: She's on the pill.

S: I don't care what you do with her.

Me: But...

She suddenly spun around to face me, my cock still inside her. I had only seen in it porn before, and never thought it was actually possible. She grinded hard, our pubic bones clashing.

S: I'm a girl, I love sex. Just let me be me ok?

Me: Ok.

I decided it would probably be best to just let her do what she wanted, lest she decide to something else that I would regret.

She came again, but continued, cumming once more before flopping onto the bed next to me, spreading her legs wide.

S: Kor, fuck me.

Me: I thought I told you to stop calling me Kor when we're having sex? It's weird.

S: Kor, I want you so bad...

She was definitely doing it on purpose.

I positioned for entry and slid in, pumping at a comfortable pace. She started moaning again. I rubbed her clit with my thumb and teased her nipples with my other hand. Each thrust made her moans louder.

Maybe I was really horny and deprived or what not, as I quickly felt the urge to cum.

Me: Mei, I'm gonna cum!

I did not know why I said that, but it came out anyway.

S: Cum in me if you dare.

I decided not to take the risk, and pulled out just as I released an entire weeks worth of thick cum onto her body. It was so sticky that it stuck to her body like glue. She rubbed it around like a porn star. I wondered what had gotten into her.

Somehow, despite the release, my dick refused to deflate and stood at full attention.

Then I heard a familiar voice from the door way.

D: Looks like you could go again.

I turned around and saw Diane standing there. I did not know that she was in the house, or perhaps she had entered while we were both preoccupied. She stood there in a tight tank top and hot pants with her arms folded.

The situation was not looking good.
Old 23-08-2012, 10:53 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Goodness ... you got caught AGAIN !!! you lucky Bastard hahahahaha

In some ways, it's kinda sad that you're being used as a "Tool" but then again, on the bright side, it's quite satisfying
Do you think there'll come a time when this will be meaningless and you'll actually want some kind of emotional comfort than just pure lust/desire ... anyway ... enjoy while you're at it

SOF ??? don't abuse your body anymore ... think your Encik has seen the light.
Exchange with +10 pointers and above only. Thanks.

Need to Return:
[Hifive - please share new post]

Thanks for up Javabeans, Swagelock & bigbirdbird but I can't return pts to you this round.
Old 23-08-2012, 01:29 PM
bigbadwolf888 bigbadwolf888 is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

wah ts, so naughty and sexually active. hope you start over with Shirley and treat her well. don't ever think you're not good enough for her. humans do make mistakes. and stop sleeping around liao lah, be a man and man up and commit.

p/s: sometimes i wish i'm you, but sometimes i would have also hated the you who just go around sleeping and not wanting to settle down

don't flame me.
Old 23-08-2012, 05:09 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Me: What the fuck are you doing here?

D: Came over for a visit. Maybe a late lunch. Didn't expect you to be home. But wow, I think I saw too much.

Me: Fuck off bitch.

S: Hey. Be nice.

Me: Get out.

D: Out? You sure you don't want a piece of me too?

Me: I haven't forgot what you did to me.

D: Oh? That's good. Do you remember how good it felt?

Me: Fuck you.

D: Sure. Shirley, you don't mind right?

S: Erm. I thought you were kidding when you asked if we could share...

Me: What the fuck do you two think I am?

D: Well, your behavior and history makes you a man whore.

Me: What??!

S: I didn't really think she was serious.

D: What. You never slept with two girls at the same time?

S: Actually he did. He told me.

D: Ahh... So he's open to the idea.

Me: Damn. No.

D: Since everyone is naked...

Diane stripped, and walked towards the bed. I looked at Shirley. She did not seem unhappy or unwilling.

Part of me still wanted revenge for what Diane did to me. But I could not bring myself to participate in what seemed to be another threesome. Not with Shirley in it anyway. I decided that I cared too much for her to subject her to this.

Me: Put your clothes back on bitch. I'm not gonna do this.

D: Oh really? Look at yourself. Still hard.

Shirley stroked my cock.

S: Yeah. Why are you still so hard? You must still be aroused.

I looked at her. Her face seemed expressionless, but something in her eyes told me that she did not want to take part in whatever was in the twisted mind of Diane. I removed her hand.

Me: I'm not playing whatever game you're playing.

I grabbed my towel and headed to the bathroom. Shirley hurried after me and entered as well. I did not bother to see if Diane got dressed or not.

S: Kor, why don't you want to fuck her?

Me: Don't be ridiculous.

S: I'm glad you didn't.

Me: What?

S: She suggested we do this to get you interested in me again. Since you love sex so much. But I wasn't really comfortable with it.

Me: How did she get in? Or was she here all along?

S: She has a set of keys. She comes over now and then. We were supposed to have lunch together but I didn't think she'd be so early.

Me: You're both mad.

Shirley hugged me.

S: Please say you'll accept me again.

Me: What?

S: Please. I really like you.

Me: I don't know what to say.

S: Don't say anything. Just hold me. Please.

I shrugged and hugged her back. I wondered what was going on. She had a plan and somehow I did not think that I would be very happy with it. Especially since Diane was pretty much still a large part of her life. True, they are best friends, and she was my ex, but after that night all I feel everytime I see her is displeasure. Not the immense hatred I thought I would feel, but definitely a general feeling of unhappiness. However, I rationalized that since I was staying with Shirley, and there really were not many drawbacks to this arrangement, I ought to play by her rules.

Maybe one day we would get back together. Besides, it seemed that all she wanted now was sex, which was not unlike what Nicole wanted anyway.

In any case, I have not heard from Nicole since I walked out on her for the second time in her life.

Part of me really wanted to stop doing all this shit that I was doing. While I was not sleeping around with random girls that were picked up from clubs or wherever, I was doing so with girls I knew, some for a very long time. Maybe they enjoyed it, but maybe they secretly hated me. How long could I go on doing so?

As we washed ourselves, I reminisced about the happier times with Shirley, and wondered if I could bring myself to be with her again, and not hurt her anymore.
Old 24-08-2012, 12:52 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

The remainder of the National Day weekend passed rather uneventfully. Diane was hanging out with Shirley over the weekend so I mostly avoided them, spending my time playing Diablo 3 instead.

As expected, Nicole did not contact me. I guess I must have really hurt her badly again.

Natalie, on the other hand, did contact me to ask what happened, but I revealed little, so she ended up telling me how good my brother was in bed instead. At least there was one happy couple.

Was I jealous? If it was ten years ago, I probably would have wanted in on the action as well. But things were different. I hoped Andrew would not be going down the same path I did. Or maybe he was already deeper in than I ever was.

For now, I was content with hanging out with Shirley, without Diane of course, and slowly rebuilding the relationship we used to have.

Work resumed as normal with the exception of the upcoming long weekend thanks to Hari Raya Puasa. Most of the storemen had taken the chance to clear their leave, leaving me, Alex, the non-Muslim storemen and a select few Muslim ones who preferred to save their leave.

Alex, as usual, was complaining.

A: Fuck la. Audit come still take leave.

Me: Let them enjoy their holidays. I remember you disappearing during Chinese New Year as well.

A: Fuck. You always have to counter whatever I say.

Me: You know it's true.

A: Ya la. And seriously, you can't stay in my store forever. There's no such thing as a CQMS 2IC.

Me: I refuse to change vocation.

A: You don't have a lot of options.

Me: Why don't you believe I'll be fit again?

A: Bro, you injured the same leg while it was still recovering. I injured mine once, and I never recovered fully. What do you think?

Me: I can still run. Take IPPT. All that.

A: So? Think of your health in the long term.

Me: I'm getting fitter.

A: Maybe. But maybe you'll be a cripple when you're 40.

Me: Thanks for cursing me.

A: I'm serious. How are you even going to compete with the younger combatants. Especially during ranking. They're at least 2 to 3 years younger. Plus you still haven't cleared PS tour. You want to be a 30 year old PS?

Me: Does it matter? As long as I enjoy what I'm doing.

A: Do you? Right now?

Me: Right now I'm helping a friend out in his store because audit is coming.

A: And? After that?

Me: I'll see what the doctor says.

A: Give up la. Really. You think you can be Chief Warrant Officer?

Me: Probably not. But maybe at least Master Warrant.

A: Crazy.

Me: Yeah.

A: Anyway, I'm damn bored.

Me: And?

A: We go drink tonight? Or you want to try this new massage I discovered?

Me: I don't like massages.

A: You'll surely like this one. Nuru massage.

Me: Never heard of it.

A: The girl use her neh neh to massage you.

Me: Sounds illegal.

A: Well... It comes with 2 shots also.

Me: Definitely illegal.

A: I don't think so.

Me: Not interested.

A: Go la. 90 minutes $160.

Me: Why the sudden interest?

A: I tried on Saturday. Fucking shiok. The girl also fucking power. Suck until I cum in her mouth still carry on sucking. After that legs like jelly.

Me: You went on Saturday and you want to go again? Too rich?

A: Very relaxing la. The massage.

Me: You're still attached right?

A: Yeah.

Me: Your poor girlfriend.

A: She's busy working and earning money. Maybe she's even fucking her colleagues or something.

Me: I would say your mentality is fucked up. But I guess I'm no better.

A: Ya lor. KNN. Pot calling kettle black. And you still haven't intro the tua neh bu.

Me: Chee bye. Don't talk about her.

A: Why?

Me: Never mind.

A: Say leh!

Me: No.

A: Tell me!

Me: Fuck. Ok. I tell you then you stop asking. Ok?

A: Ok.

Me: She, erm, took advantage of me when she was drunk.

A: Huh? What the fuck is that? Not you take advantage of her meh?

Me: I'm not saying anything else.

A: Wah. KNN. Spoiler again. Number leh? She can take advantage of me anytime.

Me: Don't regret what you wish for.

Suddenly it seemed like a good idea to hook Diane up with Alex. But at the expense of possibly pissing Shirley off.

Me: Forget it.

A: Nabei chee bye you. Make me excited only.

Me: Haha. Go for your massage lor.

A: On.

Me: I was kidding.

A: Or we go spa la. The Punggol one. Keng jio me go.

Me: You go ahead la. I'm really not interested.

A: It's a god damn clean spa la.

Me: I still don't like massages.

A: You're just lucky that you can fuck any one of your female friends.

Me: I don't.

A: Haha. Don't bluff la. Got so many of them. Don't tell me there were a few that you couldn't?

Me: Now that you mention it, there actually were a few close female friends who I never had the intention of sleeping with.

A: Haha! Sure or not.

Me: Yeah. I was 15. Haha.

A: Huh? You 15 still virgin?

Me: Yeah.

A: Mai geh geh la. You so active. So many girls. Must have started young.

Me: Really never la.

I considered directing Alex to this thread so that he could learn about my history without me having to repeat it, but I figured he probably might not appreciate being a supporting character.

But he did get me thinking of a particular girl whom I was close to in Secondary school.

That night, when I got home, I logged into MSN and found her online.

It was time to catch up with an old friend.
Old 24-08-2012, 01:35 AM
iufunn iufunn is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Bro, I've been a silent reader till now, I just can't control my urge to tell you how much I enjoyed your posts. I enjoyed the exciting parts but what interest me most is your life and the events that unfolds unexpectedly one after another. Didnt know army regulars are so happening. I wanted to sign on too but did not due to some reasons.

Cheers to you.

Old 29-08-2012, 10:34 AM
fire_boi fire_boi is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

New story branching out bro?
Old 29-08-2012, 02:02 PM
bingbing01 bingbing01 is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Interesting story. More please
Old 31-08-2012, 07:33 PM
EnigmaofSorrow EnigmaofSorrow is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

I was in an all boys school for ten years. The only times when my education was co-ed, was in kindergarten, JC and Poly.

In secondary school, my core CCA was a uniformed group, as well as track & field, along with a few other miscellaneous clubs and societies to get points so that I would secure an A1 for my CCA and get a 2 point reduction on my L1R5 to enter JC.

Anyway, being in an all boys school, obviously the only females I saw were the teachers canteen staff, and office admin staff.

That all changed when I attended a joint training for my uniformed group with other schools in my sector.

We were all divided into groups, with each school being represented. I was rather shy and did not know how to communicate with girls, so I kept to myself and mingled mainly with the other guys in the group. The group itself was rather large, with around 15 of us, more girls than guys, and two facilitators, one from each gender.

As it was the first combined training of the year, there were ice breaking games, and I really hated ice-breakers as they made you do stupid stuff, and often ended with forfeits.

Anyway, we had to pair up with a girl. Somehow I ended up with a girl from an all girls school. I was kind of pleased actually, as she would probably be as awkward at me. We both exchanged pleasantries and smiled shyly at each other.

She was cute looking I guess, with sharp features, large eyes, short hair that was tied in a pony tail, and she was damn tall. Like really really tall. Or maybe I was still 13 years old and only 1.55m tall, whereas she towered over me at 1.65m. I shall not mention her body, as at that age, there was none to speak of, other than her super long legs. I felt kind of small.

Anyway, we were lucky not to get any forfeits and the ice-breakers passed uneventfully. Training carried on, and by the end of the day, we were tasked to do an assignment together and the pairs we started with eventually became permanent. So I was stuck with her for the rest of my four years, unless either of us quit the CCA.

We were pretty normal with each other, doing assignments, discussing lessons etc.. Things changed during a leadership camp in June the year we were in secondary 3. The leadership camp was mandatory as we were all going to assume leadership roles from our seniors in our respective schools when the school term started. For the sake of cohesion, our groups for the leadership camp were the same as our joint trainings, on not surprisingly, we were partners again.

I had grown a lot taller since sec 1, and was now around 1.68m. Unfortunately, she had grown too, and was still taller than me. Her body was also beginning to develop. Her hips were much rounder, as with her ass, and her breasts had grown from a non existent A cup, to probably a small B cup. I did not have the pleasure of seeing her boobs being supported by a good bra as she had worn sports bras throughout. But I was not sexually active at that time and such thoughts never entered my mind anyway.

Training was tough and we were all dead beat by the end of the day, and still had to attend after action reviews. Our male instructors were mostly serving their national service, or had already ORD, so the camp was run very regimentally. And with regimentation came the most dreaded thing anyone at that age had ever experienced. Sentry duty.

Duty was done in 1 hour shifts, in the same pairs we were in, and all we had was one lousy torchlight, a whistle and a stick. I always wondered what the stick was for as we were in a controlled environment, a school, and the gates were locked and the only people there were us. But we were always told the stick was to chase away stray dogs if we encountered any.

Anyway, we had drawn the dreaded 2-4am shift. It was the time were you would be in fucking dreamland, considering lights off timing was 10pm and revelie was at 6am.

I dragged myself to her bunk(classroom) on the 4th floor as the girls accommodation had to be above the boys due to privacy issues. I waited outside for her to come out. For the stories sake, let's call her Grace.

Me: Morning sleepy head. Why are you still wearing slippers?

G: Oh? Oops.

She rubbed her eyes and stretched lazily, thrusting her chest at me, not that I knew what to feel anyway. She reentered the bunk and changed to PT shoes.

We made our way to the sentry post at the Ops Room on the ground floor to collect the torchlight and stick. Whistles were personal due to hygiene reasons. We were briefed on safety, and distress codes should we encounter anything. The fucking torchlight was a bloody single bulb, AA battery piece of shit that could hardly project a beam more than 5 meters ahead.

The instructor took us on one round of the route around the school quickly and we were told to walk slowly for our actual prowling. After the completion of one round, another pair would take over and we would alternate until the two hours were up. Each round took roughly twenty-odd minutes, and we figure if we dragged it out, we could probably do two rounds instead of three.

The first round ended uneventfully and we handed over to the next pair while we rested in the Ops Room. The instructor on duty was already asleep. If we had been a couple, that, and the entire prowling route, would have probably been a great time to make out. But we were young and innocent, and decided that rest was more important.

The other pair also decided to take their round slow, and handed over to us after almost half an hour. I shook her shoulder gently to wake her and we carried on.

As we walked slowly through the dark corridors, both probably silently cursing how cheapskate the school was for not leaving the lights on. After prowling the four floors of the building, we proceeded along the route, going past the canteen, admin block, and finally past the school field.

The field was fenced up and we walked along the footpath. The night was cool and not really humid. As we trudged along the narrow path, we kept moving closer to each other, and the back of our hands touched a couple of times. It felt really awkward for me, and I was wondering how it was for her.

All of a sudden, I felt a chill around me, as though a cold wind was blowing. But the air was still. I ignored it as we were almost at the end of the path, and the next building that would lead us back to the canteen was in sight.

We had gotten off the footpath and onto the corridor when Grace suddenly grabbed my hand and interlocked her fingers with mine.

The abruptness of it all caused my heart to skip a beat, and if I was any younger, I probably might have peed in my pants.
Old 31-08-2012, 11:10 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Welcome back! Don't go missing man...we miss you
Old 31-08-2012, 11:46 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by TamKorSang View Post
Welcome back! Don't go missing man...we miss you
Won't go missing bro, was just busy this week, helping out Alex in his store as his logistics audit is coming up...
Old 01-09-2012, 12:00 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

for a short guy to do guard duty with a tall girl should make you safer or still make you feel smaller or been protected?
Old 01-09-2012, 12:19 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

More pls...
Old 01-09-2012, 12:29 AM
f0otprint f0otprint is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

becoming singapore ghost stories?
Old 01-09-2012, 09:44 PM
ahxiangz ahxiangz is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Hey Enigma bro, well-written stories! I've been enjoying reading your stories from page1! Your sex life is definitely colorful.
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