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Old 21-02-2010, 11:11 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by PUMIT View Post
Its really too bad that there are so many more dicks than chicks here in SBF.

Sometimes I wonder if Singaporean women are too busy with their family and career that they do not need sex? Or they really are just contented with that one dick and little excitement?

Maybe the women dont need SBF to find fuck buddies.....? It's so easy to find guys out there as well!

But the guys here are a lot more aggressive. Check this out!

Hello sweetapple pie, I want to Express my depth eagerness and share my lolipop stamina to play ding dong. I'm wildgentle in bed and able to play dingdong 2 to 3 hrs in 1shoot. my army height only 6inches but embeded or inserted by small jelly balls (5balls) by 5cm in diameter each--think u never tried before, I'm artistic and love to play finding the fearl and G-spot by 1hrs untill u squirting and delerious using my vacuum mouth and rough tongue. my favorite positon is standing 69 AND Licking ur armpit for additional satisfaction.1'm 5'7" wide muscular built of body due to enjoying vigoruos activity like cycling and playing basketball..

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Old 22-02-2010, 01:42 AM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Hi sis colourblind...i think he's more than agressive, he's the aggressor..hahaha.

No worries, there are lots of "gentle"men around still if you may agree.
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Old 22-02-2010, 09:01 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by Rain-Men View Post
No worries, there are lots of "gentle"men around still if you may agree.
Here's a "gentler" version:


after reading your thread, i can feel that you are a very unique person. I would love to have sex with someone different like you, but i am not into orgies la. I just love one-on-one sex for that "special connection" it gives to the couple; who knows we may go into a serious relationship.....

I am 25 y/o Chinese male currently in my final sem at Uni. I am 1.79m tall and of athletic build as i do quite a fair bit of endurance sports.

If you are willing to offer me your companionship, i would be more than happy to do something in return....

I sincerely look forward to hearing from you soon!
But all the same. All playing dumb (or being dumb) and treating my darling as if he doesnt exist. I swing. But i only swing with my darling........ How many times have i said this?! The Colourblinds always swing as a couple!!!

Not into orgies, then into what? Bukkake?? BDSM?? You want one-on-one sex, find your classmates or something! Since you're of athletic build, i am sure the girls in your class will wanta get bonked by you!!

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Old 22-02-2010, 10:55 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!


I think they believe in the quote by Rolling stones who said “You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need”

I dun know how clearer you can get by laying the ground rules time and time again... maybe we should trying in posting the ground rules in multiple languages

Well there is good humor in all this... when we read your replies.. it sure puts a smile on my face lol

Take care
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Old 22-02-2010, 10:58 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by Vadai View Post
I dun know how clearer you can get by laying the ground rules time and time again... maybe we should trying in posting the ground rules in multiple languages

Well there is good humor in all this... when we read your replies.. it sure puts a smile on my face lol
Hahahaha, i am considering that. Honestly. Reading all these ridiculous PMs and all these makes my life a little "laugh"-able actually....

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Old 23-02-2010, 12:11 AM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Definitely a good idea. Once the ground rules are laid out clearly, there will be better quality responses. Then you have good reasons to say the necessary things to those that do not follow the basics of ground rules.

Old 23-02-2010, 12:12 AM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!


I haven't been to your thread in a bit. So here I am!

Anyway, reading the post you quoted (the jellybean balls one in the previous page) made my hair stand. Now I won't be able to sleep liao. CANNOT UNSEE WHAT I'VE SEEN X( And his England was so powderful. *shudders*

Anyway, let's meet up soon, but not for PastaMania. I was sick after eating their cream sauce a few weeks back. I know I promised you some brownies but uh, unfortunately, they have all gone down tummies. I PROMISE I WILL BAKE YOU A NEW BATCH SOON K. X)

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Old 23-02-2010, 01:10 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Sis Colourblind,

Wow those funny messages that you posted certainly do get me some stress relieve from this hectic exam period. Do help relieve more stress by posting more of such messages if possibly alright?

They should have at least read the instructions when they want to swing with you peeps.

Old 23-02-2010, 11:42 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

argh.. no time to do mass anyw... feb is so short and i've so many things to do sobs.. stickin to normal swing will do otherwise i gonna start claiming phone bills again..

gosh on gosh i need more time haha

fingers cross tat i'll hav a rockin cele on fri!

see you in march?? b4 i go holiday at the end of the mth??
<3 haruka <3

Old 24-02-2010, 12:31 AM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by lweiss100 View Post
Definitely a good idea. Once the ground rules are laid out clearly, there will be better quality responses. Then you have good reasons to say the necessary things to those that do not follow the basics of ground rules.
Some ppl think that rules are meant to be broken. Which is rather childish, but does have some insight (if that rule is STUPID in the first place)...

Originally Posted by FiliaLunae View Post
Anyway, reading the post you quoted (the jellybean balls one in the previous page) made my hair stand. Now I won't be able to sleep liao. CANNOT UNSEE WHAT I'VE SEEN X( And his England was so powderful. *shudders*

Anyway, let's meet up soon, but not for PastaMania. I was sick after eating their cream sauce a few weeks back. I know I promised you some brownies but uh, unfortunately, they have all gone down tummies. I PROMISE I WILL BAKE YOU A NEW BATCH SOON K. X)

Not as much as i lurve my darling, but still a considerable amount

I got sick after having their Aglo Olio, fever+diarrhea and all.... Still not afraid, i went to have their Prawn Aglio....... Got the same sickness again. Think my stomach dont like Aglio!!

Nah, no hurries about the browniessss.... I just had one brownie-ish cock in my mouth a few minutes back! Hehehehe...

And the jellybeans.....freakish.

Originally Posted by PUMIT View Post
Wow those funny messages that you posted certainly do get me some stress relieve from this hectic exam period. Do help relieve more stress by posting more of such messages if possibly alright?

They should have at least read the instructions when they want to swing with you peeps.
Sure will.... In fact, let post one RIGHT NOW!!

hi Sweety!

can i view some of yr photos as i just joint so cant access to many profiles..

have a sexy day...

Fresh from the oven!! Some ppl just dont have the brains to go read instructions, especially newcomers coming in thinking that they have right of way.....

Originally Posted by Haruka View Post
argh.. no time to do mass anyw... feb is so short and i've so many things to do sobs.. stickin to normal swing will do otherwise i gonna start claiming phone bills again..

fingers cross tat i'll hav a rockin cele on fri!

see you in march?? b4 i go holiday at the end of the mth??
See you on THURSDAY if you want!! Hehe.... We'll see lah, Feb is short because there's only 28 days, whereas other months are a little longer..... Including the long CNY weekend and all those.... Got a lot shorter!!

Nowadays a lot of couples want to swing, but timing always clashing and they always come out with funny requests....

There's this couple, the girl feels uncomfortable with meeting us for drinks but has no qualms about meeting us in the room!! AFTER THAT, without us saying anything, they sent us a picture of themselves (newbies dont know what they are doing) and then demanded that we reciprocate! Which is so ridiculous since we never ever asked them for pictures!! AND THEN the guy said, "but you never mentioned that part, so we sent...."

I was thinking, WADDAFARK!?

Then he said that the girl had something on so she cant meet us, but he would like to meet us alone and share sex videos of her with us, in a room!!

My jaw dropped.


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Old 24-02-2010, 01:32 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

I think firstly everyone one who wants to swing should go on the net and learn what actually constitutes swinging. Google it... its not too hard.

Once you get a grasp what actually constitutes swinging the you got to take 2 ... just 2 more minutes and understand the ethics of swinging.

amongst the basic swinging etiquette.

  • Do be truthful and honest.
  • Do talk to your partner; let them know your feelings.
  • Do be yourself.
  • Do decide what your needs are, your interests and desires.
  • Do tell other people what your needs, interests and desires are.
  • Do use Protection.
  • Do try new things that are within your limits.
  • Do move at your own pace and do not be rushed by other people.
  • Do reply even if it's to say 'no thanks'.
  • Do some research
  • Do have fun and enjoy the experience
  • Do not be rude.
  • Do not be vague about your desires.
  • Don't tell lies.
  • Don't try to cross other people's limits
  • Don't cheat, you may get found out.
  • Don't ever give out personal information, wait until you are comfortable with them.

Its not too much to ask.. coz if you really interested swinging do you home work, understand the ground rules if not just picking your partner and climbing into bed with another pair
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Old 24-02-2010, 01:39 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Absolutely make sense regarding the rules.

The two most important aspects are;

* Do be truthful and honest.
* Don't ever give out personal information, wait until you are comfortable with them.

And even more important....proper vetting. In a small society like Spore....alot of the risks rides on these.

Old 24-02-2010, 01:58 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Originally Posted by Vadai View Post
I think firstly everyone one who wants to swing should go on the net and learn what actually constitutes swinging. Google it... its not too hard.

Once you get a grasp what actually constitutes swinging the you got to take 2 ... just 2 more minutes and understand the ethics of swinging.

Its not too much to ask.. coz if you really interested swinging do you home work, understand the ground rules if not just picking your partner and climbing into bed with another pair
Yeah i agree, when darling and i swing, we always observe some rules, such as:

1. The girls never give out their numbers, unless it's the girls doing the communication when arranging meet-ups! So that the case where your girl do not meet the predicament of being pestered.

2. Always insist on meeting the couple OUTSIDE the hotel, at a place where you guys can relax and get to know who you are going to share the bed with.. So if he/she is not-your-type, you can say "Thanks, but no thanks!"

3. Even if you have entered the room, you can still say NO within the first 5-15min and leave... It's your prerogative.

4. No means NO. It's alright to allow some leeway but not a good thing to give in too easily and let ppl trample over you!

5. Excuses are excuses, no matter how nicely worded. If it's a "couple" and suddenly the "girl" cannot make it, dont agree to let the guy meet up with your guys alone unless you are familiar with him, or if you dont mind impromptu threesomes. 'Cause it's most probable that he's never had a girl to bring along with him, and he just wanted to have a threesome! And that he thought that you're stupid enough to believe his words.

6. Look out for poor English! A very good sign to see if he's genuine or not!! Just a casual observation!!! The Colourblinds do understand the Queen's English But not TanAhKao's English.....

7. Check his other postings. If he's looked for FLs, or posted rubbish on other similar threads in the recent past, do re-consider the decision of meeting up!! A good track record is very important!! So does a bad track record!!!

8. For the girls, let the guys know what you are thinking, dont just keep quiet and then explode in his face after everything is over... It'll just ruin everything. Be open about your feelings! He wont know what you're thinking no matter how much you guys have hung out together; you can give him the "i-dont-wanta-do-this" look, but he can never understand what message you're trying to convey unless you say it out!! He's not a mind-reader!

9. For the guys, dont make decisions on your own. That's you, being a jerk. DISCUSS with your partner! No matter how insignificant it seems!!

Now............What else is there for me to mention??? Will update when i remember some more rules!!

Colourblind f

Last edited by ColourBlindx2; 24-02-2010 at 02:21 PM.
Old 24-02-2010, 02:18 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

Hi All...been keeping track of this.

The rules suggested are all very good and advisable.

One particular point to note is the FR posted by folks here and this may be a subjective thing depending the choice of words used to describe the event.

And of course...the manner of using the English language. This is also more important.

Now you guys will do a bit of recce of me .

However, i like the rules given so far. I just hope the spirit of following the rules are observed.

Cheers, Lweiss.
Old 24-02-2010, 07:20 PM
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Re: let's have a rendezvous!!

It's good to see rules and regulations for swings to be set properly. Nevertheless being discreet is the major factor.
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