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Old 16-11-2013, 03:11 PM
krone krone is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Let me just put it this way, my being banned was totally mutually agreed upon and it saved everybody's interest and was the best way to handle a rather delicate situation. And you know huh??!! When even most of the other mods there were even on purpose kept in the dark. Errr.... OK!!
Hmm... From my understanding of the word "banned", it means that u had to be forcibly restrained from going into the forum... How is that mutually agreed? Hahaha... If mutually agreed u don't even have to be banned ain't it? Just shows that you dunno when to leave, have to be thrown out of the door...

Nobody is trying to stifle what u want to say, u can say whatever u want.. But it's the way u keep trying to force the idea to others. You're right, we are tolerant of most things and ideas but not when someone is so insistent that we are wrong and he is right and that we have to change our ways if not we are going to destroy ur beloved CP.

It seems to me that respect is something that u don't understand. Maybe ur notion of respect and ours is different.. Doesn't mean that u can come in and de-mean our way of respect. We talk cock here, we laugh at each other, we poke fun at each other, this is how we interact with each other. If u can't respect that then wat can we say. It's obvious not many ppl here wants to meet up with u anyways... That was how it used to be before u came in, we talk here, we meet up, we cheong together and some of us become very Gd friends... But I guess u don't have much of those... U seem to always be talking to ur "mummy" friends or what-nots....

And talking abt sharing, u talk so much abt sharing but when we share contacts, u say we are agents or whatever. How is that promoting sharing? If I share and I'm accused of being and agent or profit sharing, then who still dare to share?

Ok I've said my piece... Not really gonna care what u are going to reply... Have fun...

P.s. I think I figured out who was the one who got 仙人跳 already hahaha... Another one that likes to 对号入座 hahaha

next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know....
Old 16-11-2013, 04:03 PM
prcsytlover prcsytlover is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by oolouis View Post
Phew! What a fight.
Let me count.
One down, they put up another!
But they forgot, they are outing themselves.
The Por Lam Par Society (as some brave forumer pointed out)
So far 5
5 vs 1, hahaha
Very fair fight.

And in the midst of all these?
Sits a 'goonish tub of lard'
Go back on the posts.
He actually instigated all these.
For being called a goonish tub of lard I guess
And the truth hits home
Hurts bad

And bro, I won't demean you
I know you handle your own fights
And sending them packing
One by one
And don't need no help.
An individual!
I almost want to call you TAIKOR
Wow... Now I know that the so call ( self proclaim??) upper class are all those that like to watch show and not give a helping help to others in help heehee

Guess I count my self lucky that I'm at the lower beam of ppl. Haha

I just wonder what's wrong with the word taikor? It's a Cantonese meaning of big brother. Calling some one big brother is wrong? Then those that call others bros are what...

Something new for me... Looks like those upper class like to belittle others...

Next time I dun call others taikor... I call them xiaodi! That should be safe. I guess... Finger cross...
Old 16-11-2013, 04:05 PM
prcsytlover prcsytlover is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by oolouis View Post
lols so you are an Individual!
Endangered species these days.
No need to cower behind 211 Club?
Come on, dun just stand and watch ur old good buddy fight alone..

Join in to help, or u are scare to touch the muddy water... Mighty high up there... Hoho

Make it 5 vs 2

Come on.. Dun be a sissy.
Old 16-11-2013, 04:28 PM
prcsytlover prcsytlover is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by krone View Post
Hmm... From my understanding of the word "banned", it means that u had to be forcibly restrained from going into the forum... How is that mutually agreed? Hahaha... If mutually agreed u don't even have to be banned ain't it? Just shows that you dunno when to leave, have to be thrown out of the door...

Nobody is trying to stifle what u want to say, u can say whatever u want.. But it's the way u keep trying to force the idea to others. You're right, we are tolerant of most things and ideas but not when someone is so insistent that we are wrong and he is right and that we have to change our ways if not we are going to destroy ur beloved CP.

It seems to me that respect is something that u don't understand. Maybe ur notion of respect and ours is different.. Doesn't mean that u can come in and de-mean our way of respect. We talk cock here, we laugh at each other, we poke fun at each other, this is how we interact with each other. If u can't respect that then wat can we say. It's obvious not many ppl here wants to meet up with u anyways... That was how it used to be before u came in, we talk here, we meet up, we cheong together and some of us become very Gd friends... But I guess u don't have much of those... U seem to always be talking to ur "mummy" friends or what-nots....

And talking abt sharing, u talk so much abt sharing but when we share contacts, u say we are agents or whatever. How is that promoting sharing? If I share and I'm accused of being and agent or profit sharing, then who still dare to share?

Ok I've said my piece... Not really gonna care what u are going to reply... Have fun...

P.s. I think I figured out who was the one who got 仙人跳 already hahaha... Another one that likes to 对号入座 hahaha
Yo yo... U are slow...

He was always calling for sharing loh..

Freedom of speech etc etc.. Aiyo.. Go US loh.. Heehee

Now his only 'taikor' kana mass attack he keep Siam far far.. Dun worry my taikor can settle all by himself de... So much for being a friend buddy or whatever they call each other..

Now that asking for sharing of his encounter... He tiam tiam leh... Can I say he selfish Bo har? Paiseh lah... My ang mo no good...

And now he borrow that low living being property agent( opps another one... Why they are so low life...) phase call me a what pile of lass of whatever fxxk... Lazy to read anyway...

Hmm... Now I got the mood Liao. Haha.

Where is that property agent tchad88??? Still so scare and use clone to attack me. Heehee.. What to expect from a ass hole.. Ho ho

U like ur handsome picture, hp number and house to be expose! Fxxk I almost vomit...
Then I'm thinking how he going to sell house haha.. Opps sorry...

I have to learn to be humble... Lolzzz
Old 17-11-2013, 12:08 AM
Ah_Fu Ah_Fu is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Chill everybody!!!
CP weather is changing so wear more clothes..
Old 17-11-2013, 09:18 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Ahh_Boi View Post
Uncle WKK, relax lah, I thought you so be busy leh, how come still so free?
Ah BOI!!!!!!! Long time no gather liao leh!
Old 17-11-2013, 10:03 AM
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Re: Events In CP old liao still kena 仙人跳 ah. I bet when he was surrounded by XLG, he would also call them not only taikor but 爷爷 too... WOw...kena banned from a forum ah....think about it also 里所当然的. Kana zapped a bit then KPKB to the admin about being victimised!But on the other hand, keep saying dont bothered about points ! Think admin so free meh!

And last note to that old Gorrilla, how much do u know about 211? Think you better 井水不犯河水 hor!


7 pointers and above
Old 17-11-2013, 12:54 PM
prcsytlover prcsytlover is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by sex crusader View Post old liao still kena 仙人跳 ah. I bet when he was surrounded by XLG, he would also call them not only taikor but 爷爷 too... WOw...kena banned from a forum ah....think about it also 里所当然的. Kana zapped a bit then KPKB to the admin about being victimised!But on the other hand, keep saying dont bothered about points ! Think admin so free meh!

And last note to that old Gorrilla, how much do u know about 211? Think you better 井水不犯河水 hor!

Opps... I have say too much again...

Like this how to mix around with those high or upper class ppl... Haiz...

Humble humble humble...

Cannot call others taikor... Maybe call boss sounds better? Fxxk... My ang mo bad.. Wait pronounce as balls.. Jialet lui...
Old 17-11-2013, 12:59 PM
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Re: Events In CP

been to YH, HMTL, HH and DFJH this trip, can still pick quite a few to sit with good attitude ... drink costs rocket skyhigh and I highly suspect djs dumping booze .... CP is losing grip on me and my next trip really dun know when ....
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 17-11-2013, 01:46 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Indignant View Post
Ah BOI!!!!!!! Long time no gather liao leh!
Knn, you so long then appear one time, how to gather?


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Old 17-11-2013, 02:35 PM
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DJ Problem

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
been to YH, HMTL, HH and DFJH this trip, can still pick quite a few to sit with good attitude ... drink costs rocket skyhigh and I highly suspect djs dumping booze .... CP is losing grip on me and my next trip really dun know when ....
This is a damn big headache even for old bird cheongsters unless the DJ you use is your very good friend.
Old 17-11-2013, 02:45 PM
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Re: Events In CP

anyone spending christmas in cp? wanna chiong together?
我射精比你小便多, so let the bullets fly
Old 18-11-2013, 12:20 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Ahh_Boi View Post
Knn, you so long then appear one time, how to gather?
Lai la lai... when is the next gathering?!
Old 18-11-2013, 01:21 AM
Akiraine Akiraine is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
been to YH, HMTL, HH and DFJH this trip, can still pick quite a few to sit with good attitude ... drink costs rocket skyhigh and I highly suspect djs dumping booze .... CP is losing grip on me and my next trip really dun know when ....
Have djs put all drinks and unopened bottles on table and only mix when needed lo
Old 18-11-2013, 02:15 PM
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Re: Events In CP

was in CP on 15th Nov after my trip to dalian and CA .. reached CP around 1400hrs and went to ming zhu ge for massage as PZL was full house on the usual friday .. masseuse was a looker and the usual KC game starts .. got her number and hope to hook up with her the next time when i'm there ..

went to Ouya for the only night there (YH was fully booked) ... went for a Cat300 (i had feltish for those new comers) and chose one without uniform and it turned out that she was there only for the 3rd day did the usual ice breaking, sing songs, dice, lim jiu etc etc ... went to ah shen for BBQ after KTV and then back to hotel .. this girl was a good catch, passionate and beri beri wet (there were several wet patches on the bed liao after 3 good rounds) ... did Miraton dim sum breakie and off the GZ airport to catch my flight back to SIN.

Overall, a short break for me in CP but enjoyed every single moment there .. till we meet again brudders .. Happy Cheonging
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