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Re: Screwing maids
Bro Lentor Garden
you are really on the go. keep us posted on your progress. Yes we have to be patient if we wanna pick up maids to screw. There have been occassions when i picked up a real hot one only to find she got no off day. this is part and parcel in the thrill of hunting for a new maid body to screw. you definitely need patience. one more thing previously i used to go specifically looking for maids. these days i have stopped that approach. i dun go looking for them. i just add about 15 minutes extra time to my daily errands/activities. so when i am out if i find a maid and i find the environment right i will surely go for the kill. previously when i went out specifically to find them i would be disappointed if i could not find any. also a waste of time. so this is my method to circumvent the possibility of being disappointed or wasting time. Like i was out this morning. so a hot bunch of pinoy maids near my block . but i will not approach them if they are around my block. |
Re: Screwing maids
Bro Gofuckspider, i really like your story very informative.
Thank you for being honest with us and sharing your experience in this area Its a good lesson for all of us in handling maids. I believe i have reached a stage where i can spot the good maids from the rotten ones. By rotten ones i mean those who have the $$$ look written all over their face, those who whenever they message you will tell you they have a problem and that they do not know how to face the problem and the problem is always money, those who will tell you that they do not have top up and when you buy a top up is over before you even know it or have smsd her a few times. Dudes i have seen it all. When ever a maid tells me she has a problem, i repeat to myself a 101 times that a maids problem is none of my business. I am in this only for the pleasure aspect (ofcourse i wont ill treat her she is human after all and i respect human dignity whatever their race). So i dun allow myself to empathise or sympathise with them or for them. I always keep my discussions to topics that are far away from money. However if the maid really presses for $ i will ask her to be my gf and tell her that if she is a gf maybe i can consider to help her a bit. however if she asks money straight away i tell her that i get the feeling that she is a prostitute and that i may not want to continue with her anymore. Usually 98% of the maids get this message. Who wants to be considered as a prostitute/ No one right! even if they prostitute themselves they still wan to be seen as spotless in character. Hence it is usually good to play along these lines. Never agree on an amount before hand. Tell her if she is your gf you would like to help her. Be blur in your answers. It works. after the deed is done its up to you guys to help her how much you want to. But please dun go overboard. Do you really want to spoil market? $30 can get you young FLs in geylang $50 thai girl $80 cat 80 chinese $150 cat 150 chinese $50-$120 prcs i usually give them taxi fare + lunch or dinner $ and just a little bit more which is always approx $40. i dun advise free fucks. those who really wan free fucks i suggest atleast pay the girls for lunch and transport la. Bros out here may think whatever you want to think. You may ridicule me You may call me a cheapskate or you can ask me to pcc instead but let me tell you this based on the above prices for prostitutes or whores the price that i have mentioned is in my opinion just nice for the girls. I mean their salary is $350. Now $ 40 is about 1/9th of their salary which they get in a single day. i think this more than makes them happy already. Ofcourse i buy beer or liquor for those who want to drink with me cause a girl in the right mood can makes the sexperience of the sex session more interesting. Even the most beautiful and hot ones i dun pamper. currently i am seeing 3 young and beautiful ones (as my regular gfs). i screw them on their offs. once a while all 3 are free on same day and that day i am dead. otherwise i manage to screw them one a sunday. quite fun. let me tell you i never pamper them. to be very honest with you these girls only get about $25 every time they see me for taxi and lunch. but they are still with me cause they like me. ofcourse they are hoping i am being honest to them. but guys i am only being honest to you guys. Honestly if we singapore men go and spoil maid market later we screw what ? pillow or bolster or bed? hence we have to manage a girls expectations always. Tell her straight away if its money you want... sorry i do not do business with prostitutes. then they will tell you how rude? then tell them asking money was equally rude. usually they get the hint and want to be gf. tell them whatever i give you is cause you are my gf and not prostitute. Usually i advise you bros from my experience to catch those young and innocent maids. they usually dun ever demand money. their character is fantasti. Brogofuckspider thank you for not spoiling market. if market spoilt we will all have to go fuck spider right? Bro Go fuck spider! you are the man! when the girl demands just move on and find another goal post to score goal hats off to you bro |
Re: Screwing maids
I had another run in with the same maid as the previous post but this time, i successfully got her mobile number!
![]() ![]() Got out of my car and I made some small talk about the weather and then proceeded to asking her if she makan dinner already anot since it was 7pm and she said that she has to wash the car first before she have her dinner. Wah lao. Such a bad employer! Poor girl! I fast hand fast leg ask her if she got off days anot and she said yes, 1 month once but sometimes will have 2 off days. Immediately, I took out my handphone and asked her for her number and she happily gave her contact to me. Will keep bros here updated on the what transpires next between her and me. ![]() |
Re: Screwing maids
Re: Screwing maids
bro Lord..u also very lucky to have 3 maids jus to yrself..can share anot..haha..i need them to clean my house only la..haha..anyway we could be abit more polite to them when we replying to them though they ask for $$$..for me imo i wont use the "pro" word..for me can than invest abit more..cannot than treat it as a lehman bro bad investment lor..but i agree with u that wan find better bio those gong gong type n test water first..if can than put abit more into it..
Re: Screwing maids
Hello All
This is interesting thread...i happened to have a personal maid encounter that ecxcites me and my fetish...Mine is slightly different from the rest of the bro here but i hope its ok.. I was driving along Katong one day and saw a maid carrying bags of fairprice grocery, she was struggling with the weight and had to stop after a few steps... i offered her a ride and beginning she refuse...but i told her its ok.. she came up to my car anyway, she is normal looking but young (about 22) Indon.. After that i text her daily and to my astonishment, i found her working for one local celebrity family (one TCS actress)..... she showed me the employers photo one day and i started scheming After i had her do a few BJ, FJ...i realised she is horny and also madly in love with me......(of course i was paying her good $$) I told her that to hype up our sex session, i need the panties of her employer (the actress) and some of her lingerie or clothes........she refused initially but after i convince her i will return the panties/lingerie/clothings and also pay her .... she agreed. So far, i have not retrun every single piece and the best is, i sometimes does request to have her "steal" the panties she wears after i see her in a show or live telecast event... for the sake of this i maintain the maid for almost 9 months before she was send back.... not caught but contract ends and the celebrity thinks she is lazy... but it was the most amazing experience i had....... |
Re: Screwing maids
Hello All
This is interesting thread...i happened to have a personal maid encounter that ecxcites me and my fetish...Mine is slightly different from the rest of the bro here but i hope its ok.. I was driving along Katong one day and saw a maid carrying bags of fairprice grocery, she was struggling with the weight and had to stop after a few steps... i offered her a ride and beginning she refuse...but i told her its ok.. she came up to my car anyway, she is normal looking but young (about 22) Indon.. After that i text her daily and to my astonishment, i found her working for one local celebrity family (one TCS actress)..... she showed me the employers photo one day and i started scheming After i had her do a few BJ, FJ...i realised she is horny and also madly in love with me......(of course i was paying her good $$) I told her that to hype up our sex session, i need the panties of her employer (the actress) and some of her lingerie or clothes........she refused initially but after i convince her i will return the panties/lingerie/clothings and also pay her .... she agreed. So far, i have not retrun every single piece and the best is, i sometimes does request to have her "steal" the panties she wears after i see her in a show or live telecast event... for the sake of this i maintain the maid for almost 9 months before she was send back.... not caught but contract ends and the celebrity thinks she is lazy... but it was the most amazing experience i had....... |
Re: Screwing maids
Hello All
This is interesting thread...i happened to have a personal maid encounter that ecxcites me and my fetish...Mine is slightly different from the rest of the bro here but i hope its ok.. I was driving along Katong one day and saw a maid carrying bags of fairprice grocery, she was struggling with the weight and had to stop after a few steps... i offered her a ride and beginning she refuse...but i told her its ok.. she came up to my car anyway, she is normal looking but young (about 22) Indon.. After that i text her daily and to my astonishment, i found her working for one local celebrity family (one TCS actress)..... she showed me the employers photo one day and i started scheming After i had her do a few BJ, FJ...i realised she is horny and also madly in love with me......(of course i was paying her good $$) I told her that to hype up our sex session, i need the panties of her employer (the actress) and some of her lingerie or clothes........she refused initially but after i convince her i will return the panties/lingerie/clothings and also pay her .... she agreed. So far, i have not retrun every single piece and the best is, i sometimes does request to have her "steal" the panties she wears after i see her in a show or live telecast event... for the sake of this i maintain the maid for almost 9 months before she was send back.... not caught but contract ends and the celebrity thinks she is lazy... but it was the most amazing experience i had....... |
Re: Screwing maids
Hi bro Beijing2008,
Your tale is really funny. You must have been driving a QX plated car or wearing a blue uniform when you asked the maid - who don't know you at all - and agreed to hop into a complete stranger's car. By the way, I'm guessing that the TCS actress, whichyour maid stole lingerie from, must be 二姑 ( Er Gu), right ? At her age, I too would have dementia and would not find anything amiss if my lingerie were missing or returned a few days later. So, was it fun sniffing 二姑's square boxer undies ? |
Re: Screwing maids
Bro Beijing
Good Story and encounter you had..........wish i have the same experience.. hope to read more of your stories Bro Fuckingu whats the problem with you? people share story with us and you comment that way... |
Re: Screwing maids
hi bro The Lord,
Really appreciate u sharing yr sexperience wif e lovely maids 4 us bros here 2 enjoy n learn! Recently knew this pinoy maid from a online dating website..we hv exchanged SMS n she is v friendly..shared lots of details abt her life n even calls me everyday abt 2-3 times. 4 e past few nites she has been calling me 2 hv pillow talk n we juz chit chat like friends. Cheeky me hv started 2 hint 2 her abt giving her massages n hving wet dreams abt her..she seems amused but not totally against e idea..would b meeting her 4 movie tis Sun..would see if wanna bring her 2 hotel 4 a massage..*horns appearing* Only worry I hv is tt she might b too sticky n msg/call during e day aft I up her..she is already getting 2 sticky 4 my liking..wonder if any bros hv experienced this b4? Would appreciate it if could share some ideas abt how 2 train her not 2 b too sticky n SMS/call everyday.. Cheers Badboy ![]() |
Re: Screwing maids
I was wondering if I should volunteer about 'sticky ..'
As much as we guys want free lunch, maids want permenant guys .. and I have seen enough guys go crazy trying to ditch the girl. They will stalk and pass message to their friends to annoy irritate .. Ok. I am making it sound too horrible, but once in a while a girl will turn into your worst nightmare. I have seen a friend who's indonesian maid threaten to break his window unless he open the door .. (the fellow lucky - bachelor and staying alone) and another fellow, whos filipina maid always sit outside his apartment driving him mad. If you dont set the expectation right -you are in the worst ride of your life. So - rules - 1) dont fuck around your house and dont be shocked when the girl come over and try to get favor from you or bully you, 2) set the expectation right so the girl dont go over-board. If you want fast fxxk, just telling them you love them, it is the fastest way to bed, and also fastest way to the self-destruct button for you. 3) Discrete- discrete- discrete. I have a friend who's filipina maid call during day time and whenever she feel like, no concern for the fellow's work / privacy. He end up changing his number, just getting mad at the girl not understanding the meaning of Do-NOT-Disturb.. And once you get get hooked, the filipinas and indonesians are well known to give 'miss call' so you can call back. imagine you get a missed-call during your meeting and if you dont return call in ten minutes, again the phone rings for another miss call - can drive you nuts. >> If you want to know more, there are forums, you can troll and find out the good-bad and ugly of screwing a maids. >> PS: few year ago, I used to chase after maids, and had it easy because the filipina maids in my block more or less eased the initial setup .. but more than once I got shocked when some girl suddenly call and say "my period is missed, and soon have to go for pregnancy test - better you be prepare to abortion (not expensive lah - just 800S$ only .. ) Now I stick to my proven and safe process - stick with FLs, and always use rubber .. and if an occasional DH comes along, I delay as much as possible, and will make sure she take 'medicine' and after few course of 'medicine' - only proceed. If not sure - I just stick to my proven hands !!!! Cheers guys, have fun and be safe.
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> Ups maybe delayed as my smart phone don't allow ups. |
Re: Screwing maids
Just play safe - rather than get headache and heartache ..
For that matter, most maids will insist on no-rubber, as simply they a) want to have the feeling, and b) want to enjoy as much as you do. and they dont know about safety and such. Maids will not fear to tell the guy that they haven't come yet, and not shy for sex Just play safe .. and avoid headache
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> Ups maybe delayed as my smart phone don't allow ups. |
Re: Screwing maids
which website can share?? |
Re: Screwing maids
Hi Bro Badboy,
nice to hear what you have to say. Yes this should be a good place for us to learn, share and enjoy the maids. i have a very interesting encounter to share. I mean i am planning for this encounter to occur. this encounter will occur in the last week of may. And when it happens bros i will have something wonderful to share with you all. and i would like to see other bros doing it as well. For me i try to keep things simple (for each his own). usually i try not to get too personal with the girl. the closer you get the deeper you get stuck. Use fantastic excuses like these; :i am a very busy person. i cant answer/sms your calls at all times. :if you see her getting too sticky dun answer calls/sms for the whole day. tell her you were in meetings. they will usually agree and understand :as a last resort give them the cold shoulder treatment :i believe any maid who tries to be too sticky should be let off as soon as the deed is done. : usually they try to get sticky cause they desperately need a bf usually for money and sometimes additionally for sex as well. :my advice avoid bringing them for movies/malls and stuff. usually move the discussion to intimacy. so when the deed is done (unless you want to continue) it is pretty easy to break up :indicate to the girl that you are travelling all the time. tell her that you need a gf who understands you and not disturbs you. Always use a hi card. dun give out your official hp number to the girls. : i have used this line pretty effectively "i am looking for a gf. not for marriage. if you are interested in marriage please look elsewhere. i dun even know you. i dunno my future. so i cant promise you anything. if you like me be with me" usually this sets the expectations. when we do not manage expectations and promise the girls heaven then its hard to get rid of them :honestly i suggest dun talk on phone unless you are interested in phone sex. can be quite difficult if she calls you at odd hours. instead ask to sms. tell you busy. or fix a certain time to call and after that dun entertain calls no matter what reason. yes after the deed is done usually they get quite sticky hence i dun rtf any of the maids unless i really deem they are worth rft. if they are not worth rtf i usually stay cold after the deed is done with on off messages....slowly they get the hint but i dun abuse them or get the feeling that they are dumped or used. i usually talk to them nicely but only once every few days till they lose interest. bro etsys nice contribution |
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