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Old 16-07-2022, 05:37 PM
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Re: Men accidental flash

Originally Posted by thomastanzh View Post
I didn't. But after the durians, my gf told me that she tried to on the stove but was unsuccessful. She actually wanted to boil some chrysanthemum tea. I went under the stove, sat down and looked up to find that the battery for the gas stove has gone dead.

I told her and she got me a replacement battery. I reached out my hand to take it from her as I can't really see what is outside. I was sitting down with my legs in a M shape.

Again, I didn't think much of it since I think helping out is something I should do since I am living with them for a couple of days. Later in the room, my girlfriend had told me, actually the gas stove could not be used for a few days and it was her mum who told her to tell me to change the battery. I was curious and asked if her mum was in kitchen after she passed me the battery. She said yes.

To my horror, my gf told me that her mum told her about what happened with the light bulb and this gas stove thing was just another attempt to look through my boxers!!! My gf showed me a text from her mum saying "had a good view, thanks daughter!". My gf warned me not to think of doing anything funny, she was just playing along with her mum since she was divorced.

My gf said it is going to be a one-time thing... I am not sure what to feel or think about it...
Waiting for yr gf mum to cum F u when yr gf asleep beside
Tats what nom happened in Jap AV
Old 16-07-2022, 06:13 PM
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Re: Men accidental flash

Originally Posted by CalvinKleine View Post
As I was coming out from the male toilet in my office, the china PRC (about 50+) asked to check if anyone else is inside as she wanted to enter and start her cleaning, and placed the cleaning in progress sign blocking the passageway to the toilet.

I told her (from inside) that no one else is using and she can come in. I pretended to style my hair in front of the mirror while she went into the first cubicle to do the initial round of flushing.

I went to one of the urinals and exposed myself, giving her a good full view of my manhood while she was coming out from the cubicle. She stood there and paused in shock, while I jerked off a little as I was only semi hard. I pretended to pee and then took a step back to give her another full view before zipping up. I gave her a wink as I walked to the sink to wash my hands, and quickly left, thinking of a quick excuse to give if she did went ahead to report me.

Few days later I saw her again mopping the floor and this time she grinned while we made eye contact. Hope this would progress into something more lol.
Yes recently was caught too by 50+ female cleaner.

Once at AMK Hub and urgently needed to pee.

Went to the B1 male toilet. Bloody hell all the door cubicles were locked/occupied.

No choice went to the urinals. Each urinal was just a white ceramic bowl without any privacy screen. Halfway the cleaner came in with no any warning. She seen my and went to clean the wash basin. But there were mirror on the wall near the basin. I saw she kept looking at the mirror.

This some small perks for her as part of the job.

Surprisingly there is a sign pinned on the wall saying that "The toilet is washed by female cleaner".
Old 16-07-2022, 06:26 PM
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Re: Men accidental flash

Originally Posted by candle2000 View Post
Yes recently was caught too by 50+ female cleaner.

Once at AMK Hub and urgently needed to pee.

Went to the B1 male toilet. Bloody hell all the door cubicles were locked/occupied.

No choice went to the urinals. Each urinal was just a white ceramic bowl without any privacy screen. Halfway the cleaner came in with no any warning. She seen my and went to clean the wash basin. But there were mirror on the wall near the basin. I saw she kept looking at the mirror.

This some small perks for her as part of the job.

Surprisingly there is a sign pinned on the wall saying that "The toilet is washed by female cleaner".
I've always wondered if its considered a crime to flash and expose your manhood in the gents to female cleaners. Seems like a grey area to me.
Old 16-07-2022, 06:48 PM
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Re: Men accidental flash

Originally Posted by CalvinKleine View Post
I've always wondered if its considered a crime to flash and expose your manhood in the gents to female cleaners. Seems like a grey area to me.
If one has visited many shopping malls in SG, one can notice the male toilets are mainly cleaned by male attendants.

If it is a female attendant, usually a 50 plus to 60 plus woman. If one happens to see them inside, usually proceed to the not occupied W.C. cubicle out of decency.
Old 16-07-2022, 08:53 PM
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Re: Men accidental flash

Originally Posted by CalvinKleine View Post
I've always wondered if its considered a crime to flash and expose your manhood in the gents to female cleaners. Seems like a grey area to me.
Added +11 and no need to return
Old 16-07-2022, 09:04 PM
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Re: Men accidental flash

Originally Posted by Rickey View Post
Read from many of the other bros saying that it is not difficult to hook these PRC cleaners...many of them hv done so...jiayu ! n hope to see yr FR soon
Own office Mai anyhow
Old 16-07-2022, 09:50 PM
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Re: Men accidental flash

Originally Posted by ajlover View Post
Once my nose bleed during flight, went to toilet to wash up to prevent scaring those nearby, while washing feel like peeing, so one hand hold tissue one hand hold dick. Suddenly one stewardess push the door hard and the door opened... nabei, act virgin, shouted ARHHHH then run away... another guy passed by and close the door...
Csb bro. Airplane door single unit and she have to knock.
Old 16-07-2022, 09:52 PM
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Re: Men accidental flash

Originally Posted by mixmasternrv View Post
Well not so an accidental flash as a unnecessary exposure.
Once wifey and I were in NTU alumni club at BV because she had vouchers for the the then spa on the roof terrace - a couple massage. Long story short, as I got changed, I SOP wrapped a bath towel around my waist and flopped myself face down on massage bed.

Wife was already in position on her bed with the large towel over her body. When the therapists came in and started all was fine until mine asked me to shift a bit so she could remove the towel....she kinda gasped and then it dawned on me that I was bare assed naked in a room with 2 female therapists and my wife and had not worn the tacky disposable shorts provided.

The therapist was cool though, she simply used a smaller towel to cover my modesty and carried on...nonplussed. A generous tip later made up for the "chore" ....and wifey seemed non the wiser....damned glad she had not had lasik then
What is non plussed
Old 16-07-2022, 10:19 PM
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Re: Men accidental flash

Originally Posted by CalvinKleine View Post
I've always wondered if its considered a crime to flash and expose your manhood in the gents to female cleaners. Seems like a grey area to me.
If they don't look in the direction of the urinals, then they cannot see. Partly their fault if they see anything.
Old 16-07-2022, 11:35 PM
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Re: Men accidental flash

Originally Posted by basic View Post
What is non plussed
Originally Posted by basic View Post
What is non plussed
Basically did not react confused or at a loss as to what to say, think, or do. Simply boh chap because she's seen dicks but was not expecting me to be without shorts

Anyhow went back a few days later alone - chose same therapist and she told me to ditch the shorts
Old 18-07-2022, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by mixmasternrv View Post
Basically did not react confused or at a loss as to what to say, think, or do. Simply boh chap because she's seen dicks but was not expecting me to be without shorts

Anyhow went back a few days later alone - chose same therapist and she told me to ditch the shorts
This type not proper massage meh?
Old 18-07-2022, 05:45 PM
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Re: Men accidental flash

Few years back, i invited my friend and her daughter 20+yrs old for xmas steamboat. I told them to wait for me so i can pick them up after work.

After bringing them to my house, i went for a shower. I have the habit of not closing my bed room door and toilet door. When i finished showering, i walked out from the toilet to wear my clothes. As when i walked out, i saw my friend's daughter walking to the toilet. Me and her looked at each other for a while then she walked into the toilet while i walk to my cupboard to take my clothes.
I believe she seen my whole front and back naked with only towel on my head.
After that we continue eating and nvr say anything this all the way till i sent them home.
Old 18-07-2022, 11:06 PM
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Re: Men accidental flash

Originally Posted by skihon View Post
Few years back, i invited my friend and her daughter 20+yrs old for xmas steamboat. I told them to wait for me so i can pick them up after work.

After bringing them to my house, i went for a shower. I have the habit of not closing my bed room door and toilet door. When i finished showering, i walked out from the toilet to wear my clothes. As when i walked out, i saw my friend's daughter walking to the toilet. Me and her looked at each other for a while then she walked into the toilet while i walk to my cupboard to take my clothes.
I believe she seen my whole front and back naked with only towel on my head.
After that we continue eating and nvr say anything this all the way till i sent them home.
She's not surprised at all to see you naked? So cool ya!
Old 18-07-2022, 11:16 PM
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Re: Men accidental flash

Originally Posted by skihon View Post
Few years back, i invited my friend and her daughter 20+yrs old for xmas steamboat. I told them to wait for me so i can pick them up after work.

After bringing them to my house, i went for a shower. I have the habit of not closing my bed room door and toilet door. When i finished showering, i walked out from the toilet to wear my clothes. As when i walked out, i saw my friend's daughter walking to the toilet. Me and her looked at each other for a while then she walked into the toilet while i walk to my cupboard to take my clothes.
I believe she seen my whole front and back naked with only towel on my head.
After that we continue eating and nvr say anything this all the way till i sent them home.
That was the scenario of the "Clothed Female Naked Man" ..........CFNM for short. That was indeed "Man accidental flash"

Yet to experience CFNM for your kind of situation. CFNM at massage spas are common for myself. But this is not "Man accidental flash"
Old 19-07-2022, 12:45 AM
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Re: Men accidental flash

Originally Posted by basic View Post
This type not proper massage meh?
Well, frankly as the older samsters here will tell you, all MLs can be "unlocked" for a variety of add ons if the $$$ is right. Yes that place was a proper massage but she remembered me and was, I guess, ok with my no shorts. Anything else was between her and I behind closed doors. Again one guy's experience is not par for the course. YEMV - Your Experience May Vary. And really this was pre-covid. My post was in 2019 and it happened some time earlier. So dun expect the same now.
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