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Old 09-08-2012, 08:48 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

hi bros,

going to jkt this avro.... is it safe to visit spa places during fasting month?

thanks for info
Old 09-08-2012, 02:27 PM
timepassonly123 timepassonly123 is offline
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by quincy View Post
hi bros,

going to jkt this avro.... is it safe to visit spa places during fasting month?

thanks for info
It is safe but some of the spas are not working untill late evening... If you are using your hotel spa then it should be open.

Bottom line, if they are open for operations, it is safe
Old 09-08-2012, 02:32 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by massagelover View Post
bro newbird, you are 110pct correct! I am in the USA now with my boss. He is already planning to come in Sept and asks me to arrange a get away for 1 weekend, maybe to Bali, Bandung, Phuket or any resorts. I am thinking on Bandung or Bali as we have to go to JKT after the weekend for meetings. if Bro Rainman or anyone has a good contact, i would like to have those girls with us over the weekend. will also pay for their travel expenses.
Jakarta is well connected with Bali, Phuket, Bangkok or even Singapore with almost same flight time and pricing so you can be in Jakarta from these locations in hour or 2 - Just choose a right location as per your needs and then you can be in Jakarta for your meeting .....
Old 09-08-2012, 04:23 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

In the airport now waiting for my flight home...... Am finally able to get into sammyboy.... apparently my hotel has difficulty logging into sammyboy site for some reason.

A big and warm hearted thanX to Bro Axeman and Bro NewBird for an unforgettable raunchy week..... 6 syt pussies in 5 nites is beyond my wildest dreams. I cum back limp and bruised but otherwise all intact...... hehehe
What's this bullshit about zero action during Ramadan......hahaha

Happy National Day .....

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Old 09-08-2012, 09:36 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Aishe~~ long time not login to forum alrdy.

Recently planning to go jakarta on 30 augst til 2 sept. 4D3N trip.
Is it still ok to hunt in this period? Since hari raya season....
Dont know still got stock or not... Hope not much cewek balik kampung...?

R lookin forward for the "day" bookin fun as such in batam.
Any recommends pickup joints?
Old 09-08-2012, 11:00 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by asiancigar View Post
In the airport now waiting for my flight home...... Am finally able to get into sammyboy.... apparently my hotel has difficulty logging into sammyboy site for some reason.

A big and warm hearted thanX to Bro Axeman and Bro NewBird for an unforgettable raunchy week..... 6 syt pussies in 5 nites is beyond my wildest dreams. I cum back limp and bruised but otherwise all intact...... hehehe
What's this bullshit about zero action during Ramadan......hahaha

Happy National Day .....


Ya you the man, especially the last round. I salute you man. Catch up with you again in Singapore.
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Old 10-08-2012, 04:02 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by asiancigar View Post
In the airport now waiting for my flight home...... Am finally able to get into sammyboy.... apparently my hotel has difficulty logging into sammyboy site for some reason.

A big and warm hearted thanX to Bro Axeman and Bro NewBird for an unforgettable raunchy week..... 6 syt pussies in 5 nites is beyond my wildest dreams. I cum back limp and bruised but otherwise all intact...... hehehe
What's this bullshit about zero action during Ramadan......hahaha

Happy National Day .....

The pleasure is mine, I am happy you have a great time. I especially like the look of the sexy dancer you had on your first night. Sweet, innocent and demure, hehehehe....
Old 11-08-2012, 05:44 PM
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Exclamation Re: Jakarta's trip

Again I'm repeating this for the sake of safety & to avoid being conned by this con artist@ aakumu/teteku/long dick/adver & God knows what other clone nicks;

I'm so glad you pointed out to me & all forumers that you're were previously on Moderation! Guys you decide whom you wish to believe ??? Con Man with previously negative (xxx) points or Seniors with many years on the forum, well respected & above all +++ points! It shows who you should trust & whom you shouldn't!!! The Mods are doing thier job to protect the forum from such con man & let's keep it safe! I agree that the choice is yours to partake or to avoid but do think twice becoz your action may result in not only lost of hard earned $ from being conned to not only pay above market prices based on past FRs but more importantly would you trust your safety to a proven FAKER/PROVEN MULTIPLE NICKS/PROFILE/THREAT ISSUER TO INNOCENT PARTIES/PROVEN ABUSER OF SAM'S forum??? I definatly WONT!

Originally Posted by klguylate30s View Post
LOL now he admits after being caught~!

A word of caution if you noticed by now this is a thread started by aakumu to promote an agent which i believe it's him personally based on the manner of his/agent/clone's posting & several mistakes including postings @ whereby he forgotten he's using aakumu nick and made a mistake & posted this & since he's under moderation for his many errors he tried to do some whitewashing by coming back with the following post @ . He is a proven FAKER/PROVEN MULTIPLE NICKS/PROFILE/THREAT ISSUER TO INNOCENT PARTIES/PROVEN ABUSER OF SAM'S forum!!!

Be very cautious when reading postings or recommendations from this thread as it could be him/his clones (proven @ ) only to promote his fake services & be WARNED guys just imagine if you take his tour & he doesn't like your face = you may end up in BIG TROUBLE instead of being assisted! I WOULD STAY AWAY FROM THIS CON MAN SERVICES! Please read the links to judge what kind of a pretender he is! Please feel free to contact seniors with reputable points for verification instead of those with immense negative points!

The constant postings by me is because he has issued physical threats to the other tour agent even though he wasn't involved in this as a few seniors started questioning him as to why he posted a FR which was copied & edited & posted as his own! Reference of a senior who caught his mistake @ Please visit the other Jakarta thread for a non commercial@ & you may save yourself from being cheated & abused physically by this conman if he doesn't like you! I will continue to protect innocent fellow SBF members from this dangerous person!
Old 12-08-2012, 09:38 PM
Diavel Diavel is offline
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Hello bruders,

sorry for asking too much question lately but will RP3mil for 2 pax be enough for a karaoke session?? Had a karaoke session in Bandung and it was ard RP2.5mil for 2 pax and it was a hell of a time

Cheers ~
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Old 12-08-2012, 09:40 PM
Diavel Diavel is offline
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Re: Jakarta Info

Hi hi,

would like to enq will RP3mil for 2 pax be sufficient for a karaoke session?? Had a karaoke session in Bandung and it was ard RP2.5mil for 2 pax and it was a hell of a time

Cheers ~
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Old 12-08-2012, 10:20 PM
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Fun in Jakarta - Alexis and Malioboro

After taking a break from cheonging for quite a while, I have successfully re-entered the cheonging world with my latest trip to Indonesia.

Last week I went to Jakarta two of my buddies and it's true what people say about Jakarta, it's the unofficial SEX city of Asia (the official one would be Bangkok of course!) We were supposed to go and try other places (like Mstar and a few more) but I think these two places already killed us and our DiDi.
It was a good holiday where we went to Alexis and Malioboro almost everyday (YES, that's TWO cheonging session in one day) for three days!

In Alexis, the setting is quite posh, with sauna, steam room, jacuzzi, lounge, club, etc. It is a multi-storey building moonlighting as a hotel/club with lots more to offer.
We expected Alexis to be similar to what we had experienced before (E2 in KL, or The Lord in Bangkok) and gosh we were shocked when Alexis seemed to be much more classy and expensive
ps: The girls even have their own uniforms and they wear them based on their categories.

Field Report : ALexis
WE arrived there at about 10pm and since it was our first time there so we decided to change into our robes and shorts then hang out at the lounge while we check out working girls who were all in the lounge area where the selection process takes place.

The mami aka Marketing Manager for Bathhouse named ReRe was very accommodating and friendly. She sat with us as we ordered a bottle of liquor and we just spoke about the girls and asked her about the SOP. While we were talking we witnessed a group of japanese guys drinking and after a while, one of the girls sitting with them actually got drunk from drinking with the client and then the workers carried her to the room for the guy (to ahem ahemmmm) her pussy was revealed to the entire room to see, and the action has started!

Locals are all in red dress (1.2 and 1.5 mil rupiah if i'm not mistaken), while the Internationals China/Uzbek/Mongolia in more colourful and funky dresses, and price is about 2.0 mil. The PRCs here are unlike the PRCs that i've had elsewhere, almost all of them have nice jugs and hot bods! (it's very obvious that they workout when we were in the sauna, we could see that most of the PRC girls have abdominal lines )

Once you have picked a girl (usually picked at the lounge area) she will spend 30 mins with you chit chatting, playing with you like a long lost lover or dipping in the hot water jacuzzi (this one's really good, as she massages you and soak your face in cold water).

After that it's 1 hour in the fuck room, which has a pretty decent setting. One queen sized bed, and a shower. Pillows and bed is clean, tidily made up. There are no TVs but there's 6 different music channels to choose from (i like this one, it's very different from having a TV set because a TV can be distracting when you're fucking!!). Also, they have slow music, house music, malay music and a few more for you to choose from. (i'm a big fan of house so this is another plus~!!)

Out of the three girls I had (two local stars and a PRC), the best one was a local superstar named Siska (1.5mil) on first day. She had really sharp features and huge watermelon sized jugs for her petite body (her nipples were as big as the bottom of a beer bottle!!!! ) Meaty bonkers and gets wet easily too. As i can speak Bahasa slightly i was teasing her in the first 20 mins in the room and just playing around with her and she gets wet really easily
Her skills were good, riding was awesome and the best part was to let her ride you and watch the boobs bounce...::HEAVEN::
The room is surrounded by mirrors strategically placed and this made it even more erotic (i'm sure most of you guys will love looking at yourselves in the mirror while fucking) **GRIN**

Did her in missionary, doggy, reverse cow (but did not try anal, not a fan) and ended with CIM. I lasted really long with her because she did not force me to come and each time i slowed down, she will not force me to go on.
We fucked until the time finished (the management will call the room) and I was surprised i lasted that long

Money well spent, biggest jugs i've ever tried, awesome GFE (maybe because of my slight understanding of Bahasa?) and totally worth the money spent.

To be continued with Malioxxxxx

Thanks for reading bros, I dont really do FRs because I'm usually very busy but this trip was so memorable that I think it will be very selfish of me if I didnt share with the rest of the bros here.

PS: do UP me if you can!!
Old 12-08-2012, 10:46 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Originally Posted by TheExchange View Post
Are both hotels "gal" friendly?
Hi Bro,

The girls from the orchardz hotel in pangeran are all very friendly, even the counter girls too The other hotel i never try before. But im sure cant go that too far off..
Old 12-08-2012, 11:58 PM
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Re: Fun in Jakarta - Alexis and Malioboro

Bro, based on your budget you sure is a big spender. For lower budget, you classic or travel hotel.

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Old 13-08-2012, 12:00 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Diavel View Post
Hi hi,

would like to enq will RP3mil for 2 pax be sufficient for a karaoke session?? Had a karaoke session in Bandung and it was ard RP2.5mil for 2 pax and it was a hell of a time

Cheers ~

Bro Bandung which Karaoke you attack?
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Old 13-08-2012, 12:09 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

bro newbird, can pm me your contact? i will be in jakarta tomorrow and this bro need your guidance
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