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Old 14-04-2007, 03:42 AM
watchman watchman is offline
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Re: Haadyai websites & Field Reports (FRs)

Is called Danok. Changlun is a small town (less than 30 mins to/frm Danuk) that you pass before coming to the BKH point. Juz for ur info, Danok has been developing steadily as most samster here can verify. Quite number of good hotels that caters every budget frm Rm25 & abv. That unfortunate incident (kena con) happens once to everyone. So no big deal. A lesson to be learn.
If search the Danok archives, many useful info contribute by bros here will help you to fruitful cheonging.
For alternatives, try the massage parlours. Ask for room service where u can check privately if the she's 'avaliable'. Bear in mind with the recent bombing n unrest in Southern side, these days ppl flock to Danok than Hadyai. Guess should things get 'hairy', can always climb over the gate n run to M'sia side after midnight. Did that once when I was 'high' but that's another story.

Hope this help a bit.
Old 14-04-2007, 12:13 PM
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Re: Haadyai websites & Field Reports (FRs)

I have visited a regular for ON bookings, you know those bringing her out, chit chat, eat eat, shopping then go back hotel, bonk like rabbits in Hatyai.

Lost her contact and couldn't find her anymore in Hatyai more than a year ago and who knows, I found her in one of the legal Cat40 houses in Geylang recently. I am like, "WOW! Like that also kio, if tio toto also this lucky, then I really lucky ba bee bee liao."

So, very soon, she becomes my tirak in Singapore but it's so much more expensive these days to meet her, in those Cat40, extend until my limbs went soft but she kinda make it up to me in other ways.

Falling in love with WLs make me grow up;
Brought me out of my comfort zone;
Left to survive in the Land of Smiles to the day I clear up my head;
And realise the CB is just another piece of meat.

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Old 14-04-2007, 12:39 PM
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Haadyai websites & Field Reports (FRs)

I am glad to see that this thread started by me (under a different nick) on 12.10.2003 is now 'resurrected' from the Archives and is 'alive & kicking'

Keep it up !
Old 14-04-2007, 01:12 PM
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Court interrupts brothel love story

A very familiar and common love story ...............

Guy goes to Hatyai / Bangkok to fuck gal ............. falls head over heels in love with gal ......... marry gal and live happily ever after .........

Wonder if anyone knows that guy ?

Read on ...........

Report from Bangkok Post dated Saturday 14 April 2007 :-

Court interrupts brothel love story

Singapore - A man who bought freedom for a Thai woman trapped in a Singapore brothel so he could marry her has gone to the High Court to stop the deportation of his wife-to-be, news reports said on Saturday.

Wai Keen Weng, 31, and Amue Athu, 24, were due to wed last year, but Amue was arrested in October when she tried to extend her social visit pass. She was jailed for one year after pleading guilty to returning to the city-state despite being banned from the country.

Wai has been battling to free her and stop the deportation. His lawyer, RS Bajwa, petitioned the court on Friday for Amue's conviction to be quashed, The Straits Times reported.

Bajwa argued that she should not have been banned from entering Singapore in 2004 as she was a victim of human trafficking who had been coerced into working in the city-state as a prostitute.

Bajwa also said that Amue had unwittingly pleaded guilty because she could not understand the court proceedings. She belongs to the Akha hill tribe, which lives in the province of Chiang Rai in northern Thailand and has its own language.

The case was adjourned until Tuesday.

Wai, who works in his parents' advertising business, first met Amue on his birthday in May last year, the report said. He helped her escape from the brothel two months later.

"Meeting her on my 31st birthday was the best present and hopefully she can be released in time for my 32nd" in May, he was quoted as saying.

--- KatoeyNewsNetwork
Old 04-05-2007, 02:48 AM
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Re: Haadyai websites & Field Reports (FRs)

Seems there are lots of China Dolls at Danok now , PLaces to visit IPD, Yeh Lai Siang ,the rest of d outlets girls quite old, quality not bad , lots of girls to choose from too,booking however ,if from China, 3000bht, If from North Border of Thai 2000 bht. Those from China a Lot frm Harpin ,very fair...
Old 04-05-2007, 10:58 AM
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PRC gals in Danok .........

Originally Posted by Thai worm View Post
Seems there are lots of China Dolls at Danok now , PLaces to visit IPD, Yeh Lai Siang ,the rest of d outlets girls quite old, quality not bad , lots of girls to choose from too,booking however ,if from China, 3000bht, If from North Border of Thai 2000 bht. Those from China a Lot frm Harpin ,very fair...
Why go to Thailand to bonk PRC gals ?

It's like going to China to bonk Thai gals

Anyway, 3,000 bahts for PRC gals is very expensive !
Old 04-05-2007, 06:28 PM
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Re: PRC gals in Danok .........

Originally Posted by SanukSeeker99 View Post
Why go to Thailand to bonk PRC gals ?

It's like going to China to bonk Thai gals

Anyway, 3,000 bahts for PRC gals is very expensive !
expensive? what do you normally pay for booking PRC overnight? booking where? Danok? Malaysia? Singapore? China?
Old 05-05-2007, 12:52 AM
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Rates for bonking PRC gals ...........

I pay RM 200.00 ( 2,000 bahts ) to bonk PRC gals in KL .....
Old 05-05-2007, 12:17 PM
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Re: Rates for bonking PRC gals ...........

Originally Posted by SanukSeeker99 View Post
I pay RM 200.00 ( 2,000 bahts ) to bonk PRC gals in KL .....
Is the price you pay OVERNIGHT or LONG-TIME, ? That is definitely NOT the standard for booking PRC OVERNIGHT in Kuala Lumpur unless if you are talking about freelancers. BUT that is NOT what we are talking about. That guy is complaining about the OVERNIGHT prices of PRC girls charged by business outlets in Danok and unlike freelancers, which is negotiable or even free, if the girls are horny and like you , business outlets do take a cut from the price charged and RM200 for booking PRC overnight is next to impossible in Kuala Lumpur UNLESS if you are talking about 30something or 40something aunties.
Old 09-05-2007, 01:56 AM
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Re: Haadyai websites Field Reports (FRs)

Bros , 3000bht for prcs consider cheap no? and not aunties ler....
Old 15-05-2007, 11:00 AM
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Re: Haadyai websites Field Reports (FRs)

Y this thread is so quite nowsaday?
Old 15-05-2007, 11:21 AM
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Re: Haadyai websites Field Reports (FRs)

Originally Posted by kelwong135 View Post
Y this thread is so quite nowsaday?

dunno..but i going hdy this fri..wanna join me?
if i have a million dollars..then i will cheong cheong cheong!!!
Old 15-05-2007, 12:03 PM
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Re: Haadyai websites Field Reports (FRs)

Originally Posted by No-go View Post
dunno..but i going hdy this fri..wanna join me?
cannot la just come bk from bangkok pocket got a big hole u are going for how mani days?u got tirak over there?
Old 15-05-2007, 12:04 PM
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Re: Haadyai websites Field Reports (FRs)

Originally Posted by No-go View Post
dunno..but i going hdy this fri..wanna join me?
cannot la just come bk from bangkok pocket got a big hole u are going for how mani days?u got tirak over there?
Old 16-05-2007, 01:26 AM
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Re: Haadyai websites Field Reports (FRs)

Am now in Hatyai. Surfing at 20b an hr. Its next to the police station further down from new Sakura towards Janivaite. My first trip was in the 80s. Pussy then was 30sgd equivalent. Syts the norm then. Now prices have gone up to 1500 for older women. Hatyai more like place for retired guys. Less fish tanks also. Gone are farms at Thai Hotel and Klong Toey at the other side of the railway track. Hatyai economy was then based on chicken farms supporting the rest of the economy. Tuk-tuks are everywhere and price then was 5b. Now a motorcycle pillion ride is 20b.
At least massage prices has remained the same or even cheaper. A massage coupon is only 180b. I can now afford to give 100b tip and pay an extra 200b for nuts pull massage. Just ask for the Lao Zhi and not a fake one.
For short time, one can go to Atami Turkish bath. 600b for bathe and fuck. I found the same girl I booked almost 7 years ago. She hardly changed her looks and still looked below 20yrs. The nearby backlanes are for Thais. I didn't explore as it was too late then.
Bak Kut Tehs shops are everywhere. The ones at center town areas are expensive at 80b. They whack you 10b for rice and another 10b for Thai yutiao. But there is a corner shop behind Daiichi Hotel where you get generous portion for same money. The Thais have narrowed down our tastebuds so you can find pork leg rice (kow kah mu), pork porridge with generous portions of meatballs and spare parts and finally cheng theng with rainbow hues of boiled nuts and dried fruits. Prices are all around 30b. 40b is for tourists so one should bargain. My favourite is Teochew muay but don't go as a group or bring fuying along. Kenna chop head at 730b. Went back alone, order half the dishes and now pay 110b. Pays to be thick skinned so ask for prices first. My favourite is the braised duck (should only be 40b) and stirred fried kailan with roast pork (40b also). Dimsum here must be the cheapest at 10b per serving. Try the one a few shops from Grassland agent (lovely tour) towards new sakura. Their loss leaders are hakow and siewmai but these are not on display. Go pick yourself.
Their hardware shops are something to drool over. Solid air pistols at 300b each. Can only fondle them. Don't try to smuggle them or cuffs back. Backside caned for sure. Loupes are common here with different sizes. Lots of thais amulets collectors. Bought one for 100b. I paid 15 bucks for the same one in Singapore.
Borrowed a bike and went to Songkla. It now have 2 scenic bridges linking an island in between. I went back via the motorised ferry and went to samila beach for seafood. All seafood costs 100b a serving. Its not cheap but what the heck!
Be careful of the roads. They narrow down suddenly without any warning lights. Tripped and skidded over the gravel. Friendly Thais helped me to the hospital. The Haadyai Bangkok Hospital is a private hospital with first class facilities. Had x-ray done, no broken bones just bad cuts that needs daily dressing. Hospital bill came up to 5000b+. Be warned Thai roads are deceptive. Play safe by riding behind the locals who know all the traps and potholes. Most ride slowly for the same reason.
Many thanks to fellow brothers for their tips. Save money by booking at tour outlets for hotels and massages. Exchange rates are very good also. SG dollars very much in demand. I patronise the grassland shop (lovely tours). The counter staff are good looking so every day I go back and buy one coupon each time. But Grassland bus is now old and not as comfortable. I always enjoy long bus rides so if there is a good bus to recommend please share.
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