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Old 07-09-2011, 01:18 PM
holein1 holein1 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by ebonkie View Post

I m back from my business trip - HKK, GZ and CD.. Shag xia

Did manage to try one of girls from HKK recognized Thumbs up for quality service @ damage 75 SGD.. KiKi from Sun Kai Mansion..

Also manage to persuade one of the SGP FLs from SGP Hector Loves to start her cross-program here in Shanghai..

Stay tuned for more updates..
yo bonkie, contact me something to seek your advice...haha
Old 07-09-2011, 01:21 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by DTCEPL View Post
Very right, go to saunas - nice relaxation environment and won't be slaughtered (provided going to the 'right' one).

Bro NR, Merrylin's 思源 is getting better by the day as they beefed up their recruitment (but afraid may still not be up to your expectation: p).

Actually sometimes its better to venture out to Saunas alone, as the ear and/or foot therapist will gib a HJ (inclusive with limited autoroaming) when engaging their services in a room by yourself (paiseh when got others around). Its a great relaxation massage cum HJ after the Main Battle. Like what the therapist said, 回味一下!
dt, in this kind of scenario, you can always 1. tell your friend, and get a separate room; OR you can be like my MY buddies >> 2. they just pretend nothing is happening and can still do price neg on business while a HJ is in process...power!! haha

anyway, i give you 1 hint, a HJ is not the furthest you can go in the room....haha..with enuff cuntful panda skills, you can even .... in the room.
Old 07-09-2011, 01:32 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by holein1 View Post
OR you can be like my MY buddies >> 2. they just pretend nothing is happening and can still do price neg on business while a HJ is in process...power!! haha

anyway, i give you 1 hint, a HJ is not the furthest you can go in the room....haha..with enuff cuntful panda skills, you can even .... in the room.
My Dearest Master Cuntful Panda:

I not that power like your Buddies......hehehe, me paiseh innocent type, HJ and others must be done in private Wait ppl see my kukujiao so small and weak laugh how

Well, my Cuntful Panda skills only yellow belt, unlike 10 Dan Black Belt masters like only 'allows' balls massage and abit of Juagen. Indeed its a great experience if managed to do the Therapist in the room when they are dress in Cheongsam with full waiting to learn skills for U and Esteemed Bros in SHA!
The Day we are born, we start to die. Life is filled with uncertainties, please live life to the fullest with no regrets.
Old 07-09-2011, 03:44 PM
Guy^ver Guy^ver is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Was in Shanghai for a couple of days... Been to a few KTVs and Suanas and would like to share my experience on a very good sexxion in one of the suanas...

Initially known as 上海海滨国际会所, this place is has now undergone a new maangement after renovations. This joint has been renamed as 上海新萑海国际会所 and is located at 上海市徐汇区嘉善路258弄1号. Mummy 佳代 159-2121-1172

Service offered (Promotional, this place not officially opened yet... discreet discreet)

RMB 680: FS in regular room
RMB 818: FS in both theme-room and regular room

When you step into the sauna, you will be led to a changing room.
After that, you can shower in their huge sauna/showering area.
Then change into robes, and someone will bring you to the 2nd floor.
This is the massage floor, similar to any other veggie massage place, many rooms with multiple massage chairs for foot reflexology.
In here, the mummy will come in and chat with you, and explain pricing and how everything works.
When you are ready, you will be brought to the end of the corridor, where there is a show room, about the size of Rio's show room.
Both times that i was there, there were about 10~15 girls.

Choose one, then the girl will bring you upstairs to the 3rd floor.
Here are all the regular rooms and 6 theme rooms (2 for each theme)
So if you choose the RMB 680 package, you will brought into the regular room.
But anyone in the right mind will take the RMB 818 package, so you go directly into the theme room of your choice.

Regular room is like your typical sauna room. Round love bed with complete shower facilities in room.
As for theme rooms, they have 3 kinds.
All 3 types of theme-rooms are very well done, looks exactly like the real thing!

The clinic has a doctor desk, a cupboard that has all real usable equipments like stethoscope, pap smear sticks, doctor gloves, etc.
There's a gynae examination bed and a single patient bed.

Roleplay Scenario

WG = Doctor
You = Patient who has problem with sex, etc...


WG = Patient who comes for pussy check-ups
You = Horny Doctor


WG = Nurse
You = Patient who has problem with sex, etc...

Boss office

Typical big boss room. Big desk with recliner chair. A big comfy leather sofa at a corner.
Very office-like wallpaper and matching carpet. Thick files and books fill the shelves behind.

Roleplay Scenario

WG = Dominatrix Boss
You = Helpless employee


WG = Secretary who wants promotion
You = Horny Boss


Giant L-shaped kitchen table. Usable sink and fridge. The fridge is stocked with chocolate sauce, cream, ketchup, etc.
Aprons also available.

Roleplay Scenario

WG = Cooking school apprentice
You = Horny Cooking Teacher


WG = Cook Master who needs some special ingredients for her latest dish
You = Willing volunteer.

In the theme-room you can do whatever you want, after your first pop, you will be given a robe to wear.
Then you can go back to a regular room, where the WG can shower and clean you up.
There you can have your 2nd or 3rd or 4th pop...
bascially unlimited pops in 90 mins.

All for RMB 818 ~!!!! Fucking good value!!!
and if you add another RMB 400, you can have threesome!!!! fucking awesome, right?

I spent 3 nights in a row at this place..
I can write 3 super long reports..
but i think i just give a quick summary... you should be able to imagine.

Super Short Summary

first day, i chose the clinic, (Girl #5)
i'm a doctor examining a "virgin" girl who always has wet dreams at night.

2nd day, i had 3-some in the boss office. (Girl #5, #8)
i'm the boss interviewing a secretary applicant when a female employee barged in, demanding she gets promoted to be my personal secretary instead.
then both of them will begin to prove why they are more suitable for the job.

3rd day, i wanted to try the kitchen, but was fully booked. (Girl #8)
So ended up going for the normal room. Soapy massage was really mind blowing and out of this world.

Overall, this place is located is a very discreet place on the city fringe and the girls are very and skilful.
sex is one of the most beautiful, natural, wholesome things that money can buy
Old 07-09-2011, 07:49 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by DTCEPL View Post
My Dearest Master Cuntful Panda:

I not that power like your Buddies......hehehe, me paiseh innocent type, HJ and others must be done in private Wait ppl see my kukujiao so small and weak laugh how

Well, my Cuntful Panda skills only yellow belt, unlike 10 Dan Black Belt masters like only 'allows' balls massage and abit of Juagen. Indeed its a great experience if managed to do the Therapist in the room when they are dress in Cheongsam with full waiting to learn skills for U and Esteemed Bros in SHA!
master dtcepl and holein1,

when bring me to sauna to perform cuntful panda skills...

show me the way.........leiiiiiiiiiiiii
Old 07-09-2011, 09:54 PM
ebonkie ebonkie is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by hamper View Post
Went to SH to visit customer early this month...

Thought wanna meet ShanShan from bro Starynite but she maybe busy and replied late... No chance to meet but quite polite girl from sms with her...

Called a massage delivery service numbers which my friend just tried week ago... And really my lucky day in SH...

Met with 林林 from 東北瀋陽。。。

Found her attitude quite ok after few minutes chit-chat with her when she reached my room in Sharaton Shaghai. So give it a tried...(reject fee will be 50-100RMB depends on your hotel location)
She can do massage (naked) to acceptable standard with the oil she brought along...
Quite systematic step and enough strength to press parts of my body...
In fact, I was so attracted by her BOOBS!!!
To me, she owned the Most Beautyful Boobs which I ever saw in my life...
A pair of minimun 34C+ boobs which in the most idea shape!!
屬於那种吊鈡形 or 墜梨形
All natural as when she lying on bed her boobs no more in the perfect sharp...

A little while of cat bath then I opt for bj. Aceptable skill for her bj...
Proceed for FJ... Really a great view of her boobs while she on top on me during FJ... I even forgot to suck the cute nipples... Quite responsive and accomodating during FJ... Girl on top and missionary finished the session...

Overall I found her attitude really not bad and easy to chat with...
In fact, I meet her at about 4pm and she stay more than an hour in my room... Really very sextified so I paid her 1k RMB as quoted when I call the massage hot-line...

After my dinner felt horny again, sms her again and she agreed to come again... Second time more GFE and more sextified sexxion...

Look: 6.8 (her look grew when I felt her attitude really nice...)
Age: 26 ( she said 86年次的。。。)
Body: 8/10 (slim type, fair and smooth and soft skin)
Boobs: 34 c+ (Very very very beautiful shape and nice to hold...)
Attitude: Nice (soft spoken and polite)

All above is base on my experience with her... All IMHO hor...
She did said she met many nice guys from Singapore also...
So she don't mind serious/interested bro pm me...
Just a little help for a nice lady I met in SH without any other benefits...

The most beautiful boobs I saw in SH...

Hi Bro,

Any chance to PM me her ctc

Old 08-09-2011, 11:08 AM
wayzeel wayzeel is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Guy^ver View Post
Was in Shanghai for a couple of days... Been to a few KTVs and Suanas and would like to share my experience on a very good sexxion in one of the suanas...

Initially known as 上海海滨国际会所, this place is has now undergone a new maangement after renovations. This joint has been renamed as 上海新萑海国际会所 and is located at 上海市徐汇区嘉善路258弄1号. Mummy 佳代 159-2121-1172

Service offered (Promotional, this place not officially opened yet... discreet discreet)

RMB 680: FS in regular room
RMB 818: FS in both theme-room and regular room

When you step into the sauna, you will be led to a changing room.
After that, you can shower in their huge sauna/showering area.
Then change into robes, and someone will bring you to the 2nd floor.
This is the massage floor, similar to any other veggie massage place, many rooms with multiple massage chairs for foot reflexology.
In here, the mummy will come in and chat with you, and explain pricing and how everything works.
When you are ready, you will be brought to the end of the corridor, where there is a show room, about the size of Rio's show room.
Both times that i was there, there were about 10~15 girls.

Choose one, then the girl will bring you upstairs to the 3rd floor.
Here are all the regular rooms and 6 theme rooms (2 for each theme)
So if you choose the RMB 680 package, you will brought into the regular room.
But anyone in the right mind will take the RMB 818 package, so you go directly into the theme room of your choice.

Regular room is like your typical sauna room. Round love bed with complete shower facilities in room.
As for theme rooms, they have 3 kinds.
All 3 types of theme-rooms are very well done, looks exactly like the real thing!

The clinic has a doctor desk, a cupboard that has all real usable equipments like stethoscope, pap smear sticks, doctor gloves, etc.
There's a gynae examination bed and a single patient bed.

Roleplay Scenario

WG = Doctor
You = Patient who has problem with sex, etc...


WG = Patient who comes for pussy check-ups
You = Horny Doctor


WG = Nurse
You = Patient who has problem with sex, etc...

Boss office

Typical big boss room. Big desk with recliner chair. A big comfy leather sofa at a corner.
Very office-like wallpaper and matching carpet. Thick files and books fill the shelves behind.

Roleplay Scenario

WG = Dominatrix Boss
You = Helpless employee


WG = Secretary who wants promotion
You = Horny Boss


Giant L-shaped kitchen table. Usable sink and fridge. The fridge is stocked with chocolate sauce, cream, ketchup, etc.
Aprons also available.

Roleplay Scenario

WG = Cooking school apprentice
You = Horny Cooking Teacher


WG = Cook Master who needs some special ingredients for her latest dish
You = Willing volunteer.

In the theme-room you can do whatever you want, after your first pop, you will be given a robe to wear.
Then you can go back to a regular room, where the WG can shower and clean you up.
There you can have your 2nd or 3rd or 4th pop...
bascially unlimited pops in 90 mins.

All for RMB 818 ~!!!! Fucking good value!!!
and if you add another RMB 400, you can have threesome!!!! fucking awesome, right?

I spent 3 nights in a row at this place..
I can write 3 super long reports..
but i think i just give a quick summary... you should be able to imagine.

Super Short Summary

first day, i chose the clinic, (Girl #5)
i'm a doctor examining a "virgin" girl who always has wet dreams at night.

2nd day, i had 3-some in the boss office. (Girl #5, #8)
i'm the boss interviewing a secretary applicant when a female employee barged in, demanding she gets promoted to be my personal secretary instead.
then both of them will begin to prove why they are more suitable for the job.

3rd day, i wanted to try the kitchen, but was fully booked. (Girl #8)
So ended up going for the normal room. Soapy massage was really mind blowing and out of this world.

Overall, this place is located is a very discreet place on the city fringe and the girls are very and skilful.
PLEASE NOTE, this is a plagerized report. Report was written w/pictures by someone else on another forum, and this person does NOT have permission to post it here. Admin/MOD's please take the appropriate action.
Old 08-09-2011, 11:12 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

hey, don't copy my report.
if you really want to use my report, ask first.

Originally Posted by Guy^ver View Post
Was in Shanghai for a couple of days... Been to a few KTVs and Suanas and would like to share my experience on a very good sexxion in one of the suanas...

Initially known as 上海海滨国际会所, this place is has now undergone a new maangement after renovations. This joint has been renamed as 上海新萑海国际会所 and is located at 上海市徐汇区嘉善路258弄1号. Mummy 佳代 159-2121-1172

Service offered (Promotional, this place not officially opened yet... discreet discreet)

RMB 680: FS in regular room
RMB 818: FS in both theme-room and regular room

When you step into the sauna, you will be led to a changing room.
After that, you can shower in their huge sauna/showering area.
Then change into robes, and someone will bring you to the 2nd floor.
This is the massage floor, similar to any other veggie massage place, many rooms with multiple massage chairs for foot reflexology.
In here, the mummy will come in and chat with you, and explain pricing and how everything works.
When you are ready, you will be brought to the end of the corridor, where there is a show room, about the size of Rio's show room.
Both times that i was there, there were about 10~15 girls.

Choose one, then the girl will bring you upstairs to the 3rd floor.
Here are all the regular rooms and 6 theme rooms (2 for each theme)
So if you choose the RMB 680 package, you will brought into the regular room.
But anyone in the right mind will take the RMB 818 package, so you go directly into the theme room of your choice.

Regular room is like your typical sauna room. Round love bed with complete shower facilities in room.
As for theme rooms, they have 3 kinds.
All 3 types of theme-rooms are very well done, looks exactly like the real thing!

The clinic has a doctor desk, a cupboard that has all real usable equipments like stethoscope, pap smear sticks, doctor gloves, etc.
There's a gynae examination bed and a single patient bed.

Roleplay Scenario

WG = Doctor
You = Patient who has problem with sex, etc...


WG = Patient who comes for pussy check-ups
You = Horny Doctor


WG = Nurse
You = Patient who has problem with sex, etc...

Boss office

Typical big boss room. Big desk with recliner chair. A big comfy leather sofa at a corner.
Very office-like wallpaper and matching carpet. Thick files and books fill the shelves behind.

Roleplay Scenario

WG = Dominatrix Boss
You = Helpless employee


WG = Secretary who wants promotion
You = Horny Boss


Giant L-shaped kitchen table. Usable sink and fridge. The fridge is stocked with chocolate sauce, cream, ketchup, etc.
Aprons also available.

Roleplay Scenario

WG = Cooking school apprentice
You = Horny Cooking Teacher


WG = Cook Master who needs some special ingredients for her latest dish
You = Willing volunteer.

In the theme-room you can do whatever you want, after your first pop, you will be given a robe to wear.
Then you can go back to a regular room, where the WG can shower and clean you up.
There you can have your 2nd or 3rd or 4th pop...
bascially unlimited pops in 90 mins.

All for RMB 818 ~!!!! Fucking good value!!!
and if you add another RMB 400, you can have threesome!!!! fucking awesome, right?

I spent 3 nights in a row at this place..
I can write 3 super long reports..
but i think i just give a quick summary... you should be able to imagine.

Super Short Summary

first day, i chose the clinic, (Girl #5)
i'm a doctor examining a "virgin" girl who always has wet dreams at night.

2nd day, i had 3-some in the boss office. (Girl #5, #8)
i'm the boss interviewing a secretary applicant when a female employee barged in, demanding she gets promoted to be my personal secretary instead.
then both of them will begin to prove why they are more suitable for the job.

3rd day, i wanted to try the kitchen, but was fully booked. (Girl #8)
So ended up going for the normal room. Soapy massage was really mind blowing and out of this world.

Overall, this place is located is a very discreet place on the city fringe and the girls are very and skilful.
Old 08-09-2011, 02:19 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Thanks for your FR...Glad enjoy her service....she still use the same number...she MIA for a while,but now she is back..willbe going there end of yr to meet her

Originally Posted by Aftershave@8 View Post
Tried Shan Shan recently, though received ctc from bro StaryStary Night a few months ago

Current Base: Shanghai (home town: Hunan)

Age: 23

Stats: About 1.6m height / slim around 45kg / 32B (not for boobs lovers)

Face: Initial 6; later up to 7 (certain angle during action)

Complexion: Fair, smooth

Fresh, sweet girl who's working nights to supplement income (she's got a day job). Slow and steady, no hurry. Knows how to tease - sits on your lap as soon as enter room, ask you help her unzip dress, turns around and sinks tiny boobs in your face. I find her quite cheerful and fun!

Bath together, cleans your dick by placing it between her soapy ass crack! Then soaps your dick and stroke until rock hard want to burst! I lightly fingered her in the bath, no objection

Bed Action: Takes her time to catbath u, then BBBJ - nothing to shout about but you won't complain, can see she's still 'new' and trying her best. My favorite part is she likes to 'take charge' when making love - she gets all over you - on top, sideways, and ask you to switch to doggie, scissors, missionary. Seems like she's trying to satify her own needs too!

Overall: 'B' rating - tries to please, but she's not that experienced, so not for hardcore action. A friendly young girl; though small tits, but nipples quite pointed when aroused

I was very tired, she noticed and massaged (5/10 type but at least she tried) me after sex. Total she was with me about 90min

Cost: 700 + 100 taxi. Think its reasonable for level of service / high cost in Shanghai

Hope this helps. Pls PM bro Stary Stary Night for contact. Tx bro for contact
2011 Resolution: To retire from the FL Game...

Up my points if you like my FR [/SIZE]
Old 08-09-2011, 02:21 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Hey bro, just saw this msg. Glad that you like her....will pass her your positive comments...enjoy!!

Originally Posted by babylon View Post
Thanks Bro for giving me Shan Sha

n's ctc. I met up with her during the Labour Day weekend.

Shan Shan is a 24 yr. old girl , very petite (40 kg) , nice pert boobs, appropriate for her body frame but not big. Generally very slim. Not for those who like more fleshy types. Likes to smile a lot. Friendly.

I like her attitude, eager to please. No rush type. Will lie down beside you like gf, after the session. Provide very good massage.

To bro XiaoPang (Starystarynite?), Shan Shan passes on her thanks and is very appreciative that you are helping her to make some extra money! To brothers recommend by Xiao Pang, Shan Shan takes the extra effort to try to please

Its bro like you that helps poor girls make some extra $$ , thanks!

Looks: 7
GF feeling: 9
BBBJ : 8
Attitude: 8
Massage: 8
Damage: RMB700
Frenching: Nil
2011 Resolution: To retire from the FL Game...

Up my points if you like my FR [/SIZE]
Old 09-09-2011, 09:10 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by partyparty View Post
master dtcepl and holein1,

when bring me to sauna to perform cuntful panda skills...

show me the way.........leiiiiiiiiiiiii
Long time no see Bro PP, how have u been? Still cheonging KTVs and sweet talking those Chio Mei Meis?

Been a long year in SHA, still long way to achieve the Master Cuntful Panda skills. Master Holein is the one to lead u to enlightenment

The Day we are born, we start to die. Life is filled with uncertainties, please live life to the fullest with no regrets.
Old 09-09-2011, 03:33 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by PuTonRen View Post
Dear Bro,

Thanks fr sharing the contact. I did not know that Lily has ventured into Shanghai.

1K is the overnight rate for Lily's stable. Anyway, as far as you are happy, there is no such thing as marrket rate.

Can share this gems contact? Leaving tomorrow...
Enough of bonk for sake of cumming
What i want now is just quality sex!
Old 09-09-2011, 03:37 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Laulan View Post
Have to thank one of our Senior Bros there for Lily's contact.

Finally managed to firm up an appointment with her (previously tried 3 separate occasions all code red, very bei)

Anyway finally arranged and waited nervously (don't know what to expect)

Then finally "ding dong", open the door and wowwwwww..........
Never know FL can have such quality.

She looks very good (one man's meat......) but can see that she is not young.
Figure is excellent, and her headlights.......... wow, like some bro said, perfectly shaped.

We took some time to foreplay before shower, fun and arousing. Shower was SOP though.
But she really knows how to touch a man to arouse him.

What happen next are quite SOP, BJ, FJ, the whole session is very good in fact, just rather SOP as she is very pro (you know what I mean).

Look 7.5
Body 8 (I must also say that you can see some signs of age from her body, but still very very good)
BJ 6.5
FJ 7
Overall I must say she is good and I really enjoy and will RTF on my next trip (if she is not on code red).

Damage 1k, I think some bro paid lesser but I don't want to bargain so much since she is also doing this for money, so she happy I happy)

Cheers Bro

Is this Lily the same Lily as in the Beijing Recommendation thread?

If not, I am sure Brothers here would appreciate your sharing of contacts.

Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 09-09-2011, 03:45 PM
wuxiboyz wuxiboyz is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by DaiWok View Post
Am currently at Shanghai for 1week and have another week to pass however it was rather boring as I do not have enough kaki to cheong, so one of my cheong buddy give me a local FL contact and told me to try her but do respect her and would be having some special if she feel confortable with me.

name : qing er
origin : shangdong
age : 23 yo.
built : slim 7/10
look :6.8 (personelly I feel she looks quite nice)
boobs : B+
roaming : very limited and she may not like it, so I did not try or take any chance.
massage : 6/10 (a little on the soft type)
sexy massage : 8/10 (erotic)
GFE : 8/10 (chatty gal, so give high points here)
Damage : rmb320 + 50rmb for her transport +50rmb tibs.
RTM :yes, if i have some time next week as I am leaving next week.

I shall provide a simple FR on this gem. Her name is qing er, who is providing oil massage. So I made arrangement for her. She told me that I need to pay for her transport to and fro and she only serve pudong area and need to book her 1 hour in advance. Agree with her the time and wait for her to arrive. She is at my hotel door around the agreed time, open the door for her and first look on her looks acceptable to me, quite nice, close the door and I change to my brief for her to massage. I lie fac ing down on the bed and she slip off her dress to  her massage attire. Nice mini t-shirt / skirt with  stocking.

Then she starts with her oil massage on my back fo r at least 20 minutes and proceed to my thigh and  leg. Then she told me the oil may stain my brief a nd ask do I want to take it off. I think hoesei liao maybe got some special liao. During then massage near my inner thigh she would  accidentally touch my balls and the feeling is qui te shiok. This come around another 15 to 20 minutes. Then she ask whether do I want to have extra shiok massage that sound like  xiong tui (later then i know it is breast massage ) I opt for it. Then she starts to take out her to p and her bra while Iam still facing down lie on the bed. Awhile pass and she start to rub on my back again, wow, I feel the soft jelly like feeling and to my surprise when I turn and saw her lovely nice boobs, then I know it is breast massage.

She continue to rub up and down then to my thigh. Anther 5 minutes pass, she told me to turn around. Now I got a full view of her bare lovely boobs. Sh e applys more oil on my bro and then she go in between my leg, I though she is giving me some form of haidilauyue, but don't like it. She asks me to lift up my backside and rest on both of her thigh and when in position she start to warpage her boobs over my erected bro and start to use her boobs to move up and down. She already cannot tahan. She is very persistence and continue till I burst, wows she is doing it all the way for 10 minutes. Feel very sextified. She give me no rush feeling and she starts to clean up for me. Then I offer her to take shower first while I take a rest.
Finally she finish her bath and I pay her. She thanks me with a warm hug and I fel t nice.

Do take note on the following :
She does not do FJ do respect her decision. She only serve pudong area and do cover all taxi t o and back to her place. She is in mingshen lu.Any  nearby area at puxi may have to discuss wit h her.
To bro who visit shanghai and interested to try her massage pls pm. As she is out to make a living, pls do not make prank call and pls do not share her number openly.

To other bros who stay in Shanghai or would is cur rently in Shanghai do you guys have any cheong act ivity this weekend?Do pm me as I may be thinking of going to Suzhou to cheong.
Share this gem bro, leaving this city tomorrow need good recommendations!
Enough of bonk for sake of cumming
What i want now is just quality sex!
Old 09-09-2011, 04:11 PM
allfuzzy allfuzzy is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by dc520518 View Post
recommend the last time I met the girl in Shanghai XiaoMin..

XiaoMin 22

Appearance: lovely in take sexy, and a pair of long leg. Make you admiration.. Especially wear socks

Height; 162

3 surround; 32D - 23-36

The skin; Smooth, white, soft

Service attitude: gentle, enthusiastic, generous

The service quality: let you never had the experience

XiaoMin Shanghai PuDongPhone: 18217022993
Interested. Just like to confirm .. (1) she comes to your hotel?? and (2) what is the price and how many hours??
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