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Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)
Hi friends, sis, bros,
any girls here whom feel like you have higher sex drive than the normal average girl? I have been talking to alot of my guy friends and most of them complain about their girlfriends lack of sex drive. I will be 22 by the end of this year and since 21, i found myself watching alot porn and masturbating. Even right after i have had sex with my boyfriend. Any girls feel this way? How about you men? Any men feel this way too? I feel the need to masturbate atleast 2 times a day. Sometimes, right up to 6 times! It is almost like i am not in control of my hornyness. Men mostly think about sex more often than women. however, for me, its the complete opp. I have so much sexual 'pangs' that it sometimes distracts me from work and feel like I want my bf right there and then. I can also get turn on by other sexy women when walking down the street. I don't think of having sex with them but feel like I want to be her while my bf gets turned on by me. I reason that as I like being a slut to my lover: Provider. I do not think that there is anything wrong as these are just thoughts but just wondering if there are any girls here whom are like that too. I was contemplating seeing the doctor regarding my high sex drive and still do. Any men here whose wives or gfs have extreme high sex drive whereby she demands sex from you all the time? My bf and I have sex about once a week or every 12 days. Never more than once a week due to inconvenience. I wish we had sex more often but I think it is a good thing not to fuck all the time as it will not feel as good isn't it? Its not like masturbating. Masturbating always feels the same, feels mono each time. A few questions to ask fellow bros too: Wondering how many days can your go without playing with yourself? Do your think about fucking the girl in the video that you are viewing while wanking? Or do your think of no one at all in particular? Do your think about your wives/ gfs or replay the sexy stuff since the last time your fucked your lover? I ask a few of my attached girlfriends, the more horny, most do not really think about anyone while masturbating but instead concentrating on the 'feeling good' sensation. For me, I think less about 'getting there' but more of getting fucked by ________ (most of the time, bf). I have more to question about sex life before and after marriage but ill do that next time! Thanks sis and bros for taking time to read. xxx |
Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)
I do have a gf that used to be very high sex drive as well. Don't think it's being wrong or whatever guess it's all in the hormones. So it's nothing wrong abt having high sex drive, i guess most guys around your age would be more then happy for that i believe
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Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)
Maybe you just having too much time?
Maybe like guys who Masturbate alot, watching porn alot, Spend more time on studies, pick up a hobby, sports to burn out some energy? Haha... |
Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)
Well during my younger days I do have a gf which require to be sextify everyday! We will make out at least thrice a day... This lasted till I got enlisted to NS and we fall out due to her needs can't be fill by me...
Don't be too concern so long as u enjoy every moment... ![]() |
Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)
Any woman with a high sex drive is one of the luckiest and happiest women in the world . There is nothing wrong even if you are a nymphomaniac.
Masturbation for a woman with high sex drive often left frustrated because your boyfriend cannot keep up with your high demand. Just do it. Stressed .. just let it go !! Thanks for the post!
老 馬 識 途 |
Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)
haha. still tot some guys here will end up with PM for details / let me help you / r u lonely types of replies...
![]() But dont let it become an addiction. |
Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)
I think i may have a similiar problem to you. I find that i have a high sex drive (HSD) and often have to take matters into "my own hands" as my wife has a very low sex drive (LSD). I've also considered going to see a doctor.
I feel very fustrated at times whenever she doesn't give in. Sometime i i only get action 1once a week or even less. IMHO, thats definitely not enough... but what to do? I feel that couples should at least get some action every alternate day. its a good form of exercise to right? ![]()
FRs - AZAR |
Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)
Hi ts. It's normal and good! Sometimes I nth to do at night also will watch porn and diy. And when gf not so sexually excited as me usually sian half... So my recommendation is that find someone who is as horny as you. Dun follow my footstep!!
Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)
Right first off, if u have such an extreme high sex drive why isnt your bf taking full advantage of this and fucking u at least 100% more? That is TWO times in a week/12 days. What kind of BF is he that he doesnt want to fuck his girlfriend who puts out like there is no tommorow, gets off frequently, and cant go two hours without getting off? So what are we lef with? You have a high sex drive, think of sex and masturbate often BUT but I think it is a good thing not to fuck all the time and u also think mastubartion is mono . Like that how huh?/? And to your questions: HOW LONG: Varies by individual, as you yourself so candidly show. (We sure wish our partners would want to put out so often) And to the rest....: maybe, maybe, maybe. Whats the point of knowing? Dont worry, i am sure your pm box is full of guys who are more than willing to fuck u more than once a week. (Im not one of them). K thx bye ![]()
Chameleonic online accent:Whatever I goddamn want to be. Great Red Dragon's Lair: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=389160 1st ever file GIVING/trading thread in sbf Proud owner of the largest publicly known Sharon Kho and Kelly Arrow Tan picture set ![]() |
Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)
Do you need help?
Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)
OMG I am already anticipating some hilarious guys with one liner posts or PMs asking for TS email/contact and boasting how good they are.
Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)
A high sex drive is a problem only IF it affects your capability to function in your daily life. If you are able to concentrate at work and lead a "normal" social life, then it really isn't a problem ... except that of finding a willing and able partner
![]() Likewise, if you are happy with who you are ... highly sexed, wanting to indulge in "slut" role-plays, then there really isn't a problem (although this one is rather tricky as it is hard to seperate undue influence from your close ones). It is only a problem if you are unhappy with who you and/or have self esteem issues. So If you find that it affects your ability to work/socialise normally, or if you have self-esteem issues, then you may want to seek help. I've met quite a few high sex drive women in my life ... One was my gf when I was serving NS. We would fuck like rabbits during the weekends but during the weekdays, when I couldn't bookout, she would be incredibly high-strung and sexually frustrated. Masturbation didn't fully satisfy her but she made do by scheming on what we would do on the weekends. It certainly made for rather explosive weekends ![]() Another was a girl I knew in Uni, while in hostel. She had a bf but couldn't enough even thoughly they did it daily. She started trawling campus for guys to fuck and it all spiralled down from there. Her bf was not supportive, she could not reconcile her shame of sleeping around vs her desire to fuck. She ended up needing help and medication. It messed her up. Bottom line, if you find the right people, in the right environment, you can be happy. If you find yourself doing the wrong things for the wrong reasons, IF ever you are unhappy with who you are or what you are doing, force yourself to take a step back and evaluate your position from a 3rd person's perspective. Don't be shy about getting professional help. They often give you a perspective that your friends usually don't. More info means better decisions. Also, don't bother about what constitutes "normal" masturbation or sex preferences. We are all different. We prefer different positions ... different things excite us, motivate us, stimulate us. Some of my gf's could multi-orgasm, some couldn't. First time I met one who couldn't, I kept stimulating her after she came, insisting that she come again. I got a shove, a slap and a scolding for that. Some of them like to use fingers while masturbating, some didn't. Some liked digital penetration, some prefered clitorial stimulation. As for what goes on in their mind, the variety of thoughts is stagerring. ![]() You figure what works for you physically and mentally and leave it as that. Don't try to benchmark against other people. BTW, sports ... I find that sports actually increases my sex drive! Other than the initial "aching-all-over" getting fit period, sports rarely leaves me so tired that I can't get it up. OTOH, the competitiveness makes me more driven, more alive and it carries over into the bedroom. Sports also de-stresses me, which leads to more mental inclination for naughty stuff. Sports also makes me fitter, which means more energy and stamina for *ahem* nocturnal sports. These days, I find that I am actually buzzing after my weeknight sports sessions ... to the extent that I actually have trouble sleeping unless I *ahem* release first. That's me anyway. YMMV my 2c. Thanks for reading. |
Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)
Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)
Great post. Lots to discuss and issues to delve deeper into. (no pun intended... ya right...) Well, obviously you don't have a physical problem, unlike some ladies who can't even achieve an orgasm. You may have a psychological problem though.
Has this issue ever disrupted your life in a destructive way? You know, you are late and rushing for time but because of your high sex drive, you got to orgasm first. Thus you are later than ever before. You mentioned you get wet looking at attractive ladies (hoping you are as attractive as them so that your bf will want you more). How about attractive men? Ever slept with 1 just because you think he may be a great fuck, only to end up with regret because you really love your bf and your high sex drive has caused you to betray your love? Etc. If you have such incidences, you may have a sex addiction problem. You may need professional help to regain control of your life. What is it about an orgasm that keeps you returning for so much more than usual? A lot of us love how it makes our bodies feel more relaxed. When a guy sleeps with many women, the orgasms he experiences, besides making him more relaxed, can also represent an extra ego boost. He feels skillful/attractive. Esp so in cases of unattractive men who keep succeeding in bedding attractive women. The desire for orgasm may be really a desire to continually boost his ego. You ask such guys to DIY only, they will find it unsatisfactory. Some people like to make love in public. Why go through the risks of being peeped all just for an orgasm right? Well, these people may want others to look at them. The real 'orgasm' could be the satisfaction that you can control the urges and desires of the people peeping at you. What does an orgasm mean for you? A need to feel attractive, to be wanted? If you feel positively in control of your sex drive and will only release it in non-destructive manners (DIY or with bf only), then maybe you need variations in acheiving orgasm to make up for your bf's lower sex drive. I read your other posts. Seems you like it when your bf finds you attractive and irresistible. Especially so when he does something totally unexpected. Why not develop this angle further? Go buy a remote control vibrator. Use it when you are out in the streets with your bf. Let him hold the control and surprise you. Your role is to try to look normal on the outside while shopping like a normal couple in Orchard Road... How does this idea sound to you? Hope my post makes sense. If you want more ideas, I can share them later.
I don't exchange points. So no point adding me hoping I will up you back. No need to pm me about points too. |
Re: Girl with issues of extreme high sex drive (just a discussion)
TS is on her top form now. . . HSD will died down after another 2~3year. till then... you have to try to focus on more important stuff in life.
TC |
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