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Old 15-11-2004, 09:08 PM
fantasy131 fantasy131 is offline
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Smile Tropical Spa

Hi, Tropical Spa open again. After Renovation, there open again. Havent go yet. Anyone know what was the price? and how was the spa facilities? And also the quality of gals.
Old 15-11-2004, 10:21 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

Originally Posted by fantasy131
Hi, Tropical Spa open again. After Renovation, there open again. Havent go yet. Anyone know what was the price? and how was the spa facilities? And also the quality of gals.
Did not realise it has re-open.Was in JB yesterday and was looking around for a HC. Went to eden instead.
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Old 16-11-2004, 03:47 AM
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Re: Tropical Spa

tropical used to be cheapest HC in JB but got limited girls. Must go and check again hopefully got new batch of girls
Old 16-11-2004, 10:04 AM
honda_jazz88 honda_jazz88 is offline
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Re: Tropical Spa


is it the one next the shell stn opp city square?

need directions...

Old 16-11-2004, 10:09 AM
seacher seacher is offline
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Re: Tropical Spa

hi bros
come on show me one good FR and i will rush over to malaysia this very second haahaa
but must include the damage pls
high xchange rate now man
Old 16-11-2004, 12:35 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

change name to Tian He Spa liow . package is RM188 while sole massage is RM78 .

how is the ger ? Dont know cos haben go yet hehe maybe next week i check it out

lau gau wan to join me ? who know maybe got prc there no need go far far away
you'll never walk alone

Old 16-11-2004, 03:35 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

Originally Posted by cheong jb
change name to Tian He Spa liow . package is RM188 while sole massage is RM78 .

how is the ger ? Dont know cos haben go yet hehe maybe next week i check it out

lau gau wan to join me ? who know maybe got prc there no need go far far away jioing me?? Suddenly you know how to cum back liao??
I tot you kanna drown in cunt juice...nearly wanted to go and check whether anyone taking care of your family...

Anyway, the price increased liao...I wonder whether still as quiet as last time....

Sure..I will call you to go next damn leong...
Living is death itself...

King K-o-n-g, is a new member of the erotic writer's guild...

....keeping low.....
Old 16-11-2004, 10:58 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

hi bros
waited for 5 secs and decided to visit this joint without any FR loh made a good choice man all

got through custom at afternoon go change at rate rm299 at sity plaza and started raining damm
when the rain stop walk there real close man few mins enough liao take lift to 16 floor and saw the spa door cool go in kept everything in the safe and went in bath

facility wise got hot and cold pool quite small look very cool coz one side of the pools is clear window so can see Singapore while sitting at the pools dont want see singapore also got TV to watch steam and surna also have, TV room also not bad projection TV very clear not like grand continetal but food wise only noodles eggs and drinks. service wise the ppl also very friendly and helpful they always asking ppl there want to eat what not afraid u eat their food

the guy who entertain me is ah ping very friendly .(got another curly hair guy also) rate is 188rm for full service and also can ask those who massage only but never ask the rate. told me those full service ger all PRCs got a few malaysian gers but still not there yet dont know will come or not. also told me honestly that full service one no massage ask he i want young ger for full service

lead to room lie the came a young looking ger face wise lots of pimples on face boobs small height short. came in took off clothes ask me go bath and help me wash my body this ger very quiet spoke little only name is jiajia from hu bei age 20

after wash start her cat bath kiss my nipple with one mouth and touch the other with hand put on cd and start bj quite good got suction also use teeth on the end after some time when back to nipple and then got on top of me haahaa her little too tight me little bro cannot go in so she say time out when to toliet wet her little sister try again still cannot ask me on top change position finally go in TIGHT man haahaa shock ah my little brother have no problem getting into holes and this is the first time such thing happen so it not my problem it her's but dont really mind such problem loh haahaa

cfter some time change doggie and cum after that clear up help me bath again wear the clothes then i sit at the small chair pull her sit at my lap and finally got some gf feeling too bad finishing liao at this time heard from the other room the other ger 'sound system' very power seem to be enjoying herself woh how come never got her must try her next time

came out ah ping come and ask me how the ger and ask me want to eat or not again haahaa got infor from him say this batch going off soon and 2 weeks later got another batch coming hey hear this he say got russian japan hong #### etc damm if what he say really true then this place is really going to be a international joint liao anyway got promotion also go 10 time free one time (not sure this free one is full service or not can some bro who go there confirm pls)

went tv room watch irobot then power failure came back after a while hang out for a while more and head back singapore ask to leave name and no on a card and give me a chop on card but card they keep next time go tell them name can liao

name : jiajia
age :20
figure:slim short
boobs: a (got a bit to touch so quite nice)
bj: 7/10
fj:7/10(all becoz of that tight sis of hers)
rtf:sure but not her come on judging from what going to be there 2 weeks later i guess i will be there for a different country hole haahaa hope he never lie to me man i waiting now liao
damage :rm188
Old 16-11-2004, 11:06 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

here are the details of the spa
No 15 tkt 16, jalan Gereja, Bangunan Johor Tower,
80000 Johor Bahru, johor.
T. 07-2276520 F.07-2278653

ah ping 019 7860660
john 016-380 9088

he give me a name card and wrote his no behind
quite on to get my no and contact me when the new stock are here but never give him my no anf then left my no on the 10 time free one time card hiaz
Old 17-11-2004, 10:29 AM
jameskhoa jameskhoa is offline
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Re: Tropical Spa

Sweet. So many times, have I seen this place go up and then crashing down. hopefully its not a scam again. Will go check it out today and give you guys a report.

and Seacher, do you know the number of Jia Jia? Not much of a pimple fan... so kinda want to avoid her.
Old 17-11-2004, 11:49 AM
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Re: Tropical Spa

Originally Posted by seacher
hi bros

got through custom at afternoon go change at rate rm299 at sity plaza

Wah lau at this exchange rate money changer go pok kai man.....
Old 17-11-2004, 05:55 PM
jameskhoa jameskhoa is offline
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Re: Tropical Spa

Right dudes,

Just returned from Tropical Inn (actually Lion Spa but that is a different story). Here is my report as promised. For those brudders who are familiar with JB, you probably already know where this place is, so I am not gonna bother with directions (the quick, but complicated version).

For those unfamiliar, here is the long but simple way.

1. Once you complete malaysian customs, there are 2 routes. 1st is straight up, 2nd is to hang a right.

2. Go straight up, and do a U-Turn on the 1st available turn.

3. Keep driving and you will pass City Square (on your right hand side).

4. Keep driving straight up, and keep left.

5. The moment, you see a petrol station (I think its Shell, does someone want to confirm this?) You should hang a left.

6. Tropical inn is on your immediate right hand side. (Its the building with AVIS CAR RENTAL).

Field Report:
I paid my RM1.60 and parked. Went straight up to 16th floor. The place has a new name, but honestly beside the name change. I cannot see any sign of renovations whatsoever.

Proceed to the counter, and the ladies asked, "Sauna sir?"

Replied, "no just massage" (I wanted to get straight into the action).

Proceeded a tiny room, with an elevated bed. Room decor looks really old. Definitely no renovations in the rooms. (I don't know about the spa and stuff, you guys need to check it out, personally not a spa guy). Waited for less than 2 minutes and the OLDEST, UGLIEST lady entered!!

I immediately said to her, "I want a younger lady..."

She looked at my with a farked up face, and said, "what?"

Again I said, "Package lady, China lady, young lady..." just when I was about to get pissed off, and wanted a to say, "I want a lady who can make my dick stand, and not shrink like a turtle", she dropped her stuff and walked off...

The captain came in and asked, "what's wrong?" (the captain was nice about it though).

I told him I wanted a package and he said ok. Made me wait for 5 mins, came back and told me, "sorry sir, some of the girls have not arrived yet, can you wait for 30mins?"

Well... obviously I left. Not gonna wait 30mins. Don't get me wrong though, I have a bad impression about the place. But I am still willing to give it a try. I did hear the captain, on my way out telling some dude on his mobile that there is no Russian girls.

Maybe I might try the place out in 2 weeks, as suggested by some brudders in here.

And an extra note. I arrived at 3.45pm... bolted to Lion Spa straight after.
Old 17-11-2004, 09:59 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

hi bro jameskhoa
sad to hear about ur encounter but guess what i was there again today
haahaa i cant get enough of this place that y here i am again this time earlier did not know the no of jia jia though

this time i reach earlier to use the facilities and watch ra show in the TV room haahaa things to add is the hot and the cold pool is very small me one person go in lie my leg straight no space liao but no one there so chop the pool by my own

after some time feeling horny watching the show so went out saw this ah ping and this time round ask him for someone that can play ask me to wait go check and after some time tell me all gers working ask me wait 30 mins also (they like 30 so much??) so me went to the auntie at the food counter ask her can change the movie at the tv room or not coz this time showing some shit ask me wat i want to watch and let me choose got white chicks (DVD)

enjoy the show after a while he came to me say got me one ba ba one got boobs ask him fat or not he say no so ok loh heehee here come the interesting part man i was enjoying this session man but one thing too add, the gers here seems not service orentated loh not pro in interration wif ppl both gers (jia jia and yue liang)come in very quiet seems to be forced to come here to work one holes wise oh man all very tight lay

ok here goes
name of this ger is yue liang (aka moon) came in sat on the mattress say want rest a while hug her and ask her look at stars ah? (coz she looking up) say no see moon and later explain her name is moon haahaa interesting found some cut scars on her wrist ask her y she say think no open commit suxide opps me change topic then went bath together she help me wash i also help her wash feels good

action start me begin to service her coz got sexperience from yesterday here gers need to be proactive one damm her boobs ok only so guess u will not find any real big boobs gers here loh give her cat bath first the boobs then slowly go further down reach the woods and her little sister below the woods start using hands to finger and she try to stop me so tell her dont use hand use mouth only she quiet quiet and when i go down again she say no but i no hill just lick and she let me shock man after some time she was rocking and also use hand to direct my head to the center in out in out in out woh plus a bit of soft moaning turn me on like nothing else man so role in my hand again she busy rocking never stop me haahaa but her expression kind of wierd lay like want cry no cry like that anyway when i use 2 hands for a while she try to redraw her body moving up but me followed her by moving up also

after a while she got up say me make her feel very na shou ask me to stop haiz and say something about time and ask me put cd so ok loh guess she is ready or juz my own thinking?? her little sister although not as tight as jiajia but still it was tight man i manage to put in my little bro after some try tight!! that what i can say so i start to rock her rock her real hard start sweating and she say she hot then turn doggie took some try to go in also damm she was there looking at me and never help but still manage to get in rock somemore and cum remain that position for a while feel so good

the rest sop
Old 18-11-2004, 10:45 AM
RobertHood RobertHood is offline
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Re: Tropical Spa

Tropical Inn....... I remember u don have to visit the Spa to F*** and u have the opportunity to choose what u like. and its cheaper.

When u are there....... just use the phone provided at the lobby (hotel internal phone) to dial a 7139 and ask for any girls available. Some 1 will answer ur call (normally a guy) and he will asked how many person u r with. (bcos some come alone and some with frens). Then he will ask u to go to Room XXXX to see a girl. Then of coz u take the lift up to the hotel room lah.

Just knock on the door....... the girl is waiting for u in the room..... (infact they will be there (the same room) for the whole day.) When she open the door...... just smile and walk in. Deal with the girl when u r in the Room with the door close.

If u think that the girl cant make ur dick stand.... then ask the girl to call their captain or ppl to ask for another girl. The girl will have to call for u and she will again tells u to visit another room...... and so on.

If i'm not wrong....... the damage is RM130.
Old 18-11-2004, 02:30 PM
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Re: Tropical Spa

Originally Posted by RobertHood
When u are there....... just use the phone provided at the lobby (hotel internal phone) to dial a 7139 and ask for any girls available.
the damage is RM130.
hi bro
great lobang u have here
no wonder this yue liang when came in say very tried climb stairs so that is y haahaa was wonder y she climb stairs and i even ask her climb 16 levels ah haahaa
but she never tell me about this lobang
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