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The Legal Geylang (prostitute) Scene Had a great time with a government approved broad in Geylang? Tell us all about it! No FREELANCE crap here please. Legal commercial sex only. Threads about illegal Geylang whores carry a reputation point penalty.

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Old 02-02-2005, 12:54 PM
newstart newstart is offline
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Thai Girls outside the houses

Hello Everyone. I newbie to the geylang scene. Last night a couple of frens went drinking and all kinda got damn high. In the end, all of us went Geylang to try try.

Walked past the houses then saw this group of thai girls. All look very young. We should probably have tried the houses first but didnt know which one to go in. Also was afraid of annoying people if go in see nothing we like then come out.

Anyway, each of us got a thai gal. Then they brought us to this hotel which they were standing outside of.

I was wondering, are these thai gals considered freelancers. Cos they were not in a house? But all on streets. They had a Singaporean someone to negotiate the prices for them.

Anyway, the Thai girl that I had was damn cute but very business like. So abit not fun. Also, I dont think she is very skillful. Never tried anything like these before so cant compare.

The thing is I was wondering if we each paid 150 was a bit too much? Inclusive of room. And are these pple considered freelancers?

Heard that better not try freelancers. Not as clean.

The thing is asking cos was thinking of trying somemore of those thai girls cos after the bonk I saw some of her frens and they were damn cute.
Old 02-02-2005, 06:34 PM
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Re: Thai Girls outside the houses

Sorry bro,first of all those WL not inside the house/houses (wherether indo,PRC or thai etc) are all freelancers.

As for the price u paid (if one is for $150) u and yr friends have been riped off big time! (price should be around $50-60 depending on the rooms u chose)

And yes freelancers does not go for health check up so they are not so "clean".

Hope this helps to clear things up.Take care.
Old 02-02-2005, 06:38 PM
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Re: Thai Girls outside the houses

Originally Posted by newstart
The thing is I was wondering if we each paid 150 was a bit too much? Inclusive of room. And are these pple considered freelancers?

Heard that better not try freelancers. Not as clean.

The thing is asking cos was thinking of trying somemore of those thai girls cos after the bonk I saw some of her frens and they were damn cute.
Bro, next time be careful. Actually the price is actually what Stiffneck said, it should be 50 to 60. I went to Lor 18 for those in the house, more safe as they go for monthly jab. These are on visas and don't ever believe what the pimp told you. My friend went for one, he was really spitting all the way after that.
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Old 02-02-2005, 07:06 PM
ThankGod4GL ThankGod4GL is offline
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Re: Thai Girls outside the houses

Wakao $150 is daylight robbery. Prolly they see ur grp newbie. Thai chicks FL like those shld not cost you more then $40. Maybe the prices went up abit like what others had said.
Old 02-02-2005, 07:40 PM
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Re: Thai Girls outside the houses

you have been had! $50 is almost the norma for thaigirl. In fact FL china chicks u can get them for as low as $60 and for a $100 price u can get some of the best lookers in GL, $150 is a TOTAL ripoff. The OKT must be laughing all the way to the bank!!!
Old 02-02-2005, 09:13 PM
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Cool Re: Thai Girls outside the houses

u never come to SB before prior to ur "adventure"? sigh....dats wat SB is for - providing info and guidance...ya its a painful lesson but a lesson learnt nonetheless. better luck next time ya?

Old 02-02-2005, 11:20 PM
mysterious mysterious is offline
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Re: Thai Girls outside the houses

maybe its overnight?

where ya meet the gals? just now went to see some 'thai students'.. super cannot make it... i think even the OKT knows... also never really 'push'...
Old 03-02-2005, 12:50 AM
Wolfiexx1 Wolfiexx1 is offline
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Re: Thai Girls outside the houses

i guess u should be ang mo or some other races....okt usually mark up the price when u are not local....they wouldn't dare even quote $100 to locals
Old 03-02-2005, 01:04 AM
newstart newstart is offline
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Re: Thai Girls outside the houses

Thanks bros for your help. It was a over night thing, but even though all of us supposed to be young, super cannot make it. One hour and all gone case liao.

Anyway, shit. If these are freelancers, then I better go for check up. Right? Though got use condom. But she frenched me. Die?

Anyway, i got check the forum, but more on TN and KTV scene. Geylang was first time cos all drink till damn adventurous.

But yup. SB has helped a bit. Thanks for the advice bros. Will definitely be more careful next time.
Old 03-02-2005, 01:28 PM
ABCinSG ABCinSG is offline
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Re: Thai Girls outside the houses

I was approched quite a few times by Singaporean guys too for "Cheap thai girls". The price I was offered was actually $35. But really, nothing beats the experience the girls in the normal houses have, even all those FLs standing around, no matter how pretty they may be.
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