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Old 22-08-2013, 10:04 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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My Colleagues

Although I’m hardly near retirement but I’m pretty sure the 3 years I spent in my previous company was no doubt one of the most interesting and formative phase of my career development.

I had a decent learning curve and I was blessed to have met some really nice and interesting colleagues.

It was a roller coaster ride, one which I would not want to go through again, but I would be lying if I say I did not enjoy the plunge and the thrill the free fall brought.

They’re in every office, the snitch, the back stabbers, the office slut, you name it, there’s bound to be some colourful characters in your workplace. If you are lucky, there might be that rare breed of people working alongside you who gives you that gentle nudge up the ladder, perhaps fend off a knife or 2.

I’ve never considered myself lucky, I believe I’m just being helped by ‘Gui Ren’ who happens to be around.

It’s been 2 weeks since I left my job, I’ve had a good break this couple of days and now would be a good time to just pen this down.

July 12th , 2010


It was my first day in the new office.

I could feel a mixture of excitement and anxiety, that funny feeling you get when you know you’re heading into a fresh start.

A new environment, new colleagues, new adventure.

I made sure I was early, arriving well before the 8.30am HR stipulated in the letter.

I stepped into the lobby at 8.10am sharp and I informed the receptionist that it’s my first day.

She introduced herself as Charlene and asked me to wait in the meeting room.

Moments later, the same lady who interviewed me a couple months back entered the polished glass office.

James : Good Morning Diana.

Diana : Morning James. .. Morning. Welcome to the family yah.

We shook hands and after a short brief, she offered to give me a quick tour of the office.

The office is not big, there are about 45 of us.

Although we are not linked to any government agency, The founder used to be in the civil service and the company was run in a similar fashion. Some of the older staff even commented how some of the forms and formats used in the office is literally a copy of the ones used in public office.

I could see some old typewriters , ammonia prints and old school relics displayed in the office. Somewhat like a walk down the past.

It’s hard to believe the office is founded 30 year ago.

Looking at the size of the establishment, I was feeling a little intimidated, it’s was my second job and I was working for a small firm of 8 for the past 4.5 years.

I told myself to suck it up and take things easy.

One step at a time, I kept repeating that in my mind.

One step at a time.


Diana showed me my seat and introduced me to the team I’ll be working with. I shook hands with the team and tried my best to remember their names.


I finally got the administrative part of the day sorted out and I was in the midst of sorting out my email when one of my colleagues slid 2 seats down on the row on his chair, bumping gently onto mine.

He was not part of my project team, if he was , he would have been introduced to me.

He introduced himself as Qing Long.

I had to scrunch up my toes in my shoes and bit down on my teeth when I shook Qing long’s hand.

It’s rude I know but I had to stop myself from laughing.

I was reminded of my own Chinese name which was somewhat similar in spelling, Qing Hui, and all thoughts of anything funny left my mind.

Qing long, pronounced exactly as a direct translation of ‘ Green Dragon ‘ in chinese . My god. I felt as if I had travelled back in time.

James : Hi Qing long.

Qing Long : Yoz James. You need anything I’m 2 seats down. Feel free to ask.

He gave me a wink and slid back to his seat.

I caught a glimpse of his screen and saw that he’s checking out air ticket prices.

Well I’m not complaining about colleagues being friendly on my first day but having met my fair share of people, I tend to be a little wary of people I don’t know well.

How do I describe it ? It’s like you get a weird vibe, perhaps it’s 6th sense.

Anyway, One thing I’m pretty sure though, looking at his stubbles and the amount of hair he had on his arms, I know White tiger aka ‘ Bai hu’ would not be anywhere near this Qing long if you get my drift.


I’ve already started working on my first assignment and it’s as if Qing Long could reach my mind. Right when I was about to ask for help regarding which printer to send my prints to, he popped up beside me and gave me a quick run through.

Maybe he noticed my scanning around the office and checking out the list of printers on the network.

James: Ehh. Thanks ar.

Qing Long : No problem bro, btw, do you smoke ?

James : Ermm.. socially yes. Only when I drink.

Qing Long : I see, I see.

He drifted back to his seat and I saw him pick up his phone, made a few calls and I noticed a couple of colleagues seated further away got up and the smoking gang made their way to the lobby.

11 am

I went to the printer to collect my prints and right when Qing Long and the gang came back in, I saw this lady emerge from the finance office which made me take a 2nd look.

She was walking along side Diana, with some documents in her hand.

She seemed a little pale, and she was wearing a cardigan.

The smoking gang dissipated back to their seats while Qing Long went over to the pale looking girl and exchanged words.

I got back to my seat and tried to get a better look of the girl discreetly. Angling myself towards the walkway along the row of cubicles, I pretended to be looking at some documents as my eyes waited for the legs of the girl to appear along the path.

I saw a pair of grey slacks, like something you wear for a yoga class flash into my cone of view before I registered a black cloth like pair of flats she was wearing.

Just when I was expecting the legs to go pass, it turned into my row and I noticed the girl coming closer to me.
Old 22-08-2013, 10:04 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My Colleagues

The steps slowed and looking up, I saw the girl bent down to my seat and introduced herself.

Belle : Hi James, I’m Belle from finance.

James : Oh hi . Morning.

She went on to pass me some documents asking me for some information for salary crediting. There were some insurance forms to be filled in too.

I tried not to look at her lips too much but they seemed a little chapped and dry. I could hear several sniffs of her nose as she fought to keep her funning nose in check as she spoke to me.

I reached into my bag and offered her some napkins which she gladly accepted.

She straightened her back and grabbed a recently vacated chair from another colleague and sat down beside me.

Belle had a grey V neck t-shirt on her, the plunge was not anything to shout about but she made sure to hold her hand close to her chest whenever she bent forward.

There’s a unique smell coming from Belle, I’m not talking about shampoo or perfume, definitely not body odour, it’s felt as if she had just roused from her sleep. Belle had a nice mane of long hair, they seemed a little puffed up though. Her eyes were naturally big and you could see the tiredness in them.
She had a sweet smile, 2 pronounced dimples and her eyes naturally squinted when she gave a wide grin.

I couldn’t help myself but allowed my mind to stray, I wondered how does she look when she sleeps.

Did her legs curled up while she laid to her sides ?

Perhaps she likes to hug and snuggle up to her bolster.

Belle stood up signaling that the brief was done and I thanked her.

James : I hope you didn’t come back from sick leave because it’s my first day ar.

Belle : Haha, no lah. It’s not.

As she walked away, I saw Qing Long slid out of his chair and waylaid Belle.
He spoke softly to her again before she went back into the Finance office.

I did not think too much of it and went back to work.


Belle emerged from the finance office and I could see she was carrying a mid size tote bag.

She was unzipping it as she came towards my direction again.

Out came her wallet and as I stood up to head to the copier.

I saw her counted 4 bills of fifty dollar notes and passed it to Qing Long and left without a word.

No need for any documentation.

Damm, Finance in this company sure is flexible.

Lunch came and surprise surprise , Qing Long insisted I join him for lunch.

It’s just as well, my team leader Steven had the afternoon off and he suggested a team lunch the next day.

I was expecting a couple of other from the smoking gang only to discover there’s only 2 of us.

I wanted to ask about his usual lunch group but felt it’s a little weird so I left it at that.

As he chatted casually over lunch, I wanted to ask about the money Belle gave him but held my tongue because we do not know each other well enough to be probing too much.

Qing Long reminded me of a typical Ah beng, albeit English speaking. He’s fluent with his dialect too and I’m surprised he was married since I did not notice any rings on him.


I left work thinking about Belle.

I noticed a few girls in office that were not too bad, sweet, elegant and well dressed but I did not know why I was drawn to Belle.

Maybe it’s the weak vibe she was emitting since she was sick.

It made me feel like protecting her.

I shrugged off the thought and laughed at myself. It’s only the first day at work and I’m already thinking too much.

July 13th , 2010



I was early, the buses and trains came on time and the journey took less time than my estimate.

I settled into my seat and powered up my work station.


A few colleagues filed in and went to their respective seat.


I saw Qing Long and Belle enter the office together.

I did a double take to confirm what my eyes saw. They were walking together alright but they were not speaking. They were walking a little too close for colleagues yet there seemed to be a little barrier between them.

They parted ways when Belle entered the finance office.


I’m having team lunch that afternoon, Qing long did not approach me, I’m guessing he knew about the team lunch.

7.15 pm

The day ended with me checking out Belle’s dress as I waited for my turn to wash up my coffee cup in the pantry.

She flashed me a smile and asked if everything is ok so far and I nodded.

James : yup, all good.

Belle : That’s good to know, let me know if you need anything.

I watch her back as she clicked off on her heels back into her room. She look visibly different from the time I first laid eyes on her.

There was colours back in her cheeks, she looked a little more radiant.

I picked up my bag and was about to head off when I saw some documents in my in tray.

It didn’t belong to me though, it was addressed to Qing Long.

I took a look at the name and realised why the mistake was made.

Qing long and I had the same surname.

The envelope was addressed to Koh Qing Long

I dropped the envelope at Qing Long’s in tray.

His table was in a mess, papers and documents piled up high, leaving barely enough space for his keyboard. His stationaries were scattered all throughout the desk. He had stuff and junk pushed all the way back to the rear of the LCD screen.

I was about to head off when my eyes caught sight or something.

I noticed a fallen photo frame tucked at the right corner of his desk, the black frame almost blending into the tangle of wires and cables.

I took a closer look and I saw a picture of Qing Long and Belle.

Belle is his wife.
Old 22-08-2013, 10:07 AM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My Colleagues

I felt a mix of disappointment and shock as I checked out the picture again in case my eyes were playing tricks on me.

It was indeed a wedding picture of Qing long and Belle.

I laughed at myself for being so desperate and silly. And I thought she was a nice girl.

I went home and had difficulty falling asleep, I was hit with pangs of jealousy and frustration. I had to slap myself twice to really shake my head clear.

Although I wouldn’t term myself a gentleman but I have my principles, married women are off limits.

July 16th , 2010


I realised it was payday on the 16th for the office as I saw Belle handing out the payslips together with another girl which I came to know as Xiu Ping.

When it came to my turn , Belle said that i’m still new, they haven’t got my stuff in order at the moment, I’ll be paid the following month.

James : Sure no problem.

Belle : Everything ok so far ?

I nodded and smile.

The moment she walked away, Qing Long slid over to me.

Qing Long : Eh Brother, tonight I got a room. Introduce some contractors to you.

James : Eh, what do you mean ?

Qing Long : Mai keh keh la,Some of my contractor say he know you. Haha

James : Ehhh. Who ?

He rattled off the names of 2 project managers I use to work with and I nodded, saying that I join them occasionally.

James : Entertainment cum business development.. I don’t usually go one la.

Qing Long : Aiyah, I already promise them I’m bring you along, give face la. I see you in the lobby after work yah.

I felt a little compelled against my wish but I don’t want to give a rude rejection on my first week at work.


Qing Long kept gesturing me to be quick and we left the office at 6.30pm
I can’t help but bring up the question.

James : Eh, Belle is your wife ar ?

He nodded as he lit a fag the moment we left the lift lobby.

Qing Long : Yah, that’s why must be fast, wait she catch me I cannot go out liao. Haha.

I did not think that comment was funny so I just nodded.


It’s coming to 2 hours and I could see Qing Long was pretty hyped up by the alcohol.

I caught up with the contractors I worked with before and like Qing Long promised, he introduced a couple of steel fabricators to me.

We all had girls around our arms, nothing to rave about.

They flew around every 10-15 minutes or so.


One of the Main contractors called for the bill and settled it without batting an eyelid. He asked for the remaining 3 bottles to be kept.

I on the other hand had to keep rubbing my eyes.

As if rubbing wasn’t enough, I batted and blink as well.

No I’m not referring to the usual touching and caressing.

I couldn’t care less when I saw Qing Long cupping his hands around the breast of that China girl, I didn’t even think it was out of the ordinary when I saw his hands disappear under the skirts of a few girls.

Nothing to shout about.

What I couldn’t believe my eyes was Qing Long’s constant whisper and gesturing with the girl, as if he’s bargaining for something.

I saw a nod from the girl and they stood up.

Qing Long gave me a look, put his finger to his lips and left the room with the girl.

I turned to my contractor and he just shrugged his shoulders, “ Not the first time “

Two things went through my mind that instant.

One , I hope he practice precautions and maintain a certain level of hygiene, I’ve got to be careful of sharing food with him.

Yes yes, me and my draconian mindset . I know science too, but this is probably more of a mental issue for me.

The second thing I was pondering about was , you guessed it.

Old 22-08-2013, 10:09 AM
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Re: My Colleagues

Your no. 1 fan and first camper reporting sir!
Old 22-08-2013, 10:10 AM
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Re: My Colleagues

support support...
no. 2 camper reporting...

Old 22-08-2013, 10:12 AM
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Re: My Colleagues

wah! bro ilock is back! definitely support!
Old 22-08-2013, 10:15 AM
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Re: My Colleagues

new camping spot.. parked in nice place to wait for good story..
Old 22-08-2013, 10:15 AM
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Re: My Colleagues

Here to support my favourite writer!!!
Up my pts and i will up yours as well(Power 5 and above pls)

Target: 18000 point hit... will be part time now only in point exchange... Thank you for the points

Please pm me for second or third round first before u up my points cos worried not able to return cheers
Old 22-08-2013, 10:18 AM
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Re: My Colleagues

Liked... continue please. ..
Old 22-08-2013, 10:25 AM
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Re: My Colleagues

Must be another sexiting story, camping here for more!
"Temptation know no laws, standing prick has no conscience."

Xchange pts, min POWER 8
Old 22-08-2013, 10:50 AM
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Joining to support...
Old 22-08-2013, 10:55 AM
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Re: My Colleagues

Old 22-08-2013, 11:01 AM
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Re: My Colleagues

Logging in to support my favourite SBF writer
Old 22-08-2013, 11:05 AM
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Re: My Colleagues

Nice Story Bro ilikeoldchangke..Is good to have you back with a new for more.
Old 22-08-2013, 11:13 AM
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Re: My Colleagues

Gd story, camping for more.
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