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Soccer, Horses, and MBS/RWS talk With the IRs up and running, what better place to exchange tips and techniques on how to tip the odds in your favour! [Please note that with the passing of the Remote Gambling Act, Internet gambling links and Adverts are no longer allowed in this section.]

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Old 02-09-2015, 06:01 PM
georgchua georgchua is offline
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Thumbs up Basic of Poker : Poker Hands

I dont know it is out of topic or not, but I dont know where to share this

1. Royal Flush (10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace, all of the same suit) - Most valued because it's most surprising when received.

It is a common misconception that this is harder to get than any other set of 5 cards of one suit.

2. Straight Flush (five cards in numerical order, all of the same suit) - Can't contain a King as high card and a two as the low number card in the same hand ( Example : Q-K-A-2-3 is not a straight, there is actually a big gap). The straight can't wrap around the end of the suit to line up lowest to the highest numbers.

3. Four of a Kind (four cards of the same number and any other card) - ties are broken by the higher four cards of a kind.

4. Full House (a three card set with the same number and two card pair with the same number) - ties are broken by the highest value card in the three of kind.

5. Flush (all five cards from the same suit) - Numbers and order don't matter except the high card wins if someone else also has a flush.

6. Straight - (all five cards in numerical order) - Suit doesn't matter. Can's contain a King and a Two in the same hand ( example : J-Q-K-A-2).

7. Three of a Kind (three cards with same number, two other random cards) - If the other two cards had the same number, it's a full house (see above)

8. Two Pair (two pairs with the same numbers plus a random card) - ties are broken with the highest 5th.

9. One Pair (two cards with the same number, the rest of the cards are random).
Old 02-09-2015, 08:16 PM
ArLow ArLow is offline
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Re: Basic of Poker : Poker Hands

u lame ar who dunno this ?
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