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Old 24-11-2019, 01:01 PM
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Can you still enjoy sex if you have phimosis?

I am able to retract the foreskin when it is unerected. So I got to clean it regularly.

However, my concern is when it is erected, I cannot pull the foreskin back.

I am still a virgin and I really don't want to resort to circumcision if it's not affecting my life so bad.

Need serious advice. Please don't zap me.
Old 24-11-2019, 04:06 PM
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Re: Can you still enjoy sex if you have phimosis?

Originally Posted by sonicrazer View Post
I am able to retract the foreskin when it is unerected. So I got to clean it regularly.

However, my concern is when it is erected, I cannot pull the foreskin back.

I am still a virgin and I really don't want to resort to circumcision if it's not affecting my life so bad.

Need serious advice. Please don't zap me.
My suggestion is to see a doctor. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being circumcised. In fact it makes sex a lot better so why deny yourself an enhanced sex life?


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Phimosis is a condition where the foreskin is tight around the glans penis or the soft tip of the penis. I am sure you have not consulted any doctors for the same. I would suggest you get it examined.

The problem is that, when you are aroused at the time of sex, the size of penis increases and the skin will not come up at all. The pleasure of sex is when the glans rubs in the vaginal wall.

Your partner will have no problem, but you may not get all the pleasure, as the skin or foreskin covering the glans will block the stimulation of glans. Either you will have premature ejaculation (inability to hold back the semen or control ejaculation) or erection problem.

Another issue is that if you or your partner forcibly pushes the foreskin back in the heat of the moment, the skin may get stuck and form a tight ring around the glans just like a bangle at the wrist.

The skin may not return, blocking the blood flow to the tip, every minute the glans gradually starts swelling and changing in color to purple or bluish. It is very painful and if left untreated, leads to irreversible damage to the glans. The condition is called paraphimosis.

Ciscumcision is the Best Solution

Circumcision or removing the skin over the glans surgically is the best and only solution for phimosis. This is a simple, painless procedure done by a general surgeon.

It can be done under local anesthesia, with no blood loss and no need for admission. You cannot have sex till it heals. But after that, your sexual time will gradually increase.
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Old 24-11-2019, 04:50 PM
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Re: Can you still enjoy sex if you have phimosis?

just stretch it regularly.

if you want, you can keep it retracted all the time. overtime, the skin will be stretched and it will be able to retract even when it's erected.

i was not able to retract my foreskin even when it is not erected, since young.

back in those days, they have this physical examiniation for those pri 6 students, where the nurses will check the boys on whether their foreskin can be retracted.

hearing that, I was so paranoid, that I stretched my foreskin everyday. it was until on the day of the examination and under the coax of the nurse that I was able to fully retract my foreskin.

after the examination, being the ignorant me, I did not push back the skin and I was in immense pain when my penis erect.

it was only after a while that I realised that I was able to push back the skin. by the my foreskin is able to be retract easily even when it's erected.
Old 25-11-2019, 01:11 AM
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Re: Can you still enjoy sex if you have phimosis?

Originally Posted by sonicrazer View Post
don't want to resort to circumcision
Actually TS there is nothing wrong with circumcision as the procedures these days are quite advanced already, furthermore in your case i think being circumcised is the best solution
Old 25-11-2019, 03:29 PM
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Re: Can you still enjoy sex if you have phimosis?

i am with sammyboy on this issue, it might not be affecting you now, however you need to recognise you have the condition and circumcision is a good solution to your problem.

Originally Posted by sonicrazer View Post
I am able to retract the foreskin when it is unerected. So I got to clean it regularly.

However, my concern is when it is erected, I cannot pull the foreskin back.

I am still a virgin and I really don't want to resort to circumcision if it's not affecting my life so bad.

Need serious advice. Please don't zap me.

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please add my point if you can

disclaimer - i am a retired health care worker, helping out here only. if wrong info, dun blame me.
Old 26-11-2019, 11:08 PM
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Re: Can you still enjoy sex if you have phimosis?

I got circumcised, best decision ever. No smelly fish smell after peeing or jerking off.

Head less sensitive after circumcision too. Now technology quite advanced, use lazer. Intially 3 days felt like hell but afterwards okay already
Old 28-11-2019, 08:51 AM
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Re: Can you still enjoy sex if you have phimosis?

will it affect masterbutation if under circumcision
Old 28-11-2019, 11:56 AM
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Re: Can you still enjoy sex if you have phimosis?

Originally Posted by soulblader View Post
will it affect masterbutation if under circumcision
If you still want to masturbate without any additional lube after circumcision tell the surgeon that you want a loose and low cut.

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Old 11-12-2019, 03:36 AM
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Re: Can you still enjoy sex if you have phimosis?

No point to get circumcision, just pull it when soft and go pcc or something, i fixed mine with lidocaine and slowly stretching
Old 11-12-2019, 08:35 AM
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Re: Can you still enjoy sex if you have phimosis?

Not sure why u r avoiding circumcision....circumcision is one of the best things i did for my life.

No more smelly dick and no more worrying of painful dick head when rolling of skin...

And women prefer a circumcised dick in general

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Old 12-12-2019, 09:30 AM
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Re: Can you still enjoy sex if you have phimosis?

Going to see doctor later

any advise to ask the doctor?
Old 12-12-2019, 07:01 PM
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Re: Can you still enjoy sex if you have phimosis?

I got this problem before. even till now it will be painful if I pull it back hard. I used gel when sex or condom. It's less painful.
Old 13-12-2019, 02:35 AM
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Re: Can you still enjoy sex if you have phimosis?

It's better to see a doctor. Go to specialist. Don't be shy about this.
Old 13-12-2019, 12:43 PM
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Re: Can you still enjoy sex if you have phimosis?

Originally Posted by jordanlee888 View Post
It's better to see a doctor. Go to specialist. Don't be shy about this.
There is no need to waste money on a specialist for such a simple, straightforward issue.

All that is needed is a quick and easy circumcision and the problem is gone for good and sex life will improve tenfold.
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