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Old 22-11-2013, 01:19 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by reading View Post
this reminds me of the following: what goes around comes around
Actually I dont think that is how it works in SBF...SBF reflects human nature...more on the dark side perhaps...which is understandable becuz this is a sex forum afterall...!

If u hv something of 'value' to offer u shall hv 'power'...that appears to be the bottom line...

For eg. say I am put into moderation for whatever reason...all I need do is create a fresh account and hv something of 'value' to offer to other samsters, especially those wif high power pts and I wld prolly reach 4 figure rep pts in no time...particularly if I were to offer reliable quality info/ things like say: which WLs/FLs offer raw sex n anal sex; which relatively pretty young WLs/FLs generally provide vgd sex n vgd gfe; rare local model nude pics/videos etc...

So what I am trying to say is that base self interest appears to be the name of the game in SBF...all this talk of "harmony", "innocent, good and bad samsters", "zapping in good faith" etc is flawed logic...this forum is more of an amoral playground which kinda of makes sense since SBF is basically dealing with vices....the sooner samsters realise this the better...
Old 22-11-2013, 01:30 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Actually I dont think that is how it works in SBF...SBF reflects human nature...more on the dark side perhaps...which is understandable becuz this is a sex forum afterall...!

If u hv something of 'value' to offer u shall hv 'power'...that appears to be the bottom line...

For eg. say I am put into moderation for whatever reason...all I need do is create a fresh account and hv something of 'value' to offer to other samsters, especially those wif high power pts and I wld prolly reach 4 figure rep pts in no time...particularly if I were to offer reliable quality info/ things like say: which WLs/FLs offer raw sex n anal sex; which relatively pretty young WLs/FLs generally provide vgd sex n vgd gfe; rare local model nude pics/videos etc...

So what I am trying to say is that base self interest appears to be the name of the game in SBF...all this talk of "harmony", "innocent, good and bad samsters", "zapping in good faith" etc is flawed logic...this forum is more of an amoral playground which kinda of makes sense since SBF is basically dealing with vices....the sooner samsters realise this the better...
Yes I totally agree.
Took a while for me to realise... As a newbie
Just trying to test how dark the dark side is.
Old 22-11-2013, 03:19 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Actually I dont think that is how it works in SBF...SBF reflects human nature...more on the dark side perhaps...which is understandable becuz this is a sex forum afterall...!

..this forum is more of an amoral playground which kinda of makes sense since SBF is basically dealing with vices....the sooner samsters realise this the better...
bro yes you are right, really more like animal playground as the topic is more "intercourse" action + false GFE feeling

Thanks for sharing ...
Old 22-11-2013, 06:04 PM
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Gang Zappers / Uppers

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
..action against gang zappers and gang uppers, there would be nobody left in this forum...
IMHO (no need to agree), if action taken against one gang, rest of the gangs will "disappear (go underground)" - SBF will be less virtual Wild, Wild West - more harmonious. If no action against gang zappers/uppers - only gangs left; no others (join gangs or zapped dead)!!

Question: 10 birds in the tree. Shoot one, how many left ??
Answer: None - one dead on the ground; rest flew away.

Wishing all a nice weekend. Cheers.
Every experience is unique (different). Always the chemistry between two people.
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Last edited by Kalv; 22-11-2013 at 11:12 PM.
Old 22-11-2013, 10:21 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
It is not an offense to gang zap. It is only an offense to clone zap.

If I were to take action against gang zappers and gang uppers, there would be nobody left in this forum.
Whats the difference btw clone zap and gang zap
Old 22-11-2013, 10:26 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by devilchan78 View Post
Whats the difference btw clone zap and gang zap
Clone zap is by the same people using different nicks to zap.

Gang zap is different people with different nicks to zap...

Ask you abang adik uncle auntie papa mama to zap belongs to the 2nd category
Old 22-11-2013, 10:46 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

In my personal interpretation as a Mod of another forum I believe Sam means Gang zap is allowed as they are more then 1 person zapping but it is done by a gang meaning a group with a leader or initiator but when it comes to a clone zap it is done by many nicks but they are actually clones of an individual & thus is deemed wrong! Hope this helps
Originally Posted by devilchan78 View Post
Whats the difference btw clone zap and gang zap
Please take note that I do not exchange points and will not return the favour but will place you under ignore. Pls refer to Thanks!
Old 23-11-2013, 01:39 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

1....Do you really come in Good Faith?...Samsters can draw their own conclusions...

2...Clearly you hv failed to understand what I said in posts #2107 n 2110 abv...

3....Why the extreme obsession over reputation points?...This is virtual reality only or perhaps yr extreme obsession has clouded yr judgment....

4....Have you never ever "attacked" me before?...Yes!....Again yr extreme obsession appears to hv clouded yr judgment/memory....

5....When you allege that I was "involved in making (you) moderated", what is yr basis for making such an allegation?...Have I not upped you before?...Yes...Did I request you to up me back?...No...In any event, did you up me back?...No...

Moreover, I hv never ever solicited for reputation points from anyone before...

Let me also make one thing v clear...I hv never ever requested anyone to zap you or anyone else for that matter nor hv I ever instigated anyone to send you or anyone else into moderation...that is not my style...I engage by pure simple logic...and my collective posts will bear me out on this one...

6....You appear to luv to name drop, time n again...Why do you keep doing this?....Moreover, when you, Alejandro88 n The GreenLantern were zapped (with you n The GreenLantern going into moderation n Alejandro88 going into hiding) did anyone speak up on your behalf?...No..I wonder why?...

In any event, when Max_Priest was recently attacked by another samster in the 1856 thread...did I not stand up n speak out?....Yes...Why?...Becuz under those circumstances I thought it was necessary to say something....

7...Let me end by going back to the beginning....Hv you never before, ever zapped and/or requested some other samster(s) to zap another samster?...If yr answer is "No" then I would agree that you may "cast the first stone"...However if your answer is "Yes" then I would say please stop being a hypocrite/self-righteous...Why?...becuz by taking part in zapping you are agreeing to play this game which Sammyboy created...which clearly plays on human emotions...whether it is a single individual zap or a group/gang zap makes no difference...its all part n parcel of this game, regardless of the reason for zapping...and perhaps that is why Sammyboy has thus far taken no action agst Keewee...

If you you dont like this game, then perhaps you sld take the advice that Sammyboy gave to yr 'friend' Alejandro88, leave this forum n find another one that is more suitable to you...

In any event like what yr 'friends' Alejandro88 n The GreenLantern n maybe even you (cant recall now as you keep getting yr archived posts deleted!) said cant buy/trade for anything with reputation points neither can you get why all the aggro n frustration??...

Originally Posted by King.Cobra View Post
I dun agree with your mantra.. ..

I can be the first to cast the first stone ..

.In addition, u still dare to breach rubbish here!
Old 23-11-2013, 01:52 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
After reading all the recent posts...perhaps everyone wld do well to remember these 2 phrases below...oh n when I say "everyone" that includes me as well but not Sammyboy as this forum belongs to him!...

Let he who is without 'sin' cast the first stone

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Peace Out
Seriously i don't know what intention of your PM.
Why can't i rally my supporters to up when there is clone/ gang zap ?
So means kenna mass zap cannot rally people to counter the neg sibo.
If you gang zap MaxP, so you want him in moderation ?
He is someone whom i repeatly stand up and support because of his frs and contributions.
Gang zappers are like this, they can't stand the sight of another samster whom they want to zap, yet his points keep increasing.
Then they had to resort to other methods such as complaining to mod and find fault when there is an exchange thread going on.
Excuse me, these are actual samsters that given their approvals instead of clones.
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Old 23-11-2013, 02:17 AM
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Exclamation Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Kindly dont twist my words...!!

Did I ever bring up Max_Priest's circumstances...NO!...

Now since u made such uncalled for insinuations n raised my PM to you...I think it is only appropriate that I paste my PM to you in here...and let the samsters draw their own conclusions...

Originally Posted by omnia
Not sure if u recall PMing me sometime back unsolicited, requesting to exchange points n also requesting to add u to my friends lists?...

Well I did both gladly, but u never got back to me...not even a thank you!!...

I let the matter rest n just removed u fm my friends list as clearly u had no intention of being my friend in sbf...not a big deal to me as I aint bothered abt cyber friends nor am I bothered abt rep points...

However I was taken aback by your gall n audacity in yr recent posts in the rep points thread...particularly this one....

You are nothing but a hypocrite, liar and a reputation points desperado....

I suggest u stop yr sanctimonious pontificating in sbf...if not I may need to show the forum your true colours

Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan View Post
Seriously i don't know what intention of your PM.
Why can't i rally my supporters to up when there is clone/ gang zap ?
So means kenna mass zap cannot rally people to counter the neg sibo.
If you gang zap MaxP, so you want him in moderation ?
He is someone whom i repeatly stand up and support because of his frs and contributions.
Gang zappers are like this, they can't stand the sight of another samster whom they want to zap, yet his points keep increasing.
Then they had to resort to other methods such as complaining to mod and find fault when there is an exchange thread going on.
Excuse me, these are actual samsters that given their approvals instead of clones.
Old 23-11-2013, 02:32 AM
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Exclamation Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Actually this other post of yours even more hypocritical!!...yr sanctimonious attitude really takes the cake!...

Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan View Post
Actually what i think is that some clone master think he beri powerful.
But then when actual going against the overall approvals of the community.
His clone zapping of 500+ off me in 2011 doesn't bite. i so scare.
]I was not overly concern about because virtual points are for the fun of it
I'm more concern sharing good frs and bonks and enjoying overseas trips with cute mei meis.

I'm happy because i know there many bros who up me in good faith which means when i forget something or busy at that time they tell me ' i don't need you to return at all'
That's why i encourage bros to continue to post more, you should not feel good when someone up you, neither should you be angry when get zap.
[]What remains virtually has nothing to do with who you are in real life. Happy week ahead

Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan View Post
Seriously i don't know what intention of your PM.
Why can't i rally my supporters to up when there is clone/ gang zap ?
So means kenna mass zap cannot rally people to counter the neg sibo.
If you gang zap MaxP, so you want him in moderation ?
He is someone whom i repeatly stand up and support because of his frs and contributions.
Gang zappers are like this, they can't stand the sight of another samster whom they want to zap, yet his points keep increasing.
Then they had to resort to other methods such as complaining to mod and find fault when there is an exchange thread going on.
Excuse me, these are actual samsters that given their approvals instead of clones.
Old 23-11-2013, 02:46 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
7...Let me end by going back to the beginning....Hv you never before, ever zapped and/or requested some other samster(s) to zap another samster?...If yr answer is "No" then I would agree that you may "cast the first stone"...However if your answer is "Yes" then I would say please stop being a hypocrite/self-righteous...Why?...becuz by taking part in zapping you are agreeing to play this game which Sammyboy created...which clearly plays on human emotions...whether it is a single individual zap or a group/gang zap makes no difference...its all part n parcel of this game, regardless of the reason for zapping...
Samsters in moderation are still allowed to post and contribute.
Noone is deny the right to post unless if you being a troll and that you have to force the community to zap you.
However then, king.cobra is gang zap to moderation, he still have every right to ask the much bigger community to approve him.

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Kindly dont twist my words...!!

Did I ever bring up Max_Priest's circumstances...NO!...

Now since u made such uncalled for insinuations n raised my PM to you...I think it is only appropriate that I paste my PM to you in here...and let the samsters draw their own conclusions...
Of cos it will be appropriate for you to post it openly rather than PM me.
You can't deny the fact that you are part of a gang whereas i'm neither a clone nor a member.
Thus am i right to throw the first stone on you where you did somehow encourage another person to zap others.
This is the first PM you send to mean start accusing me of being a hyprocrite.
According to your above post in bold, no i had never once encourage samsters to zap another samsters.
My question to you -- if you deny being a gang / clone zapper , " why all the hatred (your first PM) towards someone you don't know?"?
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Old 23-11-2013, 03:01 AM
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Exclamation Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

What gibberish is this??...I suggest u read my post again...

Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan View Post
Samsters in moderation are still allowed to post and contribute.
Noone is deny the right to post unless if you being a troll and that you have to force the community to zap you.
However then, king.cobra is gang zap to moderation, he still have every right to ask the much bigger community to approve him.
Check yr facts before you shoot ok!!...

Which bloody "gang" am I suppose to be a member of??...and did I ever allege u were part of a "gang or clone"?!...And since when did I ever "encourage another person to zap others"?!...

The reasons for my PM n posts are as clear as follows on fm PointsBeggar's quotation fm you soliciting for reputation points in his post abv...

Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan View Post
Of cos it will be appropriate for you to post it openly rather than PM me.
You can't deny the fact that you are part of a gang whereas i'm neither a clone nor a member.
Thus am i right to throw the first stone on you where you did somehow encourage another person to zap others.
This is the first PM you send to mean start accusing me of being a hyprocrite.
According to your above post in bold, no i had never once encourage samsters to zap another samsters.
My question to you -- if you deny being a gang / clone zapper , " why all the hatred (your first PM) towards someone you don't know?"?
Old 23-11-2013, 03:29 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
What gibberish is this??...I suggest u read my post again...

Check yr facts before you shoot ok!!...

Which bloody "gang" am I suppose to be a member of??...and did I ever allege u were part of a "gang or clone"?!...And since when did I ever "encourage another person to zap others"?!...

The reasons for my PM n posts are as clear as follows on fm PointsBeggar's quotation fm you soliciting for reputation points in his post abv...
It's perfectly ok if you deny that if you being a member.
But your posts show that you encouraging gang zaps and all the games you had i seriously not interested in.
It's not an offence to get involved in gang uppings / zappings so i don't know what's your goddammed issue ?
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Old 23-11-2013, 07:23 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by GeMiNiZzzzZzz View Post
Clone zap is by the same people using different nicks to zap.

Gang zap is different people with different nicks to zap...

Ask you abang adik uncle auntie papa mama to zap belongs to the 2nd category
Bro, very good explanation

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