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Old 15-01-2014, 12:32 AM
TheSyndicate TheSyndicate is offline
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Boss i was ganged zapped for no reason, the person who did this is the same
person with multiple account building a war chest boss, can please intervene
Old 15-01-2014, 03:56 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by FriendlyFace View Post
Dear Boss Sammyboyfor,

I know u are busy and already have many headaches managing the forum and wanted peace. Not sure if you will investigate the following if the group are clone zapping me.

Otherwise just note that these people aren't out for peace or proper contribution to your forum. They whacked anyone they don't like, or their post, and only support their own agenda, for eg promoting certain GL house. and no one is stopping them.

Makes me now wonder who is really the boss of this forum. They seemed to be trying to usurp the boss position and control the content of what's being posted etc, while Boss you relegated to only administer the server? Apologies for any offense, maybe I don't know how to phrase myself properly.
suprisingly nowadays clones also come here to complain no wonder boss is busy

you want boss to help, why not support boss in buying the premium? In that way its more productive
Old 15-01-2014, 04:03 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by pleasezapme View Post
What is zap immunity? Does it mean no deduction of points but unwanted remarks still appear on UserCP ?

What is zap immunity? Does it mean no one can click "Disapprove" on recent post?
if he 'Allowed' that, must as well Scrapped this system when No war and Peace, u think this is a forum for man? or sissy? Nowadays more and more AhGua around
Old 15-01-2014, 08:02 PM
AlejandroAHBU AlejandroAHBU is offline
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by King.Cobra View Post
U are oso a clone created just to make a fool of him.. U aka Forbidden87 lah!
N U aka Alejandro88, TheGreenLantern, TheRoyalChimp n many many more....

Why dun U say that too??
Old 15-01-2014, 09:42 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Ha ha ha LOL

Originally Posted by reporter View Post
if he 'Allowed' that, must as well Scrapped this system when No war and Peace, u think this is a forum for man? or sissy? Nowadays more and more AhGua around
Old 16-01-2014, 08:14 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by King.Cobra View Post
Keewee -> bbqchiz -> Haizdie -> Tinhamodek -> AlejandroAHBU -> Smallbro -> many many more clones at large!
pot calling kettle black. hahaha. Clone come complain, that's funny.
Old 16-01-2014, 01:20 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by DennisNeoSM View Post
pot calling kettle black. hahaha. Clone come complain, that's funny.
Yes many clones, and all coming out to say the other is clone.

Actually many clones are selling products, leading to my sharing for PE methods in the market, and deleting my sharing thread. Whats this about advertising moderator saying I need to pay for sharing? Lol...I am not getting anything from sharing my experience, just helping bros here.
Even blind can see I am not a seller but a user of PE products, Services.
How can Durex Performa, Chinese Qigong, Cordyceps, Juageng be something I need to pay to advertise? Its not owned by me if not I huat big time. Not like all these guys keep asking people to PM them for supplier contact. So obvious...

Lol...I know whose behind it. Gonna be fun....
The Best Way to overcome heart break is in the arms of another. You focus on making money, you get girls, you focus on your body, you get sex, you focus on the girl, you get NOTHING but heartache and disappointment

Last edited by Shadow_warrior; 16-01-2014 at 01:35 PM.
Old 16-01-2014, 02:07 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

The thread was a mess. Just start another one and I'll try to keep it tidy.

Originally Posted by Shadow_warrior View Post
Yes many clones, and all coming out to say the other is clone.

Actually many clones are selling products, leading to my sharing for PE methods in the market, and deleting my sharing thread. Whats this about advertising moderator saying I need to pay for sharing? Lol...I am not getting anything from sharing my experience, just helping bros here.
Even blind can see I am not a seller but a user of PE products, Services.
How can Durex Performa, Chinese Qigong, Cordyceps, Juageng be something I need to pay to advertise? Its not owned by me if not I huat big time. Not like all these guys keep asking people to PM them for supplier contact. So obvious...

Lol...I know whose behind it. Gonna be fun....
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Old 16-01-2014, 04:47 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

am i the only facing all this pop up windows with advertisements when you reading a thread...haizzzz...
<a href= target=_blank></a>

Info threads are for field reports...if you want to chat post in tcss thread
Please do not post when you PM somebody
Please Do Not reply long post, always edit...
may zap and remove post

Old 16-01-2014, 05:45 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

If you not guilty of selling things n purely sharing, then don't worry. As boss just mention, he will start a tidier thread. Thumbs up!

Originally Posted by Shadow_warrior View Post
Yes many clones, and all coming out to say the other is clone.

Actually many clones are selling products, leading to my sharing for PE methods in the market, and deleting my sharing thread. Whats this about advertising moderator saying I need to pay for sharing? Lol...I am not getting anything from sharing my experience, just helping bros here.
Even blind can see I am not a seller but a user of PE products, Services.
How can Durex Performa, Chinese Qigong, Cordyceps, Juageng be something I need to pay to advertise? Its not owned by me if not I huat big time. Not like all these guys keep asking people to PM them for supplier contact. So obvious...

Lol...I know whose behind it. Gonna be fun....
Old 16-01-2014, 06:33 PM
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Wink Alejandro88 now needs to Eat His Own Words!! I

My dear Alejandro88 (Hiding) aka The GreenLantern (Moderation) aka Royal_Chimp (Banned) aka King_Cobra (Moderation) aka ???, the obsessively deranged frustrated hypocrite/ liar (#1 in SBF) & the ultimate reputation points desperado n #1 idiot in SBF....

You are truly SHAMELESS eh?!....You still hv the gall n audacity to show yr head in here?!...

Remember all this crap fm you recently....?!

Well, now that I hv posted in the open forum (GL threads) following yr abv crap...where does this leave you Alejandro88??...never mind, let me tell u by using yr own crap words!!...

Originally Posted by King.Cobra View Post
Btw hor, I eat salt more then u eat rice, so I knoe the sbf game very well!! U wan to challenge me??
Yeah u know the "sbf game" so well that you now got yr own crap in yr face + u r eating yr own crap as well, eh Alejandro88!!....

Originally Posted by King.Cobra View Post
I can tell what you preached is not what want to do in your heart! U onli talk nia. C'mon, walk the talk and show us u are not a coward! I dare you to post in other threads like you used to do if you are not a coward! Wakakaka..
Tku so much for describing yrself, Alejandro88! !

Originally Posted by King.Cobra View Post
Confirm u are another rep pt desperado although u pretend that u are not! C'mon Omnia the coward, prove me wrong u are not so that I will swallow my words!Prove to us u dare to post in this thread and not afraid of the samsters u have offended! Wakakaka! Dun just talk nia, talk is cheap! Walk the talk now, Mr Coward!!! Wakakaka!!
How do yr crap words taste now, Alejandro88?!....mmmmm, yummy right, Alejandro88?!...

Originally Posted by King.Cobra View Post
Be a real man and tell us the truth lah! So limpeh dun need to waste time to ridicule u lah!
Caught u with your pants down! Coward like U only dare to post in the newbie that no one can zap u! Wakakakaka!!!
Tku so much for describing yrself, Alejandro88....yr pants down...u crapping...and now eating yr own crap words!!...

Originally Posted by King.Cobra View Post
No wonder Boss Sammy said rep pt system force up the real character of the samsters here.. Wakakaka! Everyone now can see what kinda coward and hypocrite liar Omnia is.. Wakakakaka!!
Tku for actually talking abt yrself, Alejandro88....the rep pts mean so much to you, that u still gotta HIDE and rely on yr clones!!...

Originally Posted by King.Cobra View Post
I am who I am and not what I am. I call it if I see it.. I dun give the fuck who u are or u have high rep pt or u have been a veteran here.. If u wan me to respect u, show me your worth! Confirm u r not on my respect list bcos u are an useless dummy.. Beside tat, so far the real you who is your master acted like a no life clown here!
Actually it is a privilege NOT to be on yr "respect list", Alejandro88. ..and Tku so much for describing yrself so accurately as "a NO LIFE CLOWN"!!...

Originally Posted by King.Cobra View Post
Lastly, I proclaim Omnia as the coward + liar + hypocrite + rep pt desperado of the Year 2013!!!!!! Wakakakakaka!!!!!!!!!!
Again many tks for describing yrself so accurately Alejandro88....but do let me add on 2014 n beyond as wel!!...
Old 16-01-2014, 06:36 PM
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Wink Alejandro88 now needs to Eat His Own Words!! Il

Originally Posted by King.Cobra View Post
As I said b4, rep pt does not represent the character of the samsters here. [U]It is how the rep pt function here bring on the true colour and characters of the samsters.]/U] I said this bcos rep pt can be traded easily among rep pt hungry samsters. ]Hence it does not make sense 2 determine a samster character by the rep pt he has. What I want to say is not the amount of rep pt u have that command respect and that suggest what kind of samster u are.. What u post and how u carry yourself here are a function of your character here and that actualli command respect. Rep pts system will make him exposes their true color when they express their thoughts here. Do you understand boh, Mr clone??!

Hmmmm...interesting words Alejandro88....but it looks like u were actually following what u said below instead...

Originally Posted by King.Cobra View Post
Ppl who said something proudly and openly usually do not think that way deep inside his heart.. .

Becuz deep in yr "heart" u actually crave n lust for rep points...n thus remain in hiding...and that is why you actually spoke fm yr "heart" when you revealed yr own pov when u said "earning rep points" was something like "earning recognition in the working world"...right Alejandro88! !

Originally Posted by King.Cobra View Post
why do we have to mass or gang zap other samsters to de-motivate fellow samsters to share info and intel?? It is easy for u to say u can open a new account when u gotten moderated. U forgot one pt, it is ppl hard work to earn pt though it may not be impt to me. Unlike some samsters who earn pt easily w/o contributing.. So did u earn your pt easily thats why u said that?? Earning pt in sbf has become something like earning recognition in working world.. This kind of mentality has become embledded in each & every samsters unless he is a newbies and do not know the meaning behind of earning pts.
Old 17-01-2014, 07:22 AM
LaoKun LaoKun is offline
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Originally Posted by Shadow_warrior View Post
Even blind can see I am not a seller
Although i never commented in your thread, it was really obvious you wereadvertising, but some of us never say anything because don't want to find trouble

Every single page was a shop address from Joo Chiat, there was no other names or businesses but only products from a single particular shop, samsters here are not dumb in any sense

Plus can see that you treat the sexual health section like your personal playground zapping all users in the section who say anything bad about the products from "a particular shop in Joo Chiat"

Since the advertising moderator saw fit to delete your thread it probably was true then else why would the moderator have deleted right?

You surely would have known the moderator would have acted sooner or later right?

Now please i do not intend to find trouble with you or anyone else, i am just saying what i observed, i hope you understand

Please have a good weekend
Old 17-01-2014, 09:30 AM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

Welcome! CNY coming need Red reputation point. Good luck
Old 17-01-2014, 12:28 PM
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Re: Reputation system update - 17th July 2011

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