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Old 20-02-2014, 06:01 PM
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L8h66e; g55

Originally Posted by simone View Post
... gal 55. Not bad service. Nice tall body with ample boobs and bum.
Thanks for sharing. Upz back. Cheers.
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Old 21-02-2014, 01:09 PM
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Re: L8 h66e

88 is back jus saw her ytd..
Old 22-02-2014, 01:45 PM
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Re: L8 h66e

Originally Posted by simone View Post
just tried gal 55. Not bad service. Nice tall body with ample boobs and bum.
How tall bro ? This house got tall babe ?
Old 24-02-2014, 12:24 PM
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Re: L8 h66e

I've tried 33,66 and 83 from this house. Bad room conditions I would say.

33: Pretty, GFE with great attitude but boobs small(Not my preference)
66: Pretty, GFE with good stereo, RTF 3 times. (My cup of tea)
83: Tried once and never want to try again.

I would say that their service are more or less the same except for frenching, some allow some don't.

Wanted to try 77 and 88 but everytime i go they are not around. So not my luck I guess.
Old 26-02-2014, 09:26 AM
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Re: L8 h66e

Yeah man.. want get 88 everytime not around.. need to camp there from morning aldy.
Old 04-03-2014, 09:05 PM
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Re: L8 h66e

So sad. 33 today not in.
Old 04-03-2014, 10:18 PM
cyberkoh88 cyberkoh88 is offline
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Re: L8 h66e

saw 33 b4,very pretty & slim gal, wanna ask, allow frenching & painting. only tried 88 b4, cannot found any FR on 33
Old 05-03-2014, 02:53 PM
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Re: L8 h66e

This hse still $80/30 mins ah?

The old man dun wan to reduce the price
To like his beside, H66G ah.. $50/30min

Im sure more ppl will visit then
Old 06-03-2014, 03:20 AM
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Thumbs up Re: L8 h66e - G66 what a bombshell

Hi Bros,

this is my first FR since I stumbled over this BB just by surfing while I am here the seventh time for a business trip. First of all: I want to thank you all for getting a "newbie" into the art of having a good "free time" here ;-)

Having some spare time on Sunday afternoon I decided to go for L16H19 for DouDou... Problem: I could not find H19... 17 then the Hotel 81 hack.... I am lost or not experienced enough. Foolish me! Relying on you bros, I headed for L8 H66e G66 RouRou... Lucky me! To keep it short one of the best jobs I ever had!

Kind of shy not knowing if I do everything correct in business outfit I approached H66e with a bumping heart. Entered and all the girls jumped out as like bitten by a snake... Ok, Europe is different: Nobody is really interested when a potential customer is walking in. What a difference! Guys you are lucky here!

First look: Here she is: G66! I have been many times to Asia but my eyes got literally stick on her. OTK tells my 100/30... really? Did I read something on 45 mins or 80? Who cares my eyes and my rest where already glued to her... I mean I have experience with Thai ladies but never with a PRC. I would have easily ruin your prices here if OTK would have said 150 or 200... Sorry bros... ;-)

Those of you knowing her know what I am speaking of.... Don't ask me, I didn't see the other girls... (Yes Sam I know: a whore is not for love ;-) )

Gave him the 100 for 30 and off I went with that gem...

On the way to the room was that heart warming: Hi, how are you? And a big smile.... So Bros, here is my first FR:

FR on 66 (RouRou):

Looks: 10/10 (very pretty!!!) I like everything on her, Eye lashes, Smile, Her nice C Cups, her legs, her pretty feet, her manicured hands, a perfect 10! (at least for me)

Body: very sexy, slim, no tummy, very nice breast, cute little pedicured feet (yeah I am into it), super soft skin, just perfect

Arrived in the room: What I am used to: get undressed yourself go shower the girls checks if you are really washing yourself and leads you to the bed. What I got here: She undressed herself then me (hang my cloth away - hello? what is that!?), took my hand and we both left for the shower. Seems that you bros are pretty much spoiled! She handled my a cup of soap which I tried to apply on me - ah, ok, I should improve my cantonese: mouthwash, ok.. An other thing which I did never expect in a brothel in Europe - Good thing! Hack, why do we not have such a service. Applying the mouthwash where it belongs to, she soaped me in...
We already hat fun here and laughs enough to sink a battleship. I guess ice was broken from here on.

Shower: Bros, try to get that in Europe: Everything got soaped in a very sweet lovely way. Rou didn't use her boobs but seeing here taking care was good enough. My didi got a pretty much attention and a good soapy hand. New for me was again that a soapy finger was touching my back entrance with a big smile.. To be honest: Never had that before! After the second round I have to admit, yes, I am definitely clean, everywhere.. Towels? Yes, two of them. I put the first on the chair and discovered that my back was still a bit wet. I took my towel and she put it away and gave me a new one.... "no that's definetely ok"... "no no, i was laying on the chair down take a new one". Customer service? 12 out of 10! With some lack of english and Chinese: Lay down and relax while I take care of you. Rearranging the cushions... Bros try that in Europe - haha -

Quick check on the time: Wow! Only 6 mins...

BJ: Oh yes! Really good, since everything was in the position anyway: Condom applied with the mouth... Very nice. I did not insist BBBJ, first time looking for her, so how the hack will she know who I am. Fine with me because she simply knows what she is doing there. Good suction and grip she is really good to make you feel happy, hands are not needed: vacuum and the tongue was all she need and on top of that a good eye contact. I touched here feet which have been unbelievable be soft and pet her there while she was blowing. "You have nice feet!"... Action stopped: "You like my feet????!", "Yes you have wonderful feet", "You are funny!" Ok, funny situation we laughed a lot. "Most man only focused on titts and ass" -- "yes I am too, but ..." -- ok, skip that.. next

Catbath: totally nice, nipples, breast, stomach, balls, between balls and legs, wandering down.... (Bros: 40S$ extra in Europe for that) not to mention to massage she gave me with the breasts on the way down (should I mention 30 S$ extra in Europe).

AR: Cultural difference!! Big one!!!! Back home this is considered to be really pervert (at least 100S$ extra) and I am really not into Anal regardless passiv or active but I have to admit, yes it give a kick. So, fine, I am not a virgin in that field anymore... Told her that, she swear that all asian guys like that... Bros: Input needed... I mean ok, but.... what the hack yes, it is feeling awesome...

BJ: See liked that I told her that this BJ she is given me is totally awesome but I want to lick her feet in revanche to the AR. BIG lough - ok, "but on the feet we walk and stand" - yes, and if you tongue is in my ass, I can suck your toes.. All that in bad english and worse Cantonese - again some good laugh. You know what she goes good... sucking her toes finger in her best piece (yes, fingering allowed, try to do the same strategy). I think she really liked it.. No gel needed I guess... ok, next:

Painting: Bros what the hack is painting?????? I really have no glue what to put here... The wallpapers in the room seems to look ok... ;-) No really, give me a hint

Frenching: No, we have been kissing but to know that her tongue have just been somewhere what in my culture is not quite common and my tongue in an area between her toes and on her soles which seems strange to her. We just kissed, which was nice as well. It was really lovely. Guess chemistry was just right.

FJ: Sitting on top of me she said "Oh big!" And I thought "Ok, here trouble comes" (Bros I am average, really!).. No, she slowly moved him in. I mean in in. Until she was sitting on me completely... Never had that feeling since I was 16! Rou is definitely tight, very tight. I told her that she should not go too far if it is too much, but she started to ride, Stereo is dawn good! I swear that I had never a fuck so tight! She let me suck her titts and did a really got cowgirls on me. What "Lao gong" and "Hen Shuang, Nie Hen Li Hai" means I will never get to know. I guess something very naughty.She finished me off in almost no time! Feeling that I come in her, she rest on my breast and give me some time to rest without getting me out.

Aftershow: Checking my watch I used 18min. Not expecting that Rou asked me: "One more?".. "If you can manage" was my response. She could... Not a FJ but a nice hand job having her in front of me licking her feet and she was masturbating for me, second cum on her feet..

RTF: Definitely! At least two more times before I have to leave on Saturday. @Sam: Yes I know, whores are for fucking, but she is a true gem! A little bit of love might be ok! ;-)

Bros be nice to her since she is really a good person! Hope that I find the time to visit her before I have to leave on Saturday...

Bros, you are living really in the LOS!!!!

So, that was my first FR! Feels strange...

Greets to all of you, take care of you and take care of the girls not to get to the wrong ones!
Old 11-03-2014, 02:29 PM
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Re: L8 h66e

G88 will only start work on 14March.
Old 15-03-2014, 04:29 PM
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L8h66e - cat80 prc

Originally Posted by dsotm View Post
G88 is back?
Originally Posted by EhWahEhWah View Post
... wanted to try G77 and G88 but everytime..not around. ..
Originally Posted by cyberkoh88 View Post
saw G33 .. ,very pretty & slim gal, .. allow frenching & painting...?
Originally Posted by Master123 View Post
.. wonder how long will G33 stay.. really good
L8H66E all WLs: $80/30min session. G77 has gone home. G88 is back at work. G33 here about 6 months - contract 2 yrs (no french / painting).

G33 (SanSan), G66 (RouRou or Lulu), G88 (Coco) are in my highly recommended list - value for $$.

G33 SanSan, 23yrs from Fujian, A boobs - not for B(ig)B(oobs) lovers, sweet, beautiful, petite, friendly. Strong BJ (looking at U with demure/innocent look), great cowgirl, missionary (with pillow under buttock), tight FJ with nice moans. Light pecks/teasing kiss (no french), fingering. Like making love to a shy GF. Go for G66 or G88 if you want passionate (nearer porn star) GF.

Earlier G33 FR:
G66, G88 FRs: t10076810

G17 (latest batch) very sweet/beautiful. Will Upz FR for G17.

Have fun / nice weekend. Cheers.
Every experience is unique (different). Always the chemistry between two people.
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Old 15-03-2014, 04:52 PM
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L8 h66e - G66 what a bombshell

Originally Posted by toe2toe View Post
.. G66 (RouRou).. What "Lao gong" and "Hen Shuang, Nie Hen Li Hai" means I will never get to know. I guess something very naughty.
Pornstars sweet nothings:
1) Lao gong - Dear/Husband
2) Hen Shuang - Very enjoyable /"shiok" (Singlish)
3) Nie Hen Li Hai - You are great

Basically words of endearments. Cheers.
Every experience is unique (different). Always the chemistry between two people.
Retiring: +21 x 2 pts given daily Annabel Chong: 251 men in 10 hrs
Old 21-03-2014, 12:58 PM
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Re: L8 h66e

Any FR for G17? Been there fews time but never get to see. Don't know how she look like.

G33 RTF:2 (A cupp. I'm not a boob lover so I'm okay with it.)

G66 RTF:5 (C cup. My 2nd choice from the hse. She better looking compare to 33 in my own opinion. GFE feeling very high and highly service oriented. )

G88 RTF:4 (Agree that she the most popular gal from this hse after trying out but too bad she too wild for me lolz. )
Old 22-03-2014, 12:43 AM
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Re: L8 h66e

how is G81 ?
Saw her that other day and quite pretty - any FRs ?
Old 22-03-2014, 01:30 AM
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Re: L8 h66e

Originally Posted by style.whist View Post
how is G81 ?
Saw her that other day and quite pretty - any FRs ?
G81 service is one of the best in 866E, kiss French, accommodating in bonking, and chatty, also some KC too LOL, tight pussy, just arrived for few months, a bit tummy though, her face is very pretty IMHO, many variance in CBJ, real horny moans with Laogong & Haoshuang, KO me usually within 25 mins
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