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Old 29-04-2014, 02:51 AM
Blacklizt Blacklizt is offline
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Psam View Post
Hi all,

making my a trip to Batam, mainly go for food and massage.
Going to try out Delta, maybe some in-room action from Kings.

Thanks all for all the great info found in these threads but seems very little updates on food.

Any good food info in Nagoya area will be appreciated.

Looking for :-
Day 1
1. Breakfast - anything.
2. Lunch - Ayam Penyet.
3. Dinner - seafood at Windsor.
4. After dinner some quiet drinks (non pick up place)

Day 2
1. Breakfast - anything
2. Lunch - Bah Kut teh.
3. Dinner at Harbour bay - before ferry.

Thanks in advance.
hope this will help
Looking for :-
Day 1
1. Breakfast - Chicken rice @penuin (budi siang malam) or mie pangsit (wonton mie) @happy coffee shop,penuin, or nagoya near newton discotique
2. Lunch - Ayam Penyet. - ayam penyet ria @ nagoya hill or ayam goreng/ayamg cabe hijo (green chilli chicken) at podomoro, near Mega Bank
3. Dinner - seafood at Windsor. - or maybe you can try seafood888 near utama hotel
4. After dinner some quiet drinks (non pick up place) - any foodcourt will do

Day 2
1. Breakfast - anything
2. Lunch - Bah Kut teh. - mickey mouse near lucky plaza
3. Dinner at Harbour bay - before ferry.
Old 29-04-2014, 03:21 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Thk u for your info,bro...i ask this cos this trip maybe one of my fren from india wish to join me...he 1st time there and require to apply visa to enter Batam. Maybe it should be alright for him to visit joints accompanied by a chinese. I also hope he can have a good time too. (didnt promise him that tho) I will need to keep inform of his race's unpopularity in Batam in advance & about chemistry with the girl.

Hi Bro,

Shouldnt be a problem. I am indian and i did not encounter such issues.
probably appearance play a big part. Proper body odour,proper shave and keep smiling. I believed body language plays a huge part. And also good tips.

As for chinese brothers,most of you are good tippers and understands wat a cewek wants..some indians turn out to be super hard core. Thats the reason . Everythin has its limit.
Cheers !

Thank you.

Hi bro JOGK,i am surprise that Singapore Chinese in Batam receive such popularity over others.Maybe it had to do with Indo girls demure characteristic suit Singapore men in many ways as compare to Singapore girls over Singapore men. Guess it works both ways...since it takes 2 hands to clap.

Thk u for appreciating the effort,bro...

Seems well-planned...hope you have a good time bro...[/QUOTE]
Old 29-04-2014, 09:08 AM
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Talking Re: Batam Info Thread

Sometimes, the pblm cewek reject Indian or Malay because of their attitude towards them. They may have been treated badly or bad tipper.This cewek mostly communicate among themselves when they back at the joint. Like my case, I took different girls from the same joint. The girl told me that my ex girl said that I am a good tipper and kind. So if you show respect to them, you will get respect back in the joint too. One thing about them, they can remember you well. Maybe some cewek may not like Indian and Malay but some does. Same as us, we pick and choose. For Sporean Chinese, I have nothing to said, from Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia, they are always top in the chart. Maybe they do tip well and caring attitude towards the girls. Btw I non Chinese and a Singaporean.
Old 29-04-2014, 09:19 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Naresh85 View Post
Thk u for your info,bro...i ask this cos this trip maybe one of my fren from india wish to join me...he 1st time there and require to apply visa to enter Batam. Maybe it should be alright for him to visit joints accompanied by a chinese. I also hope he can have a good time too. (didnt promise him that tho) I will need to keep inform of his race's unpopularity in Batam in advance & about chemistry with the girl.

Hi Bro,

Shouldnt be a problem. I am indian and i did not encounter such issues.
probably appearance play a big part. Proper body odour,proper shave and keep smiling. I believed body language plays a huge part. And also good tips.

As for chinese brothers,most of you are good tippers and understands wat a cewek wants..some indians turn out to be super hard core. Thats the reason . Everythin has its limit.
Cheers !

Thank you.

Hi bro JOGK,i am surprise that Singapore Chinese in Batam receive such popularity over others.Maybe it had to do with Indo girls demure characteristic suit Singapore men in many ways as compare to Singapore girls over Singapore men. Guess it works both ways...since it takes 2 hands to clap.

Thk u for appreciating the effort,bro...

Seems well-planned...hope you have a good time bro...


Indian no need to apply visa before he can get VOA (visa on arrival in Batam ) USD 10 for 7 days USD 25 for 30days, better change USD in Singapore. hope this helps.
Old 29-04-2014, 10:51 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Hehehe...i saw from bro Jackthenipple post 1 page or so away saying on 21st Apr,got a Singaporean die inside Formosa leh...and this coming trip,i am going to stay there leh...hmm...but really no choice,it's the only hotel with the room i need in Batam.
Last week put up at Formosa. KNN, next morning was about to show, nothing but rusty water shot out from it. How to bath? I am aware is quite common in Batam or Balai hotels. But this is Formosa leh.
Bro DONT UP me. Seldom login SBF. SemiRetired
Old 29-04-2014, 11:17 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by johnyboy2232 View Post
Np bro Nono. Just tell him be frenly, treat girl well and try dun b cheap. Shd b ok i suppose. Anyways if yr indian fren those Bollywood kind shd b ok cos indo channel got show bollywood programme some cewek like.

Enjoy yr trip!
Thank you bro,my indian fren i dont know is it the Bollywood type,but definitely those handsome type at age below 35.

Originally Posted by Blacklizt View Post
hope this will help
Looking for :-
Day 1
1. Breakfast - Chicken rice @penuin (budi siang malam) or mie pangsit (wonton mie) @happy coffee shop,penuin, or nagoya near newton discotique
2. Lunch - Ayam Penyet. - ayam penyet ria @ nagoya hill or ayam goreng/ayamg cabe hijo (green chilli chicken) at podomoro, near Mega Bank
3. Dinner - seafood at Windsor. - or maybe you can try seafood888 near utama hotel
4. After dinner some quiet drinks (non pick up place) - any foodcourt will do

Day 2
1. Breakfast - anything
2. Lunch - Bah Kut teh. - mickey mouse near lucky plaza
3. Dinner at Harbour bay - before ferry.
Woah! Out of so many eating places you mention,i only recognise one place..that is Mickey Mouse Bat kut teh...reminds me that i REALLY have a lot to learn.

Thank you bro.

Originally Posted by Naresh85 View Post
Hi Bro,

Shouldnt be a problem. I am indian and i did not encounter such issues.
probably appearance play a big part. Proper body odour,proper shave and keep smiling. I believed body language plays a huge part. And also good tips.

As for chinese brothers,most of you are good tippers and understands wat a cewek wants..some indians turn out to be super hard core. Thats the reason . Everythin has its limit.
Cheers !

Thank you.
Thank you Bro Naresh for affirming me that there shouldn't be a problem for Indians in Batam. Will also remind my friend regarding personal hygiene issue if he joins me in my coming trip. Thank you.

Originally Posted by lee_man_sg View Post

Indian no need to apply visa before he can get VOA (visa on arrival in Batam ) USD 10 for 7 days USD 25 for 30days, better change USD in Singapore. hope this helps.
Thank you bro Lee_man for your reminder,i do read about this VOA thingy online. I also know applying the traditional way cost S$65.00...but this part i leave it to my fren to settle on his own.

The only thing that puzzled me is if he is going on VOA,then how is the passing over to the indo custom procedure like? Does he queue on the custom que that says for "All International" passport holder? Thank you if anyone can enlighten on this.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 29-04-2014, 11:39 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tiuminator View Post
Last week put up at Formosa. KNN, next morning was about to show, nothing but rusty water shot out from it. How to bath? I am aware is quite common in Batam or Balai hotels. But this is Formosa leh.
Bro,you are lucky that at least got rusty water comes out of the tap...during my last trip on Mid April,on my last day totally no Lucky i always prepared few bottles of big size mineral water in my room in my every oversea trip. That is also why Mini mart is always my 1st destination when(or before) i check in to hotel.

During my 1st trip to Batam,i encounter at least 20 black out(it also affect every hotels in that area too),2nd trip is all well,but 3rd trip totally no water on last day...and all my 3 trips stay is all in Formosa. Black out,i cant help it,but water-wise the least i could do is to always have standby some mineral water to at least do some basic wash up. Even to boil water to make coffee,i use mineral water cos i don't really trust indo's water filtration.

For those who doesn't know,mineral water is very cheap in indo,and just directly behind Formosa ground floor (still consider inside formosa hotel building),got a provision shop that sells almost anything a cheongster will need. You just need to walk out of Formosa Hotel main entrance,turn left and walk behind the building to see the shop.

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 29-04-2014, 01:27 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Thank for the pointers .. will go explore.

Originally Posted by Blacklizt View Post
hope this will help
Looking for :-
Day 1
1. Breakfast - Chicken rice @penuin (budi siang malam) or mie pangsit (wonton mie) @happy coffee shop,penuin, or nagoya near newton discotique
2. Lunch - Ayam Penyet. - ayam penyet ria @ nagoya hill or ayam goreng/ayamg cabe hijo (green chilli chicken) at podomoro, near Mega Bank
3. Dinner - seafood at Windsor. - or maybe you can try seafood888 near utama hotel
4. After dinner some quiet drinks (non pick up place) - any foodcourt will do

Day 2
1. Breakfast - anything
2. Lunch - Bah Kut teh. - mickey mouse near lucky plaza
3. Dinner at Harbour bay - before ferry.
Old 29-04-2014, 03:12 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Bro,you are lucky that at least got rusty water comes out of the tap...during my last trip on Mid April,on my last day totally no Lucky i always prepared few bottles of big size mineral water in my room in my every oversea trip. That is also why Mini mart is always my 1st destination when(or before) i check in to hotel.


Stoppage of water and electricity is common in Batam. As for drinking water, they are cheap. NEVER DRINK WATER FROM UNKNOW SOURCE nor FROM THE TAP. Unless you have a stomach of steel.
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Old 29-04-2014, 03:18 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Blacklizt View Post
hope this will help
Looking for :-
Day 1
1. Breakfast - Chicken rice @penuin (budi siang malam) or mie pangsit (wonton mie) @happy coffee shop,penuin, or nagoya near newton discotique
2. Lunch - Ayam Penyet. - ayam penyet ria @ nagoya hill or ayam goreng/ayamg cabe hijo (green chilli chicken) at podomoro, near Mega Bank
3. Dinner - seafood at Windsor. - or maybe you can try seafood888 near utama hotel
4. After dinner some quiet drinks (non pick up place) - any foodcourt will do

Day 2
1. Breakfast - anything
2. Lunch - Bah Kut teh. - mickey mouse near lucky plaza
3. Dinner at Harbour bay - before ferry.
Alternative, if you dont fancy malay food, and like chinese food, are near to Peniun market, try the noodle near to the area selling pork, distrubtion area... KEDAI 456, the noodles. Superb. for breakfast. Or the char siew there.

If you are near to ASTRO hotel, try the kopitiam buat kut teh, SHUANG FENG... also damm good. There is this SATAY PADANG( at nite only) at this place that is reccommanded.

The above are near to BCS mall. and A2 food court.

Dinner can depend on where you are near, Utama foodcourt, A2, or Windsor, Unless you got transport, I recommand to rezeki at Batu Besar( although a bit far, but the food is good)...

As for day 2, recommand food at Harbour bay kelong... Book ticket, makan and off you go.
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Old 29-04-2014, 03:21 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Psam View Post
Thanks, going with some friends (male and female). So can only chiong on the side, hope to go solo some day and try out your itinerary. haha.

I agree with your "fat, old and ugly" idea for good service. I tried locally (I am not young and handsome) but I cannot make it, can hardly stand.. lucky the FL quite patient.. haha.
Tell them you are going to meet some friends lah, or say you going to another mall, that has other "items you want", hahahaha, say you found it out from internet. hahaha.

As for going solo, it is best you have a feel of the place first, and go.. Stick to nagoya/jodoh area. This is tourist area, and the gangsters are protective of their turfs. As long as you dont anyhow disturb and stick to places recommanded, you are safer.
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Old 29-04-2014, 03:26 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by giantsausage View Post
Hi bros, just want to check if any of you know the rates of delta and the Sop, any fj, roaming?
Went once to the one at Surabaya but everything Malay don't understand only left with a hj.

Surabaya they speak javanese, not bahasa malay.

"Kong keh" - FJ,

Or use hand sign, HJ use hand to shake.

FJ, point to their pussy.

Most joints have specials, depend on gals if they are willing, and amount of money offered only.

read my links..

COMFIRM NO SPEICALS are these places - SPORTS massage, SAWADEEKA( nagoya hills), Hotel 89 massage, RIA.
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Old 29-04-2014, 04:56 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
Surabaya they speak javanese, not bahasa malay.
We sometimes forget people from batam come from so many other parts of Indo.. Got many2 dialect.. I've heard supirs speaking in their own tongue on the fone wilujeng, ambole etc.. prolly javanese..

Got indo bros from other parts oso come btm to cheong..

Nice to know where they come from when building some friendly conversation
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Old 29-04-2014, 07:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

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Old 29-04-2014, 07:59 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by tiuminator View Post
Last week put up at Formosa. KNN, next morning was about to show, nothing but rusty water shot out from it. How to bath? I am aware is quite common in Batam or Balai hotels. But this is Formosa leh.
Agreed with u, some hotel also alway kanna blackout.


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