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Old 01-05-2014, 10:40 PM
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Re: 『雪儿, Sizzling HOT Girl』The POPULAR Goddess Is Back!『哥们心目中的女神回来啦! 口交高手, 不可错过!{

Originally Posted by kan00k View Post
Reached the location, texted her and she gave the instruction to proceed.
Reached the unit and found the door opened, took a little peep and she came running out with a big smile … She was wearing a blue dress with an access hole at the boob area showing her deep cleavage. Nice ….

She told me she was surprised that I managed to reach in such a short time, and without any difficulty. Usually, she would received calls to get further instructions.

We chat a little and started to strip and proceed with shower, shower was SOP and mine mine her touch while washing my didi was really sensual.

After drying up, she sat on my lap, we were hugging each other. Her skin is nice and soft and it is very pleasant to run you finger caressing her body. I am neither a hunk nor handsome .. not like the most of the bros here, already frenching … there was no frenching for me. But she was nosing my perfume and she told me she like the smell very much.

I am a lao tiko who loves painting, since no kissing so I proceeded down south to the valley of eden. I started painitng, could feel her enjoying her moan is nice and slowly I insert my finger and oh boy she got really really wet and her moans were superbly seductive and arousing. While painting and fingering, suddenly the taste of her cunt juice changed and tasted different, I remembered someone was saying her period is coming and I thot it, oh no maybe its blood maybe period just arrived and lifted my head a bit and take a look. Heng sia, it’s the thick thick cum juice like those Jap AV and the taste was sweet and they were flowing out. Ha ha, I managed to find her G-spot and my finger was tickling and circulating the wall slowly and sensually. Her body was moving with a rhythm and her moans …. Together, the moment is priceless. She kept saying, “enough enough …. Stop stop …..” as a super tiko, I continued on, the funny thing is …. She let me ….. At this instant, I could feel her clit area the veins were throbbing ferociously …

I also feeling damn horny liao, told her I need to enter her, and she switched position and started giving me bbbj. As what the rest of the bro described, the bbbj is amazing …. Still yearning for the taste of the cunt juice, I signalled to her that I want to lick her again … and she moved and position herself to 69 with me. And on my I really enjoyed painting this goddess … she moaned even louder this time and she enjoyed so much that she stopped blow me ….. and I think I am not sure how many times she came liao. I am at a stage I myself also cannot tahan already so quickly put on the CD and entered her in missionary …. The pussy is really wet and warm, the feeling is really fantastic, she was enjoying so much that I did not get the clamping ……

And when we were done, she said her legs were totally soften and couldn’t stand already. Told her to rest and I will shower myself. Dressed up liao and paid her, then she sat up and say dunno this session is she servicing me or I servicing her but whatever it is, she told her I defeated her and she totally enjoyed and luckily I am the last customer of the day so she can rest.

Looks: 7.5/10
Boobs: 8/10
Bbbj: 9/10
FJ: 9/10

Lastly thanks Bro Song Da for sharing the contact!!
Upzz ya bro for sharing nice FR

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Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
Old 01-05-2014, 10:47 PM
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Re: 『雪儿, Sizzling HOT Girl』The POPULAR Goddess Is Back!『哥们心目中的女神回来啦! 口交高手, 不可错过!{

Originally Posted by marlborotan View Post
我应该谢谢你对她的照顾,感激不尽喔。呵呵,除了gai...gai...还有。。。所以我才说期待快点来 啊。


Wow. You weekly rtf so many time I must work harder liao. Else very soon overtake by you. Kee kee. Must quickly arranged for a prep RED bonks tmr.

There are many more powerful tiko than me. But there is only one super tiko. Kee kee
Haha still must respect u for having multiple kc ..not easy to manage so many kc wor ..

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Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
Old 01-05-2014, 10:47 PM
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Re: 『雪儿, Sizzling HOT Girl』The POPULAR Goddess Is Back!『哥们心目中的女神回来啦! 口交高手, 不可错过!{

Originally Posted by songda View Post
为什么不管我 :d
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Old 01-05-2014, 11:13 PM
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Re: 『雪儿, Sizzling HOT Girl』The POPULAR Goddess Is Back!『哥们心目中的女神回来啦! 口交高手, 不可错过!{

Originally Posted by loneyheart View Post
入我相思门,知我相思雪,长相思兮长相忆,短相思兮无穷极。逍遥孤心客非普通之輩,何等没人觉 察呢?

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Old 01-05-2014, 11:14 PM
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Re: 『雪儿, Sizzling HOT Girl』The POPULAR Goddess Is Back!『哥们心目中的女神回来啦! 口交高手, 不可错过!{


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Old 01-05-2014, 11:21 PM
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Re: 『雪儿, Sizzling HOT Girl』The POPULAR Goddess Is Back!『哥们心目中的女神回来啦! 口交高手, 不可错过!{

这年头,我们这些新加坡色鬼要在外面开开心心的玩一玩还可真不容易。很多时候,不是照片和真人不像,不然就 是服务不周到。更糟的是那些态度恶劣,过程太过商业化的,一点感觉也没有。花钱还要受一肚子的气,多不值得 。

还好老天有眼,安排了雪儿妹妹来我们这个小红点,带给了众多兄弟们好多的“性”福。。。。哈哈,别慌,人间 还是有希望的。妹妹一到来,以前的熟客都就一窝蜂的约了妹妹,还写了那些令人垂涎欲滴的好报告,能不让我这 个新客不动心吗?


先说说妹妹给我的印象。。。。妹妹的脸孔在照片中虽然是被模糊了,没约过妹妹的兄弟们可不必担心,妹妹是漂 亮的。妹妹说她很瘦,我倒觉得妹妹身材苗条,还有一双骄人的柔软c杯双峰,一双修长细腿,白皙柔嫩的肌肤。 。。女人妒忌,男人喜欢,哪会瘦?再加上妹妹是个柔情似水的女生,有着小女人的温柔体贴,待人温文有礼,讲 话 轻声细语。我最喜欢这类型的女生了。

我本人喜欢慢慢的,温温柔柔的做爱爱。妹妹似乎也是如此,所以和妹妹做爱爱给了我一种回味无穷的享受。俗语 说,好的开始就是成功的一半。做爱爱也是如此。要有一个爆炸性的结局就要有一个能慢慢提升温度的前奏。很遗 憾的,很多女生都是偷工减料,前奏总是蜻蜓点水,草草了事,一点感觉也没有。

不过,妹妹却很了解这点。所以妹妹一开始就慢慢的,很温柔的亲我的脖子,耳朵,咪咪。双手也不停的抚摸着我 的身体,不慌不忙的,很舒服,感觉就好像和女朋友亲热一样。之后,妹妹就慢慢的往下舔,舔了小丸丸之后,就 把小弟弟给含进口里,开始第一轮的口箫。我很喜欢妹妹舔小丸丸的方法,有时吸,有时舔,温温的,湿湿的,好 爽。妹妹吹箫的技巧不是那种暴力派的,反而很温柔,我很喜欢。妹妹一边吹,一边吸,舌头还一边不断的舔,舔 到小弟弟好痒,双手也不停的抚摸着我的身体和小丸丸。爽呆了。 “啊。。。”,我也不由自主的呻吟起来了。 妹妹的舌头可真厉害。吹了好久,还深喉了好几次,妹妹终于停了下来。“我喜欢”,我对妹妹说。妹妹二话不说 ,又再展开第二轮的吹箫。天啊,妹妹到底要折磨我到几时啊。。。。哈哈。:d

妹妹这第二轮吹箫的结束,是前奏的一半,也是我大展拳脚的时刻。妹妹之前做的很好,很精彩,我很享受,可是 妹妹还不知道好戏还在后头呢。我立刻抱着妹妹,让她舒舒服服的躺下,我就往妹妹的脖子和耳朵那轻轻的舔去, 双手轻轻的抚摸着妹妹那柔软的咪咪。感觉到妹妹已经放松了,我就慢慢的往下移去,舔妹妹的咪咪。“啊。。。 ”,妹妹轻轻的呻吟了。我看着妹妹,妹妹看着我,我的咀唇轻轻往妹妹的咀唇一吻,妹妹没拒绝,太好了。再吻 ,妹妹有反应了。就这样,我们开始轻轻的舌吻了起来。哈哈,妹妹接吻的技巧也不是那种暴力派的,所以我很喜 欢。

之后,我就往妹妹身体下方移去,舔着妹妹的咪咪,胸部,腹部,大腿,小腿。。。目的只有一个 。。。。就是为了准备进攻妹妹那芬芳的秘密花园。到达目的地了,轻轻舔一下。。“啊。。”,妹妹呻吟了。再 舔。。。 “嗯。。。。 嗯 。。 。。”。小妹妹渐渐的湿了。我这人可真卑鄙,不但用舌头去舔小妹妹,也用手指去抚摸它,时不时还用咀去吮妹 妹的手指。更坏的是还用我那不听话的手指插入小妹妹里头,好暖,好湿。插了好久之后,还自己吮那只手指(哈 哈,难怪妹妹说我很淫,很放荡)。:d

“啊。。。。 嗯 。。 。。啊。。 。。”。 妹妹的反应也太无价了。妹妹轻轻的呻吟声已足够把妹妹放的背景音乐给淹没掉了。妹妹双手还抚摸着我的头,妹 妹是要我停吗?还是继续努力?不管了,还是继续的舔,不舔白不舔嘛,反正我很享受,妹妹感觉似乎也陶醉其中 。越舔,妹妹反应越激动,呼吸越深越紧凑。有时,妹妹还不知觉的用自己的手去抚摸小妹妹,还搞自摸呢。小妹 妹跟着我的节奏摇摆着,有时妹妹爽到整个身体都扭曲了,还真怕妹妹会受伤呢,那我可赔不起。

“啊。。。宝贝。。。我。。我。。。我。。。不行了。。嗯。。。爽。。。爽。。。。宝。。。贝。。。。我。 。。你。。。嗯。。。痒。。。爽。。。。。”。呵呵,妹妹开始语无伦次了。好几次,妹妹都尝试要坐起来,要 我停止,可是最终还是乖乖的,毫无反抗的被我给推下去,真是口是心非。可见妹妹其实已经被搞到神志不清了, 不懂要停止,还是继续爽下去。在这种情况下,小妹妹已经被搞到水流成河了,好湿好湿哦, 还真怕妹妹会严重脱水呢。:d

就这样,我们搞了好久好久,妹妹终于受不了了,坐了起来。这时,我的手指还埋伏在小妹妹里面,我亲了咪咪, 再跟妹妹来个舌吻。爽呆了。本以为这时妹妹会束手就擒,乖乖躺下,让我插她。可是没有哦。妹妹这时突然转个 身,把我的小弟弟含在咀里,来个第三轮的口箫。我被愣住了。自然反应下,不就来个侧身69,继续舔小妹妹。 这次,我居然兽性大发,插了两只手指进去小妹妹那边。真是太卑鄙,太可耻,太瞧不起自己了。可是妹妹没拒绝 哦,还是继续服务小弟弟。过了不久,妹妹这次真的受不了了,坐了起来。“我不行了,脚软了,真的不行了。你 太坏了。”,妹妹披头散发,忙摇头,苦苦哀求道。哈哈,折腾了这么久,也该放妹妹一马了吧。我人虽然无耻, 可是还有点人性的哦。

妹妹乘机去拿了雨衣,还以为妹妹会把它给套上小弟弟,没想到妹妹的咀吧竟然又往小弟弟那边,再给了我第四轮 的口箫。哇,这妹妹可真厉害。过了几分钟,妹妹终于套上雨衣,直接就把小弟弟慢慢的插入小妹妹。不久,妹妹 就使出她的看家本领,"小妹紧抓小弟神功“,把小弟弟给抓到爽爽的,真是百闻不如一试。

不久,感觉妹妹有点累了,怜香惜玉,就让妹妹躺下。我就开了妹妹个玩笑,假装要继续去舔小妹妹,妹妹被吓倒 了,立刻把双手遮住小妹妹,太可爱了。我们两都不约而同哈哈大笑了起来。玩笑归玩笑,任务还是要进行。我就 继续的插,妹妹继续的呻吟,双手紧紧地拥抱着我,眼神告诉我,“。。给我。。。。给我。。。我 要。。。”。

插到一半,突然间,妹妹很严肃的说:“我要高潮了。”。哈哈,那我还能做什么,不就快马加鞭,更努力更拼命 的插。插了好久,用尽我挤奶的力,到最后,我说,“我累了,不行了”。唉,老人就是这样没用。顿时,妹妹显 得有点失望,查看时间只剩下几分钟,妹妹说,“我们继续,我要你来。”。妹妹二话不说就把小弟弟又往小妹妹 那边插。天啊,这妹妹。。。。。。无言。。。。。。最后,因为时间的关系,始终没能完成我的任务,妹妹还一 直耿耿于怀,频频道歉,我还真不好意思呢。哈哈。

花了一大把时间和精力描述了这么多,主要目的就是要表扬一下妹妹的工作态度 。花一点点心思来力挺妹妹,微不足道,算得了什么。前面说过,现在很多女生都是服务不周,态度恶劣,过程 太过商业化了。妹妹可是这里面一颗闪烁耀眼的星星。不难看到, 从始至终, 妹妹务必就是要做到尽善尽美,服务至上,尽自己的能力,取悦客人,目的不就是要客人开心满足吗?我真的有被 妹妹的努力感动到了。整个过程,我都很享受,也感觉到妹妹也投入其中,毫无商业化的感觉,反而就像跟女朋友 做爱爱一样的温馨,开心。总而言之,妹妹的敬业乐业,精神可嘉,现今是非常罕见的。

Old 02-05-2014, 12:21 AM
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Re: 『雪儿, Sizzling HOT Girl』The POPULAR Goddess Is Back!『哥们心目中的女神回来啦! 口交高手, 不可错过!{

Originally Posted by superman67 View Post
Haha still must respect u for having multiple kc ..not easy to manage so many kc wor ..
Not easy to let bro SP respect also lei. Feel so honour. Kee kee.

没本事高调就别说自己低调。我的人生本来就是三流的电视剧,别人要怎么添油加醋都无所谓。只是,迈向光明的 剧本,我要亲自来演

Achieved my FINAL Target 22888(易易发发发) on 20141228(爱你一世一易易发)

DON'T up me for points exchange. I WILL NOT up you back. Thanks

Last edited by marlborotan; 02-05-2014 at 02:26 AM.
Old 02-05-2014, 01:36 AM
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Re: 『雪儿, Sizzling HOT Girl』The POPULAR Goddess Is Back!『哥们心目中的女神回来啦! 口交高手, 不可错过!{

Originally Posted by superman67 View Post
入我相思门,知我相思雪,长相思兮长相忆,短相思兮无穷极。逍遥孤心客非普通之輩,何等没人觉 察呢?


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Old 02-05-2014, 02:21 AM
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Re: 『雪儿, Sizzling HOT Girl』The POPULAR Goddess Is Back!『哥们心目中的女神回来啦! 口交高手, 不可错过!{

I really do not wish to share this gem... i want to keep it for myself... but i cannot Dont support her FR...

Met her at about 2 few years ago... had been regularly up her on a regularly basics...

Look wise... confirmed a great bonk...
Service wise... confirmed good...

Share the best story of all...

Freaking after regular with a client...

Reached her apartment

Hugs and Kisses started inside the unit... reached her room... help each other stripped naked... french like no tomorrow...

Warm shower together... service start here... BBBJ me in there, while i autoroam her whole body...
Dry each other and start foreplay...lick each whole body ,lick until pussy
Started with a 69... she lick my 2IC like a school girl licking on an ice-cream... i suck her bibi until the water freeflow like a waterfall... god knows how long this last...

Hug and kiss rest a while.. both fell into fuck soon after, her pussy as good like never use so long ,seductive CB with little hole open ,but still small ..
back ,front ,scissor style ..pussy too wet have to cum ,together ..we welcum !

2nd round she started it.. rubbing my 2IC until i wake up.. i am still quite tired and decide to let her do me instead

She got my 2IC very hard... BBBJ to ensure it hardness... She felt that my didi is ready... capped me immediately...


Cowgirl me like no tml.... for god knows how long man... man.. u guys know when u are .. you can fuck very long... she seems to enjoy it alot...

After she pump me so long... i am sober enough to change pattern... doggy follow by missionary, i cum soon after!!!

Lie down together...
This is my best personal experience with this PRC girl.. a sex fighter with GF .
Disclaim a sex war with her ..

Disclaimer: for boobs lover.

Her Stats:

Name : XE
Looks: 7.5/10
Height: 162cm
Services: BBBJ (口交) best , FJ (做爱) water piper.
Damages: SGD$110 / 1shot (做一次) / 1hr (一小时)
Thanks for bro songda and superman ...ctc good night !
Bros will up me will return :=
Old 02-05-2014, 02:25 AM
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Re: 『雪儿, Sizzling HOT Girl』The POPULAR Goddess Is Back!『哥们心目中的女神回来啦! 口交高手, 不可错过!{

Look see look see... saw all senior tikos gather here. Must be good... support!
路过各处 , 到此一游.....
Old 02-05-2014, 02:26 AM
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Re: 『雪儿, Sizzling HOT Girl』The POPULAR Goddess Is Back!『哥们心目中的女神回来啦! 口交高手, 不可错过!{

Originally Posted by superman67 View Post
Upzz ya bro for sharing nice FR

Thank you very much
Old 02-05-2014, 03:03 AM
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Re: 『雪儿, Sizzling HOT Girl』The POPULAR Goddess Is Back!『哥们心目中的女神回来啦! 口交高手, 不可错过!{

Originally Posted by Hernandez View Post
Look see look see... saw all senior tikos gather here. Must be good... support!
My KC sure good mah. Tried it to believe bro. Kee kee
没本事高调就别说自己低调。我的人生本来就是三流的电视剧,别人要怎么添油加醋都无所谓。只是,迈向光明的 剧本,我要亲自来演

Achieved my FINAL Target 22888(易易发发发) on 20141228(爱你一世一易易发)

DON'T up me for points exchange. I WILL NOT up you back. Thanks
Old 02-05-2014, 03:06 AM
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Re: 『雪儿, Sizzling HOT Girl』The POPULAR Goddess Is Back!『哥们心目中的女神回来啦! 口交高手, 不可错过!{

Originally Posted by klein76 View Post
哈哈,那么久不见你,肯定又跑哪个美妹的温柔乡里去了吧,555......雪儿都快被你遗忘 了

Originally Posted by sytsniper View Post
he got so powerful meh ...

Old 02-05-2014, 03:08 AM
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Wink Re: 『雪儿, Sizzling HOT Girl』The POPULAR Goddess Is Back!『哥们心目中的女神回来啦! 口交高手, 不可错过!{

Originally Posted by canthaveenuf View Post
这年头,我们这些新加坡色鬼要在外面开开心心的玩一玩还可真不容易。很多时候,不是照片和真人不像,不然就 是服务不周到。更糟的是那些态度恶劣,过程太过商业化的,一点感觉也没有。花钱还要受一肚子的气,多不值得 。

还好老天有眼,安排了雪儿妹妹来我们这个小红点,带给了众多兄弟们好多的“性”福。。。。哈哈,别慌,人间 还是有希望的。妹妹一到来,以前的熟客都就一窝蜂的约了妹妹,还写了那些令人垂涎欲滴的好报告,能不让我这 个新客不动心吗?


先说说妹妹给我的印象。。。。妹妹的脸孔在照片中虽然是被模糊了,没约过妹妹的兄弟们可不必担心,妹妹是漂 亮的。妹妹说她很瘦,我倒觉得妹妹身材苗条,还有一双骄人的柔软c杯双峰,一双修长细腿,白皙柔嫩的肌肤。 。。女人妒忌,男人喜欢,哪会瘦?再加上妹妹是个柔情似水的女生,有着小女人的温柔体贴,待人温文有礼,讲 话 轻声细语。我最喜欢这类型的女生了。

我本人喜欢慢慢的,温温柔柔的做爱爱。妹妹似乎也是如此,所以和妹妹做爱爱给了我一种回味无穷的享受。俗语 说,好的开始就是成功的一半。做爱爱也是如此。要有一个爆炸性的结局就要有一个能慢慢提升温度的前奏。很遗 憾的,很多女生都是偷工减料,前奏总是蜻蜓点水,草草了事,一点感觉也没有。

不过,妹妹却很了解这点。所以妹妹一开始就慢慢的,很温柔的亲我的脖子,耳朵,咪咪。双手也不停的抚摸着我 的身体,不慌不忙的,很舒服,感觉就好像和女朋友亲热一样。之后,妹妹就慢慢的往下舔,舔了小丸丸之后,就 把小弟弟给含进口里,开始第一轮的口箫。我很喜欢妹妹舔小丸丸的方法,有时吸,有时舔,温温的,湿湿的,好 爽。妹妹吹箫的技巧不是那种暴力派的,反而很温柔,我很喜欢。妹妹一边吹,一边吸,舌头还一边不断的舔,舔 到小弟弟好痒,双手也不停的抚摸着我的身体和小丸丸。爽呆了。 “啊。。。”,我也不由自主的呻吟起来了。 妹妹的舌头可真厉害。吹了好久,还深喉了好几次,妹妹终于停了下来。“我喜欢”,我对妹妹说。妹妹二话不说 ,又再展开第二轮的吹箫。天啊,妹妹到底要折磨我到几时啊。。。。哈哈。:d

妹妹这第二轮吹箫的结束,是前奏的一半,也是我大展拳脚的时刻。妹妹之前做的很好,很精彩,我很享受,可是 妹妹还不知道好戏还在后头呢。我立刻抱着妹妹,让她舒舒服服的躺下,我就往妹妹的脖子和耳朵那轻轻的舔去, 双手轻轻的抚摸着妹妹那柔软的咪咪。感觉到妹妹已经放松了,我就慢慢的往下移去,舔妹妹的咪咪。“啊。。。 ”,妹妹轻轻的呻吟了。我看着妹妹,妹妹看着我,我的咀唇轻轻往妹妹的咀唇一吻,妹妹没拒绝,太好了。再吻 ,妹妹有反应了。就这样,我们开始轻轻的舌吻了起来。哈哈,妹妹接吻的技巧也不是那种暴力派的,所以我很喜 欢。

之后,我就往妹妹身体下方移去,舔着妹妹的咪咪,胸部,腹部,大腿,小腿。。。目的只有一个 。。。。就是为了准备进攻妹妹那芬芳的秘密花园。到达目的地了,轻轻舔一下。。“啊。。”,妹妹呻吟了。再 舔。。。 “嗯。。。。 嗯 。。 。。”。小妹妹渐渐的湿了。我这人可真卑鄙,不但用舌头去舔小妹妹,也用手指去抚摸它,时不时还用咀去吮妹 妹的手指。更坏的是还用我那不听话的手指插入小妹妹里头,好暖,好湿。插了好久之后,还自己吮那只手指(哈 哈,难怪妹妹说我很淫,很放荡)。:d

“啊。。。。 嗯 。。 。。啊。。 。。”。 妹妹的反应也太无价了。妹妹轻轻的呻吟声已足够把妹妹放的背景音乐给淹没掉了。妹妹双手还抚摸着我的头,妹 妹是要我停吗?还是继续努力?不管了,还是继续的舔,不舔白不舔嘛,反正我很享受,妹妹感觉似乎也陶醉其中 。越舔,妹妹反应越激动,呼吸越深越紧凑。有时,妹妹还不知觉的用自己的手去抚摸小妹妹,还搞自摸呢。小妹 妹跟着我的节奏摇摆着,有时妹妹爽到整个身体都扭曲了,还真怕妹妹会受伤呢,那我可赔不起。

“啊。。。宝贝。。。我。。我。。。我。。。不行了。。嗯。。。爽。。。爽。。。。宝。。。贝。。。。我。 。。你。。。嗯。。。痒。。。爽。。。。。”。呵呵,妹妹开始语无伦次了。好几次,妹妹都尝试要坐起来,要 我停止,可是最终还是乖乖的,毫无反抗的被我给推下去,真是口是心非。可见妹妹其实已经被搞到神志不清了, 不懂要停止,还是继续爽下去。在这种情况下,小妹妹已经被搞到水流成河了,好湿好湿哦, 还真怕妹妹会严重脱水呢。:d

就这样,我们搞了好久好久,妹妹终于受不了了,坐了起来。这时,我的手指还埋伏在小妹妹里面,我亲了咪咪, 再跟妹妹来个舌吻。爽呆了。本以为这时妹妹会束手就擒,乖乖躺下,让我插她。可是没有哦。妹妹这时突然转个 身,把我的小弟弟含在咀里,来个第三轮的口箫。我被愣住了。自然反应下,不就来个侧身69,继续舔小妹妹。 这次,我居然兽性大发,插了两只手指进去小妹妹那边。真是太卑鄙,太可耻,太瞧不起自己了。可是妹妹没拒绝 哦,还是继续服务小弟弟。过了不久,妹妹这次真的受不了了,坐了起来。“我不行了,脚软了,真的不行了。你 太坏了。”,妹妹披头散发,忙摇头,苦苦哀求道。哈哈,折腾了这么久,也该放妹妹一马了吧。我人虽然无耻, 可是还有点人性的哦。

妹妹乘机去拿了雨衣,还以为妹妹会把它给套上小弟弟,没想到妹妹的咀吧竟然又往小弟弟那边,再给了我第四轮 的口箫。哇,这妹妹可真厉害。过了几分钟,妹妹终于套上雨衣,直接就把小弟弟慢慢的插入小妹妹。不久,妹妹 就使出她的看家本领,"小妹紧抓小弟神功“,把小弟弟给抓到爽爽的,真是百闻不如一试。

不久,感觉妹妹有点累了,怜香惜玉,就让妹妹躺下。我就开了妹妹个玩笑,假装要继续去舔小妹妹,妹妹被吓倒 了,立刻把双手遮住小妹妹,太可爱了。我们两都不约而同哈哈大笑了起来。玩笑归玩笑,任务还是要进行。我就 继续的插,妹妹继续的呻吟,双手紧紧地拥抱着我,眼神告诉我,“。。给我。。。。给我。。。我 要。。。”。

插到一半,突然间,妹妹很严肃的说:“我要高潮了。”。哈哈,那我还能做什么,不就快马加鞭,更努力更拼命 的插。插了好久,用尽我挤奶的力,到最后,我说,“我累了,不行了”。唉,老人就是这样没用。顿时,妹妹显 得有点失望,查看时间只剩下几分钟,妹妹说,“我们继续,我要你来。”。妹妹二话不说就把小弟弟又往小妹妹 那边插。天啊,这妹妹。。。。。。无言。。。。。。最后,因为时间的关系,始终没能完成我的任务,妹妹还一 直耿耿于怀,频频道歉,我还真不好意思呢。哈哈。

花了一大把时间和精力描述了这么多,主要目的就是要表扬一下妹妹的工作态度 。花一点点心思来力挺妹妹,微不足道,算得了什么。前面说过,现在很多女生都是服务不周,态度恶劣,过程 太过商业化了。妹妹可是这里面一颗闪烁耀眼的星星。不难看到, 从始至终, 妹妹务必就是要做到尽善尽美,服务至上,尽自己的能力,取悦客人,目的不就是要客人开心满足吗?我真的有被 妹妹的努力感动到了。整个过程,我都很享受,也感觉到妹妹也投入其中,毫无商业化的感觉,反而就像跟女朋友 做爱爱一样的温馨,开心。总而言之,妹妹的敬业乐业,精神可嘉,现今是非常罕见的。

Old 02-05-2014, 03:11 AM
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Re: 『雪儿, Sizzling HOT Girl』The POPULAR Goddess Is Back!『哥们心目中的女神回来啦! 口交高手, 不可错过!{

Originally Posted by marlborotan View Post
My KC sure good mah. Tried it to believe bro. Kee kee
Wait a minute.. I tot XE has always been S'man s KC.. Sinz when she became yours.. Her 距离 so near you har.. Lol..
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