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Old 30-10-2005, 06:18 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Uncle Andrew

i also ok looking what. how come i never get free f*ck in Slim last night? haha.

ohh u in bkk huh??how old are u anyway??paisey i do not know mah.then i think the onli answer u should know loh.Its all inside u one mah.All this while ,irregardless u in spore,bkk anywhere ard,if u are unable to attract a girl,means u cannot loh.does not mean u come bkk means can leh.

ok looking is u say one mah.Also got people here say i normal and look nerdy,but as long as i can xian charbos,who cares what people here says.I am not here to attract guys leh.No point guys find me handsome,can u lend me their gfs to fuck or not??no rite...hehee..
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 30-10-2005, 06:29 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by siamcutey
U have to ask him, not tell me. Tell ur bookie to open 1 internet account for you lah. Save everyone the trouble.
He trust me lah,2 yrs back when end of year toto betting,I had to raise my toto betting to 2.5k for that draw due to losing two times in a row for the previous draw.I had no choice but to bet 2.5k on the additional no for that draw.He also took my bet without for fear i do not pay them.Since i transfer to him if i lost,within 30mins after the results everytime.I stayed at home with my laptop everyday mah.bookie and internet betting got difference one mah,u should know since u are also in it.The others maybe duno the difference if they never bet soccer so much.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Do what you want, but do already then say, don't say already and not yet done.
That is why i never said anything pleasing to the people here mah.I admit everything now is a virtual standstill.Who ever said such relationship is easy anyway?But Singrakthai loves to say bring her over,clean cups with my mum.I go work and take care her.Machiam so easy like that hor.Izzit his brain inside so simple or he always view things so simple.There are setbacks on and off at times one mah.EVen working in office is not smoothsailing all yr round.If i want to gain respect or position here,I would have tease everyone here.Hey i give her how much,and i now back in spore already,but too busy to meet anyone up yet.But the fact i still cuddled up in bkk.That is what i call decieving here.Noone will know whether i go back spore yet or not mah.I can change my telephone in bkk.Then everyone thinks i back in spore and goody boy and thus earning so called"respect" that i think very lame loh.I not yet done all that that i wanted to do,since there are unresolved problems which she does not want to open up to me.In fact,we had another argument today cos she fails to open up and tell me whats bothering her.want things to work also needs her cooperation mah.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 30-10-2005, 06:31 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Mr.romance
I am new to bkk lah...maybe u will like to show me ard & intro some thaigirls to me....
u in bkk huh??i was away with some samsters today.did not hear u properly anyway.U said celebrating someone birthday huh??how did u get my no anyway?? i should have wonder i get many weird and unknown calls everytime...
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 30-10-2005, 06:42 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by singrakthai
To answer ur question? No lah, i don't have WL who say i'm cute or handsome... hahaha... i not really sure what kinda "happening" u talking about and in which outlet.. but i admit lah.. i lost to u lah.. haha.. i can only have a normal decent spoilt Thai gf and also occasionally can have normal girls talking to me in pubs.. sometimes katoey and gays approached too! DAMN!!! Where to find WLs to approach and make them say i'm cute and handsome huh? *LOL*

I told my gf abt the part wherby katoeys and gays approaching.No wonder u are attracting the wrong attention my friend.Me for one also has katoeys incidents,but i would very much loved to keep in under wraps.My gf loves to tease me whenever ladyboys starts looking me.To think u need to post here to show ur worthiness hor ??I rather keep it mum since i am not too fond of that,other than occasional chitchats to pass time while outside.Maybe u have the look same same they all mah.That's what my gf tells me when i told her about it.hehee..
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 30-10-2005, 07:17 AM
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Re: Advise please

I do not know why i say so much already but the very same people still like to ask me the same thing over and over again.If u people are really keen on the situation,perhaps should really read it over,digest what i said,instead of just thinking i am finding excuses and a big bragster.I brag for what.At the end of day,u people believed me and what i get??I am not those who need consolation from forums,whereby i will feel justified for my actions.I also want get things done quick.But it is aint that easy.The faster i go back,i can arrange and i can get settled down in bangkok too.There are many stuffs i want to do since i planning to settle down in bangkok since its cheaper in bangkok.Where to find a ard 40k and up house in spore??can onli buy pigeon hole in spore with 200k or up.And where to drive a car with 20k sing?All that is affordable for me in bangkok.

For those who think that a guy who is 27 do not have such money,well think again.It does not mean u do not have it,means ur peers will not have it.I have been more fortunate than most of my peers.Since I am the onli child,both parents are working and with my income,i am better off than my peers.I am sad to see BKKmaster saying all that is not possible.To think i found him a very sensible person i seen in the forum.Must a man grow old in order to afford all that??Does age justifies a man's wealth??A man in 40s means he will have how much huh??Then a man in 20s must be pissing in his pants huh??what kind of judgement is that?

I seen man in 40s who have nothing loh but just a daytime job to get by loh.I cant deny the fact that i am a bit more fortunate thats all.I did not say i worked and slogged my life for those money.Think of those rich kids who owns BMWs in spore.So they are dua gan too huh??The fact that i am able to single handedly paid in full for my 58k contract shows it all.No need other judgements whether i have capability of earning how much,or my investments how much lah.Got chance when i m back in spore,i bring the copy give DNAT see,since the onli likely person i want to meet is him loh and some others who pmed me.The rest here are just here tcss.And he is very neutral and gives a positive info if i provide him with.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 30-10-2005, 04:20 PM
singrakthai singrakthai is offline
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
what i meant was did u said that "all that is achievable for anyone who situated in bkk?"i am lazy to find that sentence amidst all the postings.But u were saying all that i "had done" is achievable for ANYONE who stays bkk long enuff.So that is my question to u that clear enuff for u??It means that anyone who wishes to pack their bags and come here,irregardless whether come for job or stay long time,they can accomplish such acts?
So ur question is "DO I THINK ALL UR STUNTS ARE ACHIEVABLE FOR ANYONE WHO STAYS BKK LONG ENOUGH"? You don't know how to ask simple direct question?
Answer: Why'll anyone staying long term in Thailand go purposely look for a gogo girl as gf? hahaha Don't be a COCK! But of cos, if 1 is so bo liao... wants to stay long term in Thailand to find a agogo girl as gf, why not? Those interested PM me lor.. jus buy me a drink when I bring u go down to the agogo bar...
Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
I did not and never concluded that i am the only one who can do these stunts.Did not u read that i always bring the japanese guys into the situation.Since they are the only ones i see them doing it.So far to my knowledge,i do not see anyone else doing it,except Garage1's friend who is here for 5yrs lah.But not yet see...
So are u saying except U, ur japanese guys friends and Garage1's friend, NO ONE ELSE can achieve ur acclaimed "stunts"???? *LOL*
Old 30-10-2005, 04:27 PM
singrakthai singrakthai is offline
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
Me for one also has katoeys incidents,but i would very much loved to keep in under wraps.My gf loves to tease me whenever ladyboys starts looking me.
Maybe u have the look same same they all mah.That's what my gf tells me when i told her about it.hehee..
*LOL* so u also have katoeys interested in u incidents huh? I also find it very funny.... so u saying ur gf says maybe "i have the look same same" cos they interested in me huh? haha... so since u also have kratoeys interested in u incidents, ur gf is probably right, "u also have the look same same" as kratoey... *LOL*

How does it feels shooting urself on ur own foot? Ur IQ not very high hor? *LOL*
Old 30-10-2005, 04:47 PM
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Re: Advise please

And the list goes on...

i admit Jun|ch| is the only one in S'pore, JB and some say Batam (and now Thailand) who's able to:
1) make a agogo lady fall crazily in love with him.
2) and agogo gf who'll allow him to stay in her apartment, while also giving him maybe 100 or 200 baht everyday to eat at mc donalds and take bus travel around and go surf internet and post on SB forums and write about his "stunts".
3) Also not forgetting giving him at least 2,000THB to renew visa every month.
4) fucked agogo gf's colleauge for free without gf calling him at least every hour to spot check him while she's away attending to her grandma.
5) agogo gf promising him she'll never sleep with other men in agogo bar, but will work her ass off to make at least 20,000THB every month by getting at least 466 THB tips working EVERYDAY.
6) meeting a University girl at Siam Square and she must've instantly fell in love with him because she took the effort to show him and bring him to his gf's apartment.
7) at least 2-3 Thai women waiting to sponsor him.
8) being a soft heartie and loving gf so much, cannot go back s'pore because gf threatened to kill herself if he choose to go back s'pore to continue with his life even though promising her he'll bring her back to s'pore with him.
9) enjoy himself in Thailand meeting up samsters and not having to work.
10) make a living out of betting soccer, toto and investments (which has maturity date which are probably bonds, fixed deposits or insurance endowment plans).
11) speak "sawadeekrup" and "khob khun krup" like a Khon Thai....
12) has a long term plan for Thai gf by applying for gf to work in s'pore because she's "educated", but of cos not now because ....... its just talks at this moment...... (oh, not talks, but parents conservative and will not allow him being with a agogo lady so must run away from home to prove them he is serious.... and agogo gf's grandma too old and she must stay in Bkk to take care of her.. how fillial! I think i'm falling in love with this girl already!haha)
13) got 2 samsters(some says more than 2) say Junichi super handsome and is a Chick Magnet and they envy him very much! Don't believe? Please check out the URL dek nieow provided above. Not that he haolian hor?!!! He just wants to prove he is right and he is handsome and cute and is a chick magnet!
14) "EDUCATED" Agogo gf don't stay in wooden house instead, concrete house but choose to work in agogo bar for 20,000THB per month because Thai bf abandoned her (correction, she abandoned gangster bf) and she... she just feels like working in agogo bar because her friend invited her to join......
15) "EDUCATED" agogo gf's family used to own hotel in Koh Samui but now father and mother remarried.. but mother still remit 15,000 every month to support daughter's car and grandma.... so actually she got not much commitment and she's just working in agogo bar to pass time.
16) Used to sign on with air-force but broke bond after 2 years (maybe kanna tekan by inhuman 1st SGT untill cannot take it) and able to repay bond with "own" money which cost around $58k which he earned doing "sideline" businesses.
17) Able to own a nokia 8850 which was the second batch during the festive occassion,which costs S$1388 at that time. haha
18) bkkteens girls forced him to take photos as if he is some kind of celebrity and they paste his handsome photos on the door (?).... don't believe can go check it out at soi 33... or talk to the mamasan who'll definetly remember him cos he caused a big hoo-haa there.
19)with his current "savings" and "investments", he is able to buy house, car and live comfortabily or "start something" here in Thailand anytime.... but now jus wanna relax and have fun... hahaha
20) Being ONLY CHILD, he'll be RICH "someday" because everything his parents has WILL BELONG TO HIM eventually!!!! House, savings, insurance plans, investments everything belonging to his parents!!!! Just u all wait and see!!! ONE DAY! ONE DAY!!!! *LOL*
21)Has plentiful of S'porean gfs.. but choose to give them all up because he more interested in helping FL and WL (sounds like timberbelle!) as they stay in less unfortunate countries......
22)Used to cheong SPARKS (WOW! I almost forgotten such place exist! Why don't mention FIRE disco's tea dance?!?! Even more young girls! *LOL*), and has many young girls surrounding and he tells old samsters "I said can go free"! *LOL* (why waste money go kio kuay then? *LOL*)
23)Not that he don't wanna help his "EDUCATED" agogo gf who's making only S$800 every month, but he is actually testing her sincere love to him by allowing her to continue to work in a agogo bar, letting all men touch her all over (for 6 months)..... pls note he don't feels good about this but bo bian cos must test her love first..... so in order to overcome that "bad feeling" inside he has to go out enjoy and relax.... so pls try to understand his difficulties...
24) More fortunate than his peers because he is ONLY CHILD in his family and daddy, mommy dotes him alot and will eventually give him everything he wants... also insurance agent daddy taught him how to invest since young thats why he's more well to do than most his peers... *LOL*
25) (classic!) Belongs to young and ok looking group who can get any young girls wherever he wants but choose to fly over to Thailand to chase over a agogo girl whom he thought was booked out by customer! *LOL*

I'll add on when he got new stories to update. hahahaha
Old 30-10-2005, 04:56 PM
singrakthai singrakthai is offline
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
u in bkk huh??i was away with some samsters today.did not hear u properly anyway.U said celebrating someone birthday huh??how did u get my no anyway?? i should have wonder i get many weird and unknown calls everytime...
well, I was with Mr Romance last night celebrating his birthday. hehe.. Yes, he asked me to call u to invite u too but i told him u won't dare pick up my calls. But I thought I remember u mentioning u wanna show Mr Romance around, so I gave him ur mobile. Hope u don't mind since u're such a hospitality people who's always inviting samsters coming to Thailand to meet up?

I understand that ur network no problem last night since Mr Romance did manage to talk to u.. hehehe

As for ur challenge for "trying" ur agogo gf, i've no opportunity to go down Rainbow 4 yet. Please try to be patient with me since i'm not like u and i've work to do during weekdays... i'll try to go down one of these days.

Or, better idea! Since u have absolute trust in ur gf, why not I just post her tag number out on the open forum so EVERYONE who's coming to Bangkok can try for u???? Since u're super sure she won't go out with anyone (for sex), u won't mind right? These bros will be helping with ur girl's income too! So now she won't be working her ass off for just 20,000THB per month. Ok? Can I have ur permission to post ur girl's tag number in the open?

Awaiting for ur reply... or what say u, brothers out there? Raise of hands?
Old 30-10-2005, 06:34 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by singrakthai
well, I was with Mr Romance last night celebrating his birthday. hehe.. Yes, he asked me to call u to invite u too but i told him u won't dare pick up my calls. But I thought I remember u mentioning u wanna show Mr Romance around, so I gave him ur mobile. Hope u don't mind since u're such a hospitality people who's always inviting samsters coming to Thailand to meet up?

I understand that ur network no problem last night since Mr Romance did manage to talk to u.. hehehe

As for ur challenge for "trying" ur agogo gf, i've no opportunity to go down Rainbow 4 yet. Please try to be patient with me since i'm not like u and i've work to do during weekdays... i'll try to go down one of these days.

Or, better idea! Since u have absolute trust in ur gf, why not I just post her tag number out on the open forum so EVERYONE who's coming to Bangkok can try for u???? Since u're super sure she won't go out with anyone (for sex), u won't mind right? These bros will be helping with ur girl's income too! So now she won't be working her ass off for just 20,000THB per month. Ok? Can I have ur permission to post ur girl's tag number in the open?

Awaiting for ur reply... or what say u, brothers out there? Raise of hands?
singrakthai, damn yr previous post is so fucking long, i seriously dont even wanna read it.
i dont go rainbow 4 at all , used to have a friend who works that but she quit 2 months back ..
anyway, personally im not interested in knowing who or what number junichi gf no is...
maybe because i always hang outside the bars instead of gng in .. i dont care
Old 31-10-2005, 05:19 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by singrakthai
well, I was with Mr Romance last night celebrating his birthday. hehe.. Yes, he asked me to call u to invite u too but i told him u won't dare pick up my calls. But I thought I remember u mentioning u wanna show Mr Romance around, so I gave him ur mobile. Hope u don't mind since u're such a hospitality people who's always inviting samsters coming to Thailand to meet up?

I understand that ur network no problem last night since Mr Romance did manage to talk to u.. hehehe

As for ur challenge for "trying" ur agogo gf, i've no opportunity to go down Rainbow 4 yet. Please try to be patient with me since i'm not like u and i've work to do during weekdays... i'll try to go down one of these days.

Or, better idea! Since u have absolute trust in ur gf, why not I just post her tag number out on the open forum so EVERYONE who's coming to Bangkok can try for u???? Since u're super sure she won't go out with anyone (for sex), u won't mind right? These bros will be helping with ur girl's income too! So now she won't be working her ass off for just 20,000THB per month. Ok? Can I have ur permission to post ur girl's tag number in the open?

Awaiting for ur reply... or what say u, brothers out there? Raise of hands?
Jun pick up my call when the phone ring for just a while. If I am not wrong,
he told me he had to reject my invitation as he was with his GF...
Old 31-10-2005, 09:25 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by singrakthai

Or, better idea! Since u have absolute trust in ur gf, why not I just post her tag number out on the open forum so EVERYONE who's coming to Bangkok can try for u???? Since u're super sure she won't go out with anyone (for sex), u won't mind right? These bros will be helping with ur girl's income too! So now she won't be working her ass off for just 20,000THB per month. Ok? Can I have ur permission to post ur girl's tag number in the open?

Awaiting for ur reply... or what say u, brothers out there? Raise of hands?
good suggestion..keke worth to consider
He who loves 3 people has 3 woes; he who loves no one has no woes

Old 31-10-2005, 10:50 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
I told u if i did not remembered correctly,i said i last time sign on airforce,then break bond.I perhaps did not say how much since we met on the first day.No need to go into personal details.That is why i bet soccer for a living i told u mah
Paiseh lah, too many things we chat about and I was more anxious to lead me to see that Cindy, so probably I was not attentive on the 'break bond' issue you mentioned .. hehe.
Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
I am not talking about anyone here lah.What i meant is in majority not pinpointing anyone.I do not know free in person so i cannot comment loh.I onli comment on those i seen in person to be fair.Many never see me in person also can pass so much judgements ...hehee
get used to it and treat it as some form of endurance test .. I also kena lots of labels (liar / no guts to meet etc).
Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
I am not referring to u lah.I did not want to bring that point up.But the truth is that old already,that why have to resort to commercial sex.There is nothing wrong with that mah.Just that people here 30s or 40s want to have free boinks same as youngsters.Abit impossible mah,but nonetheless may have exceptions lah.
where got time to date/sian young gals .. just pay and makan ... haha
Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
Hehe,my parents had long used to the fact that i slack all day in and out at home for so many donkey years..........My girl always hears that.I always says all this is so cheap in bkk nt like spore.Where to find??Paisey lah,i never been to any other countries b4 thailand.
Oi, tell your gf you got ICT - can come back liao lor


Old 31-10-2005, 12:47 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by DNAT
Paiseh lah, too many things we chat about and I was more anxious to lead me to see that Cindy, so probably I was not attentive on the 'break bond' issue you mentioned .. hehe.
Wah. Lau uncle "wee chee mon kok"
ML: I like you style
CB: Really?! What style?
ML: Doggie style!
Old 31-10-2005, 01:22 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by meatlover
Wah. Lau uncle "wee chee mon kok"
better than you lah, you knnz 'wee ladyboyz mon kok' 1


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