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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 01-02-2006, 11:09 AM
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Re: Casanova

[QUOTE=kaakoii]............but I changed to a new girl Tiffany. She is quite friendly, the massage session was not too bad,but rather short.Ard 20mins she will starts figering your back,and asked you to turn over. And tickled your didi,and ask for special.

Bro Kaakoii, tks for the FR, knowing this new grl quick some time but not yet try her service...can you let me how short of her? cos I like slim, tall and busty gal...
Old 01-02-2006, 08:16 PM
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at last i can log in...
been trying the past 2 weeks ...
dunno y i can't..
me normally dun make any booking...went to casa ..
as casa nv dissapoint me...remembered my time ther with lina...
ushered 2 room 3...after shower waited a while...
a slight knock on the door when i was lying down liao...
saw this slim girl came in...
talk for a while she started msg me...
message a bit sop ...nt as hard as i like it..
the came the question '' u want to continue msg??''
me as usual lah ...''huh??? gt anyting more meh???''
she giggled ...''any special??'' ''oh ,ok '' i ask for fj
she started licking my nipple all the way to my leg...
den she took of her dress...hmmm nice slim body...breast looks a handfull oni...she continued painting my body ..this time from my leg slowly all the way up to my tits...''can u help me take of my top??'' who the hell can say no when a lady ask 4 help...keh keh keh...yup sure oni a handfull but nice tits..she continued licking...the moment she lick my didi....oh my ...the feeling was great...i buay tahan liao....cap me den start to bj....good long 1...
den she started riding me ....ah ..moaning n groaning...den she turn around ..her back facing me...without her pussy leaving my didi...hmm ...her tatoo at the back seems like done in some cheap tatoo wat the hell..a girl with tatoo on her back riding me turns up my heat...she reach my hand n pull me up...a very delicate operation as i dun wanna pull out my didi..
ny doggie me in haf standing those in porno movie...shiok...after my knee cap start to feel like giving way i made her lie face down with her legs close...entered from behind...dis is my fav position...
so far nv manage to gt any gerl in hc to do dis position...keep varying ramming..and slow as deep as my didid acan enter....den came in her...
lie down on top of her a while....a satisfied man!!!

face : 8/10
tits : 7/10
bj : 9/10
fj : 10/10
service : 10/10( wat can i say ...a satisfied man)
rtf : damn yes!!!!
damage : usual lah.....
Old 01-02-2006, 08:20 PM
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re : Casanova


at last i can log in...
been trying the past 2 weeks ...
dunno y i can't..
me normally dun make any booking...went to casa ..
as casa nv dissapoint me...remembered my time ther with lina...
ushered 2 room 3...after shower waited a while...
a slight knock on the door when i was lying down liao...
saw this slim girl came in...
talk for a while she started msg me...
message a bit sop ...nt as hard as i like it..
the came the question '' u want to continue msg??''
me as usual lah ...''huh??? gt anyting more meh???''
she giggled ...''any special??'' ''oh ,ok '' i ask for fj
she started licking my nipple all the way to my leg...
den she took of her dress...hmmm nice slim body...breast looks a handfull oni...she continued painting my body ..this time from my leg slowly all the way up to my tits...''can u help me take of my top??'' who the hell can say no when a lady ask 4 help...keh keh keh...yup sure oni a handfull but nice tits..she continued licking...the moment she lick my didi....oh my ...the feeling was great...i buay tahan liao....cap me den start to bj....good long 1...
den she started riding me ....ah ..moaning n groaning...den she turn around ..her back facing me...without her pussy leaving my didi...hmm ...her tatoo at the back seems like done in some cheap tatoo wat the hell..a girl with tatoo on her back riding me turns up my heat...she reach my hand n pull me up...a very delicate operation as i dun wanna pull out my didi..
ny doggie me in haf standing those in porno movie...shiok...after my knee cap start to feel like giving way i made her lie face down with her legs close...entered from behind...dis is my fav position...
so far nv manage to gt any gerl in hc to do dis position...keep varying ramming..and slow as deep as my didid acan enter....den came in her...
lie down on top of her a while....a satisfied man!!!

face : 8/10
tits : 7/10
bj : 9/10
fj : 10/10
service : 10/10( wat can i say ...a satisfied man)
rtf : damn yes!!!!
damage : usual lah.....
Old 01-02-2006, 08:54 PM
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Re: Casanova

Originally Posted by strongtopflite
Re: Lemon

confirmed. Lemon does FJ. had it yesterday. she's good ..overall score 8/10. but 1 thing i didn't like, she dun seem to pay too much attention to washing herself up after the session : (
hmm didn't really notice dat....she spent quite some time in the shower after servicing me...mayb should pop in the shower the nx time round
Old 01-02-2006, 11:16 PM
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Re: Casanova

What the fish ! Casa is having reduced session time of 35 mins instead of usual 45 mins and still charge $38 just because there are 4 gals on duty ! I don't see the logic and value of the session. Was told it will last till this Sunday !
Old 02-02-2006, 01:11 PM
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Re: Casanova

Originally Posted by seeknewss
What the fish ! Casa is having reduced session time of 35 mins instead of usual 45 mins and still charge $38 just because there are 4 gals on duty ! I don't see the logic and value of the session. Was told it will last till this Sunday !
That is daylight robbery !! Just like Cat 150 changing their timing to 30 mins instead of 40-45mins during the festive season... just boycott them until service return to normal.

BTW, bro thanx for the info...
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Old 02-02-2006, 01:51 PM
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Re: Casanova

Originally Posted by seeknewss
..Casa is having reduced session time of 35 mins instead of usual 45 mins and still charge $38 just because there are 4 gals on duty....
Aiyoh... Was still thinking of going down... looks like must avoid till next week...

Thanks for the info bro...
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Old 03-02-2006, 05:52 PM
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Re: Casanova

haiyah....y like dat????
shorter time shd equals to lower charge mah...
any idea who's on duty??
Old 04-02-2006, 06:59 PM
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Re: Casanova


Was there yesterday evening. The list of girls on duty listed out over the phone was at around 10. It seems they got them to come back sooner.

Old 06-02-2006, 05:58 PM
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Re: Casanova

hi bros. short FR.
was there over weekend.
they back to 45 mins 38.

went in tried the facilities not bad. steam, sauna and small jacuzy enuf for 4 bros.

never requested for anyone. was assigned Eve.

looks - 6/10
Boops - B.. soft like jelly, i like hehehhe.
Body - 6/10
BJ - 5/10 with cap
FJ - 5/10 dead fish, fake moan
massage - 5/10 dont feel a thing, keeps trying to excite you for action.
comments: resisted frenching, pussy nice to lick (trimed hair) damn talkative she cant stop talking even during FJ still talk. bro which came with me tot we never do anything because heard her yapping throughout the whole 45 mins.

later after tipping the coffee aunty got info massage lemon is best. also Cindy. should have taken lemon.

as usual, this is what i think of eve, maybe chemistry not there, so if other bros had better experience with her please share.
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Old 06-02-2006, 06:22 PM
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Re: Casanova

I am a big boob lover. Any recommendation?
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Old 06-02-2006, 07:18 PM
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Re: Casanova

Originally Posted by HOWITZER 155MM
I am a big boob lover. Any recommendation?
Can try CAt or snow..both are a handful.....Wont regret....
Old 06-02-2006, 10:08 PM
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Re: Casanova

Thank Bro Gaia. Up u alreadi.
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Old 07-02-2006, 01:46 AM
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Re: Casanova

[QUOTE=Optimus_Prime]That is daylight robbery !! Just like Cat 150 changing their timing to 30 mins instead of 40-45mins during the festive season... just boycott them until service return to normal.

BTW, bro thanx for the info...

Bro OP,
Today afternoon I went Casa and the charge is $38 for 45 minute session.
My experience is try to avoid to cheong HC during festive season due to most of the grls go back to their hometown.
Old 07-02-2006, 08:11 AM
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Re: Casanova

Originally Posted by Rolex
Bro OP,
Today afternoon I went Casa and the charge is $38 for 45 minute session.
My experience is try to avoid to cheong HC during festive season due to most of the grls go back to their hometown.
Bro.... who u went for ??? Star ? Sky ? Lemon ?

anyway save some $$ for the strip-tease party hor !! heehee
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