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Old 05-02-2016, 05:18 PM
SSboi SSboi is offline
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Re: Ho chi minh

Hi i m newbie first time going to VN HCMC on late feb tis month, is there any clubs or ktv recommended or there is any place to go at nite going with a friend 2 of us for 5-6 days wat are the damage like ? Any kindsoul advise ? I would prefer going to club to get like buying drink for the girl i meet chat n further on......Are there places like this we can hook a girl in the club ?
Old 06-02-2016, 12:52 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
NO hoianfather ISNT ME, i dont use clone acounts to attack others i use one account. Its some OTHER guy who has a issue with hoian...someone other than myself who sees him for what he is
OK now I understand. There was another guy here who was doing that a couple months ago, and again, I don't even remember what his real user name was. Can't be bothered to go back and check.
Old 06-02-2016, 05:15 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Liar. U used to be mutantchicken and countless other clones attacking me because I exposed you. I see u as an opportunistic scammer and that's what u are.

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
NO hoianfather ISNT ME, i dont use clone acounts to attack others i use one account. Its some OTHER guy who has a issue with hoian...someone other than myself who sees him for what he is
Old 06-02-2016, 07:40 PM
hoianpukgai hoianpukgai is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Puk gai lar....u hum kar cham

Originally Posted by hoian View Post
Liar. U used to be mutantchicken and countless other clones attacking me because I exposed you. I see u as an opportunistic scammer and that's what u are.
Old 06-02-2016, 10:46 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Hi guys, will be visiting vietnam soon and is my virgin trip there with my friend. i know some people doesnt like the part about spoon feeding but i have been reading this for a week already. hope to get some help with some of the questions i have, no worries, its nothing about giving away playgrounds.

1. there is this "om" term that keep popping up whenever cafe is mentioned. what does this term means? i will assume that the cafe mentioned here referred to bars rather than coffee cafe right?

2. cleaning service is full body cleaning or is like hair cutting? but some of the post seems to suggest it is a massage palour.

3. i know HCM works by district but some post mentioned Q1, Q5 etc. same as district?

4. there is this term TL1/2. what does this means?

Thks senior bros for helping to answer these questions.
Old 06-02-2016, 11:25 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
1 om= hug in vietnamese , it usually referes to a place where u go in order a drink then either get a bj from the girl or u can get to rubba the girl and get a hj whilst she sitting on ur lap

2 not sure what u mean by cleaning service, u need to put it in cpontext, but im assuming it eitehr refers to a hairdress that offers ear cleaning, hair cutting etc, usually non hanky panky if found in d1

3 q1= quan 1 thats vietnamese for district one, so d1=q1, d1 usually used by tourists, locals or long time visitors use q1

4. TL1/2 is the abbreviation of the name of a cafe om found in a certain district, its used to refer to a specific location so that guys who know where it is can discuss specific without broadcasting to the general reading population, eg guys like you who want to enjoy the rewards of other people work who actually go out there and FIND spots, as oppose to someone who reads the thread goes there enjoys it and often overpays and spoils market...been a member 4yrs , 30 posts and all are tcss or asking question type posts

yes i left few years back but now coming back to check for updates. i also know people dont like others to feed off their hard work hence if you did not notice, i did not ask for recommendations. i only ask questions that will help me to understand more about what others are posting.

if even this is too much for me to ask, then we probably need to review the purpose for a forum.
Old 07-02-2016, 08:54 AM
Wendella Wendella is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

I wrote a reply but dozed off before hitting submit; in the meantime Tom answered.

Last edited by Wendella; 07-02-2016 at 08:58 AM. Reason: fell asleep
Old 07-02-2016, 10:45 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
any system requires both SEEDERS and LEECHERS
Tom has a point, with some vulnerable points that he neglects to mention.

First, for sure there are some kinds of places here in VN where a lot of "work" is involved. Great example of that is the cafe oms that we were just talking about. These places spring up and get shut down often. A way to find them is by exploring, and that means driving around aimlessly at night for hours with your eyes open, just driving down what seems to be one likely street after another. I'm not proud to say that I have done that before, and with zero luck usually. On other evenings I have lucked out and discovered something that was really great, but the truth is that there are a lot more nights finding nothing than there are of finding something.

But in this forum there's a general attitude of what is almost secrecy regarding almost any place, regardless whether it took work to find or not. I mean, I trust no one who visits the massage places (Minh Tam, Dai Nam, etc.) drove around like that looking for them, no. The info gets passed around via PM from one member to another. There is a seriously miserly attitude toward sharing info on the part of many seniors in this forum, guys who do NO WORK to find those places.

Another example of that is the FS places. No one drives around looking for those, it would be impossible to find them, they're camouflaged. No, it's just inside info, pure and simple. A member like Tom has reason to keep that info to himself (PM him and you can find out why), but the vast majority here, it's just that they lack a sharing spirit.

That said, there are also plenty of members on here (usually the less-than-senior ones) who do have a more sharing spirit. To me this seems like it is the younger generation, guys who have come on this forum in the past year or 2, who seem to have a less traditional mindset.

Back to the seeder/leecher analogy, well, those terms comes from torrent sharing. I think the only reason that system works is because the designers arranged for the seeding (someone online who has the whole file) and leechers (very inapt term, cuz it means those online who have less than the whole file--they're really just incomplete seeders, they are sharing their files just as seeders are, the only difference is that they don't have the whole file yet) to share whatever they have BY DEFAULT. Anyone who installs that program will have their downloaded movies and music etc. all shared with everyone else in the system. They could opt out by cutting the file and pasting it somewhere else on their computer. But who bothers doing that? Or they can close the program except when they're actively using it. Actually I'm sure many people must do that. I do. But that system still works because enough people keep their programs open for long enough for there to be enough seeders/leechers for others to be able to keep downloading the files. It doesn't need millions of currently active, sharing members for the system to keep running smoothly, it only takes a few. If just one person has the whole file and is online, you can get it.

But applying that model to this forum, it would be as if we had a forum where all the useful info was shared by default and easily searchable. It would mean everyone's PM's would be made public, and could be searched by any user. The useful info would be tagged in a database for search purposes, and it would be possible to see how many members had that info, and one could instantly connect and retrieve it with no need to talk with that member, or any member. There would be absolutely no resentment of new guys searching for info because it would all be done anonymously. "Seeders" would not even realize their info was being searched, and if it was, so what. Why care.

I do realize there are reasons to care. The existence of many of these places is fragile, they're always vulnerable to being shut down. But at the same time, I don't think those legitimate reasons are the ones that lead members here to not share info. It takes a spirit of generosity to keep a sharing environment alive, and that's just remarkably lacking in this forum. (in stark contrast to almost any other forum on the internet, where asking and answering are the norm) As a system for sharing info, this forum is a failure.

Last edited by Wendella; 07-02-2016 at 10:58 AM.
Old 08-02-2016, 12:24 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Gong Xi Fa Cai...cung hi phat tai...
<a href= target=_blank></a>

Info threads are for field reports...if you want to chat post in tcss thread
Please do not post when you PM somebody
Please Do Not reply long post, always edit...
may zap and remove post

Old 08-02-2016, 09:19 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Mas Hurricane and all

KliK sInI >>>IndO C3W3
Old 10-02-2016, 01:48 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Anyone want to meet up at ho chi minh? I will be at ho chi minh from 10-14 feb.. 😚
Old 11-02-2016, 02:50 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
good luck finding cheong places hahah
Hey thanks bro really appreciate for ur dear words
Old 11-02-2016, 01:05 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

this post was a mistake

I mean that I did not intend to make a post here, thought I was making a post in a different forum

They both use the same colors, look similar

Last edited by Wendella; 11-02-2016 at 03:27 PM.
Old 11-02-2016, 05:13 PM
Luke0skywalker Luke0skywalker is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

A freebie in Q1

She came on to me in wechat early in the morning as I was still staying up all night with my body clock in a different time zone.

Said she was a hair dresser in a small town up North but business was very bad. She could not make enough money just for food. So 2 months back she rode the motor bike 100 miles to HCMC, looking for work. It took her 6 hours on the road, getting blown around by vans and buses.

6 AM she said she was taking a shower then coming to my hotel room for a visit. She's a small, skinny girl, perhaps 85-90 lbs. She's a basic country bumpkin in both looks and manners. Her face did not look pretty, may be a 3 or 4. She wanted to learn to speak English, but the simplest sentence would escape her. So we were in the room talking in simple sentences via wechat.

She said she was hungry and wanted breakfast. I was waiting for some replies in email so I made her wait. After a while we walked to a restaurant nearby which was just starting to serve breakfast. She did not want Western breakfasts, instead she ordered a fish hot pot with big plates of fish fillets, vegetables, herbs and noodle. The waitress was cooking and serving the food. It was quite a production, but tasted fishy so I tried to eat as little as possible while she clearly enjoyed it. I had to order a beer early in the morning to mask the fishy taste. A couple Russian guys were out for breakfast and thought that hot pot look interesting so they ordered the same. They must like fishy caviar a lot!

I gathered that she could not find a job and had no money. She owed rent and had most of her meals bought by guys she met in wechat. Back in the room I made the move on her. We were cuddling in bed but she would not let me touch her boobs or her crotch. She said definitely no fucking, but she would not leave. I was getting frustrated. She was not pretty at all, but I was being challenged to get into her pants.

After a lot of rolling around in bed, I finally managed to kiss her mouth and stuck my hand into her tight jean. Her crotch was damp and her pussy was sloppy. It took a lot more time to finally pulled off her jeans. Her legs were bony with large knee caps, not very attractive. Her resistance weakened. She said she was afraid of getting pregnant. In quick moves, I took off my pants and put on a condom. We were fucking with our shirts on. She was frowning; her faces was not pleasant. I was just plowing into her tight pussy to get off, avoiding looking at her face.

I just hate to deal with girls who make it so hard for sex, like they are very special. I got disgusted that she was always mooching off foreigners in the area. She's probably not good-looking enough to sell sex. I told her I had to do work and hope to see her again. She left quickly. I went to bed to catch some sleep. I really did not want to see her again. Just too much work for a little pussy.
Old 11-02-2016, 05:20 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Linh Big Boobs at Kathy Hotel 795 LE Hong Phong Q10

She's a sweetheart, very pretty, nice and sweet, soft and smooth skin, unlike the rest of the ugly, rude and rough hos I ran into in Q1.

She was in a daze in my arms. We really made love, for a long time. I am glad she enjoyed the sessions as much as I did. She did not deny me anything, but told me not to put my mouth into her pussy. I don't know why she was afraid, as I was DFKissing her mouth, sucking her soft lips and her tongue out. The saliva in the mouth does kill off bacteria and viruses, but germs would get directly into the blood stream if there are nicks or scratches on the skin.

When we were done, we laid back to recoup. I was checking and caressing her soft and sexy body with her smooth, shiny, glistening skin. There was a foamy ring of sexy juice around her pussy. I was trying to take pictures of that sexy pussy but she just pushed me off and covered it up with her hand, pleading for me to stop in her little girl's high-pitch whiny voice.
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