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Old 25-06-2016, 01:26 AM
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Re: WeChat Scam

how come there are so many scam?
Old 26-06-2016, 03:32 PM
freakoi freakoi is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

who knows maybe they think good chance to scam easy $.

nowadays they also know and try to chat with you say pay cash no buy cards etc give u the price also similar if not same as any other FL and top it off with unlimited shots to bait u even more.

location also start to give hdb blocks but always one that is beside 7-11/shopping centre that still have machine or 7-11.

then same old tricks and drill when u thought this might be real until u reach if you don't know the place well then notice hmm why near 7-11/machine. that's when u know 100% scam already say want number to call or ask u buy card.
Old 26-06-2016, 05:57 PM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by ahbey View Post
This is the same girl asking for lunch .
Name as 小琴 wechat www6886668
Ask to meet up same given address -252 jurong east st 24

Never quote for sex .... Dare not meet up with her
Confirm scam Liao

The girl in the photo is Jasmine Ho, the one who you chat with probably is a fat boy with face full of pimples.
Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
Old 27-06-2016, 09:27 PM
asthernal asthernal is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Hi bros,

recently I know of a girl thru Meowchat, but she is a local. She is a FL and ask me to transfer money to her first to book her since I was a first timer. I asked whether is she a scammer and she in turn gave me her phone number and bank acc. I was still suspicious. I wanna ask all bros whether its a practice to transfer money on the first meeting.
Old 27-06-2016, 09:38 PM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Hi bros,

I met a girl on Meowchat, she is a local FL. She said being a first timer or first time meeting , i will have to bank transfer her the money to book her and assured me she is not a scammer by giving me her phone number and bank acc number. I was still suspicious. So i wanna as all bros whether it is a practice to bank transfer money to the FL and the first meeting.
Old 28-06-2016, 09:13 AM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by asthernal View Post
Hi bros,

I met a girl on Meowchat, she is a local FL. She said being a first timer or first time meeting , i will have to bank transfer her the money to book her and assured me she is not a scammer by giving me her phone number and bank acc number. I was still suspicious. So i wanna as all bros whether it is a practice to bank transfer money to the FL and the first meeting.
Yes. Since she's local, she's safe.
Go for it and pay. Remember your FR.

Of course not! I'm amazed you can even contemplate! Read the posts up ! COD or nothing! Nothing can change this rule! Everyone in this trade knows! Cash only! Why the fuck will someone want to leave a trace or complicate the payment methods with a finds transfer? Unless they don't intend to fulfill their obligations as a FL
Old 28-06-2016, 11:57 PM
Benson Cheng Benson Cheng is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by JacqueMerlin View Post
Yes. Since she's local, she's safe.
Go for it and pay. Remember your FR.

Of course not! I'm amazed you can even contemplate! Read the posts up ! COD or nothing! Nothing can change this rule! Everyone in this trade knows! Cash only! Why the fuck will someone want to leave a trace or complicate the payment methods with a finds transfer? Unless they don't intend to fulfill their obligations as a FL
Never believe them, Fxxk first then pay
Old 05-07-2016, 05:20 PM
lustandfast lustandfast is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

bros, this one jiaj129j anyone tried? at amk area
Old 05-07-2016, 05:23 PM
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Re: WeChat Scam

I just kena another prankster on another platform, Locanto.

This site is a hit or miss. Had more hits that's why i'm still sourcing for new FLs everytime on this site.

This time I saw this guy posting on the behalf of thai girls. (multiple girls, individual ads and they're all thai) One of the girls had big tits and google image search yielded nothing. So i thought she was legit.

Messaged her and the response was quite fast too. So we agreed to a car job in the wee hours of the morning. Time came, I told her I'll be a little late and she's cool with it. Upon reaching later, I asked her where she is. She said she is "in town with customers". I told her I'm already here what the hell is she doing with other customers when we agreed to this timing already. The next thing she said pissed me off. She said "no do in car".
Then i argued with her obviously because it was agreed to initially (what a fuking lying whore) then she said it was "a misunderstanding". ok, fuck that so I just wanna meet her to release anyway.

She said she "can't leave and told me to wait or take her friend instead." I decided to wait, and she said it'll take about 90 minutes and she would message me when she's done. Okay fine. The fishy thing is how she refused to reveal her exact location at that time because I requested to go pick her up after she's done and she's insistent that I wait for her to message me when she's done.

2 hours flew by. I'm back home. Still no message. And i've been checking WhatsApp intermittently since she pangseh-ed me earlier. She has been online every few minutes. Wah, with customer still can use WA every few minutes, either she's an octopus or she's a super good multitasker, can suck a dick and use phone at the same time hor.

Decided to message her again. She replied "she's done and cleaning the room." I asked whether is it fine for me to go over now. She said yes. Then I remembered in her original message she said that she does outcall. So being lazy, I asked her if she could cab over to my place and we do it here in my room instead. She told me to call Uber to pick her up instead. No way in hell would I do that, what if she's a no-show?

I told her off, saying that I'm coming over to pick her up now. Blue ticks, no reply. Kept messaging her asking if she's ready since i'm coming, again blue ticks, no reply. Called her, phone rang but she doesn't pick up. By this time it was already 5am and her status is "online" all the time just reading my messages and refusing to pick up my calls. I called it quits. Scolded her and ended my night PCCing instead. Really stupid bitch. I'm thinking this person is a prankster all along.

No prizes for guessing who I booked. the one with the biggest tits.
do up my points if you like my contributions
Old 12-07-2016, 04:24 PM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Hi bros, today i encountered a problem. I did not know about the wechat scam till i searched it today. I was approached by this girl on wechat and she offered $100/2hr. And i made booking and went to the location. Then a china guy called me and ask me to buy an itunes $100 card. After which i sent it to her. But i was worrying for a scam so i went to use the card. But the china guy called me and threaten me asking me to watch out and he will find me and break my arms and legs . Is there any way that they are able to track me? Since i have deleted my wechat account and block the unknown number. Hope someone can give me an advice
Old 16-07-2016, 12:44 AM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Hmwxh2999 scam from hougang also block 401.
Old 16-07-2016, 12:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Justnicelor View Post
Hi bros, today i encountered a problem. I did not know about the wechat scam till i searched it today. I was approached by this girl on wechat and she offered $100/2hr. And i made booking and went to the location. Then a china guy called me and ask me to buy an itunes $100 card. After which i sent it to her. But i was worrying for a scam so i went to use the card. But the china guy called me and threaten me asking me to watch out and he will find me and break my arms and legs . Is there any way that they are able to track me? Since i have deleted my wechat account and block the unknown number. Hope someone can give me an advice
No f u c k I n g way la
Exchange points need contact ma?
Old 16-07-2016, 05:56 AM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by Justnicelor View Post
Hi bros, today i encountered a problem. I did not know about the wechat scam till i searched it today. I was approached by this girl on wechat and she offered $100/2hr. And i made booking and went to the location. Then a china guy called me and ask me to buy an itunes $100 card. After which i sent it to her. But i was worrying for a scam so i went to use the card. But the china guy called me and threaten me asking me to watch out and he will find me and break my arms and legs . Is there any way that they are able to track me? Since i have deleted my wechat account and block the unknown number. Hope someone can give me an advice
Please give me his number I will track him and go and pick him up to the police station. Singapore no more like in the 60's. There are gone. You can play with him and I will track his location.
Old 16-07-2016, 09:00 AM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Any one call jus fcuk them off ... tell them go guts dun run as police is on e way ... i bet they hang up at once ...
Old 16-07-2016, 12:05 PM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by Justnicelor View Post
Hi bros, today i encountered a problem. I did not know about the wechat scam till i searched it today. I was approached by this girl on wechat and she offered $100/2hr. And i made booking and went to the location. Then a china guy called me and ask me to buy an itunes $100 card. After which i sent it to her. But i was worrying for a scam so i went to use the card. But the china guy called me and threaten me asking me to watch out and he will find me and break my arms and legs . Is there any way that they are able to track me? Since i have deleted my wechat account and block the unknown number. Hope someone can give me an advice
Did you threaten him back by breaking his dick?
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