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Old 21-10-2016, 09:32 PM
Shalnark Shalnark is offline
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Re: Geylang's $40 and $50 Thai Reports

L24J15 G17 Shanel

Looks: Fair
Boobs: D, largest boobs among the group
Body: A bit chubby
Shower: SOP
BJ: Capped
GFE: Not the talkative much but offered to wipe me with towel after bath
FJ: Accomodating with the 3 positions i requested. Not much of a moaner.
No kissing and touching below.
RTF: Will try others first
Old 22-10-2016, 12:58 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 and $50 Thai Reports

The Biggest Rushed-Service Natural Titties in GL?

Last night, I decided to test out my "CAT40 = good service?" theory, so I headed back out to Lor 24. First stop was JM04 where the pickin’s had been pretty slim last time. Tonight, it looked like they had a full line-up. Girl #1 immediately caught my eye. Usually I'm not into pear shapes, but I’ve been on the lookout for a BBW for a while now and she had a pretty face, so I was quite excited to give her a whirl.

Crappy Service but… OMG Huge Natural Fucking Titties!
Crappy SOP service began almost as soon as we got inside the room. I like to feel a girl’s boobs before she takes off her clothes, but when she pushed my hands away saying dismissively “Later,” I immediately knew the kind of session this was going to be. Unfortunately, this affected how much I was able to appreciate it when she slipped off her bra to reveal easily the HUGEST NATURAL titties I’ve ever seen in GL! Probably the size of a small man’s head. For a second, I thought I was back in Tijuana.

Bossy, Rushed, and Restrictive
After an SOP shower, she powdered me up on the bed and proceeded to massage my body with those bulbous melons of hers. This would have been AMAZING had she not been barking at and rushing me all, like... 60 seconds of it. “No!” “You get up!” You lie down!” Before I could even get hard, she was trying to slip a condom onto my limp dick. I fucking hate it when girls do this, but not wanting to make a crappy session even worse, I grinned and bore it, thinking that maybe I could get hard once I was inside of her. No such luck, as she continued to rush me and issue commands about what was and wasn’t allowed. “Smell yes, mouth no!” which was her response to me trying to suck on her nipples. So I smiled, and snorted each of her teats, plugging my nostrils with them.

Perfunctory FJ until… DOGGYSTYLE
But this still wasn’t enough to get me hard, so I took off the condom and told her to give me some lube. As I stroked myself, she started giving me a perfunctory catbath which in turn gave me a perfunctory hard-on. After slipping on another condom, I flipped her over for missionary and started pounding that pussy, which was trimmed and somewhat obscured by rolls of fat. I flipped her over again for doggystyle. This was definitely the highlight of the entire session. Watching her in the mirror, on all fours, her huge, droopy, dangling knockers swinging to and fro as I'm pumping her pussy from behind—now that was a sight to see! Added bonus that she has a cute face as well. I reached down, cupped those heavy hangers, feeling them sway back and forth gently in my hands. At last, I gave her one deep final thrust and released my load.

She was already dressed by the time I finished showering myself. Since the buzzer hadn’t yet rung, I thought I’d try to squeeze in some more time with those bra-busters. “Okay, good bye, thank you,” she says to this, turning away to tidy up the room.

So I guess the "CAT40=good service theory" doesn’t always hold.


L24 JM04 G1
CAT40, Thai (mid 20s)

Attitude: bossy, rushed service. friendly and laughs a lot, but in that cold, non-intimate sort of way (4/10)
Face: cute, pretty face, short hair (7/10)
Body: pear-shaped BBW (5.5/10)
Boobs: HUGE NATURAL MELONS—like a small man’s head (8.5/10)
Ass: no hips due to pear-shaped body (4/10)
Pussy: trimmed and partially obscured by rolls of fat (5/10)
Shower: 1st time SOP / 2nd time DIY (4/10)
Massage: baby powder a nice touch for the boob massage. this could easily be 8.5+ were it not for the bossy and rushed service (6.5/10)
CBJ: doesn’t care whether you’re hard or not (2/10)
Cowgirl: N/A because she wouldn’t get me hard enough
Missionary: bossy and rushed. no sucking nipples (4.5/10)
Doggystyle: watch those amazing titties swaying back and forth in the mirror (8.5/10)
RTF: Really really hard to say for this one. While service was shitty in just about every aspect, just thinking about doggystylin’ those massive tits is making me hard again. I’m seriously considering an RTF where I just go straight to doggy.

Last edited by boobyboob; 25-10-2016 at 03:39 PM.
Old 22-10-2016, 01:15 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 and $50 Thai Reports so bossy
FR is only a chance, not a guarantee
The more FRs the better to get a more accurate picture
Old 22-10-2016, 07:03 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 and $50 Thai Reports

No matter how big the boobs.... I believe there is a size for it.....DD, EE or FF ??? Don't tell me she has her bra customised.
Contact my OKT GR888 and ask for Busty Bonanza
Old 22-10-2016, 07:36 PM
seraph321 seraph321 is offline
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Re: Geylang's $40 and $50 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by boobyboob View Post
The Biggest Rushed-Service Natural Titties in GL?

Last night, I decided to test out my "CAT40 = good service?" theory, so I headed back out to Lor 24. First stop was JM04 where the pickin’s had been pretty slim last time. Tonight, it looked like they had a full line-up. Girl #1 immediately caught my eye. Usually I'm not into pear shapes, but I’ve been on the lookout for a BBW for a while now and she had a pretty face, so I was quite excited to give her a whirl.

Crappy Service but… OMG Huge Natural Fucking Titties!
Crappy SOP service began almost as soon as we got inside the room. I like to feel a girl’s boobs before she takes off her clothes, but when she pushed my hands away saying dismissively “Later,” I immediately knew the kind of session this was going to be. Unfortunately, this affected how much I was able to appreciate it when she slipped off her bra to reveal easily the HUGEST NATURAL titties I’ve ever seen in GL! Probably the size of a small man’s head. For a second, I thought I was back in Tijuana.

Bossy, Rushed, and Restrictive
After an SOP shower, she powdered me up on the bed and proceeded to massage my body with those bulbous melons of hers. This would have been AMAZING had she not been barking at and rushing me all, like... 60 seconds of it. “No!” “You get up!” You lie down!” Before I could even get hard, she was trying to slip a condom onto my limp dick. I fucking hate it when girls do this, but not wanting to make a crappy session even worse, I grinned and bore it, thinking that maybe I could get hard once I was inside of her. No such luck, as she continued to rush me and issue commands about what was and wasn’t allowed. “Smell yes, mouth no!” which was her response to me trying to suck on her nipples. So I smiled, and snorted each of her teats, plugging my nostrils with them.

Perfunctory FJ until… DOGGYSTYLE
But this still wasn’t enough to get me hard, so I took off the condom and told her to give me some lube. As I stroked myself, she started giving me a perfunctory catbath which in turn gave me a perfunctory hard-on. After slipping on another condom, I flipped her over for missionary and started pounding that pussy, which was trimmed and somewhat obscured by rolls of fat. I flipped her over again for doggystyle. This was definitely the highlight of the entire session. Watching her in the mirror, on all fours, her huge, droopy, dangling knockers swinging to and fro as I'm pumping her pussy from behind—now that was a sight to see! Added bonus that she has a cute face as well. I reached down, cupped those heavy hangers, feeling them sway back and forth gently in my hands. At last, I gave her one deep final thrust and released my load.

She was already dressed by the time I finished showering myself. Since the buzzer hadn’t yet rung, I thought I’d try to squeeze in some more time with those bra-busters. “Okay, good bye, thank you,” she says to this, turning away to tidy up the room.

So I guess the "CAT40=good service theory" doesn’t always hold.


L24 JM14 G1
CAT40, Thai (mid 20s)

Attitude: bossy, rushed service. friendly and laughs a lot, but in that cold, non-intimate sort of way (4/10)
Face: cute, pretty face, short hair (7/10)
Body: pear-shaped BBW (5.5/10)
Boobs: HUGE NATURAL MELONS—like a small man’s head (8.5/10)
Ass: no hips due to pear-shaped body (4/10)
Pussy: trimmed and partially obscured by rolls of fat (5/10)
Shower: 1st time SOP / 2nd time DIY (4/10)
Massage: baby powder a nice touch for the boob massage. this could easily be 8.5+ were it not for the bossy and rushed service (6.5/10)
CBJ: doesn’t care whether you’re hard or not (2/10)
Cowgirl: N/A because she wouldn’t get me hard enough
Missionary: bossy and rushed. no sucking nipples (4.5/10)
Doggystyle: watch those amazing titties swaying back and forth in the mirror (8.5/10)
RTF: Really really hard to say for this one. While service was shitty in just about every aspect, just thinking about doggystylin’ those massive tits is making me hard again. I’m seriously considering an RTF where I just go straight to doggy.
how big is her boobs actually? F-cup? I am a big-boob lover!
Old 23-10-2016, 05:31 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 and $50 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by seraph321 View Post
how big is her boobs actually? F-cup? I am a big-boob lover!
If I had to venture a guess, I'd say above US DD for sure, but to me they're all just "huge titties" by that point. Maybe somewhere between a large grapefruit and a small pomelo? If you go, you'll have to let us know precisely. Like I said though, don't expect anything at all in terms of service.

-The Boob
Old 24-10-2016, 12:29 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 and $50 Thai Reports

Slim n white
Old 24-10-2016, 06:47 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 and $50 Thai Reports


JUst tried ,

Not bad , syt , got a cfm look , B cup , great moans , fair , from Chiang Mai

Will rtf
Old 25-10-2016, 06:25 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 and $50 Thai Reports

L18H38 - G11

No queue, no business, very quiet in the afternoon.

She's bad mood today, quite attitude of the way she talked.

Face: 8/10
Height: about 158-160cm
Body: Slim, Enhanced C-D (firmed)
Bath: SOP
On Bed: start licking my whole body & nipples, slowly proceed downward.
BBJ: Balls licking with suction follow by BJ. Very hardwork on BJ! 10/10
FJ: Cowboy follow by Missionary to end! Porn style FJ moaning & action! 10/10
RTF: Yes & No. Might try others. Maybe due to her slight attitude.
Damage: $50 for 25mins

Last edited by charmguy; 25-10-2016 at 11:37 PM.
Old 27-10-2016, 01:12 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 and $50 Thai Reports

I almost wanna laugh when I saw pornstar experience.

I didn't know porn star do bj with condom...
Waste time. Didn't bother to read that lengthy fr after I saw cbj.
Min 8 points for Exchange. Thank you!
Old 27-10-2016, 05:21 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 and $50 Thai Reports


Looks ok , 1.5+m , c cup (I think ) , gfe good , catbath also not bad, quite hard working, moaning also quite loud and natural.

Overall not bad , can rtf.

Also say G8, looks delicious, will try next time
Old 30-10-2016, 10:33 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 and $50 Thai Reports

Any skinny cheap.bonks
Old 01-11-2016, 04:20 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 and $50 Thai Reports

L8 H45 G9
Looks: 7/10
Body: 8/10
Shower: started frenching me inside and BBBJ 8/10
BBBJ: 8/10
GFE: 9/10 high GFE feel! keep hugging and kissing
FJ: 8/10
French: YES!! Rare to find a girl that do french... well i am kinda new to the scene anyway do tell me if you know others
RTF: Yes

L8 H45 G88
Looks: 8/10
Body: 8/10
Shower: 9/10, started good bbbj inside
BBBJ: 8/10
GFE: 7/10
FJ: 9/10, her riding skill is awesome
French: No
RTF: Maybe
Old 02-11-2016, 07:02 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 and $50 Thai Reports

L24JM14 G10
Looks: 7/10
Body: 8/10
Shower: Standard SOP plus BBBJ
BBBJ: 8/10
GFE: 9/10 high GFE feel! keep hugging and kissing, repeatedly calling "Honey"
FJ: 8/10 - Very tight pussy, extended session for another shot, usually happens when high GFE.
French: Never try with CAT 40
RTF: Yes
Old 02-11-2016, 09:19 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 and $50 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by DarlyNg View Post
L8 H45 G9
Looks: 7/10
Body: 8/10
Shower: started frenching me inside and BBBJ 8/10
BBBJ: 8/10
GFE: 9/10 high GFE feel! keep hugging and kissing
FJ: 8/10
French: YES!! Rare to find a girl that do french... well i am kinda new to the scene anyway do tell me if you know others
RTF: Yes

L8 H45 G88
Looks: 8/10
Body: 8/10
Shower: 9/10, started good bbbj inside
BBBJ: 8/10
GFE: 7/10
FJ: 9/10, her riding skill is awesome
French: No
RTF: Maybe
looks like u had a good time !
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