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Old 05-11-2018, 02:30 PM
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Going to take one for the team and try out this latest technology

Mate of mine tried the treatment and he claims it has turned the clock back 30 years and he now gets the same sort of rock hard erections he had as a teenager.

I too miss the sort of erections that I used to be so proud of during my younger years. Instances of super erections that used to cause the dick to ache are now few and far between.

Cost is $600 per session x twice a week for 3 weeks = $3600 but if it works it's money well spent. However I have to say that I have my doubts. Only time will tell.
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Old 05-11-2018, 02:31 PM
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Re: Going to take one for the team and try out this latest technology

NuCare Clinics is the first clinic in New Zealand to offer Acoustic Wave Therapy (AWT) to treat Erectile Dysfunction (ED).
Acoustic Wave therapy is:


A SAFE procedure proven in over 100 research studies using AWT for erectile dysfunction specifically


A PAINLESS procedure. No injections, no local anaesthetic is required, is not at all painful and only the vibration effect from the sound waves is felt during the treatment.


A 100% NATURAL therapy without the need for using medications, blue pills, or injections. It is sound waves delivered at a special rate and amount that stimulates the development of new blood vessels and stem cells within the penis to rejuvenate the tissues and significantly improve erectile function

TWICE a week for 3 WEEKS

Twice a week for 3 weeks is all it takes to complete the standard treatment.

At NUCARE we use the treatment protocol developed by Dr Igor Motil, a Urologist who has specialised in successfully treating man men who have declining erectile function with Acoustic Wave Therapy.

This protocol has been shown in research studies to be effective in 80% of men (Motil, I & Sramkova, T. (2017). ED treatment by low intensity focused shock waves - a comparison of available devices and therapeutic techniques. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 13:S116)

Call the Registered Nurse now on 0800 NUCARE or email your contact details to discuss in confidence your erectile dysfunction problems and concerns and find out more about Acoustic Wave Therapy.

Two systematic reviews, which are a rigorous methods of analysing multiple research studies to form a conclusion, were published this year (2017). The conclusion of the research study of the European Urology journal of 833 patients was:

"These studies suggest that LI-ESWT could significantly improve the IIEF (International Index of Erectile Function) and EHS (Erection Hardness Score) of Erectile Dysfunction” (Lu, et al 2017)

The conclusion of of the research study of the Journal of Sexual Medicine of 602 participants was: "In this meta-analysis of seven randomized controlled trials, treatment of ED with LI-ESWT resulted in a significant increase in IIEF-EF scores." (Clavijo, et al 2017).

"LI-ESWT is well known among experts in sexual medicine and the treatment is perceived as safe and effective against vasculogenic ED" (Fode et al 2017).

If untreated, erectile dysfunction will not go away!
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is simply the repeated inability to get or to keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse.

You might find that you can’t get an erection at all, or you can get one only sometimes or you can only keep an erection for a brief period of time.

Some people believe that Erectile Dysfunction is just a part of getting older – it’s not. It’s caused by a physical or psychological problem that can be treated. And because it’s such a personal issue, you might feel awkward about seeking help but don’t worry: Erectile Dysfunction is very, very common and is very treatable and many cases.

The registered Nurses at NuCare Clinics have been trained to evaluate your erectile function. The nurses discuss erectile function with lots of men every week and successfully treat the vast majority of them with Acoustic Wave Therapy.

Linear focused Acoustic Wave Therapy for vascular Erectile Dysfunction

Acoustic waves are often referred to as "shockwaves" or "shock wave" in medical articles.

This is not because it is using a shock like an electrical shock but rather the phenomenon in Physics is described as an acoustic shock wave.

Similar to when a stone is thrown into a pond, the ripples moving outwards are shock waves.

These are similar to the shockwaves of Acoustic Wave Therapy.

The LSTC-ED (Linear Acoustic wave Tissue Coverage) treatment - a new and unique approach
Point focused and linear focused shockwaves have shown to provide good results in the treatment of vascular-related Erectile dysfunction. However they were hindered by difficulty in treatment delivery and especially treatment coverage using specialised applicators.

New experience in the low intensity shockwave treatment of ED using a therapy source with a linear shaped therapy focus are showing improved results utilizing an optimized, new treatment strategy. The treatment strategy is called LSTC-ED (Linear Shockwave Tissue Coverage - Erectile Dysfunction).

The innovation in treatment involves the direction of the energy application and the course of treatment which covers across the entire cavernous bodies. The energy is applied at a right angle to the cavernous bodies by moving the therapy source longitudinally through the Penis (Corpora Cavernosa) and Perineum (Crura Penis), ensuring that the optimised energy is delivered through the entire target tissue.

We have used the utmost care in researching and clinical approval of this method. A reputable evidence and study proof was important to us. A prospective, multicenter placebo-controlled study with 75 patients is showing a significant improvement in IIEF-5 scores and a successful treatment in 81% of patients after one month of treatment.

A functional improvement was proven 6 months after treatment and underlined the long-term effect of LSTC ED treatment.

The main mechanism of action in ED treatment with Acoustic Waves:

- Neovascularisation - formation of new blood vessels
- Improved blood circulation

Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction
Research studies published in peer-reviewed journals reveal some interesting facts about the incidence and prevalence of erectile dysfunction as well as the severity affecting these men. A summary of the findings of the various studies is provided with the primary author of each study mentioned. There are hyperlinks provided to the abstract of the research studies for further reading and research.

Take home point: Increasing incidence of erectile function ranging in ages from 18-100. Only 10% of men seek help and of those 10%, only 9% had received treatment.

DO NOT DELAY TREATMENT. ED will not go away.

Call the Nurse at NUCARE clinics on 0800 NUCARE and discuss your options for effective natural therapy for erectile dysfunction

Summary of research on the prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction

Mutha, 2015: 41% of men with erectile dysfunction were from the age group of 30-39 years.

Martins, 2010: Prevalence of ED in men 18-40 years old was 35.0% (73.7% mild, 26.3% moderate/complete).

Rhoden 2002: The prevalence of all degrees of ED was estimated as 53.9%.

In this group of men, the degree of ED was mild in 21.5%, mild to moderate in 14.1%, moderate in 6.3%, and severe in 11.9%.

According to age groups, the rates of ED were:

40-49 years (36.4%)

50-59 year (42.5%)

60-69 year (58.1%)

70-79 years (79.4%)

over 80 years (100%)

Abdo, 2006: The overall prevalence of ED was 45.1% (31.2% mild, 12.2% moderate)

Lyngdorf, 2004: Only 10% of the men with sexual problems seek advice and only 9% suffering from ED had received some kind of treatment.

Frederick, 2014: In a large group of men (6,228,509) >/=30 years in a commercial medical insurance dataset with a diagnosis code for ED during 12-month period only 25.4% of 6,2 million men with ED were treated during study period. Despite HIGH prevalence of ED with age, most men continue receiving NO TREATMENT.

In a study by Wang, 2016, the pooled prevalence of ED in men was 49.69%

The occurrence rates of ED by age groups were:

younger than 30: 20.86%,
30 to 39: 25.30%
40 to 49: 40.48%
50 to 59: 60.12%
60 to 69: 79.10%
70 years: 93.72%
The severity-specific prevalences of ED were:

Mild: 32.54%
Moderate: 9.86%
Severe: 13.97%
ED prevalences reported by different diagnostic methods were:

Self-reports: 14.19%
Chinese Index of Erectile Function: 44.60%
International Index of Erectile Function-5: 49.91% (Wang, 2016).

It has been reported that there is a worldwide increase in erectile dysfunction. The prevalence of approximately 322 million with ED, an increase of nearly 170 million men since 1995 (Ayta, 1999).

Ansong, 2000: The overall prevalence of ED was 46.3% (50-76 years) while the minimum prevalence was estimated as 21.3%.

Age-specific prevalence was:

50-54 years: 26.0%

55-59 years: 34.9%

60-64 years: 46.9%

65-69 years: 57.8%

70-76 years: 69.4%
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Old 05-11-2018, 03:48 PM
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Re: Going to take one for the team and try out this latest technology

Go for it sam and best of luck

from what i read on it so far, it is safe and painless (unless your pocket feels the pinch) and the side effects is really negligible... ( some redness which goes away after a couple of days at most)..

reminds me of a song..

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post

Mate of mine tried the treatment and he claims it has turned the clock back 30 years and he now gets the same sort of rock hard erections he had as a teenager.

I too miss the sort of erections that I used to be so proud of during my younger years. Instances of super erections that used to cause the dick to ache are now few and far between.

Cost is $600 per session x twice a week for 3 weeks = $3600 but if it works it's money well spent. However I have to say that I have my doubts. Only time will tell.
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Last edited by Big Sexy; 05-11-2018 at 04:03 PM.
Old 06-11-2018, 12:35 PM
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Re: Going to take one for the team and try out this latest technology

thanks boss sam
i am thinking of trying that too, not sure if they have it here in thailand.
Please keep us updated on your progress. . Cheers!
Old 06-11-2018, 09:42 PM
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Re: Going to take one for the team and try out this latest technology

I also very sian...years of being diabetic finally creates a problem for my erections now..... if this treatment can offer hope.... a few thousand dollars is a small price... but I guess such treatment will differ from person to person.
Old 07-11-2018, 01:00 AM
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Re: Going to take one for the team and try out this latest technology

Originally Posted by Attilio2003 View Post
if they have it here in thailand
That would be interesting if they do
Old 07-11-2018, 10:22 AM
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Re: Going to take one for the team and try out this latest technology

First session today. Lasted 8000 pulses (about half an hour in total including preparation) 4000 along the shaft of the penis and another 4000 below the scrotum.

The pulses felt like light pin pricks when the probe was run up and down the penis but the second half of the session which involved zapping the tissue below the scrotum was rather uncomfortable to begin with.

The video below illustrates exactly how the procedure went so there is no need for me to go into a lengthy description. Just watch the vid.

2nd session is on Saturday. A total of 6 sessions is required for optimum results according to the protocol that has been developed. Each session must be at least 3 days apart.

Patients usually experience improvement after the 3rd session. Have not tested things out yet. I'll keep everyone up to date.
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Old 07-11-2018, 12:14 PM
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Re: Going to take one for the team and try out this latest technology

Congrats boss.

Too far away for many of us to fly to NZ for treatment...
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Old 07-11-2018, 12:34 PM
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Re: Going to take one for the team and try out this latest technology

boss did u get an erection when they touch your kuku bird? i hope not

i was thinking of going for that but not sure if i can find a female staff to do it, the thought of a male touching with my kukubird area makes me cringe and i will probably end up feeling more impotent than before..

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
First session today. Lasted 8000 pulses (about half an hour in total including preparation) 4000 along the shaft of the penis and another 4000 below the scrotum.
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Old 07-11-2018, 12:36 PM
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what is the diff between this and ESWT shockwave treatment offered in alot of place in sg?
Old 07-11-2018, 01:18 PM
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Re: Going to take one for the team and try out this latest technology

Originally Posted by hellobye View Post
what is the diff between this and ESWT shockwave treatment offered in alot of place in sg?
All rely on the same principle ie a device delivers ultrasonic waves to the erectile tissue in the penis in order to induce a regeneration of new blood vessels.

Different doctors have invented different protocols. Each believes (or claims) that their method is superior.

There is a section in the video above that explains the differences.

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Old 07-11-2018, 01:21 PM
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Re: Going to take one for the team and try out this latest technology

Originally Posted by 5 STAR GENERAL View Post
boss did u get an erection when they touch your kuku bird? i hope not

i was thinking of going for that but not sure if i can find a female staff to do it, the thought of a male touching with my kukubird area makes me cringe and i will probably end up feeling more impotent than before..
It was done by a nurse..... this one to be exact.

I hope that answers your question.
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Old 12-11-2018, 03:47 PM
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Re: Going to take one for the team and try out this latest technology

Two sessions so far. Next one tomorrow. It could be my imagination but erections do seem harder because my dick is aching after a fuck.
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Old 12-11-2018, 03:52 PM
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Re: Going to take one for the team and try out this latest technology

Thinking of finishing this project off with a P shot. What do you guys think?

If shockwave winds back the clock 20 years adding a P shot could subtract another 20.

The shockwave threrapy is a piece of cake. No pain at all.

Got along great with the nurse and she treated my tennis elbow with shockwaves FOC.

I can't vouch for my dick yet but I can tell you the tennis elbow treatment works like a dream. The pain that has been troubling me for months was gone within 48 hours. It's unbelievable.


NUCARE Clinic provides conservative NON-operative pain therapies that are supported by many research studies.
Low Energy Shockwave or Acoustic Wave Therapy and Low Level Laser Therapy also known as Cold Laser Therapy

Shockwave Therapy

Low energy Shockwave Therapy, also known as Acoustic Wave Therapy or Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) has been extensively researched for over 20 years and has been shown by numerous studies to be a highly effect therapy for a wide variety of pain conditions, wound healing, as well as treating erectile dysfunction.

At NUCARE. we have the PiezoWave2 therapy system that delivers an acoustic wave based on the principles of ultrasound scanning.

The PiezoWave2 delivers a focused acoustic wave that is able to reach 6 cm into the deeper tissues if necessary to treat deep musculoskeletal pain.

PiezoWave2 shock wave therapyRead more about the second generation PiezoWave system on the manufacturer's website here
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Old 12-11-2018, 04:09 PM
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Re: Going to take one for the team and try out this latest technology

thanks for the update. no comment on p shot as i have no knowledge of that. but it is good to know the shockwaves therapy works for tennis elbow.

any idea if it works for frozen shoulder ? i am having problem lifting up my arms these days.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Thinking of finishing this project off with a P shot. What do you guys think?

If shockwave winds back the clock 20 years adding a P shot could subtract another 20.

The shockwave threrapy is a piece of cake. No pain at all.

Got along great with the nurse and she treated my tennis elbow with shockwaves FOC.

I can't vouch for my dick yet but I can tell you the tennis elbow treatment works like a dream. The pain that has been troubling me for months was gone within 48 hours. It's unbelievable.
thank you for your point(s). Please leave your nick behind so that i can up you too

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