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Old 02-11-2008, 09:11 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
Boh liao... There is a lot I want tamboon I kena scolded by OC....
Wah sian when went BKK with OC. This cannot do, that cannot do..........i fully understand.
Old 02-11-2008, 10:01 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Uppenny View Post
Bros here pls confirm if AC Neocromancer is also AC Timid, Bro ningaichen never pm me contacts. I become another victim
There is a conman by the nick of Necromancer II in here selling amulets at a super big profit to bros here but he claims he is not earning a cent instead he is making a loss for every amulet/barang he let out to bros. His scam was exposed a few months back, and a couple of weeks ago he came back here starting a thread in HC section and newbie section peddling his amulets again and he was exposed again.

He proclaimed he is an archan, going by the name of Archan Tim. Infact, he has a few nicks here, Archan Con man is one of them. I think the bro who mentioned Archan Timid coz this con man Necromancer don't have the guts to clear the air. Don't read too much into it. Archan Con man is also Archan Timid. You don't recognise the word Timid
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Old 02-11-2008, 10:10 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
Archan Con man is also Archan Timid. You don't recognise the word Timid
precisely!! and yet, i really dun know why bro Uppenny cannot recognise the english word timid...where on earth will an archan name himself as Archan Timid?? Got archan call by name of archan brave, archan clever, archan stupid, archan genius, or archan moron 1 meh? we are only insulting Necromancer II directly..that's all..
See Archan Tim posting: Shameless Archan Tim aka Necromancer II

A real Archan will NOT need to:
1.) keep saying he's selling at cost price/loss to benefit others.
2.) Earn more than 1,800% profit from cheapo amulets, keep stressing about his winning on 4Ds and being a "millionaire".

Last edited by ningcaichen; 02-11-2008 at 10:27 PM.
Old 03-11-2008, 12:22 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Uppenny View Post
Bros here pls confirm if AC Neocromancer is also AC Timid, Bro ningaichen never pm me contacts. I become another victim
No offence bro , but we can only create aware-ness here in this forum/thread , we CANT be there 24/7 monitoring Necromancer's moves on exploiting the new bros.

We already create sufficient evidence/topics/posts in this thread. If a new bro fails to go through the thread or checking out the contents , I could only say too bad for him.

Since u said u became another victim recently , maybe u could share with us how it came about and let us know more about your incident.
Old 03-11-2008, 12:58 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

hi all brothers and thaidisco lover, i can certified that this archan conman aka archan necromancer is out again to make some con money on amulet again. as i have been been contacted by him again asking me to buy amulet and also chinese talisman now he also sell this talisman where he go to geylang bao ji kong temple to ask da yah peh for taliman and make some alterations and quote me $288 per piece.

this archan conman also trying his way to sell me his so called barangs again. and he told me that the last time some brother here report to the police and the police still cannot do anything to him.

i think he must be stopped for all these nonsense

cheers brothers

Originally Posted by thaidisco_lover View Post
No offence bro , but we can only create aware-ness here in this forum/thread , we CANT be there 24/7 monitoring Necromancer's moves on exploiting the new bros.

We already create sufficient evidence/topics/posts in this thread. If a new bro fails to go through the thread or checking out the contents , I could only say too bad for him.

Since u said u became another victim recently , maybe u could share with us how it came about and let us know more about your incident.
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Old 03-11-2008, 01:09 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

archan conman nowadays 4d cannot jalan anymore keep paying my friend money for lottery. and he is no a millionaire at all. he claim that he have alot of property shame on him lah. 4d money 117 sing dollars also must drag few days and act blur dont pay.

he claims he is an archan in practices but out there he is a chee ko peh see girls eyes like want to rape her. also if he is a archan in practice how come he is now seeking help from da er yeh bo the hell two generals. asking da yeh bo for 4d number. hahaha

to be honest now i think he is still living on the money that he conned the brothers on amulets. he need to be stopped. if brothers are being conned by archan conman, i am willing to provide brothers his whereabouts and stop him from conning people.

lastly, i have handed to him one amulet Khun Phen as he said this amulet is no power anymore last time. but i recently saw him having same design and same amulet i passed him before. but he did some modifications to it. and he said my amulet have send to temple already this is his amulet. what a lowdown man he is.

Originally Posted by ningcaichen View Post
Grant your wish...the below was the piece which he sold $699 claiming there were only 9pieces made. But well, i have just found another few piece of Langsi Khun Peng, end up it was only worth $38 each selling price in Siam Amulets....

Shameless AC Tim Necromancer II link 1
Shameless AC Tim Necromancer II link 2

Archan Lang Si Khun Peng 1 Archan Lang Si Khun Peng 2
Archan Lang Si Khun Peng 3 Archan Lang Si Khun Peng 4

Let the 2 bros who own this piece see for themselves, and warn newbies about his tricks clearly before the next one got conned well as those who "strike 4D won $60 as well"
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Old 03-11-2008, 08:06 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by insomia View Post
hi all brothers and thaidisco lover, i can certified that this archan conman aka archan necromancer is out again to make some con money on amulet again. as i have been been contacted by him again asking me to buy amulet and also chinese talisman now he also sell this talisman where he go to geylang bao ji kong temple to ask da yah peh for taliman and make some alterations and quote me $288 per piece.

this archan conman also trying his way to sell me his so called barangs again. and he told me that the last time some brother here report to the police and the police still cannot do anything to him.

i think he must be stopped for all these nonsense

cheers brothers
Wow , cant imagine just some dogs never change their habit of eating shit.

Wahh , got bro go report police huh? What happen? Care to share?? Luckily I was not the one report police , or he sure kana jialat from me. That person who report police duno the correct procedures lah. Let him get away with it.
Old 03-11-2008, 08:11 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by insomia View Post
archan conman nowadays 4d cannot jalan anymore keep paying my friend money for lottery. and he is no a millionaire at all. he claim that he have alot of property shame on him lah. 4d money 117 sing dollars also must drag few days and act blur dont pay.

he claims he is an archan in practices but out there he is a chee ko peh see girls eyes like want to rape her. also if he is a archan in practice how come he is now seeking help from da er yeh bo the hell two generals. asking da yeh bo for 4d number. hahaha

to be honest now i think he is still living on the money that he conned the brothers on amulets. he need to be stopped. if brothers are being conned by archan conman, i am willing to provide brothers his whereabouts and stop him from conning people.

lastly, i have handed to him one amulet Khun Phen as he said this amulet is no power anymore last time. but i recently saw him having same design and same amulet i passed him before. but he did some modifications to it. and he said my amulet have send to temple already this is his amulet. what a lowdown man he is.
How to jalan when he committed so many bad karma? Con and alter sacred religious amulets/barangs?

People not say dun want to pay up lah , people got no time to pay up mah. Business too good for him already.

He needs to be chee ko peh meh? Come on leh , with his collections of charm amulets/charisma and ren yuan , i think girls will flock to him like bees to honey. Still need use eyes to rape nia?

I wish I could have his so called collection. I think I will be invincible whenever I go out. Girls will worship the path I walk man...

Be back later tonite to gossip. Now need to go out to do urgent matters.
Old 03-11-2008, 06:44 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

A conman is a conman is a conman, period. Stop using the title Arjan on this lowlife necromancer. He zapped me and left a string of bad words just for speaking out against him. Dare to claim he's an arjan. Just a bloody pimp.
Old 03-11-2008, 06:47 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by ONLYWAY View Post
The things confirm fakes la,but good for you to collect scrap,cheapskate.
U are the cheapskate.
Old 04-11-2008, 01:19 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

brother thaidisco lover, then you are wrong. his barang dont move leh on girls. his eyes sticks out like popping out to see that girls leh. and the girls with him one hor all jialat cmi ones. so this kind of barangs to make girls sticks to him fat short type no need barangs also can sian lah

Originally Posted by thaidisco_lover View Post
How to jalan when he committed so many bad karma? Con and alter sacred religious amulets/barangs?

People not say dun want to pay up lah , people got no time to pay up mah. Business too good for him already.

He needs to be chee ko peh meh? Come on leh , with his collections of charm amulets/charisma and ren yuan , i think girls will flock to him like bees to honey. Still need use eyes to rape nia?

I wish I could have his so called collection. I think I will be invincible whenever I go out. Girls will worship the path I walk man...

Be back later tonite to gossip. Now need to go out to do urgent matters.
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Old 04-11-2008, 09:24 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by insomia View Post
brother thaidisco lover, then you are wrong. his barang dont move leh on girls. his eyes sticks out like popping out to see that girls leh. and the girls with him one hor all jialat cmi ones. so this kind of barangs to make girls sticks to him fat short type no need barangs also can sian lah
Interesting that you are sharing such details with the bros here.....

Aren't you the same guy who use Indonesian bomoh to con one bro here in excess of 30K and a new car too?

I apologise if i got you mixed up with another guy
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Old 04-11-2008, 06:55 PM
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Thai Ritual

I have heard about this sleeping coffin long time again. I didn't know this type of ritual can be meant for ordinary peasants like us.

I've watched the movie trailer in youtube, I am just figuring out what is the actual Thai language to describe this ritual. Listening carefully (at about time 0:18), I managed to catch the narrator speaking in Thai "non-lop-sidrog-poarr". Can anybody tell me the actual prnounciation of this ritual?

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Old 04-11-2008, 07:15 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by ParaParaSakura View Post
Interesting that you are sharing such details with the bros here.....

Aren't you the same guy who use Indonesian bomoh to con one bro here in excess of 30K and a new car too?

I apologise if i got you mixed up with another guy
This insomnia guy is smart. Come in stir up conman necromancer's dirty deeds so others would forget about his. Conman shouting he got conned.
Old 04-11-2008, 07:29 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by insomia View Post
brother thaidisco lover, then you are wrong. his barang dont move leh on girls. his eyes sticks out like popping out to see that girls leh. and the girls with him one hor all jialat cmi ones. so this kind of barangs to make girls sticks to him fat short type no need barangs also can sian lah





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