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Old 27-09-2004, 10:41 PM
Papaya Papaya is offline
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This might be a dumb question but duuno why i need to ask still..

Somehow.. probably due to bit of psychol effect after watching a documentary on AIDS last wk.. I got disturbed over the following (small) incident.

Went for a rub.. at the end a hj... so i was roaming around her nehneh and done then go.

After i left.. i realised my finger got a small cut and was bleeding abit.. the cut is quite small like 5mm only. Dont know where it is from (could it be from her bra?)

then on the way back keep thinking about the documentary i watched and start to worry.. shouldn't had watch it.. shit.

So.. any risk i got myself into?

(pls dont flame.. i read many such thread and laughed, but duuno why i feel like this today)
Old 27-09-2004, 10:52 PM
0rGASMIC 0rGASMIC is offline
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Re: This might be a dumb question but duuno why i need to ask still..

i wanna luff but i shouldn't. its probably nothing.
but as the usual advise is: if you think you should....always good to play safe.
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Old 27-09-2004, 10:56 PM
Papaya Papaya is offline
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Re: This might be a dumb question but duuno why i need to ask still..

Originally Posted by 0rGASMIC
i wanna luff but i shouldn't. its probably nothing.
but as the usual advise is: if you think you should....always good to play safe.
Its ok to laugh.. i know how silly my worries is.. i think i am going thru some emotional problems now due to work and stress.. so wanted to go release it out then when such matter occur.. it just fucked up my mind.

what u mean by "if you think you should....always good to play safe"?

so am i just silly and should not worry about the cut i got??

(i think i hv to take a holiday)
Old 27-09-2004, 11:04 PM
0rGASMIC 0rGASMIC is offline
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Re: This might be a dumb question but duuno why i need to ask still..

Originally Posted by Papaya
what u mean by "if you think you should....always good to play safe"?

so am i just silly and should not worry about the cut i got??

(i think i hv to take a holiday)
if you stick your open wound bleeding finger in her pussy...go for a check
if she was sucking your finger....go for a check
if she bit you...go for a check
if she dripped her blood onto your open wound...GO for a check
if you share needles during your HJ session...GO for a check

if not, its likely nothing and you are stressing yourself out more than before you had the HJ....Go for a holiday (And if you have sex on the holiday, use a condom)

oh my advice? (yes) ok good.
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i am NOT Orgasmic.
Old 27-09-2004, 11:11 PM
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Re: This might be a dumb question but duuno why i need to ask still..

seriosuly i think i should take a break... now i know why ppl got nuts and start killing. i think there's a name they use for ppl like me feeling now.. mental depression is it?

anyway.. thks for the affirmation bro..
Old 27-09-2004, 11:28 PM
0rGASMIC 0rGASMIC is offline
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Re: This might be a dumb question but duuno why i need to ask still..

Originally Posted by Papaya
now i know why ppl got nuts and start killing. i think there's a name they use for ppl like me feeling now.. mental depression is it?

killing people? depression? it bro.
i am NOT Orgasmic.
Old 28-09-2004, 10:30 AM
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Re: This might be a dumb question but duuno why i need to ask still..

It's ok as long you did not finger her. Relax & be cool. If you are still worry, just go and pay $20 for a blood test.
Old 28-09-2004, 11:13 AM
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Re: This might be a dumb question but duuno why i need to ask still..


take a deep breath and relax. You're probably ok. If you are concerned, just go for a check.

Sounds like you need a break from a lot of things. Take some time off the job and go somewhere to relax and get your mind off the things that are bothering you.

If you really think that you're suffering from depression you should see someone as well. Ask your GP for a referral, I'm sure they can set you up with someone to talk with.

Take care
Old 28-09-2004, 12:33 PM
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Re: This might be a dumb question but duuno why i need to ask still..

Originally Posted by Papaya
Somehow.. probably due to bit of psychol effect after watching a documentary on AIDS last wk.. I got disturbed over the following (small) incident.

Went for a rub.. at the end a hj... so i was roaming around her nehneh and done then go.

After i left.. i realised my finger got a small cut and was bleeding abit.. the cut is quite small like 5mm only. Dont know where it is from (could it be from her bra?)

then on the way back keep thinking about the documentary i watched and start to worry.. shouldn't had watch it.. shit.

So.. any risk i got myself into?

(pls dont flame.. i read many such thread and laughed, but duuno why i feel like this today)
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Old 28-09-2004, 01:48 PM
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Re: This might be a dumb question but duuno why i need to ask still..

Bro dont worry.. these are NOT dumb questions.... and also dont worry there is NO or very very little risk in your case..

Originally Posted by Papaya
Somehow.. probably due to bit of psychol effect after watching a documentary on AIDS last wk.. I got disturbed over the following (small) incident. So.. any risk i got myself into?

(pls dont flame.. i read many such thread and laughed, but duuno why i feel like this today)
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Old 30-09-2004, 12:53 AM
Papaya Papaya is offline
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Re: This might be a dumb question but duuno why i need to ask still..

Thks bros for the advices.. really appreaciate it.

Now don't think going to rub joins/HC is gonna help to de-stress... so temporary gonna stop the act.

Thinking of quiting the job after Dec. but the pay is good for my age(which explain the stress i get) so duuno how also la..

but to all bros.. seriously, take care of urself... if not, think of your love ones around when u r out there shooting your loads.
Old 30-09-2004, 10:00 AM
collin_23 collin_23 is offline
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Re: This might be a dumb question but duuno why i need to ask still..

Small cuts r okay. There was a time I got a cut on my mouth think quite deep but show counsellor say not deep enough cause I bite accidentally and erm....still french...

The best is to wait till cuts heal than


Originally Posted by Papaya
Thks bros for the advices.. really appreaciate it.

Now don't think going to rub joins/HC is gonna help to de-stress... so temporary gonna stop the act.

Thinking of quiting the job after Dec. but the pay is good for my age(which explain the stress i get) so duuno how also la..

but to all bros.. seriously, take care of urself... if not, think of your love ones around when u r out there shooting your loads.
Old 30-09-2004, 10:17 AM
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Re: This might be a dumb question but duuno why i need to ask still..

Originally Posted by Papaya
Thks bros for the advices.. really appreaciate it.

Now don't think going to rub joins/HC is gonna help to de-stress... so temporary gonna stop the act.

Thinking of quiting the job after Dec. but the pay is good for my age(which explain the stress i get) so duuno how also la..

but to all bros.. seriously, take care of urself... if not, think of your love ones around when u r out there shooting your loads.
Good of you to think that way. But HC or TN has it's benefits even tempory. THe touch by another human is smoothing. U can always reject the special part.

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Old 30-09-2004, 05:52 PM
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Re: This might be a dumb question but duuno why i need to ask still..

Originally Posted by Papaya
Somehow.. probably due to bit of psychol effect after watching a documentary on AIDS last wk.. I got disturbed over the following (small) incident.

Went for a rub.. at the end a hj... so i was roaming around her nehneh and done then go.

After i left.. i realised my finger got a small cut and was bleeding abit.. the cut is quite small like 5mm only. Dont know where it is from (could it be from her bra?)

then on the way back keep thinking about the documentary i watched and start to worry.. shouldn't had watch it.. shit.

So.. any risk i got myself into?

(pls dont flame.. i read many such thread and laughed, but duuno why i feel like this today)

Dun worry pal. The possibility of contracting HIV is very minimal. Do go for a HIV test if you still not convinced.
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