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Old 21-10-2011, 04:31 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

well written...
i like adventures!
Why you up me?
Why you zap me also?
Why you so preoccupied with the points?
Why you so like dat?
Old 21-10-2011, 04:39 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

No need pitch tent liao. Ts just made for us
Old 21-10-2011, 04:57 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

Originally Posted by runroader View Post
We could only trust his judgment. After an hour’s journey out in the ocean, he brought us to a recommended spot for fishing. We seemed to be in the middle of nowhere and land could not be seen. I brought out and set up my fishing gear on the boat while my sister unpacked our stuff from the luggage. When I looked up, the sky was getting darker and the winds were picking up speed. I was getting really worried now and called for my sis to come back up to the deck.

The waves were getting rough. The boatman turned to us and told us to put on lifejackets for precaution. Sensing that the storm was approaching, he turned the boat around and headed back for shore. Within 15 minutes, the storm caught up with us. The first 2 big waves almost made us tumble. When we saw the huge 3rd wave coming, the boatman just stared and quietly said his prayers. Oh shit. I shouted at my sis to hang onto something and brace herself. Within seconds, the wave hit us like a truck and the boat nearly dismantled. The boat was shaking like a cradle and I was getting very dizzy.

When the next 4th wave came, we didn’t know what hit us. The impact was so strong, the I hit my head on the deck and lost consciousness. As the boat fell apart, we were all thrown overboard. That was the last thing I could remember. When I came to, the sky was clear. I didn’t know how much time had past. I was floating on the open ocean with the lifejacket on me. Debris was all around me. I could see our luggage not far from me but my sis was nowhere in sight. I grabbed onto a plank and shouted for her over and over. Next, I swam to my floating luggage and held on to it. At that point, I saw my sis lying unconscious facing up, not too far away from me.

Far away, I could see an island. I paddled on the luggage to my sis. I lightly slapped her to awaken her. When she opened her eyes, she was in a daze. I pulled her to the luggage and I slowly paddled us towards land. She took a few minutes to come around completely. She began to cry and I could only keep comforting her by telling her that help was just ahead. With our hopes up, we swam for shore. It took us about 3 to 4 hours before we reached the island, totally exhausted. As soon as we reached the beach, we lay on the sand, panting and thanking God that we made it alive.

After I had rested enough, I picked myself up and walked along the length of the beach. The only thing beyond the beach was a forest. The island was huge but seemingly uninhabited. The beach looked untouched by man and there was no sound around except for the familiar buzzing of insects from the forest. The only way for us to get help was to explore the forest. I told my sister to stay behind with all our belongings while I enter the forest and search for help.

The forest was easy to navigate, luckily it wasn’t too dense. Along the way, I could see several tropical fruits that could fill our stomach if we were to stay here for a while. After a 10 minute trek in, I came to a scenic waterfall clearing. There was enough space for us to set up camp and the water looked clean and drinkable. I went back to the beach and got my sis.

We first needed a roof over our heads and that was already challenging. I used my Victorinox pocket knife and sawed away at some tree branches to make the backbone of a tent. I cut some thick vines to use as rope to hold the frame together. Next, the thick tree leaves offered the best protection from the elements, so I had to gather as much as I could and arrange them on the naked tent to form the roof. I tried to make it as sturdy and spacious as possible, and I didn’t do too bad a job.

To be continued?
When we opened our luggage case, all our stuff was soaked in sea water. We had packed our passports, money, clothes, medicine, snorkeling and fishing gear for the trip. My fishing rod and reel were all lost at sea. Luckily I still have spare fishing line and hooks to use as hand line. And there was an endless supply of fresh water and plenty of edible fruits around that we could survive on while we waited for a search party to arrive. Until then, it was just me and my elder sister.

And so, the first day was spent building the tent and exploring the surrounding forest for food and signs of civilisation. At dusk, it was quite chilly and we got out of our wet clothes. I went to the bushes to take off my cargo pants, button-down shirt, boxers and shoes. I couldn’t find anything dry to wear so the best choice was my surf shorts. My sister had been wearing her wet jeans and t-shirt, so she went after I was done. When she emerged out of the clearing a minute later, she had changed into an apple green 3-piece bikini.

They were by no means skimpy. The 2 piece top had ample cover over her assets but half the sides if her tits were exposed due to their sheer size. Dammit, they had to be around DD coming to E cups. The conservative bikini bottom showed off her shapely hips and youthful butt. As my eyes involuntarily wandered downwards, I notice there was not even a single strand of hair around her crotch. It was hardly surprising for a clean freak like her to keep herself clean shaven, I thought to myself.

I could not take my eyes off her. It has been years since I had gone swimming with my sister. The last time we did, we were in secondary school so there was not much growth then. This time, I found myself looking at a full-grown woman. The gorgeous kind that could make it to the cover page of any adult magazine. I guess she wouldn’t expect the bikini to have an effect on her younger brother, especially not in this circumstance.

The bright green of the bikini really complimented her fair, flawless skin. She was a sight of youthful innocence and girly appeal combined into one. She had always liked to tie her hair neatly in a pony tail and I had only seen her let down her hair after a shower. Now her wavy dark hair fell down around her shoulders. She looked at me and caught me gawking at her. Then she smiled and said, “What..? Never see woman before ar?”

I reluctantly looked away. The cold night was starting to set in, so I went to look for dry wood to build a campfire. Thankfully, I could rely on my experience from my scout days to build the fire. I set up several fire torches along the beach to attract attention from boats or ships. We sat around the fire, warming our cold, wet bodies and hung out all our stuff to dry. After they were sufficiently dry, we laid them in the tent to sleep on.

The second day I found a good spot for me to use my hand line with some fresh earthworms as bait that I found in the mud. My sister was in charge of gathering fruits. Whenever she was in sight, I couldn’t help staring at her tits. Since there were only 2 of us, I guess I did it pretty obviously and I made her uncomfortable. During the day, she changed into a very faded baby blue tank top that hugged her figure. It was the same one she had been wearing since her JC days and had grown out of because of her bust size. But for some sentimental reasons, she refused to throw it away and insisted on wearing it, much to the chagrin of our mom.

To be continued?
Old 21-10-2011, 09:14 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

Nice story, waiting for more
Old 21-10-2011, 09:38 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

Building a sampan now
Old 21-10-2011, 09:56 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

stranded on island with your sister only?
Old 21-10-2011, 10:26 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

every post need moderator to approve. really slow man.
Old 22-10-2011, 01:11 AM
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Re: Stranded on an island

u need any help with the tent??
Old 22-10-2011, 01:26 AM
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Re: Stranded on an island

we all will help u pitching our own tents bro.....
go ahead we all waiting for updates
Old 22-10-2011, 04:34 AM
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Re: Stranded on an island

more updates cumming?
Old 22-10-2011, 07:50 AM
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Re: Stranded on an island

Singapore version - The Blue Lagoon
Old 22-10-2011, 08:44 AM
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Re: Stranded on an island


Please continue with your tale!

Old 22-10-2011, 09:50 AM
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Re: Stranded on an island

finally dun have to wait for mod approval woooohooooo!!!!
Old 22-10-2011, 10:01 AM
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Re: Stranded on an island

keep it up. Gathering a rescue team now !! Kekeke!!
Old 22-10-2011, 11:22 AM
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Re: Stranded on an island

Originally Posted by runroader View Post
When we opened our luggage case, all our stuff was soaked in sea water. We had packed our passports, money, clothes, medicine, snorkeling and fishing gear for the trip. My fishing rod and reel were all lost at sea. Luckily I still have spare fishing line and hooks to use as hand line. And there was an endless supply of fresh water and plenty of edible fruits around that we could survive on while we waited for a search party to arrive. Until then, it was just me and my elder sister.

And so, the first day was spent building the tent and exploring the surrounding forest for food and signs of civilisation. At dusk, it was quite chilly and we got out of our wet clothes. I went to the bushes to take off my cargo pants, button-down shirt, boxers and shoes. I couldn’t find anything dry to wear so the best choice was my surf shorts. My sister had been wearing her wet jeans and t-shirt, so she went after I was done. When she emerged out of the clearing a minute later, she had changed into an apple green 3-piece bikini.

They were by no means skimpy. The 2 piece top had ample cover over her assets but half the sides if her tits were exposed due to their sheer size. Dammit, they had to be around DD coming to E cups. The conservative bikini bottom showed off her shapely hips and youthful butt. As my eyes involuntarily wandered downwards, I notice there was not even a single strand of hair around her crotch. It was hardly surprising for a clean freak like her to keep herself clean shaven, I thought to myself.

I could not take my eyes off her. It has been years since I had gone swimming with my sister. The last time we did, we were in secondary school so there was not much growth then. This time, I found myself looking at a full-grown woman. The gorgeous kind that could make it to the cover page of any adult magazine. I guess she wouldn’t expect the bikini to have an effect on her younger brother, especially not in this circumstance.

The bright green of the bikini really complimented her fair, flawless skin. She was a sight of youthful innocence and girly appeal combined into one. She had always liked to tie her hair neatly in a pony tail and I had only seen her let down her hair after a shower. Now her wavy dark hair fell down around her shoulders. She looked at me and caught me gawking at her. Then she smiled and said, “What..? Never see woman before ar?”

I reluctantly looked away. The cold night was starting to set in, so I went to look for dry wood to build a campfire. Thankfully, I could rely on my experience from my scout days to build the fire. I set up several fire torches along the beach to attract attention from boats or ships. We sat around the fire, warming our cold, wet bodies and hung out all our stuff to dry. After they were sufficiently dry, we laid them in the tent to sleep on.

The second day I found a good spot for me to use my hand line with some fresh earthworms as bait that I found in the mud. My sister was in charge of gathering fruits. Whenever she was in sight, I couldn’t help staring at her tits. Since there were only 2 of us, I guess I did it pretty obviously and I made her uncomfortable. During the day, she changed into a very faded baby blue tank top that hugged her figure. It was the same one she had been wearing since her JC days and had grown out of because of her bust size. But for some sentimental reasons, she refused to throw it away and insisted on wearing it, much to the chagrin of our mom.

To be continued?
It was also because of my behaviour that she tried not to speak to me unless necessary. She had not realised that her younger brother had grown into a man and found it hard to accept all of a sudden. I knew I was at fault for this awkward silence, so I tried hard not to look at her when I speak because my eyes would always glance at her bursting tight top or her cleavage. And I tried to concentrate on making the environment more livable for the both of us.

When night came, I found her sitting next to the waterfall, dipping her long legs into the river. She was deep in thought and visibly upset. Only 2 days had past and time seemed to be crawling slowly by. I sat down next to her and asked her,

“Zeh, don’t worry lah. The boat people will know we are missing and send a search party for us one. Pa and Ma maybe already know we are missing after 2 days without a phonecall back home and enquired with the authorities liao.”

She looked at me and said, “It’s not only that. Who knows what wild animals are out here? Even if they send a search party, what if they can’t find us? Jin, I don’t want to spend my life out here like Tom Hanks ok? And I miss everyone. Ma, Pa and Darren are going to be so worried…

“And don’t mind Zeh Zeh for being nosy. How long have you been single? You used to have a pretty girlfriend, her name Jenny right? What happened to both of you?”

Dammit, she had to bring up my ex at this time. I said, “She may have found someone better already lor. She so pretty, so many guys aim. One day I found a sms on her phone and asked her about it. She wasn’t happy with it and we quarreled, then one thing led to another and we broke up lor…” I missed Jenny. Not for her childish personality, but for her horny ways. She fucked like a porn star. Back when we were together, we always took the chance to make out. Since we broke up, I turned to my hand for relieve almost daily.

“Don’t worry lar, you are not shabby looking mah. You don’t ask for too much, anytime can get another girlfriend one. But hor, must be quick. If not you start to think silly things liao…” I knew she was hinting at.

God, I felt so ashamed for staring at my big sister’s tits. I couldn’t face her right then. I looked down and tears formed in my eyes. She felt heartbroken and sad when she saw me this way. She leaned over and gave me a hug. I could feel those big, firm breasts under her top pressing on my chest. Wearing only surf shorts, my instant erection pitched a tent and brushed her elbows.

She immediately backed off and stared at me, her cheeks blushing bright red as she said, “I understand that guys have needs but respect that I’m your Zeh! If you really can’t control your urges, please take care of it. Just don’t do it when I’m around.” There was anger and exasperation in her voice. Her chest was heaving and she was almost puffing when she spoke. She was really mad at me this time.

I stood up and walked back to the beach. At that moment, I just didn’t know how I could face her. That was my one and only sister, and I had an erection right in front of her. Knowing that she was still at the waterfall, I pulled down my shorts and pcc’ed to relieve all my frustrations. After I was done, I went back to the tent and found her already lying inside. Still feeling guilty, I slept on the grass next to the tent for the night.

To be continued?

Last edited by runroader; 22-10-2011 at 11:40 AM.
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