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Old 08-01-2005, 03:33 AM
sixtynine69 sixtynine69 is offline
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hairy girls

rumour has it that girls who are hairy have a high sex drive...what is your experience?

for me, i've had a few encounters with the of which was this girl who i knew from the hall in nus...she happened to have quite a bit of hair on her arms...anyway, the story's like this:

i went out to go clubbing with some friends a while back...and as some of you might know, alcohol does wonders for your sex drive. so anyway, to make a long story short, on the way back to my room, i decided to take a chance and see if this girl was still awake. when i reached her room, i noticed that there was still some light coming from underneath the door, and hence, i knocked on it like there was no tomorrow. luckily, this girl was still wide fact, she was watching a vcd...and no, it wasn't porno as other "make-believe" story tellers would tell was zoolander...the movie. i went in after being invited and made myself as comfortable as i could on her bed...which was not too difficult as you might imagine. as the movie went on, the girl and i showed less interest in the movie, and more interest in each other. very soon, we were heavily petting with no regards to the movie whatsoever. pretty soon, the clothes came off, and we were getting physical like nobody's business...she was on top and i was enjoying the ride. and ride me she did...she was so violent that i was starting to hurt everytime she moved back and forth...i hope you know what i'm talking about. basically, she was the one pounding me. for those of you who drink, you should know that alcohol slows down how fast you cum (for those of you who don't know, well take note) anyway, after about almost 45 minutes of rocking and bucking (by right if i had not drank anything that night i would have cum in 10 minutes), i finally squirted out my juice on her (not in her), and slept there for the night. the next morning i woke up, she had breakfast

she was an exchange student btw...i won't and can't say from what country, except that she was of mixed blood (hk with some macau if you consider that mixed...don't know how come she's so hairy though...she's not from hk btw...oh yeah, she's only hairy on the forearms...she shaved downstairs), but all i can say is that she was good...damn good...haha.
Old 08-01-2005, 10:37 PM
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Thumbs up hairy plus wax & dye

Sorry. Just a bit side track of your topic.

I knew one lady working in this waxing saloon. Every now and then, she has female customers walking in for pussy waxing.

She told me that usually ladies with ‘bushy’ pussy are self-image conscious type. These ladies may not be high in sex drive. Please do not have this conception assuming that these ‘bushy’ women are lusting after sex. You may be wrong.

My Japanese friends told me that there is a growing number of Japanese women dyeing their pussy-hair with colours. Pretty cool isn’t it? They just wanted to be the ‘in’ generation in Japan.

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Old 08-01-2005, 10:59 PM
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Re: hairy girls

The newspaper published few times on sexual activity happening in student hostels. Now yr story seems real and wonder if local girls is jus as wild and daring.
Old 08-01-2005, 11:21 PM
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Re: hairy girls

Originally Posted by sixtynine69
rumour has it that girls who are hairy have a high sex drive...what is your experience?
Well, i can say it up e chance of humping them! Some gals that i hv r hairy, n yes, they r more horny cos e reason 4 being so hairy is tt they hv more male hormones in them than normal gals does. U know how it's like when u hv more male hormones in a gal body... e body tends to react more like a guy, hence causing them to be more sex up! But not meaning u sure can screw them cos some still practice self control, though normally tt wun b e case! Heehee! ^_^ Hope this bit of info is useful!
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Old 08-01-2005, 11:24 PM
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Re: hairy girls

nothing could be further away from the truth if someone told you the reason for staying in hostel is because of home being not proximate enough, etc.. lol.. all horny i would say
Old 08-01-2005, 11:35 PM
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Re: hairy girls

I was just thinking about an article I read some time ago coupling the possibility of a relationship between increased testosterone in women and their sex drive. Let me explain...

Excessive hair growth in women can be attributed to a condition called hirsutism (see and Essentially, the higher levels of the hormone causes the hair to grow more.

Male testosterone is often associated with the level of sex drive. More of that usually means the chap has a higher sex drive.

So, is there a relationship between more testosterone = more hair = more horny? I have not gone around looking for the relationship but at this point, it appears to be rather too coincidental.
Old 11-01-2005, 08:20 PM
Fauxpas Fauxpas is offline
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Re: hairy girls

Hey Bro... I find hairy women (pubic only, not armpits) extremely sexy, and have fucked several women with Amazon-jungle like hair downstairs. You almost need a lawn mower to find the entrance, but that's very sexy to me. Sex-drive I must say is no more higher or lower than less hairy ones. What I dislike greatly are those who shave but leave small patches around, usually just above the clit area. So, for me it's either full bush or smooth as a baby's bum. I mmst admit for oral sex, nothing beats a smooth mound with big protruding lips. What say you?
Old 13-01-2005, 01:53 AM
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Re: hairy girls

Originally Posted by Fauxpas
Hey Bro... I find hairy women (pubic only, not armpits) extremely sexy, and have fucked several women with Amazon-jungle like hair downstairs. You almost need a lawn mower to find the entrance, but that's very sexy to me. Sex-drive I must say is no more higher or lower than less hairy ones. What I dislike greatly are those who shave but leave small patches around, usually just above the clit area. So, for me it's either full bush or smooth as a baby's bum. I mmst admit for oral sex, nothing beats a smooth mound with big protruding lips. What say you?
Wow bro! u have the same tastes as me! However i do find gals with a lil armpit hair sexy also, especially chiobu with armpit hair! (not those bushie bushie pits lah.. but those with a sparsely spreaded strands and stubblish ones) But hard to find leh.. usually 99.99% of chio gals shave there pits, unless those nus students lah, too busy study for exams no time to shave.. lol.. can be quite a turn on..
Old 13-01-2005, 02:03 AM
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Re: hairy girls

Originally Posted by splurtatious
But hard to find leh.. usually 99.99% of chio gals shave there pits, unless those nus students lah, too busy study for exams no time to shave.. lol.. can be quite a turn on..
bro splurtatious, u can ask your gf (if you have one) to shave for you loh.. or u can contact any FL or WL and then ask her keep her armpit hair for 1 month, then u go find her. idea bo?

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Old 13-01-2005, 02:40 AM
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Re: hairy girls tt armpit hair is in the picture..i do have a habit of looking at gal's armpit to see if they shaved there anot when they wear sleeveless...not mean i purposely go look for armpits k..jus tt when got sleeveless and take a look there..and well..for me, stubble there is quite common..see lotsa tt but sometimes can also see savannah grasslands...which is quite the turn off IMHO.
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Old 13-01-2005, 05:53 AM
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Re: hairy girls

hehe i think personally for myself i'll be turned off if the gal have more armpit hair than me.

not sure if hairy girls are more horny coz usually the gals i know usually wax both their legs and arms and some even their pussy anyway from my own observation, gals are usually more horny before their period come. haha so maybe can check if their hair grows faster during that time?
Old 15-01-2005, 09:33 PM
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Unhappy Nearly Vomit

In China, don’t be surprised with those super-‘chio’ babes who do not shave their arm-pits. Yaks…

From head to toes, they can ‘dressed-to-kill’ any man. Still, it is a ‘turn-off’ for me to see those girls without manicuring their hairs below their arms. Eee…nearly vomit.

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Old 17-01-2005, 11:27 AM
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Re: Nearly Vomit

Originally Posted by diesel
In China, don’t be surprised with those super-‘chio’ babes who do not shave their arm-pits. Yaks…

From head to toes, they can ‘dressed-to-kill’ any man. Still, it is a ‘turn-off’ for me to see those girls without manicuring their hairs below their arms. Eee…nearly vomit.
they watch too much stephen chow's show.... thus, they think that with arm-pit hair more sexy..
Old 17-01-2005, 12:02 PM
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Re: hairy girls

Originally Posted by mayday tt armpit hair is in the picture..i do have a habit of looking at gal's armpit to see if they shaved there anot when they wear sleeveless...not mean i purposely go look for armpits k..jus tt when got sleeveless and take a look there..and well..for me, stubble there is quite common..see lotsa tt but sometimes can also see savannah grasslands...which is quite the turn off IMHO.
Reminds me of the 1st time I cheong robbed of my $$$ and end up booking a gal with arm-pit hair !!! Really suay !!!
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Old 17-01-2005, 08:26 PM
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Re: hairy girls

Originally Posted by splurtatious
Wow bro! u have the same tastes as me! However i do find gals with a lil armpit hair sexy also, especially chiobu with armpit hair! (not those bushie bushie pits lah.. but those with a sparsely spreaded strands and stubblish ones) But hard to find leh.. usually 99.99% of chio gals shave there pits, unless those nus students lah, too busy study for exams no time to shave.. lol.. can be quite a turn on..
Hey bro... sorry my taste don't include armpit hair. Find that a real turn off, and so retro lah. In fact the gers I know who have hairy armpits are all lesbians. Sisterhood stuff I think. So, for me a hairless armpit but hairy pussy does the trick.

Hey bros, what about ass hair?? Does anyone like or dislike ass hair? I prefer rimming a hairless ass. Is anyone into ass rimming?
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