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Old 29-12-2012, 03:20 AM
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Re: Look at the context...

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
How do you know Alejandro88 and GreenLantern and RoyalChimp are the same person? If he is, really, KNN, I want a piece of Royal.Chimp and his ancestors.
Ha ha ha ha.......ditto to u too bro.......
Old 29-12-2012, 03:22 AM
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Talking Re: Look at the context...

Originally Posted by smlee View Post
Happy New Year, Bro....

He is like God.....showering obscenities as blessing to you....huat ah
Like this also can ????.......huat huat huat everyone 2013 !!!
Old 29-12-2012, 03:46 AM
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Re: Look at the context...

Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
Ha ha ha ha.......ditto to u too bro.......
Man, dittoing is contagious!

Countdown to the New Year 2013.

May your dreams be fulfilled in the New Year Bros!
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 29-12-2012, 02:50 PM
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Re: TGL a coward without lan jiao!

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
I believe many customers of 1431 knows who is the one is mentally unsound and acted like an immature retarded kid athough u are an adult! Since u claimed that u are not coward, PM your fucking number and I shall know what do to!

U are a one coward and immature fucker who destroyed the pitiful Wang Fei livelihood in GL! Fuck Off lah coward!!!

Dont talk cock la ah gua....i PM u no u also no lan jiao to talk,dont use this PM thing to hide yr coward act,since u claim u very tough rite,u can openly name a place over here like a man,or PM me yr no. i can anytime name u a place to come n make sure u come u ah gua grown up.....u want challenge people,u still have the thick face to ask people number ?? U want challenge people u throw place ah gua or u send out yr contact ah lan jiao want to act tough ??U want to challenge others yet u scare to give out no. u r like pcs of fact i been fucking u so long u still no lan jiao to give me yr number....u want challlenge people yet u no balls to throw place or give number.....u cock grow from yr mouth is it....becos u talk cock only ah happy anytime i wait u...where is yr fucking number ah balls dont challenge people....if u can not sleep well after i fuck u.....anytime welcome u send me yr number.....i can welcome u ah gua anytime....but u got the lan jiao to send me or not....i forget...yr lan jiao grow out from yr mouth....u talk cock only!!!
Old 04-01-2013, 06:07 PM
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Wink The Warped Twisted World Of The GreenLantern......

My dear The GreenLantern aka Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp,

A New Year has cum...however, regrettably, yr reprehensible character in sbf shows no sign of changing for the better...

Thus i set out below some observations on yr repugnant cyberspace persona in sbf, ironically based on one of yr own earlier u hv a good one yah!

1) Lumbar #1 Hypocrite in SBF

- u keep asserting tat it is always others who start off cyberwars agst u first n tat u r the one who is innocent n has been "provoked", however yr own collective posts v clearly contradict this baseless assertion...yr cyberspace persona is extremely abrasive, aggressive, obnoxious, officious etc...n appears to be crafted wif deliberate wilful malicious intent to "attack" those u choose to pick on...

- u keep asserting wifout any basis tat others seek "vengeance" when it is v clear fm yr own collective posts tat u r the "vengeful" one...egs. U pathetically tried to get Strawberry n Luoitamso1 penalised by Sammbyfor for apparently being clones, only to be rightly ticked off by Sammbyfor; U previously questioned whether Bronzegod had actually tried the mms tat he wrote frs on, but now u claim he is 'genuine'...

- u claim tat only those who r "guilty"(?!) respond to u "aggressively" n "fiercely", however the moment anyone makes a critical point agst u, however reasonable rational n justified r otherwise, u go all bersek n rabid mad, foaming at the mouth...

- u appear to apple polish some v sesasoned cheongsters in sbf but in GL u appear to openly badmouth them, particularly to a certain GL okt who is an infamous gossip...

- u ticked off Honestkeith for allegedly pming u for raw info, however u yrself pmed Baotohk for raw info...

- u assert wifout any basis tat others hv 'no life outside' sbf, however Sammyboyfor rightly said to you "that you must lead a pretty miserable life...spending so much time worrying about the rep points of others"...also sbf consultant Big Sexy was spot on when he said to you "that it is really pathetic if you are here just for the rep points"...not forgetting yr penchant for boh liao spamming in numerous threads..

- u assert tat others r "cowards", however it is a fact tat u r indeed the biggest "coward" of all in sbf, as u dare not even use yr nick Alejandro88 out of fear n frustration tat this nick may get zapped into moderation, just liked yr banned nick Royal. Chimp n the nick u presently use, The Green Lantern...

- u pathetically appear to act like a 'protector' of the GL mm(retired Wang Fei 1431), however earlier u viciously tried to damage the ricebowl of another GL mm(An Ni 16060) based on nothing more than flimsy hearsay n flawed assumptions...

- u previously attacked retired Shuang Shuang(16W12), then all of a sudden sang her praises, wif nary an apology nor regret...

- u criticise others for creating clones, but yet u yrself hide behind clones...

- U accuse others of spamming threads, yet u too spam threads...

- u appear to apple polish Cuntking n Tommy(okt 1612) in sbf, however u forgot tat yr clone, Royal.Chimp, had previously badmouthed them in sbf...

- u assert tat others who zap u r fools wif low iq n tat sbf points mean nothing to u n have no impact on u...yet at the same time u complain to Sammyboyfor tat some samsters who zapped u hv allegedly violated rule(s) n sld be punished...
Old 04-01-2013, 06:12 PM
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Wink The Warped Twisted World Of The GreenLantern.....II


2) Act like a coward who hides behind clones

- Ditto 1) abv...

- U appear to hv deliberately stopped posting under yr nick Alejandro88 becuz u r so scared n frightened of being zapped to moderation under this is so obvious tat u r using yr nick The Green Lantern to create havoc in the same manner as yr banned nick Royal.Chimp becuz TGL is already in moderation...n even if TGL is banned, gg by yr juvenile sbf modus operandi, u shall prolly create another nick to continue to cause havoc(u prolly already hv other clones lurking ard!)..hence u r indeed the true coward in here...

3) Act like an immature kiddo who tried in vain to court a GL150mm...

- so sorry that u kena pluck by the retired Fei Er(1654A) dont need to dish out yr 'advice' to others ok...

4) Loves to boast about his GL150 knowledge

- u never fail to boast abt yr so called GL150 knowledge...however u forget self praise is no praise at all...strangely i hv rarely seen u post(if ever) a full detailed fr on any Gl150 mm apart fm the one tat u did on the retired m'sian mm Small Yoko...

- u also luv to boast that what u say abt the mms is true n accurate n viciously attack others who hv experienced otherwise wifout any proper foundation r basis...totally unjustified on yr part n shows yr lack of experience n understanding of human nature...or to quote a true blue WL player, Warbird, "The Roshomon Effect" which clearly u hv no clue wat it is all about...

5) Lumbar No. 1 kiddo

- Ditto 1) abv...

- u appear to luv to play the self appointed sbf in-house 'psychiatrist', however it appears tat u r a quack, as u fail to diagnose yr own psychopath/sociopath tendencies which r clearly evident fm yr own collective posts... egs. 'shouting' n spewing obscenities, spamming at times; "challenging " others to meet for a fight etc...

- u go into a tantrum every now n then, whenever u cant get yr own way, then vow never to contribute to sbf again, only to do a u-turn becuz u get all itchy n cannot stay away fm posting afterall...

- u like to potray yr clones as individual samsters when it is as clear as daylight tat all 3 nicks r controlled by you, the same person...even more boh liao u hv the cheek to tk yr own clone...

- u like to assert tat others hv "lost"(??) agst u...

- u appear to envy others wealth n status, highlighting sports cars, luxury cars etc...

6) Samster who has no life outside SBF

- Ditto 1) abv...

- u appear to enjoy revealing the apparent true identity of other samsters in sbf...this trait of yrs is particularly sinister n despicable...

7) Vengeful Samster

- Ditto 1) abv...

- u appear to like to talks abt "gunning" n inflicting defeat" n "injury" on others...if this is not a "vengeful" tendency, i dont know wat is...
Old 05-01-2013, 02:20 AM
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Re: Omnia behaves like a obssessed and mad Rottweiler!!!

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
Hey Incorrigible and obssessed coward aka Omnia!!

I love it wherver you get so fucking workout and write such a nonsense post which does not represent anything of substance! I wonder how many samster would actually read your nonsense!! Muahahahahahaha!!!

BTW, your FR on WL were also nonsense as more or less the content are similar! Ppl may read your FR once but subsequently ppl start to yawn and have doubts in your FR content although u may have actually bonked the WL!!!

Carry up, coward, pleeeezs carry on with your nonsense! Since you are so boh liao and have no life outside SBF!!! Mwauahahahaha!! This is very interesting!!! Muahahahahahahaha!!!!!

I enjoy it when you behave like a mad and obssessed Rottweiler!!!!

I got read his post lei. Very eloquently written. An educated man with substance lei. How come you don't debate him on those points that he pointed out. Let's get this out of the system once and for all. If you feel you have been abused or wrongly thought off, then fire at Omnia. Otherwise, people here would think that you are really A88 and Royal.Chimp.
He has fired the first missle at you. If you think you are correct, then fire the NUKE back, unless you don't have it and what Omnia said may be correct.

Aye for those in favor of TGL debating Omnia!

If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 05-01-2013, 02:44 AM
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Re: Omnia behaves like a obssessed and mad Rottweiler!!!

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
Aye for those in favor of TGL debating Omnia!

I am in favour!

Aye! Aye! hands up
Old 05-01-2013, 08:18 AM
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Re: Raw with House gals

Aye! Aye! But keep it to this thread! Seriously doubt Ahole88 the Green Chimp has any substance to rebut bro Omnia tho!
Cheers, Bong
Old 05-01-2013, 01:27 PM
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Re: Raw with House gals

Actually I can't help but poke him now and then.
It's quite funny how he will react with the same bark!
Good boy. Shout Sit ! And he will.
For such a sicko, we should maybe just leave him alone.
Dun respond and comment on any of his posts.
Dun even react to any of his antics.
He is wanting attention that's all. Lets deny him.
Like what the Cantonese says. 当它是空气,在放屁!
Old 05-01-2013, 03:53 PM
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Re: Raw with House gals

Originally Posted by besafe View Post
Actually I can't help but poke him now and then.
It's quite funny how he will react with the same bark!
Good boy. Shout Sit ! And he will.
For such a sicko, we should maybe just leave him alone.
Dun respond and comment on any of his posts.
Dun even react to any of his antics.
He is wanting attention that's all. Lets deny him.
Like what the Cantonese says. 当它是空气,在放屁!
Woof Woof. I will obey thy master.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 05-01-2013, 04:24 PM
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Re: Raw with House gals

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
Woof Woof. I will obey thy master.
Dun like that lah.
I feel bad leh.

Cheers and a prosperous new year to you.
Old 05-01-2013, 04:51 PM
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Re: Raw with House gals

Originally Posted by besafe View Post
Dun like that lah.
I feel bad leh.

Cheers and a prosperous new year to you.
No need to feel bad lei. I already act like dog in front of WL and was told it was pai sei lei. So no biggie about acting as a dog anymore.

And a Happy and Prosperous New Year to you.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 05-01-2013, 05:01 PM
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Re: Raw with House gals

So far, it seems that TGL has an list of enemies that includes the following:
  1. ]
    Big Sexy

I am still very neutral but if TGL is really Royal.Chimp then really, he can add me to that list because I really do have a score to settle with Royal.Chimp.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 05-01-2013, 05:31 PM
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Re: Raw with House gals

Bro Nato,

I'd appreciate if you not get me involved and add me to lists that I don't belong to.

There's nothing going on between me and TGL.

Why r u so interested in this anyway?

Sometimes, I wonder if you're actually tgl's friend.

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
So far, it seems that TGL has an list of enemies that includes the following:
  1. ]
    Big Sexy

I am still very neutral but if TGL is really Royal.Chimp then really, he can add me to that list because I really do have a score to settle with Royal.Chimp.
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