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Old 29-07-2009, 04:17 AM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Wow...Can give it a try as long as the Boobs are Really that BIG.....
Will try to find her when have time and most important $$$$$
Old 29-07-2009, 02:28 PM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Originally Posted by raftwee View Post
Solid Solid Solid!!!!

looks: 9/10 young and sweet ( SYT rating)
body: Nice firm good figure
Ass: 8.5/10
boobs: 10/10 best young titties i had in years D Cup pinky pinky titty
pussy: fucking tight and feel bad cos i ram her senseless and sore there
Really horny as she will take your hand and rub her pussy, lick your ears kiss your lips...etc
gfe an unbelieveable 10/10
All for only 50 measly bucks!!!!
I wanna go look for her 2 days ago .... but she working.

Then I got to find other gals liao.

I saw that the house is closed like 1.30am .... anybody know what is their opening hours?
"Do it today, have fun!!"

Typical guy in Geylang.
Old 29-07-2009, 02:38 PM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)


Went in ... saw quite a few not bad ... but go for this one .. because her boobs look the best.

- Looks 8/10 Chio ... to me .. she looks like Korean gal
- Boobs 7/10 Cup B-C fake but got perky tits
- Figure 8/10 Very nice and no tummy
- English 8/10 Speak like those ang mo style
- FJ 5/10 She don't let you caress her near her ears etc
- BJ 6/10 .... I like BBBJ

Validity - Going back end Aug 2009 .... so those who want fetish on Korean look gals ... go soon.
"Do it today, have fun!!"

Typical guy in Geylang.
Old 29-07-2009, 08:33 PM
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Wild Wild Wet!

It would be injustice not to post an FR on this GEM - period
Spotted her last week, but due to her being so popular, she was
working non-stop. OKT says she was since1.45pm

Another ordinary day, hot and me being irritable with the immense calling...
Decided to hit H44B. Damn again, she was booked for an hour. No choice,
got to wait. Just have to have her!

She was very playful, playing peek-a-boo with her boobies. Straight after stripping, I could see her full glory! Her petite figure seemed too small for her
huge firm pair. She has 2 tattoos, one on her right shoulder, and one just above her shaven succulent dungeon.

Cat bath was a little SOP. But her boobies were teasing me all the way.
Gently massaging my member, and it was all lost between her mountains.
Couldn't wait any longer, before I went behind her, sliding my hardening
dick between her butt cheeks. I realised my hands were not big enough to
contain her fullness. She is the one!

I teased her about swallowing the Listerine, and she giggled. Soon...the best had yet to come....She shoved me to the bed (Yes she pushed me pretty hard) She seemed to like being in control. Kneeling down, she squished her melons against my shaft, and began her boob-play. Her eyes never leaving my sight. This is the first time I felt like being in a porn clip.

She climbed on top of me, and she was like raping me. Nibbling my nipples,
licking and sucking like some hungry kitten. Before I knew it, she forcefully,
grabbed my left hand to finger her G-Spot, her moans were immediate...
I thought she was a little shacked after working prior to me.

She seemed to be really enjoying the process, not faking it. Her pussy was proof of her desire to get screwed. Wild Wild Wet... she skillfully took my centre finger to stimulate her clit, lying sideways, her boobies still engulfing
the whole of my shaft...I nearly exploded in our foreplay...

Couldn't take it anymore and gestured her to cowboy, with her back facing me. She rocked like Guns and Roses, best moans I've heard so far. For a mere
minute or so (nothing to be ashamed) I unloaded my week's supply of cum in her...! In the frenzy, I regretted not booking her for an hour :-S
She was so hot, I forgotten all my previous encounters.

Even the typing this FR stirrrrrs me. Phew

L18 H44B G11

Name: Som
Age: 22 she says
L18 H44B G11
Looks: 8/10 - slowly she looks like a wild kitty~ sexy vamp like teeth
Body: 9/10
Boobies: Heaven's Gift
Pussy: Tight
BBBJ: 8/10 - sensual
Catbath: 7/10
FJ: Full Marks!
Massage: Dee Mahk!! ShIok- Just like in the parlours. Bones cracked!
RTF : Definate YES
After much deep and profound brain things inside my head....I feel like a mile-high pastrami on rye, on the fly from the deli in the sky! Let's go WILD!
Old 29-07-2009, 08:35 PM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Her massage also not bad. I did kiss her neck to her ears though.
Her English slang a little sexy

Originally Posted by bradpitt968 View Post

Went in ... saw quite a few not bad ... but go for this one .. because her boobs look the best.

- Looks 8/10 Chio ... to me .. she looks like Korean gal
- Boobs 7/10 Cup B-C fake but got perky tits
- Figure 8/10 Very nice and no tummy
- English 8/10 Speak like those ang mo style
- FJ 5/10 She don't let you caress her near her ears etc
- BJ 6/10 .... I like BBBJ

Validity - Going back end Aug 2009 .... so those who want fetish on Korean look gals ... go soon.
After much deep and profound brain things inside my head....I feel like a mile-high pastrami on rye, on the fly from the deli in the sky! Let's go WILD!
Old 29-07-2009, 11:14 PM
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Red face Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

My first FR, hopefully is up to standard.

L18 H438 G99

Name: Nim
Age: 23
Time in GL: Almost a year
Looks: 7.5/10 at first glance but 6.8 upon closer look
Body: 7.5/10
Boobies: Cup C/D but totally plastic
BJ: 7/10 Capped but raw on balls painting
Catbath: 5.5/10 with oil, maybe bcos of fake boobs felt strange
FJ: 6.5/10 , nothing to shout about
Massage: None - not enuf time for it
RTF : Unlikely

Everything seemed pretty much SOP, nothing special to shout about. Hope my first blood FR is passable
Old 30-07-2009, 01:57 PM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Originally Posted by peanut123 View Post
Here's my 3rd big boob FR.

Girl Number : L18H16G08
Name : Bim. Been in Sg for 6 mths.
Looks : 7.5/10. Quite cute and sweet.
Age : 29 yo. but looks early 20's.
Body : 8/10. Good tight body.
Boobs : 8.5/10. Big C-cups+, with small dark nipples. Very firm and perky for their size. Fantastic when she puts them in your face and when she's riding you.
Service : Very good. She was very friendly and playful. Tickled me when I was removing my T-shirt, and giggles alot.
Shower : Good. Wanted to BBBJ me in shower but I declined. Rubbed her big soapy boobs and her tight little butt all over my dick.
BJ : 7/10. Good, but short.
FJ : 8/10. I didn't intend to F her initially, but seeing her big tits on her tight bod, I just had to bang her. She rode me very energetically on top. Seeing and grabbing her big firm boobs when she's on top is very steam! Change to missionary and bang her till I came. She moaned softly throughout, very erotic. None of that fake loud moans.
HJ : NA.
Language : Speaks English.
RTF : Yes!
Yo Bro, After seeing your this FR, decided to take a try on her.. Her service is just like what you say.. But i give her 8.5 for her looks, maybe suits me even better.. Really ery cute and adorable.. except for her tickle while taking up my clothes, the rest is quite sop as what you said.

But to add on for your phase, she is very accomodating, GFE.. Keeps thinking of her after home. No time to o, she would be my first piority frm now till maybe sian then find new 1 again.. Her boobs is not really very big but just nice on her body, not too big and not too small, just nice..

100% RTF to her.. 1st on list..

Upz you for your good recommendation, bro...
PLs up my points if I'm Right!

To those monkeys who zap me!

Leave your nick down!!
Old 31-07-2009, 03:39 AM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

WH 43 G6

Went to try this girl .

Look: SYT, petite ht about 1.58
Boobs: 32C, soft with light brown nips. quite nice.
Body: not very fair but not dark too, can see some flaws. lower body a bit underdevelop (lack curves)
shower:5/10 sop
BJ:5/10 sop
FJ:5/10 sop.
overall service:5/10

She has nice boobs but in my opinion 18H42G1 has nicer boobs than hers and pink nips too. 1842G1 has nicer body than her also. very fair, and smooth without much blemish.

Wh43 G6 not worth the money imo. She dont allow sucking of nips. actually she allows but just for awhile. She also dont allow COB or breast fuck. FJ wise kinda dead fish.

For boob lovers, recommended is 1844G11 and 1842G1, more worth the money.
Contact my OKT GR888 and ask for Busty Bonanza
Old 31-07-2009, 02:41 PM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Originally Posted by Cyberspace Nerd View Post
WH 43 G6

Went to try this girl .

Look: SYT, petite ht about 1.58
Boobs: 32C, soft with light brown nips. quite nice.
Body: not very fair but not dark too, can see some flaws. lower body a bit underdevelop (lack curves)
shower:5/10 sop
BJ:5/10 sop
FJ:5/10 sop.
overall service:5/10
I tried her before and i find the session is generally sop. but her face is very syt imho
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Old 31-07-2009, 07:31 PM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Girl Number : L20H40G08
Name : forgotten as visit was 2 weeks ago
Looks : 8/10. Very fair
Age : i think 23.
Body : 8/10. Nice fair body. abt 1.5m
Boobs : 8.5/10. Real Big C-cups+, with pink nipples. bouncy
Service : BAD. She had eye contact when i m still making my decision and tot that its quite sduective. proceed to her rm, go shower, she was in a hurry most of the time and do not look at you or even response when u talk to her.
Shower : Nothing but just fast shower and wet some of my hair.
BJ : 5/10. normal. coz already turn off with her attitude.
FJ : 5/10. she was riding me for a while when i decided to sit up to have some closer contact. she suddently said "you want to do it, then u go on top". she turn her back and go into doggy style....dont want to waste my $$ so ignore her attidude and finish her after few mins.
HJ : NA.
Language : english, i ask her whats wrong politely and if she had a bad day...she said "i m ok" in a harsh tone. The only gd thing is she ask if i want to drink water. tot of feedback to OGT, but on the phone, so let it go..
RTF : + NO

Girl Number : L20H38G03 (the one with the most pretty girl as quoted)
Name : Coco, visited this pm
Looks : 8/10.
Age : 24.
Body : 8/10. gd build abt 1.6m
Boobs : 8.5/10. Real Big C cups, with pink nipples. i love looking at it when she ride me.
Service : not bad considering with the bad experince with L20H40G08. Before she started by asking if she can lie down once caps on. i told i perfer her to ride me 1st and we will take turn, she politely agreed, its my turn to go on top, put her legs up on my shoulder and after few mins...cannot tahan as watching her big boobs bounce make me blast off with full load.
Shower : Sop
BJ : 7/10. strength is just right but no slurping sound.
FJ : 7/10.
HJ : NA.
Language : english, ask her if she is tired as she offer to lie down 1st, said she slept 5am, doing room cleaning, wash cloths, etc..but overall quite friendly.
RTF : maybe, but will prefer to try others 1st
Old 01-08-2009, 10:22 AM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)


Name: Forgot her name
Age: 20+
Looks: 7.5/10
Body: 7.5/10
Boobies: Cup C
BJ: 7/10 Capped but raw on balls painting
Catbath: 7/10 with oil, one of the better catbath i've tried in this house
FJ: 7.5/10 , quite service oriented
Massage: 7/10
RTF : Likely

Her looks abit like Korean with nice boobs, thou I suspect its plastic but its quite nice to the touch. Her foreplay is quite enjoyable and thorough, so I gave her a 7.5 b'cos of her service oriented process. Never in a rush and will attempt to satisfy me.

She told me she is thinking home and would be leaving soon although I din ask her when.
Old 01-08-2009, 04:14 PM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)


Age: 22-23
looks: 7/10
body: Nice firm good figure
Ass: 8/10
boobs: 10/10.....Mind u its natural n soft
BBBJ: 8/10
Service 9.5/10

need to ask her whether can CIM......
Cons: Very hard to get her,some guys book her for hours....
Old 01-08-2009, 06:10 PM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

You are damned right. I waited for about 15mins then the guy extended. I did not want to wait so I bluffed OKT that I went to get a drink. Then, I went home.
Old 02-08-2009, 12:19 AM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

just back frm L18 H44B G11

after reading some FR, decided to give it a try.
she is damm horny. demand u to finger her G-spot.
at first she pull my hand over i just gently rub, but seems like she is not getting enough, guide my hand to rub harder. i was thinking 'fuk la, since u like it then i just rub it damm HARD.' to my surprise, she damm enjoy, blow mine harder and harder (almost CIM), proceed to FJ (nth fantastic) follow by pro massage.

nxt time i just want to try CIM and massage.

Name: dont bother to ask (my mind is fill with her C cup)
Age: 22
Looks: 6.5/10
Body: 8/10 (real, soft, C cup)
Service: friendly yet playful
Shower: SOP
Catbath: 8/10
Frenching: YES
Pussy: quite tight
BBBJ: 8/10
FJ: 5/10 (didnt really get to enjoy, enjoy bbbj too long)
Massage: Bones cracked sound guarantee
Damage: $50/25mins
Old 03-08-2009, 10:06 AM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

RTF - L18 H44 G11

Waited near 2 hours for her. Went on Fri noon around 1.45pm. Already 2
bros ahead of me waiting. Yet she just went up. LL...good things are worth
the wait.

I must say that her service improved! More GFE, more regions explored,
more breathtaking foreplay, more intimacy... the same great massage, a
sultry show of her playing with her clit while rubbing her pair of Ds, her pussy
juice is proof that she is enjoying what she does.

Normally I would restrain myself from Frenching. But hell, my tongue gave way
to a wild whiplash...

Just look at her dressing table, her tips are always in big notes. OKT says she
is currently their hottest gal. Mostly working non-stop. She would be here till early next year.
After much deep and profound brain things inside my head....I feel like a mile-high pastrami on rye, on the fly from the deli in the sky! Let's go WILD!
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