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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 01-11-2003, 12:50 PM
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Originally posted by darkstar
wah very gd fr lol
make me so gian i think must visit again..long time no go oredi
how bros, wanna chiong jazzy mai?

Thanks Bro!!

I think it is really a good haunt!!
imagine day in day out, we see sexy colleagues wearing G-string striding around us... and we cant do anything hahahaha.....
this is one good stress relieving area....
i may be there next week ... weeknights...
Old 01-11-2003, 04:52 PM
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Bro lament,
I never expect u to be in this forum.
How is Alex? Can guess who am I?
Old 02-11-2003, 11:17 PM
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Horchew is one of the Best!Horchew is one of the Best!Horchew is one of the Best!Horchew is one of the Best!
izzit true tat the stretch of pubs in JC alwiz have fights?
wat abt in side the pubs issit open concept, sit down or KTV room?

for bonking done in hotel across the rd ?
pardon my ignorance cos I usually cheong HC, JSP, don't know much abt pub scene, also cos I don't drink liquor.
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Old 04-11-2003, 09:23 PM
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Talking RE:

re: horchew,
Wherther there are fights over at JC, why worry. its can happen anywhere in singapore right? not only area that have pubs or KTV. populars pubs over there are JAZZY 51, Blue star, blue lagoon etc where u will find 80% are vitenam girls. those pubs only have bar stool and tables and it is open concept . u can sing, play pool, photo hunt game machine and rubra rubra your girl la.
for JAZZY 51 bonking mission - 81 classic
for blue star/lagoon bonking mission - 81 sakura la.
So far i find these pubs are the best on this time of recession when we need to play girls cos beer are cheap and tips don cost much also. But take note..if out of 10 girls i bonk there, only 4 can make it most of the time. i even got one FOC from a vitenam girl to 81 many months back too. reason: we feel for each other a lot, i still waiting for her to come back to singapore too.. and bear in mind this girl i got FOC, her figure like coco lee wen ,man... not easy to find such stuff over there some time.

Some fxxx
Happy chongging.......bros.!!!
Old 05-11-2003, 08:59 AM
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Re: RE:

Originally posted by gstringgal
re: horchew,
Wherther there are fights over at JC, why worry.
for JAZZY 51 bonking mission - 81 classic
for blue star/lagoon bonking mission - 81 sakura la.
So far i find these pubs are the best on this time of recession when we need to play girls cos beer are cheap and tips don cost much also. But take note..if out of 10 girls i bonk there, only 4 can make it most of the time. i even got one FOC from a vitenam girl to 81 many months back too. reason: we feel for each other a lot, i still waiting for her to come back to singapore too.. and bear in mind this girl i got FOC, her figure like coco lee wen ,man... not easy to find such stuff over there some time.
Some fxxx
Happy chongging.......bros.!!!
Such fights in pubs after a few pints of "horse urine" are common, unless it involves you,fuck it. Just continue the party,pub management will handle.

I think Gateway across the road from Jazzy is better in terms of room quality.Not sure if promotion on, the other time it is $50 all week unlike 81 where weekend rate is higher. Astro is nice but used often by transit customers.

Well done bro..... another Viet-lover ....... got banned from JC yet?
Old 05-11-2003, 12:43 PM
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RE: Lament...

yo bro..i agreed too that the gateway and astro are cheaper on hotel rate.... 81 can only for short stay like 1-2 hours but not overnight. In fact i love vitenam girl more than PRC.. don know why may be it is the culture not too far away also. Get a girl you can CLICK on feeling and communication are far better get a very sexy and chio girl sometime also that cant CLICK, right??
You mean am i banned from JC...??? Bro... we guys chong those pubs often, i believe we do banned some girls from our visit cos we often see same face and CMI for us man...right??
Give you some infro too if u are to visit this country in future:
In Cambodia i went... a bonking mission overnight with girls you choose over more than a infantry platoon cost you only S$ 20 lesser. A BBBBBJ only less than S$ 10. Intresting right???haha
iN CAMBODIA ktv, i found girls from cambodia, vitenam, Burma and LAOS TOO!!!!

------------------------- (Vite lover)

somtime got luck, got foc fxxx.
Old 05-11-2003, 01:33 PM
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whiskey deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
In Combodia, you can get a bonk for less than US$5. So those bros who got their gals from ktv which cost US$50 per nite are considered high-class bonk.
Old 06-11-2003, 11:06 AM
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Originally posted by whiskey
In Combodia, you can get a bonk for less than US$5. So those bros who got their gals from ktv which cost US$50 per nite are considered high-class bonk.
very true
i was in cambodia last year n called for gers at 2am in the morning - wen the okt brought up 2 gers, i couldn't decide which 1 to take so i took them both - only US10@ - ovenight some more.
Old 06-11-2003, 01:34 PM
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Originally posted by darkstar
wah very gd fr lol
make me so gian i think must visit again..long time no go oredi
how bros, wanna chiong jazzy mai?
anytime just let me know ....... be gla to guide you folks there .....

for me, i have to put on my best behaviour there ............

my gal won't be back for 2 months and the stars are shining bright now. msut seize opportunities and move fast before it goes, just started dating a few china chicks ............... bo bian

maybe i be staying around the blue stretch more ......
Old 07-11-2003, 04:46 PM
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I was at Nah Nah last nite, and I faced a problem. I brought a china gal along, which is not working as a pub or ktv gal, she a friend of mine. Problem is that, those eyes in that place treated her like any other gals entertaining those bros there. I was told that Nah Nah is a family Karaoke lounge but realised it isn't. Any bros out there know how to handle such situation? I couldn't just leave that place b'cos my friend was enjoying himself there.
Old 07-11-2003, 04:50 PM
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Were you sitting on the sofa seat ......... that short hair gal???

Anyway, why bother so much, just enjoy yourself and uits a good thing that people are staing at her rather than none.
Old 07-11-2003, 05:34 PM
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Originally posted by Imager
I was at Nah Nah last nite, and I faced a problem. I brought a china gal along, which is not working as a pub or ktv gal, she a friend of mine. Problem is that, those eyes in that place treated her like any other gals entertaining those bros there. I was told that Nah Nah is a family Karaoke lounge but realised it isn't. Any bros out there know how to handle such situation? I couldn't just leave that place b'cos my friend was enjoying himself there.
What will you do if you wrongly brought a sheep into a tiger's den ????

Fark off from the place immediately........
Old 07-11-2003, 08:03 PM
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Originally posted by lament
Were you sitting on the sofa seat ......... that short hair gal???

Anyway, why bother so much, just enjoy yourself and uits a good thing that people are staing at her rather than none.
I know who u r. Bro.
Old 08-11-2003, 12:47 PM
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Talking RE: a vite girl

Hi bros,
Since most of us cheong in blus star, blue lagoon and 51 most of the time, did any bros come across by a vitenam girl name ah zhen???
In fact i am looking for her, last met her on march and since then cant find her already... really thank for any info.
Name: ah zhen
country: Vitenam
Age: About 32
Features: Tall (abt 1.65) ,shoulder long hair.
Love to wear jean, 34B, 26, 35 i think.
Last seen: on march
info: she say will be back half a year later and that will be on ard september but cant find her in blue star, blue lagoon and 51 till today too.
Really thank for any info.... bros.
Old 12-11-2003, 09:24 AM
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I'm back cos took a couple of days off work to plan a bonk......

to bro gstring - there are 101 Ah Zhen so unless u can provide a piture of her nobody can help you. At last count I know aty least 8 to 9 Ah Zhen.

to bros whom I bought to JC on saturday, I'm sorry bros. God knows that bulk of girls did not work that day as one of their sisters is down in ICU.

My last day of work in a pub is this friday so I will be available till i find an alternative.... so let me know if there's a party on .....

as for the china front, after months of trying .......... finally manage to penetrate their market ............ long way to learn b4 I can safely add another qualification.
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