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Old 14-07-2010, 01:20 PM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

very nice story, more pls
Old 14-07-2010, 01:22 PM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Bro Beijing, your strong powderful man... oh... its powerful.... kowtou.....
Old 16-07-2010, 10:29 AM
gaipauchi gaipauchi is offline
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

what a sensual romantic story.....
slowly but surely, u'r in love......
congrats n good luck.....
Old 16-07-2010, 11:08 AM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Envy you brother, money makes the World go round, about 10K a month to have 2 fuck buddies to play with any time you like....please tell us more
Old 16-07-2010, 11:15 AM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Wow, enjoy reading your story, thank you TS.
Old 16-07-2010, 11:52 AM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Originally Posted by beijing View Post
But what could be a bigger surprise?
Where's TS ???
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Old 16-07-2010, 12:12 PM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Thanks Bro Bei for your detail writeup...
Continue camping for "Bigger" Surprise...
Women sometimes asked silly questions coz they dun know what they want...
Old 16-07-2010, 02:03 PM
Crazy4Love Crazy4Love is offline
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Wow Bro TS,

nice story and await for more.....

Thanks for the nice story.
Old 16-07-2010, 03:50 PM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Originally Posted by beijing View Post
But what could be a bigger surprise?
Ya bro, quick come back and tell us the bigger surprise!
Old 16-07-2010, 05:12 PM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Sorry folks.

Just came back a couple of days ago and work had filled me over my neck and head. Had to rush off to Shanghai tonight. Will be back on Wednesday next week. Will continue the surprise then. Maybe just a small activity while I am away, any takers on guessing how the story will flow on?

Sorry once again.
Old 16-07-2010, 10:18 PM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

No worries bro bei, enjoy your trip and hope its a successful one, so you can relate more stories for us , Have a great bonking weekend, cheers bro ......................
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Old 21-07-2010, 10:51 PM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

I am back. Will be posting more shortly. Cheers.
Old 21-07-2010, 11:20 PM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Been camping here daily jus to wait for u to update.
Old 22-07-2010, 07:54 AM
Eager2enter Eager2enter is offline
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Originally Posted by beijing View Post
I am back. Will be posting more shortly. Cheers.
welcome back beijing bro.

look forward to ur update.
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Old 22-07-2010, 11:37 AM
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Re: Bonking A Junior Banker

Tony and Peter cancelled all their appointments so that they can share the success and also I have already informed them that there are quite a number of sweet young looking things in my girl's team. Of course my dear Shirley is off limits to them. And Julie too. Though I didn't tell them about Julie, but I made sure Julie knows that she cannot be shared, neither did she want to either.

I anticipated that tonight's big surprise could be an impossible threesome. Knowing how sensitive Shirley can be when it comes to sharing me, it would be like a dream come true.

The event went on relatively smoothly. Some girls got really drunk. Of course being the only two other guys in the event, Tony and Peter cannot help but to thank me in private. It seems that they had hit on two other bankers well and they sensing both these guys might be able to help them, clinged on to them like they are god sent. Should have said Bei-sent.

The night was drawing to an end. I cannot see how things might have worked out later as Julie seemed tipsy and a few of their comrades too. There were talked of a few of them staying the night here as it might not be safe for them to drive back. Hell, that would have ruin my surprise. I am very certain that Shirley would not want to let anyone of them confirmed their suspicion that she is sleeping with me. Now talk about cracked blue balls. I am very close to dying.

Tony and Peter volunteered to help me "get rid" of some girls by sending them home. But still there was one girl who refused to budge and was sleeping soundly. How pissed can one get. I told Tony that it is okay and tipped them to send their favourites one last so that "something" can happened.

Julie is pissed drunk in one of the room. The other girl, Wen Ching, was semi comatose on the sofa. Shirley seemed sober enough to talk to me.

"Sorry Bei to cause so much trouble."

"No trouble for you. Would do anything to make you happy."

"You are such an angel but I think I might not be able to give you the surprise tonight since Wen Ching is still here."

"Yeah, I thought so too but make sure you owe me one and make it come true, errr.. let's say tomorrow?"

"Eeeee.. you are very naughty. As if you already know what the surprise is."

In my mind I was already picturing both Julie and Shirley naked. Julie the fire power girl would take the lead and show Shirley the rope.

"Anyway, I will go see how Julie's doing and you go get a shower first."

I nodded as I walked to the master bedroom's toilet. Turned on the water. God, I always love a good shower after some nice event. Should sleep well tonight. I was shampooing my hair when I hear the toilet door opened. This Shirley, already told me that the surprise will be for tomorrow.

"Finally want to join me ah dear? How's Julie?"

Damm no answer as the door to my shower cubicle opened. So sneaky. I was imagining two of them, Shirley and Julie at my door step, both giggling away signalling who will start servicing me first. So daring of them when their colleague, Wen Ching is sleeping in the lounge.

I tried to wash the shampoo off and even before I could rub my eyes, I felt a pair of hand gently soaping me. Shirley's hand is much bigger than that. But Julie was sound asleep. Was Julie pretending to be drunk? It was nice as I continued to shut my eyes savouring the moment.

She placed her mouth on my little general.

"That's nice, Lee.."

It was nice but it didn't feel like Julie's usual aggressive style. It was slow and gentle. I got the rest of the shampoo off my eyes and rubbed my eyes.

Omigod. Is this the surprise? Wen Ching was blowing me off. Omigod... omigod.. I turned and look at the door, thinking both Shirley and Julie must be laughing their ass off but they weren't there. Wen Ching was furiously blowing me.

Now Wen Ching is a smallish sized girls with glasses. She looked like a young girl next door. She has just finished her education from Australia majoring in Finance. Quite pretty looking.

"Dear, want to go to the bedroom where it is more comfortable?"

Dear me so fast? Bloody Julie always playing games with me. First Julie and now Wen Ching. Now I found out later from Shirley, Wen Ching formed an alliance with Julie a few months ago and found her the perfect protege. She took her on and showed her the trade and found plenty of trust in her. Wen Ching in returned trusted Julie and told her many things about herself. How she would do anything to succeed and that she has never been succesful in relationship because guys would think she is snobbish and too hard to go after. My initial thoughts of her was a friendly girl who would go very far in her career.

I hypnotically brought myself to the bedroom and Wen Ching wiped me dry. She pushed me to the bed while I was still waiting for the moment Shirley or Julie or both would push the door open and spring a surprise for me.

"Don't worry dear. Shirley and Julie told me they won't disturb us tonight. As far as I know, Shirley can be quite jealous and sensitive, so I know she won't want to know anything that came out of this."

So, I should enjoy this? This Wen Ching has flattish chest and sparsely decorated pubic area. Her nips are still glowingly pinkish. I let myself go and I slowly pinch on her nipples. I wonder if this girl is still a virgin given that she does not seem too experience to know what to do next.

This is definitely one hell of a surprise!
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