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Old 10-05-2014, 12:42 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Even you have Megan Fox as your wife, you wouldnt be fucking her everynight. It just get...bored, and became routine. Its an another
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Old 10-05-2014, 12:46 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by xiaosiami View Post

To sarahxx

Resentment - So the punishment is less sex? So giving less sex can actually make the husband 'wake up his bloody idea' and start making the wife more emotionally fulfilled?

Edit: Make a you want to reinforce bad behaviour or do you want to reinforce good behaviour?

There is a hokkien saying that says " If the cow doesn't want to drink, it won't drink even if you bring it to the river." So how does this saying applies in this context?

Simple. It is your effort that matters, not his! It is up to you whether you want to feel emotionally secure or not. It's up to you whether you want to enjoy the sex or not. If you are already predisposed not to enjoy, nothing he does matters.

There are plenty of worries in the world but can they be solved immediately by not having sex? Don't let what you can do, stop you from doing what you still can do.

Whether you have sex or not, there are worries to worry about, there are unreasonable bosses to deal with, there are bills to pay and there are wailing babies to take care off right?

So why not have sex and enjoy the moment then? At least during that moment, you forget about your troubles. And if not having sex leads to more problems, isn't it then stupid not to have sex?
chill bro, there's no need to be so heated up. what i said is an observation and what i hear from my female friends ard me. i am not married so ive nv been in that position to comment my stand.

back to ur point abt men not being responsible for the wife's emotional stability, what i was tryin to point out is that women tend to bottle feelings up instead of talking abt it hence leading to resentment. that's why i said if pp were to be more open w their feelings, resentment will not snowball.
Old 10-05-2014, 01:17 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Cannot believe the number of disgruntled men here. Think we better setup a support group.
Old 10-05-2014, 01:18 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by soggypanties View Post
Hmm... Then how do we explain cheating wives .....
Sp has hit the nail right on the head!

Most of the guys discussing here seem to think that their wives are no longer interested in sex...perhaps only with their husbands!

Look around at other threads discussing about milfs, and there are even samstress here looking for fbs. Look at the number of men having ons, affairs and fbs... Who are their partners? No doubt some are single but most are married.

Why married women make the best fbs? Because they require little or no maintenance (maintained by husband liow mah). They are also less sticky because after office they must also go home to their children if not their hubby!

I won't go into why these married women prefer sex with fbs rather than with their husband. But from my first fb was my office subordinate. We worked together for many years and feelings developed. But we both know divorce is out of the question. We both lacked sex from our partners. Her husband is a hardworking well to do businessman working long hours sometimes even 7 days a week. Next there was opportunity. Our partners both worked till late and all we had to do was wait till other colleagues go home (not a big office) before we start our hanky panky! She even suspected her 3rd child was mine. We eventually discontinued our affair with no regrets when she was transferred out.

Next fb though not a direct colleague was someone connected in business working within the same building. Started not long after her marriage which was match-made with a businessman from the same kampong. Her sex with hubby was unfulfilling (no orgasm for her) and as usual hardworking 7-day week type. So after work she would wait for me... Again our parting was amicable because her hubby decided to expand and relocate to china.

Third fb was again a subordinate. Then I was 40 and she half my age. This is still on going and she has remained single for me.

The point is ... it is difficult to maintain 'love' in a relationship for long term, and as such if there is no novelty and excitement, sex becomes mundane and a chore to both husband and wife. Look at those kinky couples in Sbf, those that share nude pixs of their wives, indulge in swinging etc. the wives are open minded and obliging and I am sure they get good loving sex from their husbands!

If for the sake of children family and tradition or religion and divorce is out of the questions...and if your partners won't indulge in your sexual requirements then like many...go find a FB! Mutual satisfaction and low cost or no cost sex! nice and gentlemanly to women you meet or work with and you'll be surprise how easy it is to connect! Btw subordinates are the best because in bed they still treat you as their boss!

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Old 10-05-2014, 01:20 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

what happen to nvr eat and shit @ the same plc? lolx
Old 10-05-2014, 01:39 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Those who believe in that saying don't know what they are missing!

You can bet your bottom $ that many unfaithful wives are screwing someone from their office or business/work associate!

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Old 10-05-2014, 01:53 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Interesting tread...
I was chatting with a female agent today who claimed she like a guy but could never get him to response, and bla bla bla

But she said she is not interested in sex and don't like it in fact... she did just to please the bf and hope to win his heart....

Once she mentioned this, i stopped and got serious with her... This is what i said "If you are not interested in sex, please stay single. Don't marry a guy and later tell him he cannot fuck u as he like because u are not interested in sex. If you are not interested now, its unlikely u will be later. And don't later blame him to eat outside. His eating out is because there is no home cooked food. U made a home with him, you are responsible to feed him."

Have you got stares from gal or complains from your wives that you are so horny and always want to fuck? How do you tell these female species why she should not be upset with u when u want to fuck her?

This is what i would say to them.

Man is output. Female is input.
U can go without food for days and still survive. No input, no problem.

But u cannot go without an output for even a day. Try to get up in the morning and go to the toilet and don't pee. U can hold, i salute to u.
When u get into the toilet, the urge to pee is almost immediate, even if u did not get in there with the intention to pee in the 1st place, the urge will still come.

But of course, if the toilet bowl is really dirty, whatever smell, u can hold your pee and go find another place to let go.

So its with men when they see a lady. Unless u see her and cannot make it type, men generally need to find release... this is natural. More so for their wife whom he must have find beauty in that he wanted to marry her.

Men are made to output.... its encoded in our system. We can't hold back. It has to come out!
So ladies, spare a thought for your poor men. Help them out ok?
Don't just think they are horny and so it means bad. Its not at all bad.
Be glad they come to u and not someone else.
Old 10-05-2014, 02:51 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by xiaosiami View Post
The point is never about marrying the woman for sex. The point has always been why the stark difference in attitude towards sex before and after marriage and for some before and after child birth.
I've already explained that.

1. It gets boring screwing the same person day in day out. This applies to both sexes not just men. Mankind was not designed to be monogamous. Many Non Christocentric societies do not impose monogamy on a marriage.

2. Once women have children, they are biologically programmed to switch from reproduction mode to nurturing mode. Sex takes a back seat and maternal instincts take over.
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Old 10-05-2014, 06:03 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

I am witnessing how my wife completely losses her sex drive after she had our first child.

I just wonder will the sex drive get back to previous level when breast feeding ended? How long does it take ? when baby is 1 year old? 2 year old?
Old 10-05-2014, 07:30 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

My sex life is like a ferrari...I don't have a ferrari...
Old 10-05-2014, 07:51 AM
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Originally Posted by imodel View Post
Interesting tread... I was chatting with a female agent today who claimed she like a guy but could never get him to response, and bla bla bla But she said she is not interested in sex and don't like it in fact... she did just to please the bf and hope to win his heart.... Once she mentioned this, i stopped and got serious with her... This is what i said "If you are not interested in sex, please stay single. Don't marry a guy and later tell him he cannot fuck u as he like because u are not interested in sex. If you are not interested now, its unlikely u will be later. And don't later blame him to eat outside. His eating out is because there is no home cooked food. U made a home with him, you are responsible to feed him." Have you got stares from gal or complains from your wives that you are so horny and always want to fuck? How do you tell these female species why she should not be upset with u when u want to fuck her? This is what i would say to them. Man is output. Female is input. U can go without food for days and still survive. No input, no problem. But u cannot go without an output for even a day. Try to get up in the morning and go to the toilet and don't pee. U can hold, i salute to u. When u get into the toilet, the urge to pee is almost immediate, even if u did not get in there with the intention to pee in the 1st place, the urge will still come. But of course, if the toilet bowl is really dirty, whatever smell, u can hold your pee and go find another place to let go. So its with men when they see a lady. Unless u see her and cannot make it type, men generally need to find release... this is natural. More so for their wife whom he must have find beauty in that he wanted to marry her. Men are made to output.... its encoded in our system. We can't hold back. It has to come out! So ladies, spare a thought for your poor men. Help them out ok? Don't just think they are horny and so it means bad. Its not at all bad. Be glad they come to u and not someone else.
Very good comment indeed!
Old 10-05-2014, 09:08 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by sarahxx View Post
chill bro, there's no need to be so heated up. what i said is an observation and what i hear from my female friends ard me. i am not married so ive nv been in that position to comment my stand.

back to ur point abt men not being responsible for the wife's emotional stability, what i was tryin to point out is that women tend to bottle feelings up instead of talking abt it hence leading to resentment. that's why i said if pp were to be more open w their feelings, resentment will not snowball.
I am not heated up. I am merely pointing out that ultimately you are responsible for your own emotional state of mind.

Like i have said, if you are already predisposed to be unhappy, no one can cheer you up.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
I've already explained that.

1. It gets boring screwing the same person day in day out. This applies to both sexes not just men. Mankind was not designed to be monogamous. Many Non Christocentric societies do not impose monogamy on a marriage.

2. Once women have children, they are biologically programmed to switch from reproduction mode to nurturing mode. Sex takes a back seat and maternal instincts take over.
I disagree with this. Again it all links back to the state of mind and followed by choice of action. You can choose to be positive about it and take actions to make things better or choose to be negative about it and be destructive.

In the case of point 1, boredom is self created. It's nothing to do with the moral ethics of society. If the woman is just gonna strip, lie there and let the man hump away, obviously it's gonna get bored after awhile for both man and woman.

I've been married for 14 years, every year i make a conscious effort to celebrate Valentine's Day, her Birthday and our Wedding Anniversary differently. In all, i have came out with 42 different ideas to celebrate the occasions and instead of the typical boring dinner and movie celebration. Yes, i am running out of ideas but that's not gonna stop me from trying to come out with new ones ( i might have to resort to Febreeze one day) to keep things fresh. So similarly it is up to the individual (both man and woman) to keep things fresh in bed.

If you do not know what to do, refer to porn. While porn is mostly acting, it does trigger your imagination. I mean you are life partners, have already seen each to other naked and have already had sex, what's with the inhibitions?

In the case of point 2, everything in your life comes as a total package. Nothing take greater important that another. Life is about achieving equilibrium. Everything in your life deserves equal attention from you. If you choose to ignore something, eventually it will just come back and bite you.
Old 10-05-2014, 09:37 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by pleasurehobby View Post
Sex at least once a day for 4 years is some great stamina bro. This means your are really healthy and fit.
Not only stamina, where to find the mood to do it everyday. Sometimes so troubled/stressed at work that you dun even want to touch your gal with a pole even if she's naked before you.

They must be having a really happy life.
Old 10-05-2014, 10:46 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by lateNightyOwl View Post
Not only stamina, where to find the mood to do it everyday. Sometimes so troubled/stressed at work that you dun even want to touch your gal with a pole even if she's naked before you.

They must be having a really happy life.
Totally true. Sometimes i have so much on my mind i cannot think about sex. It is even difficult to make my little bro stand. Just wanna go and sleep and forget all the work related problems.
Old 10-05-2014, 11:03 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Which husband/wife never quarrel one?
After quarrel then no mood to piak piak liao.
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