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Old 18-10-2006, 01:37 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by krathong
He sort of started business in LOS,then failed not successful,went back to 8 to 5 job.Personally i do not find that shameful. Most of us are holding 8 to 5 jobs. So i do not understand why singrakthai looks down on going back to LOS and work 8 to 5 for Jun even he did went back? Very sia suay meh?

Come on lah,at some point of time during cheonging,everyone of us had once or twice felt something for WLs. Even our bro TV also started off LOS falling for a girl. Let alone Singrakthai who claims he never had tiraks/feelings for WLs.He is trying to convince himself he never went through that.
Wah this one you hear who say one. And who say I 8-5 or even working for others. Speculations or Assumptions?
So since you hear people say I 8-5 work office hours, so who I working for?

And please improve your skills abit by not going for cheap shots like this. Is this the best you can do by parasiting on other postings to fan flames?


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Old 18-10-2006, 01:40 PM
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Re: proofs that Jun is a nitwit. hehe

Originally Posted by siamcutey
What else you know besides adding oil to fire? U are just trying to fan something up further.

Say in such a manner that you take money from gf daily to play lan game in thailand. Don't want to find work. Go take hand out and ask her money to give you for your visa runs at Poi Pet.

If now you are starting to work, thats good for you. If not EATING SOFT RICE is not for you, neither for anyone

Try saying that to the rest,its aint applicable for me.

In any sense,u do not know JUn,neither do u know his intentions for doing all this. So i guess that's all ASSumptions again. If u say he been doing that for a couple of years,maybe u can categorise him like those thais.But if it was meant to test something,and the thereafter scenario { anyone knows what happen? cos i do not know } maybe singrakthai can share what he know...haha. Who knows now,he is the carrot cake of his own.
Old 18-10-2006, 01:42 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Wah this one you hear who say one. And who say I 8-5 or even working for others. Speculations or Assumptions?
So since you hear people say I 8-5 work office hours, so who I working for?

And please improve your skills abit by not going for cheap shots like this. Is this the best you can do by parasiting on other postings to fan flames?

For u to find out loh,who cares?U care meh? Cos I DO NOT CARE. U do not know me,i do not know u..

Everyone here taking cheap shots,talk until as if they know everything. But frankly who knows what is going on for tiraks other than themselves?
Old 18-10-2006, 01:50 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by krathong
For u to find out loh,who cares?U care meh? Cos I DO NOT CARE. U do not know me,i do not know u

Everyone here taking cheap shots,talk until as if they know everything. But frankly who knows what is going on for tiraks other than themselves?
ur posts full of contradictory and just a few postings already knew whats ur old nick liao.

To be frank, I don't know you. And I don't want to know gigolos who take money from girlfriends, don't want to work and sit at home shake leg.


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Old 18-10-2006, 01:53 PM
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Re: proofs that Jun is a nitwit. hehe

Originally Posted by krathong
Try saying that to the rest,its aint applicable for me.

In any sense,u do not know JUn,neither do u know his intentions for doing all this. So i guess that's all ASSumptions again. If u say he been doing that for a couple of years,maybe u can categorise him like those thais.But if it was meant to test something,and the thereafter scenario { anyone knows what happen? cos i do not know } maybe singrakthai can share what he know...haha. Who knows now,he is the carrot cake of his own.
Jun he himself say that he don't work. No money liao. Stay in Thailand in his ago-go gf apartment. Take money from her daily to play lan game. Want extend visa take money from her go Poipet and run visa. No one put words into his mouth. He ownself say ok.

U want to tell me Jun have other intentions for doing all the above?

Is it because he is sick or handicap? If not I don't see why he cannot go find work and instead ask his gf go work ago-go to support him


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

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Old 18-10-2006, 02:29 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by krathong
He sort of started business in LOS,then failed not successful,went back to 8 to 5 job.Personally i do not find that shameful. Most of us are holding 8 to 5 jobs. So i do not understand why singrakthai looks down on going back to LOS and work 8 to 5 for Jun even he did went back? Very sia suay meh?
When did I say I look down on people with 8 to 5 job?
I look down on Jun for being a big hole with his:
1)yeap,my girl is working in a bar,and i am not working.In fact i was busy for the past few days going out with a couple of samsters who came over.I was busying going ard enjoying myself.But i never use any allowance she gave me for the entertainments.So any problems with that??
2) Oh, I can start something ANYTIME in Thailand....
3) Oh, I have "free" from road side bar girls....
4) Oh, I don't have to worry about wasting my time cos unlike my "peers" I jus have to wait 10 years to inherit my parent's 5 room flat because I am ONLY child. etc.

Of cos if after saying all these, he got kicked out by his so-call ABAC graduated AGOGO gf and lost all his savings and now back to square one in Singapore BUT still don't want to admit... of cos its funny and worth looking down on.
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Old 18-10-2006, 02:34 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by siamcutey
ur posts full of contradictory and just a few postings already knew whats ur old nick liao.

correction, Only 1 posting (singrakthai) already know his old nick.

Krathong aka Jun|ch| yesterday no need go work, so came online to entertain us. Today also very free.
Old 18-10-2006, 02:39 PM
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Re: proofs that Jun is a nitwit. hehe

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Jun he himself say that he don't work. No money liao. Stay in Thailand in his ago-go gf apartment. Take money from her daily to play lan game. Want extend visa take money from her go Poipet and run visa. No one put words into his mouth. He ownself say ok.

U want to tell me Jun have other intentions for doing all the above?

Is it because he is sick or handicap? If not I don't see why he cannot go find work and instead ask his gf go work ago-go to support him

U believe Jun's so called tirak took care of him meh? Singrakthai dun believe leh,u go ask him. He say with his looks,he believe noone want to support leh.

Yup,i believe he posted somewhere,ask singrakthai quote for u.

U mean u have the concept that he is going to stay there forever leading such a lifestyle? Who told u?
Old 18-10-2006, 02:41 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by singrakthai
Of cos if after saying all these, he got kicked out by his so-call ABAC graduated AGOGO gf and lost all his savings and now back to square one in Singapore BUT still don't want to admit... of cos its funny and worth looking down on.
why dun u admit u have a gogo ex tirak?

Did someone tell u or u ASSume he and agogo no more?
Old 18-10-2006, 02:46 PM
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Re: proofs that Jun is a nitwit. hehe

Originally Posted by krathong
U believe Jun's so called tirak took care of him meh? Singrakthai dun believe leh,u go ask him. He say with his looks,he believe noone want to support leh.

Yup,i believe he posted somewhere,ask singrakthai quote for u.

U mean u have the concept that he is going to stay there forever leading such a lifestyle? Who told u?
Believe or not is one thing.

But everything is Junichi come tell us and post in this forum for us to read, not like those go around asking from other samsters and getting info which is (assumption and speculation)

So everything come from the horse's ....err, i mean Gigolo's mouth. Cannot anyhow insult animals. Sorry.

I did not conceptualise that he is going to stay there forever leading such a lifestyle. But 3 days as a gigolo, 3 months as a gigolo, 3 years as gigolo cannot erase the fact he was living on woman which he said. And a woman who had to dance ago-go so as to feed his lan game bills.

U ask me believe or not? I don't know. I only know all info is posted by Junichi and I show the facts for everyone to see. Want to think he eat soft rice or not, that is up to individual to judge lor.

Some think its not okay to lead such a life, while some think its okay though.


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Old 18-10-2006, 02:50 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by krathong
why dun u admit u have a gogo ex tirak?

Did someone tell u or u ASSume he and agogo no more?
IMHO, Having a WL or agogo ex tirak is not to be ashamed of.

But to ask agogo gf to dance and give him money while the bf shaking leg at home, that is I don't know what to say liao.


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

Men will only be troubled by 2 issues.
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Old 18-10-2006, 03:07 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by siamcutey
IMHO, Having a WL or agogo ex tirak is not to be ashamed of.

But to ask agogo gf to dance and give him money while the bf shaking leg at home, that is I don't know what to say liao.

Eat soft rice from girls like Thaksin's daughter ok or not?
Old 18-10-2006, 04:21 PM
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Re: proofs that Jun is a nitwit. hehe

Originally Posted by krathong
Try saying that to the rest,its aint applicable for me.
.But if it was meant to test something,and the thereafter scenario { anyone knows what happen? cos i do not know } maybe singrakthai can share what he know...haha. Who knows now,he is the carrot cake of his own.
U confirm is jun lah.hahahaha hi long time never see u.
8 oranges to give exchange daily. Up me and leave behind your nick. Will return favour when power recover .
Old 18-10-2006, 04:30 PM
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Re: proofs that Jun is a nitwit. hehe

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Believe or not is one thing.

Some think its not okay to lead such a life, while some think its okay though.

Is it okay to be earning being a OKT like thaiboy and be proud of it like the way he said ?

Want to lead such life or not,its up to individual,which i might add. Not everyone wants can do it. Just like only singrakthai can make a ladyboy to support him. Not everyone including Jun can do it
Old 18-10-2006, 04:38 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by WorldSexGuide
Eat soft rice from girls like Thaksin's daughter ok or not?
Not easy ok, want also have to wait long long loh. I wonder that is a achievement or considered the same here?
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