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Old 29-03-2007, 02:03 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
Exactly the point I was talking about.

What you're refering is a person who understand their worth. Thus the 'clarity'. "Due to the 'clarity', they know on the onset what they want. Chances are you might not be one of those wants in her crystalize list. Get snub and you most likely label her. If she dont brush you off too soon, her peers might think she is two-timing. The list goes on.

A 'spoilt' girl would be her tag to anyone who dont really know her. So, where is the middle ground for the good ones. They are seriously loosing their ground.

As for cuts in the gem. You have raised one point in a mariad. How one define a perfect partner is yours alone. No matter how good a catch it might be, if she be strong in character chances are she might not be able to meet your ideal wants. Unlike a lass who is in love without preconceived notions. In the end only you can make the choice on your ideals. Thus the so call 'spoilt' in girls are mens doing all the same.
Wah... so metaphorical. I'm just a simpleton with simple demands (on the surface at least).

Clarity: Be clear and honest. Nothing to hide.
Color: Race, Language or Religion.
Inclusions: Baggage or hidden agendas (see clarity).

And of course, not forgetting, supremo sex skills and an ability to have 101 variations on a blowjob never fails to cover up all the flaws.

Just kidding on the last point... really?
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Old 29-03-2007, 02:05 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by suteerak1099 View Post
sherine? who's that? a he-she or a (s)he? sigh, i think better not drag on this, if not, thread name need to change to "gers are not gers, guys are not guys" liao... hahahah.

Tune of Crying Game playing in the background.
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Old 29-03-2007, 03:08 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
Wah... so metaphorical. I'm just a simpleton with simple demands (on the surface at least).

Clarity: Be clear and honest. Nothing to hide.
Color: Race, Language or Religion.
Inclusions: Baggage or hidden agendas (see clarity).

And of course, not forgetting, supremo sex skills and an ability to have 101 variations on a blowjob never fails to cover up all the flaws.

Just kidding on the last point... really?
You simple? I think the genome project is simple compared to some of your reply. I mean your 'charter' talk... than the veggie talk and all... very chim. Lol.

On a serious note. Lets get back to basics. The thread reads Gers are still gers. Justifications are highlighted by various members of this esteemed fraternity. Conclusion, 'gers' are still enigmatic paradox.

My contribution. Like my justification on this post. If the answer is still illusive after so many post than I suggest we go back to basics. That means starting from the very begining and see where that leads.

The only good beginning (until someone else have a better idea) is knowing what we are and where we are. Thus, what is a man and what entails a man in the eye of the opposite sex. Once that is done than I think we will have a better bet in understanding why 'gers' are like they are.

There are many marriages that are lackluster, a drudgery and meaningless because of poor choice made or inevitable choice due to circumstances. Chances are they will ask themself if "The one you marry, is not the one you loved most?" and if the questioning persist than one would surely ask "Does the so call " true love " still exist???". Than the next thing you know there are 3 members to the relationship. Suffice to say one would seek out "Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF" for the long run. In the end he will dust the good old wish list on what he wants in his life partner. In the mean time that answer usually lie in the arms of another woman.

So lets not go there shall we? Lets find the answer together on what makes a relationship and try to understand 'gers'. I am sure if we work together we will surely get the answer doubly fast.

Your friend,

Old 29-03-2007, 04:37 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
So lets not go there shall we? Lets find the answer together on what makes a relationship and try to understand 'gers'. I am sure if we work together we will surely get the answer doubly fast.
I did not finish the book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" but I find it difficult to read their minds, esp those with lower IQ/EQ. Not trying to cause any insult, but some of them do not use their brain to think, and to my suprise, these are highly educated people.

If our weather changes rapidly, so does our women. As a matter of fact, there's no detection system on earth that could intrude their minds and read their moods. If that's the case, how are we gonna "understand" them?

I chose to NOT understand them but to forgive them for their foolishness or ignorant. At times, I chose to keep silent and walk away whenever the "storms" hit me unexpectedly.

Having said it all, I believe that it's important to choose a partner who is on the same frequency so that they see things at the same eye-level. U know, if I ask her, "dear, what are we gonna have for dinner tonite?" "Anything lor.." she replied. "What about chinese cuisine or fast foods?" I asked again. If she replied "aiya... anything lor... bla bla bla". For me, the relationship will end as soon as the conversation. Simply retarded animal

Old 29-03-2007, 06:36 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
There are many marriages that are lackluster, a drudgery and meaningless because of poor choice made or inevitable choice due to circumstances. Chances are they will ask themself if "The one you marry, is not the one you loved most?" and if the questioning persist than one would surely ask "Does the so call " true love " still exist???". Than the next thing you know there are 3 members to the relationship. Suffice to say one would seek out "Tips & Tricks to get away from Wife/GF" for the long run. In the end he will dust the good old wish list on what he wants in his life partner. In the mean time that answer usually lie in the arms of another woman.
The story of my life.
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Old 29-03-2007, 06:37 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
The story of my life.
really ar???

Old 29-03-2007, 07:39 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by jng1103 View Post

If our weather changes rapidly, so does our women. As a matter of fact, there's no detection system on earth that could intrude their minds and read their moods. If that's the case, how are we gonna "understand" them?

I chose to NOT understand them but to forgive them for their foolishness or ignorant. At times, I chose to keep silent and walk away whenever the "storms" hit me unexpectedly.

I have no such problem. I know that seems far fetch but thats the honest truth in my relationship thus far. It all click together after 2 years into our relationship. This is what I have learned

Point 1)
never ask questions out of the blue because you will get an automatic reply (it is a special girl mechanism - polite but useless) that is no answer at all. Worst, the reply will be a question in turn. That is as good as not asking. Take your case for instance, "dear, what are we gonna have for dinner tonite?" thats like asking her to think on the run. No good. They are generally not build to think on the run. Taking my point about being a man. So take the lead. Say, "I am feeling adventurest today, how bout eating curry fishhead!" This way you're not asking a question but suggesting one. If the relationship is new than learn to "cut the gem" on the onset. "Hon, if you dont like please suggest another. If you know the place better still. I cant think when I am hungry, so dont ask me to think or I will take you to Newton's Hawker centre." With a cheeky smile. If you seriously need to ask a question I suggest give them a lead time. The funny thing about women (mom's and sis included) is they will suddenly answer you three or four weeks later on the worst possible time. With practice you will get the hang of it.

Point 2)
Throw a "curve-ball" once in a while. When out shopping together. Pick the girl she is looking (pretty one) and comment "Hon, I think you do a better job with that dress. Look at her; beanpole and try to flaunt. Bakka!" She may comment negatively or give you the eye. Know that you have just made her day. They get high on the simplest of pleasure. If the feeling continue thru the night than you're in for a threat. No tricks included.

Point 3)
Let her know your likes and dislike. If you like her to be nice and fit. Let her know on the onset before she pun in the kilos. Pick a girl that is similar in size than voice your negative comment. "I really cant understand her." Your spouse will ask understand what. Than you reply "Look at her! If she was half a size smaller... Man! I think she would be perfect! Why cant anybody be like you? I cant ever imagine you being fat!" This will be the cue for you to rub her back. Just enjoy the touch. Not only will she feel good she got a friendly reminder not to be a cow.

Allways pick a third person to express your feeling about your wants and needs. They are not stupid. They will get the picture. Another example. Lets just say someone you met at the wedding or party just got devorce. That fella now is the third person. Make sure anything dramatic or life changing discourse is done outside, in parks or better yet shopping. Now imagine your partner's fellatio leaves alot to be desired. While walking you laugh in disbelieve. She will notice, and ask. You reply "Nothing hon.. I just cant believe people would take that as something so important" Let her ask again. The whole point is to make sure she does the asking and not spoon feed her. So worse case scenario is point it in her face that it was she who insist on knowing.

So lets continue "K, you know Micheal? Yeah, the fella at the party. He just been served the divorce papers. I heard he was caught one to many time in the arms of another. I talk to him before. All he said was he wanted to feel a good blowjob once in a while. stupid fella. His fault really, I mean its not like he didnt have premarital sex before. He should have known. I feel sad for him and his wife. Here is a man who love his wife to bits but unfortunately he loves blowjob as well. Funnily enough I can understand that. I mean our needs are not many. If only his wife was good at it. Than all these mess would have been avoided."

Sigh abit once in a while and brood a lil. Just make sure you're a lil distracted. But dont forget my point number 2 (The curve-ball) but maintain the distracted look. That same night tell her you dont feel too good and ask her to join you for a drink or two outside. You have planted the seed of an idea already. She might be of two minds about it. The drink might help her decide for sure the direction she is going to take in your regards so long as she is happy. If you have done her right all these time chances are you will see a change for the better.

The whole point is having a conversation or train to have one and at the same time express yourself without taking it out on her or at her expense. I understand we can tell bluntly the importance of a good blowjob. I am sure you can also force her to do how you deem fit. In the end diplomacy goes a long long way so long as it is done on her own accord. Things will go your way. They just want to be loved and felt loved. Again.. they are not stupid. No matter how long you're in the relationship. Respect her boundaries she will return the favour.

This post have gone long enough. I will continue my other points later. This is a windy post already. I hope nobody do a TLDR on this one. Lol! Anyways, please take it as light reading.
Old 29-03-2007, 08:00 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
I have no such problem. I know that seems far fetch but thats the honest truth in my relationship thus far. It all click together after 2 years into our relationship. This is what I have learned
Very very true but I can't help but feel its more relevant towards a Japanese woman. May not work on women of other nationalities. The 3rd party example was fantastically smack on the money. I keep getting the "bakka, bakka" stuff but on the sly, she was borrowing dvds and books on how to give better blowjobs. I only found out about this when I commented on her blowjobs getting better almost by the day.

I was commenting alot about Menage a Trois at one stage and she was mad. But of course I assured her that it would be impossible for me considering I only have eyes for her. A week later, she intro'd me to her best friend and whispered to me if she would do as the 3rd partner. I was shocked but at the same time rejected giving the same reason as previously. Not that I didn't want it but her friend CMI. But that very night itself, I was given a wonderful treat from her. Even had a treat of Kobe beef before that.

But then again, I don't think it works with other nationalities.
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Old 29-03-2007, 08:16 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
But then again, I don't think it works with other nationalities.
You got me there...

I never had a real relationship with locals.
Old 30-03-2007, 10:27 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
You got me there...

I never had a real relationship with locals.
Never? with locals? Wow!

Didn't mean to rain on your parade. Carry on... some of your posts are getting me misty-eyed and almost pining for my Jap ex-gf.... almost.
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Old 30-03-2007, 10:42 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
Point 2)
Throw a "curve-ball" once in a while. When out shopping together. Pick the girl she is looking (pretty one) and comment "Hon, I think you do a better job with that dress. Look at her; beanpole and try to flaunt. Bakka!" She may comment negatively or give you the eye. Know that you have just made her day. They get high on the simplest of pleasure. If the feeling continue thru the night than you're in for a threat. No tricks included.

So lets continue "K, you know Micheal? Yeah, the fella at the party. He just been served the divorce papers. I heard he was caught one to many time in the arms of another. I talk to him before. All he said was he wanted to feel a good blowjob once in a while. stupid fella. His fault really, I mean its not like he didnt have premarital sex before. He should have known. I feel sad for him and his wife. Here is a man who love his wife to bits but unfortunately he loves blowjob as well. Funnily enough I can understand that. I mean our needs are not many. If only his wife was good at it. Than all these mess would have been avoided."
bro derelict, when u started posting in this thread, i found it difficult to read it in my office environs cos it would take my full attention to do so. well, i've learnt something very impt and apt today. thought i was good in the mind f**k thingy, well, i was wrong. when's yr class starting? would like to register for it...
Old 30-03-2007, 10:59 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
You got me there...

I never had a real relationship with locals.
After reading the long-winded reply, I was about to reply till I came across the above statement from U. Well, it speaks for itself... "I never had a real r/s with locals." All the while we had been bombarding the locals and I thought we were on the same frequency. Opps... non-locals, I never had any r/s experience except f&f

Anyway, I enjoy reading ur post (paiseh... my singlish not 'powderful' enough) and I thought who the hell on earth would put so much praises on local gals. Now, I know where u r coming from... NON-Locals... That's pretty self-explainatory. Lucky U...

Old 30-03-2007, 01:32 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
Never? with locals? Wow!

Didn't mean to rain on your parade.
Mind you its not like I have problem with the locals. Just that I wasnt looking for one than and now.

If the question was regarding bedding any locals than the answer is affirmative but nothing in regards to a lasting one before I hit Japan during my tertiary days. I am with the same sweetie till these day. Never crossed my mind to look for another.

Okay now the question. How bad can the locals really be? I mean I chat with my colleagues, business associates and friends most are locals and they seem a nice bunch. Not like the demon incarnate that is being portrait by some of members in these fraternity.

Last night I have looked back at my near 6 years as a professional member of society. Doing my duty as a citizen. During those times I have worked from the bottom up in my dad's creative line as a PA as well as my mom's companies. Until I managed to squeeze a seat out of one of the darling of american based company herein. What I know is that I seem able to click with men and women of diverse age. I am not denying my pedigree could be the reasons back than but definately not now. I doubt the info gotten off from their chest has anything to do with my blood link.

As a listener I may be quiet but once you start chatting with me chances are we are going to have a blast. From my observation in my mind's eye I have notice asians guys in general are pretty self-centered. Please read these with an open mind and see if my observation hit the mark.

Ever notice when having a conversation guys seems to think they are the encyclopedia or worst an oracle? For example a girl will chat about something it is usually hi-jacked by the guys and suddenly the subject is changed without letting the girl finish the 1st. If the guy is a horny prick chances are he will suddenly talk about something that is laced with innuendos that could be interpreted as sexual. Not wrong mind you but increasing the description is just a turn off even tho they may look interested but please dont flatter yourself. Most times if there is two guys on the same table chances are the two will go on one topic while the girls have their girly talk. One table two conversations... I think I will stop here on the dick factor and move forward a lil.

Anybody know why we chat with a girl? Why we go out for a drink? If the answer is to get lucky and hopefully get a bonk than you're not wrong. But the main purposed is to showcase who you are as well as highlight what you're made of at the same time learn to understand who the hell she is. Take it like a peacock showing off his feathers. Take it as a high profile head huntered interview session. The objective is sell yourself based on her wants and likes (that is if you are smitten by her) or see if she is your type. That can only happen if you ask questions and let her finish the answer. Than tell her how wonderful it is. Try to picture yourself in that frame and express yourself. Anyways, the whole point is to make her feel comfortable with you.

If that continue thru marriage. Chances are you will understand who she is thus making life interesting and meaningful.

Anyways, for my argument in regards to creed, religion and nationality. I want to say that all girls wants to be heard. All ladies wants to be respected. All women wants to feel loved and be loved. So, on the onset we adhere to those than I dont see why my logic doesnt apply to locals as well.

My few cents worth.
Old 30-03-2007, 02:28 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
Truth be told woman just wants to be supervised. Seriously. They just want their man in their live to be a man. Period. A modern man. Steadfast and decisive. Good listening ear and clear conversationist. Pragmatic with a keen sense of decorum. Self confidance without throwing in the machismo. Heath conscious and well to do. Respected by peers. Loving with a dash of perceptiveness and you are well on the way of taking over the life of your confidant and soulmate. No matter how powerful she is socially.
Bro Derelict, just caught tail end of your 'dissertation'..

My knee jerk reaction at 1st glance -seems so abstract. Guess that's (partly) why some feminine blurbs take a dig with 'guys just don't get it'.

After some introspective thoughts (excuse this pea brain on slo-mo track), I can personally subscribe to most of above.

But then, TALL order to have all of above (and not just limited to well to do bit).

Can't add insight to locals or offshore gals. But surely, it's also how they express themselves and not just minds at work? Many variables at play here, cultural, societal norms, language barriers and what have you.

Will not add value here, but this works for me (not fail safe but mostly): sincerity goes a loooong way. Bros, pls excuse my afternoon's diatribe whilst waiting magic tgif HH with the boys hehehe
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Old 02-04-2007, 11:11 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
Anyways, for my argument in regards to creed, religion and nationality. I want to say that all girls wants to be heard. All ladies wants to be respected. All women wants to feel loved and be loved. So, on the onset we adhere to those than I dont see why my logic doesnt apply to locals as well.
Yes, irregardless, all women want attention. Culture and nationality, etc determines the volume and the specifics of the attention they require. Also the reaction to what is given is different. For every action there is a reaction... just that the locality and background of the receiver determines what action and what reaction. Not E=MC2 but physics of the illogical kind.
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