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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 20-01-2006, 05:29 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by ShadowBro

how abt gals like Sammi?


Bro Shadow, Sammi had quit already.....the girls I bonk before are still working there:-
1. Coco
2. Joey
3. Pagie
4. Branda
5. Etika
6. Cindy
7. Felicia

Girl call *Michelle is NEW, mixed next traget!

Hope the above information will help............Cheer!
Old 20-01-2006, 05:41 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Rolex

Bro Shadow, Sammi had quit already.....the girls I bonk before are still working there:-
1. Coco
2. Joey
3. Pagie
4. Branda
5. Etika
6. Cindy
7. Felicia

Girl call *Michelle is NEW, mixed next traget!

Hope the above information will help............Cheer!
Bro Rolex, u really hiong..bonk so many gals before. REally enjoy..
Old 20-01-2006, 05:52 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Superbaby
Bro Rolex, u really hiong..bonk so many gals before. REally enjoy..

Brother Superbaby, you seem keep on follow my tread ha...........spy me? Heeeeeeeeeeeee......because of Farmaton lah.....
Old 20-01-2006, 05:55 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Rolex

Brother Superbaby, you seem keep on follow my tread ha...........spy me? Heeeeeeeeeeeee......because of Farmaton lah.....
Hehe...not spying you lah..but u really good mah...managed to bonk mostly all the gals in Legend. Pharmaton is really good...
Old 20-01-2006, 06:00 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Superbaby
Hehe...not spying you lah..but u really good mah...managed to bonk mostly all the gals in Legend. Pharmaton is really good...

Now is you turn to be GREDDY.......want 188 pts! (have few bros here also aim for 188.. like racing...)

I think you have no problem to reach are
Old 21-01-2006, 04:33 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by orche
Wow, 20 positions man, not an easy feat. How can u tahannnnn........? is she loose?
Yah seem to be able to tahan very long that day.... but she is not loose at all. Could feel her throughout the session. In fact her pussy skill was very good. She could contract and grab my brother with her pussy and I just had to lie down and enjoy without doing anything....shiok.
Old 22-01-2006, 06:20 PM
singman singman is offline
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Re: Legends 3

went down to Legends today and the recep recommended me 2 girls , Audrey a malay or michelle , a mixed blood. Told me both are young girls so I spent some minutes pondering who to call before deciding on Michelle.

Into the room I went , took a shower and waited for Michelle on the mattress. Few minutes later , a very sweet girl with blond hair walks in. Wow ! I was impressed with what I saw. She has nice smooth slightly tanned skin and looks just like a Eurasian though she told me her parents are Indian and Chinese , she doesn;t look a bit like an Indian . She's a local and speaks good English.

Michelle gives a very good and hard massage , one of the better ones in our local HC. After I turned to the front , my brother automatically started singing the national anthem . Seeing her kneeling by my side with her ultra short checked skirt was a total turn on. Then she poped the golden Q and of course I opted for the full job.

Out she went and came back with my cap. She then poured some oil and massgae my brother till it became rock solid . Only at this point will she removes her clothings . Her boobs are small though ,A-B cup only and she shaved her pussy hair so you only see a neat strip of short crop there. One disappointment is that she's quite a dead fish during the Fj. She just closes her eyes and ride me . After switching to missionary , she'd lie on the mattress motionless with her eyes closed as well . But she gets damn wet during Fj cos I can hear the piak piak sounds as I pump .

The massage is above average but fj skill is below average . However her looks and age ( she's 22) makes up for it.

Now I am thinking of trying Audrey next . Only saw one fr on her so far so not sure if she's good. At the moment , Jamie's still my fav there.
Old 23-01-2006, 09:45 AM
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Talking Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by harrybotak
Yah seem to be able to tahan very long that day.... but she is not loose at all. Could feel her throughout the session. In fact her pussy skill was very good. She could contract and grab my brother with her pussy and I just had to lie down and enjoy without doing anything....shiok.
Ha Ha! did she perform the lemon squeeze after the final eruption? until your cum dry dry.
Old 31-01-2006, 09:26 PM
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Re: Legends 3 - Brenda

Made an appointment with Brenda this evening. It was my first time to Legends. Why Brenda? Because I just found out that she was Snow from Lexon. Remembered my one session with her at Lexon was pretty good.

Anyway, when I saw her today, I must say that she looks pretty good. I like her smile. She was wearing all white. She did not recognize me, and I decided not to mention that I've met her at Lexon before.

The massage was short, about 15 mins, nothing great, but her hands feel very nice on my skin with the lotion that she's using. Then she asked if I wanted appetizer or maincourse. Of course I took the maincourse.

The session was rather ordinary. Massaged my back with her boobs, followed by some light catbath. The BJ was capped and rather short. (I thought I read an earlier FR in this thread that she does BBBJ and AR? Can anyone confirm this? I'm not into AR anyway, but BBBJ, yes!) I did like that she got me to stand for the BJ...not too many positions though, as was stated in an earlier FR. Did her missionary and doggie, and that was it.

Gave her $100, but she said it's $120. I asked why, her reason was that she's Singaporean. I have no major problems with that. She's a rather sweet girl. I hope that the service level gets better with each visit.

I rather like Legends. I think I'll be going there more often in the future.

Entrance: $38
Maincourse: $120
Looks: 7/10. To me she's pretty, and has an air/look that is different from most other HC girls from Malaysia. Lovely eyes and smile. Love her long hair too.
Body: 7/10. She's got small breasts, which is how i like them. Would have been better if her nipples were bigger, makes for better sucking.
BJ: 6/10
FJ: 6/10. Felt a teeny weeny bit rushed. Maybe it was just me. But didn't really ruin the experience.
Old 01-02-2006, 08:28 PM
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Re: Legends 3 - Joey

After spending a whole lot of time browsing through this thread and calling up Legends to find out if certain girls are still working there, I made an appointment with Joey. Wanted to check out Cecilia first, but was told she'll only be back next week.

Got to Legends about 15 minutes before my appt time. Sat on the couch outside, got to check out quite a few of the girls there...Erica, Ginny, Coco, Audrey.

Finally I was given my room number, 5 minutes after my appt time. Joey walked in. She isn't exactly pretty nor is she bad looking, just a plain jane girl-next-door look, not exactly my type, I would have preferred someone more foxy or slutty, someone with more CFM appeal.

The massage wasn't too bad, strong when required, she's got rather nice smooth hands that feel good on my naked skin. After the 'proper' massage was done, she started her light touch massage which felt really good, especially when she slids her hands underneath my crotch area to caress my dick, while I'm still lying on my stomach. Very sensual feeling.

She then popped the question. I opted for full course, $100. She left the room and came back, proceeded to strip. I like small breasts but I felt hers were too small for her body type. If she were petitte and slimmer, it would have been fine. Anyway she proceeded to a short catbath, licking of my ears, some light kissing, didn't attempt to french though. When it came to BJ, I requested for BBBJ as she was about to put on the cap, she said capped better, I didn't want to push my request so I let her put on the cap, if I were much more into her, I might have attempted to change her mind. The BJ was short but not too bad. FJ was nothing to shout about, her eyes were closed most of the time. There was no chemistry between us at all. Overall a rather disappointing experience.

Looks: 6/10. But not my type. Not enough slut appeal.
Body: 5/10. I like them pretty slim with a cute small butt, and she doesn't have that.
BJ: 6/10. It was capped, which I don't quite like, and rather short. But felt pretty ok nonetheless with the rubber on. I'm sure her BBBJ would have felt great.
FJ: 5.5/10. Not too responsive. Eyes were mostly closed.

Quick notes on the girls I saw while sitting on the couch:
Erica: big boobs, ok face, not my type.
Audrey: not exactly slim, something sexy about her though.
Ginny: more mature looking type
Coco: not my type, not exactly pretty or appealing to me.

I hope Cecilia is better looking than those that I've seen so far.
Old 01-02-2006, 09:06 PM
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Re: Legends 3

haiya bro...
need help...
any bro noe wher angel is now...
cant seems to forget her since in legend 2 i tink...
me retired a while from hc scene...
nw me am back..
n missing the great service by angel...
Old 02-02-2006, 08:47 PM
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Re: Legends 3

TO those who know me...
I been giving nothing but good and wonderful FR abt legend.
I have been enjoying legend service.. all the while until yesterday..

Regret that never book coco in the 1st place... thought that place will not be crowded.. My mistake...

Go there.. coco n other gals i knew were fully booked...
Then recep recommed me a new indian gal. irene or soemting like ..
Maybe she new n inexperienced.... cannot hav full package due to injuries..
ANyway.. the worst is that wat ever she do.. i cannot cum..]
bj is rather mechanical.. hj like pulling off yr bro...
in the end instead of a good shot.. i leave with a bad pain....]
To all e bro of legend3,This is my 1st time...
leaving legned without satistation...

fj: nope////
rtf: Still need to commend ?

In the end still leave the place with $80 damamge..without cum..
Worst visit....
Old 09-02-2006, 05:23 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Hi to all bros,
Was at legends last night saw this mature and sexy lady and was told her name is Shirley. Have any bro tried her before? I have gone thru quite alot of pages but not much info about her. I love mature and sexy lady --- they can responsive and wet easily.
Old 09-02-2006, 06:13 PM
vin898 vin898 is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by genhole
Hi to all bros,
Was at legends last night saw this mature and sexy lady and was told her name is Shirley. Have any bro tried her before? I have gone thru quite alot of pages but not much info about her. I love mature and sexy lady --- they can responsive and wet easily.
Have try her service, so so only. Actually Serene is the mature n sexy lady which i wanted to try but so how ended with Shirley, saw Serene once on the OL attire but so far never try. Any bro tried her b4?
Old 09-02-2006, 09:04 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by vin898
Have try her service, so so only. Actually Serene is the mature n sexy lady which i wanted to try but so how ended with Shirley, saw Serene once on the OL attire but so far never try. Any bro tried her b4?
wow finally found pplw who like mature sex lady like me....
but never see shirley or serene b4 in legend..
anyway try to find FR for serene.. cannot find.. the last FR for serene is rather short n brief.. here the link... i found..
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