Visited XM over the labour day long weekend, to get my regular muscle relaxation. As her regular, I always look forward to her new tricks under her sleeves.
Her usual hard elbow massage magically relaxed my stiff shoulders. Jus a moment before I was having pulling pain to turn over my shoulders for blind spot check, and right after a session with her, instant loosening of the muscle, making the unbearable pain like a 80% subsided/gone. And the next day, totally painless when I turn my head for blind spot checking. Kudos to her specialty in the field. Every time I go, always something new in her skill set, making my every minute well spent.
Fixing my locked shoulders was my main priority of the session, but sensual dessert is the highlight. Instead of a normal rub and done, XM has equipped a new set of skill, with all the pressing and massaging around the artillery base, getting the HIMARS take aim, dis-arm, take aim, dis-arm. Teasing to the max. After the long waited preparation, the HIMARS finally 🔥 the long stored load of rounds while she was having fun with my raisins and logans, GFE maxed with her chatty and bubbly personality.
RTM? It is a must whenever I am free due to my super packed schedule.
Feel free to pm me if any bro interested, I’m more than happy to share this gem around, and we must protect this rare gem, steady?