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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 29-09-2005, 09:51 AM
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Talking Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by HC_Cheongster
OI @@!!!! sigh...... like hor sianzzzz liao ler....... DHC i seldom go one cos too far away ler........ sianzzzzz........ and its more xpensive leh......
Agree. Now got to fork out extra $20 for entry and extra $20 to bonk her (worth every cent). Had buttered toast and lemon tea. For that kind of entry fee got to spend at least half the day there which was what I did. Was there yesterday from 1.15 pm to 6.15 pm. Was Shen Xian Jiejie's first bonk of the day. Heehee, see me only asked to be excused (need to go get KY liao!). Her dressing now very stylo like JJ. No more G-string, apparently not allowed (funny last year Carnation was wearing one). Damn sexy man!


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Old 29-09-2005, 09:55 AM
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Talking Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Nice and creative FR, Bro "Dragon Prince" (refer to Bro WY- Wang Ye means Prince).. You must have great chemistry with her.

In my case, she is not erotic with me.

Bro HCC, it is time to trade in your old laptop with the newer and better one. Bro Zack is now overseas on his business trip... Maybe on the way, he might visit strip club and bonk one stripper. HeHeHe..
Old 29-09-2005, 10:18 AM
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Talking Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Yup , DHC gals have to observe strict dress code.

No strapless bra, no g-string..(Never seen any gals wearing strapless bra. Some gals have to wear bra with string like straps or invisible straps...)

Bra and panties must be of same colour, must bear the same brand "Triumph International"..( Thats what I came across when doing FJ with some DHC gals.. Except for one gal- Prosche. When I first met her , she was wearing brown bra with orange panties. Maybe next time see her again and see whether she will wear same colour lingerie set or not.)

Oh , never mind..Thats the reason why I love DHC ..
Old 29-09-2005, 10:22 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Wang Ye
Agree. Now got to fork out extra $20 for entry and extra $20 to bonk her (worth every cent). Had buttered toast and lemon tea. For that kind of entry fee got to spend at least half the day there which was what I did. Was there yesterday from 1.15 pm to 6.15 pm. Was Shen Xian Jiejie's first bonk of the day. Heehee, see me only asked to be excused (need to go get KY liao!). Her dressing now very stylo like JJ. No more G-string, apparently not allowed (funny last year Carnation was wearing one). Damn sexy man!
Then u should have bonk her twice !! Once at 1.30pm another at 6pm... so Stella/Whisky not your BDay bonk liao...

btw....JJ's back...

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lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

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Old 29-09-2005, 10:26 AM
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Talking Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by ang076
Nice and creative FR, Bro "Dragon Prince" (refer to Bro WY- Wang Ye means Prince).. You must have great chemistry with her.

In my case, she is not erotic with me.
Heehee that is because she was my first HC gal and she knows I got soft spot as well as hard on for her. Go BHC almost once every week and I alternate between her and JJ. At the very least once a month (except for Feb when I discovered JJ). Between she and JJ use to share a private joke teasing each other. Stella would tease JJ by tell her that her 'boyfriend' is here and JJ would tease Stella afterwards by telling her next week your turn. I suspect the whole of BHC is in on the joke.

The last time we were together at the water cooler JJ teased me and Stella, today come visit your other darling is it.


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Old 29-09-2005, 10:31 AM
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Talking Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Then u should have bonk her twice !! Once at 1.30pm another at 6pm... so Stella/Whisky not your BDay bonk liao...

btw....JJ's back...
Heehee can but that will cut into next month's budget! BDay over liao and that one I spend 1 hr bonking JJ (mixture of HJ, BBBJ & FJ). 8 Oct is my first cheonging anniversary but as on Sat not too keen to cheong.

JJ's back! But too bad cannot go down so soon. Next monday then! I go on half day again to bonk her silly (or rather I bonk her until my legs go soft!)


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Old 29-09-2005, 12:03 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

very naughty all hor....

"jiao huai wo liao la"

last night i bonked with my newly acquired PC wa lao...i made her cum like 3-4 time wor...sibeh wet....just asking you bros, after you start visiting fl and hcs when you go back to oc or co, is it like they cant take our newly acquired skiils? they just seem to cum easily liao as compared to fls and wls
Old 29-09-2005, 12:44 PM
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Talking Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by spidermel
Hee bro my Ah Beng story for u oso gone liao...
Yup, bro-Spidermel, missed your Ah Beng story - Maybe you can PM me? Cheers!
Due to overwhelming demand (2 months!), exchange for now is restricted to minimum 7 points. Cheers!
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Old 29-09-2005, 01:23 PM
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Re: Reunion Bonk with Shen Xian Jiejie

Originally Posted by Wang Ye
The stars said that yesterday was a good day to luxuirate myself so, finally decided to see my Shen Xian Jiejie again who had reappeared as a fairy in the southern Seas (Marina South). So came the appointed time and Wang Ye transformed into a dragon and flew to Dragon Health Spa. The staff of crabs and prawns went about their duties to prepare to receive honour guests and visitors. Saw many fellow immortals and dragons enjoying themselves there.

Shen Xian Jiejie good as ever . Long time never bonk so long. Also got a cramp in my right butt.
Bro Wang Ye, u r so innovative man ! GIve u a TiGER (beer) ! Cheers

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Old 29-09-2005, 03:34 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....A "Dolly Parton" Wannabe

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Bro. Gedangsa, Ke,ke......Me oversea leh but I think the recept call her Ah Joe...dun't worry you would not go wrong one. Only one viet. there meh. Don't forget to post fr. ok.
bro ZTan,

As promised, I finally bonked her but before that I hae to endure a frustating expereince. Read here:

So, after this bad experience, I called up Leisure and told the recep I wanna book "Ah Joe". This time have.

There is nothing left for me to write about her as you have written almost all.

So, I will add a bit. Inside, this Viet gal insist her name is Yeo. Jialat, how they do business when recep and WL cannot agree on how their names should be called.... sigh....

And yes, I think both her melons are fake. I am 100% sure it is fake becos you can feel something hard inside each of the breast. Like you can feel the "lampha-chee" when you touch your own balls. U know what I mean, rite ?

I asked her if she goes for implant. She said "No lah". The I asked her why so lumpy, she said it is bcos she haven't give birth, once give birth the hardness will go away". What a bullshit answer but at least she is creative with her answer. Hahaha

That's all I have to add.

Old 29-09-2005, 04:47 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by ang076
Bro HCC, it is time to trade in your old laptop with the newer and better one. Bro Zack is now overseas on his business trip... Maybe on the way, he might visit strip club and bonk one stripper. HeHeHe..
I like to but after the holiday wif my tigress has burn a big big hole in my wallet ler!!! u should @@ her do her shopping!! Its almost like wanna bring back the whole shop!!!
Old 29-09-2005, 05:48 PM
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Talking Re: Reunion Bonk with Shen Xian Jiejie

Originally Posted by Merl
Bro Wang Ye, u r so innovative man ! GIve u a TiGER (beer) ! Cheers
Tiger (Beer)? But I only take DHS Whiskey only. So can trade in? Heehee thanks for the encouragement. Heehee hopefully there will be a Wang Ye 1 year anniversary cheonging special or annual cheonging report coming soon!


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Old 30-09-2005, 07:49 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Finally tried the Queen of BHC - Eva.

Her service is excellent and worth RTF.

Go to BHC thread for more info.

Finally , tried all the Queens of my favourite HCs
DHC- Carnation,
BHC- Eva

, except Sammi of Legends. (she is so hard to get... Legends dont have fax number. )
Old 30-09-2005, 08:20 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by ang076
Sammi of Legends. (she is so hard to get... Legends dont have fax number. )
U wanna do yr booking by fax ? Fax purchase order ? Kekeke
Those who have up my rep, pls PM me. Some bros up me but did not PM me, so I have problem locating their post. PLEASE PM ME. Tks

Your kind patience is requested as I do not have the privilege to login everyday.

Thank you
Old 30-09-2005, 11:16 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by besarhuge2
U wanna do yr booking by fax ? Fax purchase order ? Kekeke
Er... Bro besarhuge2.... dun like that say bro ang076.

There's a reason why bro ang076 can only fax in his booking... cause... well check his posting history to find out.

Member of The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN
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lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
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