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Old 23-09-2016, 05:22 PM
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Re: WeChat Scam

for me i alwayd ask their phone number, if give local mobile then ok, not then scammer
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Retired. This nick is for takeover now, please pm me if you're keen
Old 25-09-2016, 09:16 PM
HiggBoson HiggBoson is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Wow, almost got scammed i think.

WeChat ID: gbgg17874

Chat up on wechat and she say she is from taiwan studying here, doing services for school fees etc. etc. Rate quoted $100 2 hours $300 whole night.

Long story short, went down to her "place" in the west, she ask me go buy I-tunes card. Immediately red flag, i said why not cash, but she insist on the card. After a few exchanges she block me from weChat. Really suspicious.

I didn't know about this thread before this incident. Glad that I was street smart enough to fall for it.

Please stay alert bros.
Old 28-09-2016, 08:59 PM
harv harv is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

ATB trying to scam.
meet at Ang mo kio mrt , then before meet must buy apple card .
The usual trick .

try to scam her back .. at least waste their time and do some good for our fellow man .hahha ..
Old 29-09-2016, 12:48 AM
SaintArc SaintArc is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

I got this scam at Hong Kong
They r just a brunch of China people doing all these trick.
Same tactics same talking I will find u go your house ba ba ba when u no pay them money first.
Himeji Castle
Old 29-09-2016, 11:16 AM
Scobby Scobby is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Bros, beware the following ID..
potential scam - WeChat ID - nahrmfze7151

$100 / 2hours or $300 overnight

Claims to be at Tampines blk 369 .
Told her at void deck liaoz but she insist that i give her mobile number ...
I told her whats the point , just take the lift, door open, can see me liaoz ...

Then received responds from her say she got aeroplane many times etc and i'm not sincere etc ....
Old 06-10-2016, 05:29 PM
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Talking Re: WeChat Scam

Name : CoCo

say staying at 252JE st24
also right downstair got 7-11 which have the AXS machine.
reach there only ask me take a photo, i just take a photos of the square oppersite the SPC(petrol station)
then she ask me whether am i at 252JE st24 or not, ask me can see the 7-11 or not,
i told her yeah i am at the place, how come she dont know oppersite got a SPC?
cut story short, i told her if she dont want to earn the money then its ok, i leaving now. and i did.

then she ask me go to 7-11 to take a photo to show her,
then i take a photo to show herof the 7-11, then at this time she pause for 5-7mins , then i see that she no reply then i msg her if no reply then forgot it, i can go to Coral Sea or Wei SPA.
then i stop the msg and walk home.
then almost 5-10mins later then she start to reply saying that she in toilet , nv see the msg, etc etc ..... then want me to walk back and she ask me take a photo of myself send her via wechat... etc etc,, i told her F off...

end of my story.

claim to stay near Clementi Mall

jurong east MRT area
Name : Cindy/Candy
this one tested OK, just that not much of services type, always want to do missionory or doggy only.
ask her go on top cowgal also dont want. blow job also cap on.
only 90/1shot/60mins
too bad she is going home soon, she here on student pass. from what i hear from her, she like to go casino ,loss quite a bit, going back in these 2 weeks time i think.
Been There , Done That.

-Bonk sisters(DONE)
-Bonk "young" tight pussy(DONE),
-双飞 - (DONE)
-Bonk real Twins sisters. FAILED.

PS: my frenz say: rabbit like to FCUK. so i am a horny rabbit.美美讲我是一只很会吃醋的兔子,我是吗?
Old 17-10-2016, 04:40 PM
10blacksheep10 10blacksheep10 is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Bedok / Tampines Scam

2hours / $100
overnight / $300

wechat id:

Old 17-10-2016, 07:12 PM
jaxel82 jaxel82 is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Wechat ID: wbwb19940
name: 雯雯

got the ID from a Paktor profile, pretended to go to her place and be downstairs. standard MO, she asked for hp number, when I refuse, ask me go 7-11 to buy apple card.
Old 27-10-2016, 03:24 PM
tommiechye tommiechye is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Just wondering, what is the issue with giving phone number? Maybe is bcos I use cheong number so dun really feel anything haha
I dun consider 3some a GB. Not enuf guys
Old 27-10-2016, 06:02 PM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Name : CoCo


If you a google image search....

黄楚欣 Fionna是一位來自馬來西亞 新山的正妹
Old 28-10-2016, 08:13 AM
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Talking Re: WeChat Scam

Woodlands area!
She claimed to be fr Penang. WTF when I used Malay language she

Old 28-10-2016, 08:32 AM
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Re: WeChat Scam

In general whoever,

a) said they are v young (usually 21 - 23)
b) said they are schooling n in need of $$$ doing part time...
c) asked u to meet near any AXS or 7-11...

U know kena liao

U say Ca$h -- she said 1st time not ca$h...
Old 31-10-2016, 09:21 AM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Name : CoCo


If you a google image search....

黄楚欣 Fionna是一位來自馬來西亞 新山的正妹
wow..... like that also can?? KNN to them....
Been There , Done That.

-Bonk sisters(DONE)
-Bonk "young" tight pussy(DONE),
-双飞 - (DONE)
-Bonk real Twins sisters. FAILED.

PS: my frenz say: rabbit like to FCUK. so i am a horny rabbit.美美讲我是一只很会吃醋的兔子,我是吗?
Old 21-11-2016, 08:06 PM
mullum mullum is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

wechat id : qaa656
name: xuan xuan
asked for itunes card from 7-11, but none at 'meetup area'
Bishan blk 282
Old 17-01-2017, 12:10 AM
MTFanatic MTFanatic is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

This scam is everywhere. I am currently in china and i have to say this scam is everywhere. Here is my story....

Playing aorund with wechat and QQ and chance upon a few profiles offering services and in-call services 9they come up ur room and all lah).

The china QQ profile they will put a picture of a fcing sexy chio gal with a number on top saying they only accept calls and no text. So i decided why nt lets go fuck around with the scammers.

Me: *dailing number*

*lady picks up*

Lady: 你好。请问你是要找小姐吗?
(Hello, are you looking for freelance/hookers?)

Me: 对啊!你们的小姐年龄是。。。。
(Yeap! May i know the age of the girls?)

Lady: 最小15岁。你是要快餐还是包夜?快餐是 400RMB, 包夜是 600RMB.
(Youngest is 15 yrs old, you want quick session or over night? Quicky is 400RMB, overnight is 600RMB). about 80SGD for quicky and 120SGD overnight

*too good to be true right?????? these china dogs*

Me: 给我快餐,年轻漂亮的,身材好的。
(I wan a quicky, get me a young one with a killer figure)

Lady: 你发送短讯告诉我你的地址,小姐到了就马上上去。
(SMS me ur address then when girl reach alrdy she can go up)

Me:好!*gave her a fake address* (anyhow find a street name in the province i am at).

*went to mind my own business watch some TV and about 20mins later...*
*le new random number called* lets call her Fake FL

Fake FL: 大哥我到楼下了。可是我们第一次交易最近这里风险大不方便收现金因为怕您是记者。大哥您可以吧要付小妹我的 费用,在微信上发送一个红包吗?服了告诉我后我马上上去哦!
(Hi big brother, i reach alrdy but first time meeting i scared u r undercover reporter so can i request u sue wechat to send money over? once done i will come up) *apparantly china wechat got some paymetn transfer service called angbow or wdv*

Me: 我只要付现金,其他的事免谈!不要就拉倒!拜拜!
(Nahh, cash only, if not forget it, bye!)

Fake FL: 好你等一下,我打给我的公司..
(Okay, u wait a while i discuss with my company)

*The previous lady calls*

Lady: 喂大哥,我们小妹已经到了,你这么这么不讲信用啊。是不是怕我们小妹不上来服务啊?
(Hello bro, our girl alrdy reach and waiting, why last min abck ut dun wna keep ur words! scared we dun provide service issit?)

(Alrdy said, no cash paymetn no service needed on my part)

Lady: 老兄,我们小妹是做了我们司机大哥的车来的。我们司机大哥也是不方便啊。
(Bro, out girl came with a driver, not nice for u to inconvenience the driver like this)

Me: 拜拜!*hangs up*

3rd number calls... *knn fucking persistent sia* A man call this time

Man: 老兄啊!我和小妹已经在楼下等了。你可以快点嘛!
(Bro! I am alrdy downstairs with the girl! Can u hurry up!)

Me:explains again

Man:你开什么玩笑啊!你是怕我们欺骗你吗?告诉你你不要服务也行,可是你浪费了我和小妹的时间你多少也 得给我们 RMB1,000啊!以表示抱歉!
(u kidding me bruh?? Scared we scam? I tell u, dun wan service also okay but for the inconvenience caused, u ahve to pay me at least 1000RMB..(about 200SGD plus??)

(no service, pay for fuck?)

(Bro don force me to make thigns ugly. I am from a gang in this area one. Dun blame me if i have to cause a bloody mess right here!)

Me:*starts to scold alrdy hahaha been waiting* 你有种就上来啊!我把门打开请你进来!顺便请你喝饮料。要什么饮料??? 茶?还是不了.... 我还是到杯子里 射出一杯的精液给你喝要吗??
(U got balls come up la! my door i open big big for u! also invite u for a drink also. Wad drink u wan, tea?? i guess nahhh why not a cup of my freshy shot semen??)

(u said it urself hor! u go out that time becareful, dun let us see u!)

*walao eh i cannot take it LOLOL*

(Eh stupid, my wechat and QQ no profle pic lah, how dafug u will know how i look like? I didnt know u had such a farsight ability eh!)

Man: 超你妈!小心你点!混账王八蛋!
(Fuck ur mother, u better be careful! fucking bastard!)

*kup his phone*

HAHAHAHAHAH had a good laugh after Bros out there, can troll or scold or do wdv u wan to these scammers but nvr think with ur little bro if not can kiss ur money goodbye liao hahaha.

Anymore stories to share??
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