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Old 05-08-2014, 02:11 PM
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Wink Re: Events In CP

'lol'. "lol"
Old 05-08-2014, 02:33 PM
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Re: Events In CP

to all bro... special report. Dunno not know how true it is? Nevertheless, please tale care...
Old 05-08-2014, 07:34 PM
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Re: Events In CP

glad to hear. woot! Be there early Sept. *pray hard*

Originally Posted by RotiPrata Man View Post
Ya... Haha. Alot of the regulars know her. Honestly she is good la. No mark up price de and very straight forward.

By the way I just heard from Joe that now CP is more stable. They had a meeting with the GA. GA said they will not perform checks often for ktv liao but warn them not to have so many gals walking around inside the ktv.

Hotel rooms are also free from checks now.
Old 05-08-2014, 08:06 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post

Ahhhh….. YES!!
Woooo Hoooo!!
Since it is an OPEN forum.....!!

Was sitting around with a couple friends at 85*just shooting the breeze when this guy looked at me and pathetically said “I’m ashamed of you” ….“I’m ashamed of you”

Say what….??!!

Then he stood up, took up a faggot pose, all the while saying the same thing over and over again. Totally weird. I of course just told him – “Just go away weirdo, just go away!!”

But he didn’t go away and he instead kept on repeating the same thing over and over again …which was when my friend took offense and told him to just piss off; but this weirdo just kept on saying the same thing .…which was when my friend told him to Fark off, go to Hell plus a few more other choice words!!

All of a sudden, this nut-job came rushing up to my friend with his fist raised and of course by reflex action my friend just hit him first and took a chair to beat him over the head with it.

Which was when he started squealing like a little girl: “Why you do that, why you do that…I was only gesticulating, I was only GESTICULATING, why you hit me??!!” - whilst one of the two fuglies he had with him pulled him off and the other bodily blocking my friend whilst apologizing profusely. Totally Totally bizarre.

I naturally went up to him and asked him what the hell was the matter with him??!! Which was when he told me through his red, watery eyes “I know you, I KNOW you” all the while nursing the knot he had on his head!! "I was just joking..."

Errr…. Sorry Bub… but I really don’t know you; and even if I did, I totally forgot!!

Then he went on and on and on whilst his two fuglies tried to console him and make him leave…..for at least 20 minutes…. to no avail. Which was when he soooooo bravely told me “I got a knife in my back-pack and unless your friend apologizes to me, I’m gonna stick him!”

Errr…. OK….. and of course that’s when I just got totally disgusted, stood up and told my friend “Hey…he’s got a knife and unless you apologize to him, he’s gonna stick you with it! Oh WOW!!!!

And in the end, he slinked off into the dark as one of his fuglies had left quite early on and the other one was threatening to do the same.

Only later on did I find out who our “Mr. Gesticulating” is!!

LMFAO….. really LMFAO!!

Haha... Not bad leh.. Good try.

Still dreaming and flaming. Is that what u only good at? Poor old fxxker...
CP is gone... ZH, here I come
Old 05-08-2014, 10:09 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Wtf... just post some news from what I saw, and kanna zapped like..... haiz really hope those cowards without leaving nick behind doing the zapping are the one in the news... ti gong po pi..
Old 05-08-2014, 11:23 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
Haha... Not bad leh.. Good try.

Still dreaming and flaming. Is that what u only good at? Poor old fxxker...
No Tuko, he's also good at dieting and exercising. Something you are obviously not. Lol

Also, he's good at looking after his wife and raising a family. Something we'll never know you can since you never had the chance. And never will, I guess. Even fugly milfs won't marry a man-pig like you Tuko right? I mean, do you wish to have a lump of lard creeping all over you at night? Gawd!

What he's not good at is boasting in this forum about raping young helpless prc syts. Something you did, you pedophile!
Old 05-08-2014, 11:38 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
Haha... Not bad leh.. Good try.

Still dreaming and flaming. Is that what u only good at? Poor old fxxker...
Not Bad? Good try? You really ARE a dimwit aren’t you?

This establishes the kind of chicken turd that you are – full of bluster and bluff, thinking that just because you’ve got a disgustingly large frame that others will back off when you gesticulate and act out. And whimpering off like the girl that you really are when somebody stands up against you.

Which of course parallels your behavior here ; always putting others down, especially new comers who are just trying to participate by contributing, despotically bullying others as if you own the thread and when somebody stands up to you – again you whimper and slink off. Travel craze, tikopei, Tchad, even jameschong keeps on insulting you and calling you out – what do you do? You are nothing but a yellow (HUGE) bellied piece of uselessness.

And no, you dim-witted sniveling tub of lard, not just a “good try” – a slam dunk.

And Tchad is right - you do provide comic relief on this thread. Poor poor paedophile Jabba de Hutt! LOL

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
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IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.

Last edited by SEAJ; 05-08-2014 at 11:49 PM.
Old 06-08-2014, 12:06 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by tchad88 View Post
What he's not good at is boasting in this forum about raping young helpless prc syts. Something you did, you pedophile!
Bro,,,,, What are you? A cartoon character call "Quick Draw McGraw" You tend to type too fast before thinking clearly. And, why do you like to quote others, think about it, most things you had mentioned in your numerous posting are not true.

I can appreciate funny name calling but to keep calling the next person a certain Star Wars character is funny to a certain point up until the name calling become a broken record. You keep repeating yourself, come on entertain us. Bake us a fresh loaf. Why not think of something new. Be original! Hope you stop quoting others and think of your own

Like I said, calling people names can be fun,i do that all the time, but to accuse another punter in a sex forum of being a pedophile is outright stupid and dumb. If you do not have any sort of supporting fact, I advise you to leave it out and just continue with the name calling which you are Really good at.

By the way, out of curiosity, I take it as you know SEAJ personally, otherwise, how do you know so much about him? Man! You even brought his family members into this forum. How do you know so much that he is a 'good' family man? The 2 of you must be bestest of best buddies.

Bottom line - You don't have to be a copy cat and add fuel to the fire. In good faith, I hope you will never make empty and groundless accusation of any person of being a rapist or a pedophile. Lastly, think before leaping.
Cheong, Monger & Punt Safe

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Old 06-08-2014, 01:04 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by NorthEast View Post

Like I said, calling people names can be fun,i do that all the time, but to accuse another punter in a sex forum of being a pedophile is outright stupid and dumb. If you do not have any sort of supporting fact, I advise you to leave it out and just continue with the name calling which you are Really good at.
Besides the handle he chose to identify himself which is plainly indicative of his proclivities, he has also posted about his paedophilic tendencies himself.
I have to agree with smokinpimp that most gals in bbs dun score in looks..

most are 'fresh' from villages or other towns, and they really got that '土味'.
They dun know how to dress out and make up.
Too young to know how to please as well..

Infact I feels that more bbs gals have xlg then KTV gals. Some are even so stupid to be in love with xlg that they willingly let themselves to be 'sold' to bbs to earn money.

But I have to agree that many ktv gals and sauna gals indeed started out as bbs gals. But the ratio is higher in the past. Now I believe the ration would have drop by a lot in cp.

5 years back the bbs standard of gals is indeed comparable with KTV gals. U really can get gems if u are hardworking enough to hop from farm to farm. They are also simpler in thinking as well. But to KC them is I feels, harder than KTV gals. KTV gals will want to fish u, but not bbs gals.

Now.. U have to be damn fxxking lucky to get a bonkable gal from bbs..

But bbs is a heaven for underage gals. Haha. A lot of 15-16yo..

As for bbs mummy working in KTV now. Its demand of gals by KTV which cause this to happen. There's too many KTV in cp, and too little gals to go around. So naturally, bbs gals get to upgrade themselves.

I dun if it's good or bad for cp to have so many KTV...

Anyway, above is just my view.. Solely my views.. Please dun take offense. Heehee
And I guess even his (and your ?) own good buddy must also be disgusted by this child molester and tried many times to cajole him, chide him into realizing the errors of his ways in order to persuade him to change his ways. The following is but one of his multiple others attempts that I have read.

Originally Posted by prcsytlover
Knn.. U want to potong jalan my gal again is it!!!
bro ksst ... u want to potong jalan ah phui underaged gal meh ???
(Note - ah phui refers to our resident paedophile)

Originally Posted by prcsytlover
But bbs is a heaven for underage gals. Haha. A lot of 15-16yo..
no wonder u can write so well on bbs .... A lot of underage 15-16yo ....

Originally Posted by prcsytlover
Bbs is call ..........
wow ... really a 老嫖 in BBS ... u really live up to ur image ....
bbs is a heaven for underage gals. A lot of underage 15-16yo.. Quoted by ah phui
Prcsytlover IS a disgusting paedophile.

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.

Last edited by SEAJ; 06-08-2014 at 03:52 AM.
Old 06-08-2014, 01:30 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by NorthEast View Post
Bro,,,,, What are you? A cartoon character call "Quick Draw McGraw" You tend to type too fast before thinking clearly. And, why do you like to quote others, think about it, most things you had mentioned in your numerous posting are not true.
Not true? I presume here you know Jabba personally. Which one is not true?

He not 5'4" or thereabouts? 130kg or thereabouts? Ok, maybe I exaggerate a bit to spice it up. But at the end of the day is not Jabba short and obscenely obese? And he hasn't got a pudgy snoutish sort of face? With ruddery skin? And he's not wifeless n childless? You tell me which item of all the items I have wrote sbout Jabba is wrong, bro, and I will castigate my sources. And I will apologise to Jabba openly in this forum.

The fact of the matter is that Tuko Jabba has never protested to what is alleged of him, save for the rapist matter. This is silent testimony to the truth of all the things I have written about him.

Anyways, I await your confirmation or denial of all these things on Jabba. And maybe other bros who know Jabs can let on that Tuko is in fact a tall dashing hunk! Lol

As to the rapist/pedophile matter, Jabba himself posted some months back that he likes the mms young, and he rapes them. He boasted about it. He has not denied this either.
Old 06-08-2014, 01:07 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Besides the handle he chose to identify himself which is plainly indicative of his proclivities, he has also posted about his paedophilic tendencies himself.

And I guess even his (and your ?) own good buddy must also be disgusted by this child molester and tried many times to cajole him, chide him into realizing the errors of his ways in order to persuade him to change his ways. The following is but one of his multiple others attempts that I have read.

Prcsytlover IS a disgusting paedophile.

Oh my... Did I mention I took those 15-16yos?

Did I even say I fxxk them?

Also which sentence says That I rape them?

Plain stupid can't be help... Haiz...
CP is gone... ZH, here I come
Old 06-08-2014, 01:11 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Besides the handle he chose to identify himself which is plainly indicative of his proclivities, he has also posted about his paedophilic tendencies himself.

And I guess even his (and your ?) own good buddy must also be disgusted by this child molester and tried many times to cajole him, chide him into realizing the errors of his ways in order to persuade him to change his ways. The following is but one of his multiple others attempts that I have read.

Prcsytlover IS a disgusting paedophile.

Since u so sure I have fxxk underage gal, why dun report me to police?

It's an offense to fxxk underage gals. U can bring me down once and for all. Pay for my mistake. Haha

Why why why... Why no...

Cause deep down u known tat u are just flaming! No proof! U are just talking plain rubbish!

Fxxk off u stupid old fool. Go play with ur little Kuku that can't even stand.. Hahaha
CP is gone... ZH, here I come
Old 06-08-2014, 01:38 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
Since u so sure I have fxxk underage gal, why dun report me to police?

It's an offense to fxxk underage gals. U can bring me down once and for all. Pay for my mistake. Haha

Why why why... Why no...

Cause deep down u known tat u are just flaming! No proof! U are just talking plain rubbish!

Fxxk off u stupid old fool. Go play with ur little Kuku that can't even stand.. Hahaha
Instead of quietly going back to under the rock where you belong, you're now openly and proudly jeering "catch me if you can."

I think all of us now know what you really are.

Truly disgusting - A rapist and a paedophile.


Ps. I really do suggest that you just permanently ban yourself from SBF before you cause the rest of us problems with the authorities. Enough of your stupidity.

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
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IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.

Last edited by SEAJ; 06-08-2014 at 05:52 PM.
Old 07-08-2014, 01:29 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Wrong Post
Hey! I might be a Crook, but I am Honest!
Old 07-08-2014, 01:30 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
he has also posted about his paedophilic tendencies himself.

Prcsytlover IS a disgusting paedophile.

SEAJ - From a neutral perspective, you are merely twisting his words. In the links you attached, all I can see and understand is that he is expressing his own personal opinion about BBS offering very young gals for sale. As a savant BBS master mongerer yourself, I am very sure you have had your fair share of "Very Young BBS Gals" too, perhaps knowingly or unknowingly. Or! During such BBS rounds of yours, I could have thought you might chose to ignore the gals age, so does that make you a paedophile?

I have seen pictures your posted of the BBS gals you bought and brought when you stayed at Swan Lake Gardens. To me, the gals in the pictures do not look more than 17/18 years of age, maybe,,,,, at best guess 19 years old. What were you thinking of when your paid Ah Chao (阿超) or DaJie (大姐) the money to bring them back? Let me ask you this? Do you or how many mongerers in CP that you know of do an identity check? I bet most of the BBS gals do not even bother to carry their ID Card.

I mean, you go there, harass by the persistent mommy, I remember the good old days when the mommies will even, literally, show you the prospective gal tit, on lucky days, you get to see both titties. Once you have made up your mind which gal or gals you would like, you pay half and leave. Please insert or delete if I missed out the standard modus operandi. Oh! Among the many pictures you had posted, I noticed most of them were taken during or when they were having a shower? Sneaky guy, you!

Anyway, like what I told your newest bestest of best family friend. You should not make baseless, groundless and false accusation on anyone less prcsytlover. If you really want to expose him or anyone else, least you could do is to get some rock solid proof, evident or even fact/s. In your type of profession, I am very sure you know the liability of slandering another person is, right? Right?

Anyway, SEAJ, I have seen you walking up and down Swan Lake Avenue countless times. Seen you at the TianHong departmental store, bump into you when sharing the same elevator car in MF, bump into you when you moved into Federal Building, so on and so forth. In my extremely modest point of view, I think you should tone down many notches, mellow more especially at your ripe age of what? 63-66 years this year? If you think a person is a cyber bully, why not settle your displeasure through PM first, I think this should be the correct and proper channel. If all else fail, just send a PM to the Boss. Regarding writing to the Boss, I am very sure you had done so before. If I remember correctly, you were bitching and crying to the Boss in your PM about being mass zapped.

All action and an equal reaction, everyone know this theory. Why not ask yourself as to why the public negative you instead of positive your rep points? Time to do some soul searching and self reflecting. Ask yourself why do you like (even enjoy) antagonising people. If you don't like what people had written or said, why can't you chose to by-pass, ignore, skip, turn-a-blind-eye and the list goes on and on, on what you can do to enjoy the threads and the forum.

WTF! Instead of making friends, you are making enemies here. Tell me, how many have initiated to PM you and ask you to lead and meet up for a coffee or a night in a KTV in CP? I do not doubt your know-how's and your are indeed an old hand or a very knowledgeable about CP, maybe some parts of Southern China. Seems to me you are here to flame and antagonise, why leh?

I have all the while been a faithful follower of this thread. Nowadays, for the passed year, it's you who are blabbering none stop about nonsensical things. You always want to have the last word in all sort of conversation let alone an argument. A thread is not a court house. Please learn to accept what others are what they are. OH! Also, I remember many moons ago that you made your first impact in this CP thread. You were telling or should I say you were literally instructing how others should party in a KTV Night Club in CP. You tried to dictate how one should not pay more, not drink liquor, drink or beer or cheap red wine packages, hit the minimum and leave. You were also tell us, the general public, not to over-tip all the service provider there.

May I know why do you get bothered, irritated or you seem disturbed by one's spending power or none of it? It's their money. It's their ways of partying. It's what they want. I read somewhere, someone told you that you do not understand the culture of most Singaporean and even Malaysian. Bottom line is, you do not really understand or even know the walks and the talks of Chinese especially Chinese from our part of the World. Irony, isn't it? Living in Hong Kong for such a long time.

Think about it?

Originally Posted by tchad88 View Post
Not true? I presume here you know Jabba personally. Which one is not true?

He not 5'4" or thereabouts? 130kg or thereabouts? Ok, maybe I exaggerate a bit to spice it up. But at the end of the day is not Jabba short and obscenely obese? And he hasn't got a pudgy snoutish sort of face? With ruddery skin? And he's not wifeless n childless? You tell me which item of all the items I have wrote sbout Jabba is wrong, bro, and I will castigate my sources. And I will apologise to Jabba openly in this forum.

The fact of the matter is that Tuko Jabba has never protested to what is alleged of him, save for the rapist matter. This is silent testimony to the truth of all the things I have written about him.

Anyways, I await your confirmation or denial of all these things on Jabba. And maybe other bros who know Jabs can let on that Tuko is in fact a tall dashing hunk! Lol

As to the rapist/pedophile matter, Jabba himself posted some months back that he likes the mms young, and he rapes them. He boasted about it. He has not denied this either.

I have seen many people who are at least double the size of prcsytlover, in case you don't know this nickname, you call him Jabba the Hut. Are you flaming him because of his superficial appearance? Is that all you know of him?

If so, you are being bias and prejudice. I have seen worst. You think your new bestest of best family friend has good looks? I think both our subject persons are on par on the looks department. Wake up and look are the real world. How many times have you been to DG/CA/CP/DL/HJiang/HJie or SZ and ZH? How many tall dark young and handsome men have you actually know or seen?

You know, it is only my opinion, I think your new best friend looks extremely grotesque especially walking on tow with a PRC-SYT in the supermarket or the departmental stores. MY GOD! He still seems a satisfied person happily shopping and paying for the girl's needs.

But, you don't see me flaming and shouting about his or anyone's else what, how and why? Do you? Hey! It's their life, it's his time and it's their financial institution. Absolutely nothing to do with me and it's really none of my business. I have met many people from this thread in person in CP. I will listen more and accept their shortcoming and befriend them. Otherwise, don't meet and play among your own circle of punters. Always remember that one man's meat and another man's poison and you should be fine.

Please carry on with your occasional name callings, the forum need guys like you. We need a bright sparky like you. However, I just hope you would stop branding others a criminal. It's worst than hitting below the belt. Can or not?
Cheong, Monger & Punt Safe

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