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Old 26-03-2017, 03:49 AM
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Re: WeChat Scam

I have a very short final words from the scammer

Wechat ID : Mengnini415

你妈老鸡巴,我干你娘,你今天要过来玩大条是吧,要过来寻开心跟我好好寻开心,你要玩你要确保有这个实力在 新加坡跟我玩,等我洪顺堂公司找到你,我会让你死,你要确保xxxxxxxxx不是你本人大名登记,你不要 认为不接老子电话老子就找不到你人,我查到你公司 你住家 到时候不要说我小弟把你腿砍下来还是怎样,洪顺堂 堂口 敬上

你这边有什么问题 有什么担心接电话讲清楚 如果让我这边误会到 你要保证你24小时能让警察保护你 不然我会让你死在新加坡 洪顺堂 敬上
Old 29-03-2017, 11:09 PM
altaego altaego is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam


Seems like a scam to me. Was offer this (below).

120分钟 150 包夜300
深度按摩:洗好后 哥哥躺下 小妹先帮哥哥按摩全身

For unlimited times and the address is a blk in bishan. Too god too be true. haha.
Old 04-04-2017, 02:46 AM
blue113 blue113 is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Thanks,caught by a few ,lucky to. Saw the post before proceed anything.
Old 04-04-2017, 08:15 AM
JoeyJones JoeyJones is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by Gresini View Post
I have a very short final words from the scammer

Wechat ID : Mengnini415

你妈老鸡巴,我干你娘,你今天要过来玩大条是吧,要过来寻开心跟我好好寻开心,你要玩你要确保有这个实力在 新加坡跟我玩,等我洪顺堂公司找到你,我会让你死,你要确保xxxxxxxxx不是你本人大名登记,你不要 认为不接老子电话老子就找不到你人,我查到你公司 你住家 到时候不要说我小弟把你腿砍下来还是怎样,洪顺堂 堂口 敬上

你这边有什么问题 有什么担心接电话讲清楚 如果让我这边误会到 你要保证你24小时能让警察保护你 不然我会让你死在新加坡 洪顺堂 敬上
This scammer talk damn big
Old 04-05-2017, 08:51 AM
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Talking Re: WeChat Scam

WeChat ID : VIPtykg
according to wechat she from 刘诗琦(福建泉州)
WeChat Profile Image

( Click to show/hide )
Price list in RMB (freaking joking?)

Still can send me a google location

WeChat Profile

ask her address to go her place then she say just came here 1,only a few days dont know where she stay, so she say she can come my house for svc.

so i say why not u send me just normal daily pic of yourself taken in SG while u are here, must be able to tell is SG one lah, example holding a SG dollar note, merlion park , sentosa etc etc....

then she silent liao.

then after a day or two later, test her say i manage to get some RMB in WeChat, ask her send me her video, RMB48 she asked, then i trasfer to her then next she/he tell me need another RMB58 (will refund after 7 days) i tell her F off.

lesson learn today is WeChat if ask for money $$ first b4 meetup is con job.
Been There , Done That.

-Bonk sisters(DONE)
-Bonk "young" tight pussy(DONE),
-双飞 - (DONE)
-Bonk real Twins sisters. FAILED.

PS: my frenz say: rabbit like to FCUK. so i am a horny rabbit.美美讲我是一只很会吃醋的兔子,我是吗?
Old 08-05-2017, 07:00 PM
gtrprince gtrprince is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by JoeyJones View Post
This scammer talk damn big
Has anybody tried to CSI who these scammers are?
Old 13-05-2017, 11:15 PM
tiredv tiredv is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Was sexting someone today and too horny so decided to try one of these pretty looking WeChat girls.

Was scammed a bit of my money. Same tactics.

I transferred some money from my bank account. Is it possible to get it back? If not I just take it as a lesson learnt
Old 13-05-2017, 11:18 PM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by tiredv View Post
Was sexting someone today and too horny so decided to try one of these pretty looking WeChat girls.

Was scammed a bit of my money. Same tactics.

I transferred some money from my bank account. Is it possible to get it back? If not I just take it as a lesson learnt
Bank transfer take it as lesson learn

Why you didn't think about Cash payment instead?
Old 14-05-2017, 12:49 AM
amei amei is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Rule no1 always COD.
Old 16-05-2017, 01:22 AM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Just wanna share my recent experience with 2 wechat ladies.

Found some pretty girls using People Nearby function. Before I proceeded, I captured screen shots of their moment pictures and verified with Google reverse image search. Their pictures were not found. However, I sensed their looks too pretty, to be true.

Despite the hunch, I still proceeded, with caution. I wanted to experience first hand. I am aware of wechat scam and their probable tactics (thanks to this informative thread)

wechat: ha9897yh
After she added me, she was quick to say that she is having financial problem and she offer services. I asked for her price and it is the market rate but for a truly beautiful woman, the rate seem too good to be true. During the conversation, I asked for her location. She quoted the location which was obviously beyond her Nearby distance. This was another sign that she may be fake.

So, I arranged to meet her the following morning. Unfortunately, the next day, I found out that her account was blocked. Some one probably reported about her activities.

wechat: lb4398816
I started the chat with innocuous questions about her. Within a short period of chat, she was anxious and 'revealed' that she is still a student, and is offering services. 100 for 2hours was a steal. It was obvious that this may be a fake. Anyway, decided to play along.I was upfront that I only pay in cash and directly to her. She was quick to say ok. On the night to meet, I reached the designated place. She was quick to ask for my contact number on the pretext of finding me (She tried to trick me to reveal my phone number) I told her no. She tried to convince me to reveal my number. I was firmed with my stand. After that, 'she' remain silent despite several chat messages served to her.

Lesson learnt:
1. Do not disclose your phone number in any way.
2. Indicate that you only pay cash in person.

The next time when I encounter a new gal. I will try the following. Upfront in the chat, indicate that I will pay in cash and communication is strictly via wechat and no phone number. Would like to see what their reaction wil be like.
Old 16-05-2017, 02:11 PM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Best is you call or video chat with "her" to verify she is real

Sometime I encounter some will say phone camera spoilt or mic spoil I know its bullshit, will not waste my time anymore
Old 16-05-2017, 10:14 PM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Went for another round of wechat witch hunt. Spotted 2 gals without verifiable moment pictures, but highly suspicious.

wechat: vy4099758
After casual chats, as usual, she said she works part-time and provide services. I made an appointment with her. After the last bout of wechat experience, I decided to be upfront with my request that I can only use wechat and no phone call besides the direct cash payment. She started to question me why. I gave her a bunch of mumbo jumbo reasons. Eventually, she accepted. When near the appointment date, I pretended that I have reached, and I texted her of my arrival. She was very insistent of having my number.

We exchanged heated discussion about the communication mode. She gave all kind of reasons including downstair no network, no number cannot contact me, etc. We had had such discussion for a solid 25 mins. I rebuked her, and ask her back why is that we cannot use wechat for communication, and also related that I do not have problem doing the same with other service ladies. I even scolded her not to waste my time but she was very insistent of getting my number. Eventually, I told her off, repeating that she wasted my time, and I will let my friends know that she is a fakey.

wechat: ncy760199

Initial impression was it seem quite legit, with a long historical moments. Started with casual questions. In no time, she will pop the question of where do you live. A few more exchanges and she revealed that she is a student working part-time, offering lucrative deal $100 for 2 hours of service but our chats stopped as the night was getting late.

The next day I resumed, after the stinct with vy4099758, I decided to cut short the chase. I requested to meet, coincidentally, the meeting address is the same as above. I texted her that I will only pay her directly in cash and without hesitation, she said pay after deed is done. I also told her my request of using wechat for communication and no phone call. She said ok.

As it gets nearer to the appointment time, I texted her again, with my reminder of using wechat as communication, and I reinforced that will
not use phone or exchange phone number. Then, she asked if we could use different communication approach, and I firmly said no. She seem to get exasperated, accidentally sent out the same messages thrice (in fact it is the very same message used in the above wechat lady). Then, she tried another approach, saying why not I call her instead. I firmly stood my ground ie. use wechat only or no deal. If she is insistent on having phone number, the deal is off. Eventually, was off.

After this enriching experience, I learnt of the following things:

1) The scammers will always try to get hold of your address first, and then propose a place which possibly convenient for you to top-up card, etc.
2) They will try all kind of excuse and means to get you to provide them your number, even to the extent of asking you to call them. They will probably
use your number to harass or threaten you.

My suggestion: if you meet such pretty wechat ladies and still want to take chance, be prepared. Be upfront with them about using wechat as the only mode of communication and no phone calls at all. A genuine service lady would not mind with wechat comm as it does not matter. I hope my wechat experience would serve as some form of guide to fellow newbie samsters when approaching those 'nearby' pretty wechat ladies.
Old 16-05-2017, 11:51 PM
DScorp DScorp is offline
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Re: WeChat Scam

Just went to find 1 today. Told mi becus first time find her not suitable to pay by cash. Ask mi buy $150 itunes card.
And then I just left haha.

Gotten quite a few wechat contacts from locanto website.
Mostly say Taiwanese. And 150 for 2 hrs unlimited. Too good to be true.
Old 17-05-2017, 10:27 AM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Keep this thread going, let as many people know as possible about such TOO good to be true scams

Awareness is good for all
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 17-05-2017, 10:36 AM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by MTFanatic View Post
This scam is everywhere. I am currently in china an
Anymore stories to share??

Rule number 1, CASH ON DELIVERY

Rule number 2, ALWAYS see rule number 1.

Side note: when u are in a foreign country be careful of that place u are at, check out more info. FLs may be robbers in disguise. Drug implanted can get u into bigger trouble with the local police who may be in cahoots w the police
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

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