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Old 25-09-2010, 01:28 PM
mmhunter mmhunter is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Seriously, you should be a writer. I used to pride myself on being a good writer but you beat me hands down. Quit your day job and get your works published!!!

A little wishy-washy when it comes to getting the sex (I usually go straight for the kill) IMO, but I guess thats what makes you so attractive to the girls. Keep up the good work. Score with more girls before you become an old man like me.

Old 25-09-2010, 11:45 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Originally Posted by mmhunter View Post
Seriously, you should be a writer. I used to pride myself on being a good writer but you beat me hands down. Quit your day job and get your works published!!!

A little wishy-washy when it comes to getting the sex (I usually go straight for the kill) IMO, but I guess thats what makes you so attractive to the girls. Keep up the good work. Score with more girls before you become an old man like me.

It's hard to be a writer here without proper qualifications.

With regards to the girls, let's just say I approached each one differently. Charmaine actually became my 2nd girlfriend. Will update when I'm free...

And once again, thanks to all bros for supporting the thread...
Old 26-09-2010, 02:30 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

you could write rather well bro
Old 26-09-2010, 11:22 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Charmaine drove me to Changi General Hospital Accident and Emergency Department. It was almost 4am and there was not much of a crowd there.

After registration, the triage nurse attended to me and within minutes, the night shift medical officer was examining my ribcage.

Doc: Lift up you left arm and breathe in deeply. Does it hurt?

Me: Not much.

Doc: How about when I apply pressure to the area?

I flinched.

Me: Abit more.

Doc: On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not painful, how would you rate the pain?

He pressed my ribs again. I wanted to punch him.

Me: Er. 5?

Doc: The area is tender and there is slight swelling. Go for an xray and come back to see me.

Me: Is anything broken?

Doc: It's hard to say. See me after the xray.

He printed out some forms and passed them to me and I proceeded to the xray room.

Charmaine sat next to me while we waited for the films to be done. She ruffled my hair.

C: You'll be fine.

Me: Yeah. You don't need to see a doctor?

C: Nope. It's just some scratches and bruises.

Suddenly, a cop approached us.

Cop: The doctor in room 8 informed me you have a suspicious injury. How did you get it?

I looked at Charmaine. She shook her head slightly.

Me: Er. I fell. On a rock.

The cop look at me disbelievingly.

Cop: Are you sure? The doctor said it might be a car accident or a fight.

Me: No. If it was a fight or car accident, where are the other injuries?

The cop gave me a quick visual examination.

Cop: There are scratches on your face.

Me: Mosquito bites. Itchy.

He gave me another incredulous look.

Cop: Are you sure?

Me: Yes. Don't worry. It's nothing serious.

And yet at the back of my mind I was praying that I had not broken anything.

Nurse: Mr. Enigma? Take these xrays back to room 8.

I took the xrays and got up to return to the doctor. The cop also went back to his post.

C: Thanks.

Me: For?

C: Not reporting it.

Me: It's nothing really. I hope.

C: Is there anything I can do?

The subconscious sex demon in me wanted to ask for a blowjob, or some pussy. But I managed to control it.

Me: No. It's ok.

We re-entered the doctor's room and passed him the xrays.

Doc: Looks good. Nothing's broken.

I heaved a sigh of relief.

Doc: But I would advise you not to exercise for at least 4 weeks.

Me: What?

Doc: There's very bad bruising and tenderness. You're lucky you didn't break a rib and punctured your lung.

Me: Right.

Doc: Now be frank with me. You were in a fight right?

Me: Er.

Doc: Look, I practise martial arts, and the pattern of bruising looks like you were kicked by someone who's trained in martial arts.

I kept quiet.

Doc: Well, he probably isn't very good. A skilled exponent would have broken your ribs. And a skilled exponent would have exercised self-discipline and walked away from a fight unless he was provoked...

Me: Er.

Doc: Ok. You don't have to say anything. I'll just assume you were protecting your girlfriend here.

I looked at Charmaine and she blushed. The doctor did not know how right he was.

Doc: I'll give you some painkillers and anti-inflammatories for the swelling. Are you in the Army? Do you need MC?

There was only a week of school left before the term break, but I decided to try my luck anyway.

Me: I'm still in school, but a one week MC to rest wouldn't hurt.

Doc: Ok.

He printed out the prescription and MC and handed them to me.

Doc: Next time, walk away. Especially if you don't know how to defend yourself.

Me: Thanks Doctor.

We left the room and headed to the cashier to settle the bill and then to the dispensary. Charmaine insisted on paying the bill.

Me: Thanks girlfriend.

She poked my right side. I flinched and my left side hurt.

C: Idiot.

We walked back to the car hand-in-hand. The strange feeling in my chest that overcame me before was back.

Me: I feel weird.

C: Hmm?

Me: I can't explain it.

C: Ok.

She started the car and drove out of the underground car park.

C: Shall I send you home?

Me: Er. I don't think I want to go home like this. My stepmom might get worried and my dad might kick my ass.

C: Friend's house?

I thought about crashing at Jason's place as I usually did that on some weekdays as he stayed opposite school. But it was the weekend and I had no reason to intrude.

Me: How about your place?

C: That's not such a good idea is it?

Me: I don't know.

C: My parent's are overseas. Only my brothers will be home.

Me: Up to you. You can always drop me off here and I'll roam the streets. Then I'll get robbed and raped by some banglas...

C: Very funny.

Me: I'll sleep on the floor... I won't make any noise... I don't snore... I think.

C: Who said you can sleep in my room?

Me: Oops. Then you might as well drop me here...

Charmaine thought about it for awhile.

C: Ok. You can come over. But no funny stuff. And you gotta tell my brothers yourself. They're, erm, rather protective of me. Especially after what happened last time.

Me: When your ex got too rough?

C: Erm, yeah.

Me: Ah, then it should be easy. Since I'm your new boyfriend and I was defending you from your ex!

C: Who wants to be your girlfriend?

Me: You? Haha.

She stuck out her tongue at me.

Me: But seriously, I feel something strange when I'm with you. Even more so now, after all this has happened...

C: So?

Me: Give me a chance?

C: To?

Me: Make you mine?

C: Actually, I was really very touched when you stood up for me. No one has ever done that...

Me: Well, what can I say. I'm a nice guy...

C: I agree.

Me: So I have a chance?

C: I didn't say that...

Me: Oh.

C: And I don't really want a relationship now as A levels are coming.

Me: I won't affect you. Really. I'm low maintenance.

C: Haha.

Me: So how? Ai kia steady mai?

Charmaine laughed.

C: You sound very beng. Haha.

Me: Well?

She kept silent for a long time.

Me: Silence is consent you know?

C: Ai.

Me: What?

C: I said yes.

Me: Really?

C: Don't make me change my mind...

Me: Ok.

If she was not driving, I would have hugged her tight. I felt like a teenager again. Oh wait, I was still a teenager. I had this silly grin on my face all the way until we reached her house.
Old 27-09-2010, 12:11 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Nice build up to the main course, bro! <3 your story
Old 27-09-2010, 05:21 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Charmaine lived in a two storey terrace house with her parents, three older brothers and a few dogs. I say a few as I could not really tell how many there were. I got a little freaked out when she parked the car and we got out and I was greeted by this huge motherfucker of a german shepard. I swear that if he stood up, he probably would be as tall as Charmaine.

C: That's Mikey. He won't bite.

Me: You named a german shepard Mikey? He looks more like a "Killer" or "Jawbreaker" to me...

C: Oh. I have a dog named Killer.

Me: Shit. I don't want to see him.

C: He's a shitzu.

Me: You gotta be kidding.

As she unlocked the front door and opened it, a wave of dog scent hit me.

Me: Er. How many dogs do you have?

C: Six.

Me: Is that even legal?

C: Why not? They don't bark. Much.

Me: Ok.

C: Let's go to my room ok?

Me: Is there anywhere else I can go?

She poked my right side again.

C: Idiot...

There were four bedrooms on the upper floor. Charmaine told me that each one of her siblings had their own rooms, and her parents room was downstairs. She had occupied the master bedroom while her brothers took the other rooms.

Her room was normal, with a super-single sized bed, study table, lots of bookshelves, and a recliner by the window. That was probably where she read her books.

C: Are you going to take a shower?

Me: I suppose.

Charmaine tossed me a towel from her wardrobe.

Me: I don't have any spare clothes to wear...

She tossed me a sheer nightgown.

Me: Very funny.

C: That's what I'm gonna wear silly.

Me: Oh...

I expected my dick to rise but strangely it did not. Did Karate Kid's blow to my ribs render me impotent? Or was there something more than a sexual interest here?

C: I don't have anything you can wear. So, if you don't mind sleeping in your boxers...

Me: Not an issue...

Charmaine headed to the bathroom first while I relaxed on her recliner. It had been a rough day, and I was getting tired. Furthermore, I had popped a couple of painkillers and was getting woozy.

Charmaine reappeared wearing the sheer nightgown. I tried hard not to stare but the nightgown was figure-hugging, and accentuated her slight curves. Her nipples poked out from under the thin material. I ran my eyes downwards, checking out her flat stomach. Damn, she was wearing shorts under the nightgown. No pussy viewing for me.

C: Go shower. It's time for bed.

I resisted the urge to ask her to shower me and trudged into the bathroom. I stared at the wide array of shampoos, conditioners and shower gels. None were for guys. I had to spend the next few hours smelling like a girl.

I finished showering and Charmaine was already in bed. I headed over to the recliner where Charmaine had placed a spare pillow and blanket.

C: Do you want to sleep with me?

Me: Er. Is that a trick question?

C: I meant on the same bed...

Me: No. It's ok. This chair looks really comfortable.

She got out of bed and dragged me over, grabbing the spare pillow.

C: Hmm. I have to sleep on your right side.

I lay down closer to the left side of her bed while she placed another pillow on my left side at my ribcage. She then pulled the blanket over me and crawled in on my right side, nuzzling her face on my chest. I stroked her hair. The smell of her conditioner was strangely arousing.

C: You're just like a huge teddy bear!

Me: Er. Right.

C: Good night.

I tried unsuccessfully to kiss her forehead and settled for a short squeeze of her ass instead. She slapped my hand.

C: Naughty teddy bear.

Me: Good night.

C: Good night.

I stared up at the ceiling as she gently drifted off to sleep. The sun was rising and the rays were penetrating the curtain.

I wondered if I was doing the right thing in asking Charmaine to be my girlfriend. Tanya had opened my eyes and mind to the world of sex and yet here I was, committing myself to one person, and I was not even sure if we were going to have sex. We dated for awhile, but it was normal, and suddenly we mad the jump into an exclusive relationship. I was confused by my own actions. I could have turned a blind eye and let her be molested or raped by her ex-boyfriend but I did not. And I ended up paying for it with a bruised ribcage. I did not have to play the hero but I did.

One thing that was certain though, was the strange feeling in my chest. The feeling that overwhelmed me. The feeling that made me want to be there for her and take care of her. I was under some kind of spell. But was it love? Or was I rebounding from my last relationship? Or was sex the only thing on my mind?

The questions ran marathons in my head as I closed my eyes. Here was a nice girl in bed with me, and for once, unlike the recent past, we were not fucking...
Old 27-09-2010, 09:43 AM
io33 io33 is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

very well written TS!

Look forward to more!
Old 27-09-2010, 10:01 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Bro TS, you write well, narratives so intense and emotionally expressed. Looking forward to the progression of the r/s. Cheers bro ................
" Life is what happens when you're too busy making other plans." - John Lennon

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Old 27-09-2010, 10:44 AM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

We were awakened by one of Charmaine's brother knocking on the door. I glanced at my watch it was past noon.

Bro: Mei! Do you want lunch?

She went to open the door. Her brother peered in.

Bro: I saw shoes outside. You brought a guy home?

C: Ya.

Bro: He better be a good guy.

C: He is.

Bro: Not going to intro?

C: He's sleeping.

I was not, but pretending to.

Bro: How come suddenly got boyfriend?

C: It just happened.

Bro: You came back late last night?

C: Ya.

Then he saw the scratches on her body.

Bro: Oi. What happened?

He tried to enter the room but she stopped him.

Bro: Wah lau, how come all the guys you with so rough one huh?

C: Class chalet last night. My ex tried to be funny.

Bro: What? Where's he now? I'll teach him a lesson.

C: No need la. My new boyfriend protected me.

I smiled. So she really did consider me as her boyfriend.

Bro: Really ah? That's good? He knows kungfu also?

C: Not really. He got beaten up quite badly.

Bro: Issit? Haha.

I got up and wrapped the blanket around myself.

Me: No I didn't!

And then I recognised him. Charmaine's brother was one of my sister's church friends.

Bro: Oh. It's you. Aren't you like 15?

Me: Er.

Bro: Wah mei, you cradle snatcher...

C: Siao. He's 17.

Me: Yeah.

Bro: I see. So how's you sister? I haven't seen you in church recently?

Me: Er. Haven't gone for quite awhile. Sister is fine.

Bro: This is funny. Mei, you should have seen him in church before what...

C: Didn't notice.

Me: I was, er, different. Last time.

This was getting really strange. Maybe Singapore really is too small, and everyone is interconnected somehow. I never noticed Charmaine in church before, and neither did she notice me. What made it weirder was that pre-marital sex was frowned upon, and yet both of us were not virgins. Society was indeed changing.

Bro: I'll leave you two alone.

C: Can I borrow the car later?

Bro: Ok. The key is at the usual place.

C: Thanks.

She closed the door and locked it.

Me: Small world isn't it?

C: Yeah.

Me: So you don't go to church anymore?

C: Now and then.

Me: You bad girl...

C: Bad boy...

She hugged me. I felt her soft breasts press against my body. She touched the bruise.

C: Does it still hurt?

Me: A little.

C: You poor thing.

Me: Not so poor anymore now that I've got you...

She smiled and hugged me again.

C: Why me?

Me: You asked me out, remember?

C: Yeah. But I didn't expect us to be together. Not this fast anyway.

Me: It's been a few weeks we've been dating. Not long enough for you?

C: I don't know. You could have any other girl...

Me: I don't get this feeling with any other gils...

C: Don't expect too much from this ok?

Me: What do you mean?

C: I mean I'm not a sex toy...

Me: Oh that. But I am! Haha...

C: Idiot. I don't just sleep with anyone.

Me: I know. Neither do I.

The sex demon deflated. No doubt I was horny. But this girl was something special. Or that was what the strange feeling in my chest was saying anyway. I could take advantage of her then dump her, but something was stopping me from doing so. And I had yet to find out what it was.
Old 27-09-2010, 07:08 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

I did not go to school the entire week. No one really cared anyway. Only my Track and Field coach bothered to call me to find out where the fuck I was. But I told him I was involved in an accident and was covered by MC.

Charmaine went to school as usual. She did not talk about it when we met after school, nor did I probe. I guess she could take care of herself. Either that, or Nick had threatened grievious bodily harm on those bastards.

The two weeks flew by in a flash and soon school started again.

We did couple stuff during those two weeks. Dating, movies, meals, coffee, long walks on the beach. Entire weekends were spent together. We were inseparable. And yet we still did not have sex. We hugged and kissed and fondled each other, but the sex demon in me was under control. We had something special going on, and nothing was going to change that.

Back at school, our relationship was kept under wraps, save for a few people such as Nick, Amanda and Jason knowing. Nick did not care if we were together, he just wanted to know when I was going to start training again, as there was a Athletics Meet coming up and he wanted some representatives. Amanda warned me constantly not to break Charmaine's heart, otherwise she would stick a javeline into where it would hurt. Jason was just glad that I was attached and would stop whining about not having a girlfriend. I bet he was a little peeved though, having lost a Counter-strike buddy for clan matches, not that his clan was that fantastic anyway. My brother Andrew and I took out their entire team of five during an 'audition' match to join the clan. And he had yet to take his PSLE.

Charmaine and I carried on like this until her GCE A Levels when we separated briefly so she could concentrate on her exams. I was bored during that period, and hit the gym more often instead of studying.

I also went out with other people, girls included, with Charmaine's permission of course, so that I would not come across to my classmates as aloof or antisocial or even worse, gay. Something did happen though, between me and another girl, but it happened after Charmaine and I had broken up, But that is another story for another time.

Anyway, after her last paper, Charmaine and I went out as usual.

C: Don't you have to study?

Me: My exams were over long ago. Don't worry. How was your Chem paper?

C: Should be good, I think. A little nervous though.

Me: Chill out. It's finally over. You can start thinking of which Uni you wanna apply to!

C: I hope.

I gave her a hug.

C: Hey! We're still in school!

Me: So? I wanna let everyone know that this hot babe is my girlfriend!

She blushed and shrugged me off. My GP tutor, Mr. Nathan walked by.

Mr. Nathan: Ahem. Less PDA more study please.

Me: Yes Mr. Nathan! Don't worry!

Mr. N: Oh I'm not worried about your GP. It's your other subjects that are a cause for concern. Now's not the time for BGR.

Me: Er. I'll keep that in mind Mr. Nathan...

He walked off.

C: See la! So paiseh...

Me: He's like that la... Haha. So where you wanna go?

C: I don't know.

Me: You know we haven't been intimate in awhile...

C: Yeah...

Me: So you wanna go somewhere quiet and you know?

She poked me.

C: Disgusting idiot.

Me: Hey, it's not as if we haven't done it before...

C: Not with each other!

Me: So now can try la...

C: Well...

Me: You need to destress...

I sounded very desperate.

C: Um, you gotta get me really drunk...

Me: Not a problem.

C: And we can't do it at my place or yours...

Me: That's a problem. Damn.

C: Er. Then how? Too bad...

Me: Crap. I tahan very long already leh. It's like my body resetted, now I'm a virgin again...

C: Very funny. Like that I was a virgin when I entered JC.

Me: You haven't had sex for 2 years?

C: Yeah.

Me: Wow.

C: I'm not as horny as you.

Me: Haha. Ok. It's time to change that.

I whispered in her ears and nibbled her earlobe while doing so, knowing it turned her on.

C: OIIIII! Still in school!

Me: Let's go somewhere then.

C: Where?

Me: I don't know.

C: Too bad lor.

Me: Your parents home?

C: Yeah.

Me: I thought they go overseas quite often?

C: Not this month.

Me: How about a hotel?

C: Isn't it expensive?

Me: I go check it out and let you know.

C: So we meet again tonight?

Me: I guess.

C: Alright then. Call me.

I kissed her goodbye and watched as she let her hair down as she walked out of the school gates.

I had to find a place. Fast.
Old 28-09-2010, 03:36 PM
adrianlee adrianlee is offline
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

good story, bro
Old 28-09-2010, 07:50 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

I trawled the internet for cheap hotels to no avail. Most were out of my price range and I needed to be 18 years old to book a room.

I thought about giving up the chance to sleep with Charmaine. I called her and told her the bad news.

Me: Hey... I can't get a hotel. How?

C: Too bad lor.

Me: You don't sound disappointed.

C: Should I be?

Me: No...

C: You mean you were with me all this while just so you can have sex with me?

Me: No. It's not like that...

C: Then?

She sounded really pissed over the phone.

Me: I don't know. I just thought that maybe we could take our intimacy to the next level.

C: Is sex that important to you?

Me: Well...

C: It's either a yes or no.

Me: No.

C: Then why you want to have sex?

Me: Er.

She seemed to be having a mood swing.

C: If you said yes, maybe I would want to have sex with you.

Me: Huh. So it was a trick question?

C: Yes. And you failed.

Me: I don't get it.

C: Look, I like where our relationship is at, and I do want to take it to the next level. But your answers cannot be wishy-washy. You have to tell me what you want, and not what I want to hear.

Me: Wait. Let me understand this. You want me to say I want to have sex with you?

C: Yes.

Me: Won't it make me seem desperate?

C: It might, but at least it makes me feel wanted. Desired. You know what I mean?

Me: I guess.

C: So what's your response now?

Me: You and me, in bed, tonight.

C: Where?

Me: I haven't figured that part out yet.

C: Then do something about it.

Me: Ok. Anyway, why are you doing this?

C: I'm training you.

Me: For?

C: To ask for what you want. You can't keep a girl guessing you know...

Me: It doesn't seem right just to ask for sex you know? There should be the right feelings and stuff like that.

C: We've been together for what, more than 6 months?

Me: Yeah?

C: Seriously you got me wondering whether you really wanted me or not...

Me: Huh?

C: I would have slept with you early on in the relationship if you asked, and if the conditions were right...

Me: Now you tell me...

C: I'm not a loose girl, but I did like you, a lot...

Me: I didn't want to spoil things, plus you had your exams...

C: Who knows. The sex might have done me some good...

Me: You're strange.

C: You too.

Me: So I guess we'll just be hanging out tonight?

C: Yeah. Come over to my place to chill?

Me: Why not? But won't your parents mind?

C: Don't think so. Exams are over. You're a nice guy. We aren't doing funny things...

Me: We aren't?

C: Depends. Haha.

Me: We'll leave it at that. See you tonight then dear.

C: Bye baby.

I could not wait to see if anything would happen that night.
Old 28-09-2010, 11:44 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Nice story TS!

Ya this reminds me in a situation i been before
Having such a question thrown to me by a girl

Say yes i want sex also die say no i dun want also no good.... haiz girls...

But yours is a better one at least she finally said what reply she wanted to hear

And i got to know mine very much later.... :P
Don't Zap Me...!!! I am Innocent~!!
Old 01-10-2010, 03:55 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

I met Charmaine at a coffeeshop near her place for dinner. I cannot explain
why but I got a hardon when I saw her, even though she was dressed normally
in t-shirt and shorts. Maybe it was the anticipation of us having sex later
that night, even though it was going to be tough, especially with her
parents and brothers around.

After dinner, we took a slow walk back to her place.

C: You seem nervous?

Me: Really?

C: Kind of... Are you expecting something tonight?

Me: Not exactly... Since your parents are around and all that.

C: Hmm... But I want to have sex...

My dick started to get hard again.

Me: Seriously?

C: Why not? Exams are over, and I'm pretty much free to do what I want

Me: Sex is taking our relationship to the next level you know?

C: Oh my god... Please don't tell me you are that old-fashioned... I thought
you aren't a virgin?

Me: That doesn't mean I'm sexually active...

C: So you think sex should be left until marriage?

Me: It depends...

C: Well, I don't see myself marrying you... I want a career first.

Me: Haha. Marriage is far away for me.

C: Truthfully, I think we have reached a physical standstill in our

Me: Meaning?

C: We aren't going anywhere... Come on, you haven't even touched me below my

Me: Er. I like things slow?

C: No wonder you only had one girlfriend...

Me: Hey, that's unfair. You only had two boyfriends...

C: You do know how to make a girl wet right?

Me: I think so...

C: Well, you made me wet a few times, and did nothing about it. I was so

Me: Erm, how come you're so horny now?

C: I'm always horny. Most girls are I guess. I just had to put it aside and
concentrate on the things that matter.

Me: Oh. Do you masturbate?

C: Of course? How do you think I destress? Especially after you leave me
wanting more...

Me: So we really could have done it earlier?

C: Yes.

Me: I guess I was afraid.

C: Of?

Me: I didn't want to spoil anything between us.

C: Haha. You know I like you. And you're a nice guy. But sometimes you can
be really dense.

Me: Very funny. So you're saying I should sleep with every girl I go out
with on the first date?

C: No... But after a few dates? Like I said, keep us waiting too long and
we'll lose interest...

Me: Wow, and you're still interested?

C: I love your hot body, and they way you kiss me. The way you tease my
nipples with your tongue...

Me: You're turning me on...

C: I'm getting wet just thinking about it...

Me: This is not good...

C: Why?

M: We might not even get to do it!

C: I guess I'll have to be quiet then...

Me: Oh wow. Then how will I know if I'm pleasuring you right?

C: Hey... I think you watch too much porn. Not all girls are screamers or
moaners you know?

She grabbed my crotch.

C: Unless you're as big as they say...

Me: Hey! Don't make me drag you somewhere and...

C: Oooooo.... Public sex. Kinky....

Me: You're crazy.

C: Nope, I'm just really really horny and I want you to make me feel good...

I stopped walking and grabbed Charmaine by her shoulders, pulling her
towards me and stuck my tongue into her mouth, forcefully frenching her. She
responded likewise.

C: Stop teasing me please.

Me: We don't have a place to go! That's the best I can do...

C: We'll wait for my parents to go to bed then.

Me: You sure you can wait till then?

I pulled her in for another french kiss, this one lasting slightly longer
than the first. When we parted, she was breathing heavily.

C: Stop that! I want you so bad...

I tried to pull her towards me again but she managed to avoid it. Her cheeks
were slightly flushed.

C: Please don't. I might just explode.

Me: Surely it can't be that serious...

Charmaine grabbed my hand and stuck it down her shorts. The front of her
panties were soaked.

Me: Oh my-

C: You see what you do to me?

Me: Erm, there's a playground nearby right?

C: Haha. I'm not that crazy, there's still kids around...

Me: Ok. Back to your place then.

C: Yeah. I can wait a few hours...
Old 01-10-2010, 03:57 PM
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...

Sorry for the absence bros, was having training outfield... Hope you enjoy the next few parts.
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