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Old 25-06-2013, 08:43 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

I totally agree, each have their own style of writing.

Keep your style else it's not going to work out for your fans out there

Keep writing.
Old 25-06-2013, 09:09 PM
Xazz Xazz is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Pardon my poor english but what's the difference between the wife getting jammed by other guys and getting pounded?
Old 25-06-2013, 09:12 PM
GreatCockSuckrr GreatCockSuckrr is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by Xazz View Post
Pardon my poor english but what's the difference between the wife getting jammed by other guys and getting pounded?
i had the same question, it may means this way

jammed - struck, cannot pull out
pounded - destroy, make a mess, break into pieces
Old 25-06-2013, 10:30 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by diputs1269 View Post
When can l receive my green envelope?
This is a good one!
Old 25-06-2013, 10:34 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by DDAMn View Post
Bro pls keep to ur style its ur trademark among the hall of SBF legend writers.
Originally Posted by Coffeecans View Post
I totally agree, each have their own style of writing.

Keep your style else it's not going to work out for your fans out there

Keep writing.
Thanks bros DDAMn and Coffeecans, you are right. I was trying to change my style of writing just now and I met with a writer's block.

I can never write like other good writers such as bros Coffeecans and ilikeoldchangke because we all have our own unique style.

Thanks for the advice! I know what to do le
Old 25-06-2013, 10:36 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by Xazz View Post
Pardon my poor english but what's the difference between the wife getting jammed by other guys and getting pounded?
haha i think the bro meant "not getting pounded", missed out a "not" in his sentence
Old 25-06-2013, 10:37 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by GreatCockSuckrr View Post
i had the same question, it may means this way

jammed - struck, cannot pull out
pounded - destroy, make a mess, break into pieces
wahahaha this is so funny. You really made my day
Old 25-06-2013, 10:40 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Like bro coffeecans ,olchangke each have their uniqueness way of keepin us fans on our toes.bro do update soon need to recharge bro coffeecans waitin for ur updates dosages n still waitin for bro changke's new twist.keep up the fantasy n creativity bros.
Old 25-06-2013, 10:44 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by Hardaway1818 View Post
haha i think the bro meant "not getting pounded", missed out a "not" in his sentence it sweet and tenderly then? That would be nice too but whatever your writing style...this story has me hooked. Always back home to log on this page everyday looking for updates!!

Good job bro! Pls continue soon!
Old 25-06-2013, 10:56 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Thank you to all bros who have made their comments, be it whether supportive or not supportive of me including the fictional wife fantasy.

As a writer, the greatest joy is knowing that there are readers out there who appreciate the story.

Realise I can't please the whole world so I shall continue writing the way I am most comfortable with, or else the output will not be satisfactory.

Had a writer's block today; will be back tomorrow night with the next instalment.

Stay tuned!
Old 25-06-2013, 11:16 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by Hardaway1818 View Post
Thanks for your comments

I didn't even realise it until you pointed it out. I guess it's the genre of stories that I myself like reading, thus I tend to write the plot along a certain direction.

Any comments from the rest of readers? Just want a feel so that i can write based on what my readers like.

Have been avoiding to put out any comments till your story end, but your offer is all too tempting.... here's my humble opinion. For April, it was betray and eventually lust that ended the story. For Angel, not too much betray, more like misled and eventually lust. On Claire, well we have to read your creation.

Personally, betray always have a bit more bite to the story, if the subject eventually enjoy the process afterward all the better, kind of like no one gets hurt along the way (else that will really leave a bad taste), but then again only when things gets controversial will the story get even better, just imho.

TS pls keep it up! Looking and expecting the twist and turn in your story
Old 26-06-2013, 03:11 AM
maybelee maybelee is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

I am very drawn to this story... hoping to see more of love in your subsequent posts
Old 26-06-2013, 12:24 PM
PrcLust PrcLust is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Very interesting storyline.Very enjoyable reading.Wondering anyone try this idea in real life?
Old 27-06-2013, 12:34 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Time: Friday
Venue: Office

Tonight was the night.

The night that Claire was supposed to meet up with Raymond. I had arranged for the date between Claire and Raymond first, before my date with Jenny the next evening. I surmised that I had better settled Claire's case first before mine.

Me and Claire had discussed about this and she was too curious about this whole thing. We decided she would go for the date but with me around in the dark to protect her.

5.40 pm

I called Claire to confirm on the plan.

"Dear, you home from school?"


"You really want to go for the date tonight?"

"Yes dear. I thought we decided on that."

"We have decided on that. But we haven't really discussed how far you would go with the date. Remember that part 1 is the dinner, and part 2 is the hotel room."

There was a radio silence on the other end.

"How far would you let me?"

Her response stung me.

I mean, I thought I can handle this. I was the one who thought up this whole plan. I mean, I didn't plan for it to happen to my wife. But since it happened, I was the one, who in a way, allowed it to continue, firstly with the fantasy while she touched herself, and secondly with a good fuck with both of us imagining it was another guy doing Claire.

I didn't know how to answer her. Especially with the knowledge that I was going to betray her by going for my own date with Jenny the next day.

Before I could reply, Claire's voice came over the other side.

"Don't be silly dear. I am just joking with you. I know when to stop. You can trust me. At most it would be just some harmless flirting ok? I won't proceed to part 2."

6.15 pm

As the time drew nearer, I was starting to regret what I had done.

What if Claire found out that I was behind the whole Special Club thingy?

What if Claire decided to go with Raymond to the hotel room? Were I supposed to jump out from nowhere and stopped them?

I was a stupid asshole, I created this whole mess for myself.

I had been observing Raymond the whole day. Ever since he was informed of Claire's acceptance of the date, he had been grinning to himself from ear to ear.

This bastard. Must be having all kinds of lewd thoughts about Claire, who happened to be the wife of his boss. He must be feeling lucky enough to get Jenny, the wife of his other superior in office, and now had the chance to get Claire, the wife of his direct boss.

I recalled Claire telling me at the Company D&D what a gentleman Raymond was and how good looking he was. She had a very good impression of him then, although that was the first and only time she had seen him.

Same thing for Raymond, I remembered overhearing some pantry talk between him and some other guys in the office, gossiping how hot the wives of their two VPs were, referring to Jenny and Claire.

The more I thought about it, the more upset I became with myself. Raymond must have been aching to get into her pants for the longest time ever, and now he had gotten the chance, would I be able to accept it if Claire allowed him to fuck her?

6.45 pm

Raymond left the office. The dinner was supposed to be at 7.30 pm at a celebrity chef restaurant at MBS.

I left for the designated place shortly after him.

7.30 pm

Claire met Raymond at the reserved table as planned.

She first appeared shocked, knowing the identity of the person who nominated her to be a colleague of her husband.

After a while, from the distance I was spying on them, I could tell that Claire was getting more and more comfortable with Raymond.

Claire knew I was spying on them at a distance. Initially she would steal glances at my direction to see if I was there. After a while, she seemed oblivious to my presence.

On and off, they were sharing private jokes, with Raymond leaning towards her to whisper into her ears, with Claire giggling like a little girl in love. She was enjoying his attention more than I had expected. Raymond was indeed a lady-killer like what the office gossip had been doing its rounds.

I was getting more and more worried. Would Claire fall for it?

8.15 pm

15 min more to go before they were supposed to proceed to the next event at the hotel room.

My stomach had to fail me at such a critical juncture. I had to run to the loo to do some big business. And the nearest gents was at quite a distance away.

I still had 15 min. Should be ample time.

I flew to the nearest gents. Under maintenance. God, why did such things always happen when we need them the most?

No choice, I had to make a big detour to go up to the next floor.

Finally did my business and rushed back to my position at the fastest pace possible, even though my legs were getting jelly from the loo run.

8.26 pm

Did it in 11 min. Should be good enough for a Guinness Book of record.

As I settled down at my original hideout, I got a shock.

Claire and Raymond were gone!

Shit, was I away that long? It was only slightly more than 10 min and they were gone.

Did Claire decide to proceed with part 2 while I was away?

I immediately ran up to the hotel. Checked with the counter whether the guests for the reserved room had checked in.


Where would they be?

I dialled my wife's mobile, "The number you just dialled is currently unavailable"

What was happening to Claire?
Old 27-06-2013, 01:13 AM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Checked into another room or hotel maybe
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