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Old 21-06-2008, 08:40 PM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Hmmm.... has been sort of ignoring this thread wondering what is there to argue on the topic of why guys look for pros/wl... UNTIL I read the last few pages now, all fueled by our 21yo bro leonard21....

Okie, let me add my piece and issue one challenge to our little bro.

Originally Posted by leonard87 View Post
i am 21 and i have been tru my share of relationships with gals..yes and i admit i once step on 2 boats and also had been betrayed i know the feeling
Originally Posted by leonard87 View Post
i nv say i am a saint..i am also surrounded by temptation too..but i am trying to resist to my frens whose moral education is right and knows what is wrong and right and let them give advice..
The above two posts set my context. Bro leonard87, 2 boats at one time is your "share" of it? Cum'on man... if you're not a CB from flowerpod, then I say you ain't seen no temptations yet.

Go read this post I had on the REAL kind of temptations that men get.

Go try some of which I'm mentioned there and cum back here to see how you can walk back to the "right path" next.

Originally Posted by leonard87 View Post
yes i did err before but at least i least i can walk back the right path..
Now, don't cum telling me you're morally right now and given the saint advice from your friends you don't even want to succumb to try them. You are not your uncle or daddy, so you don't know how they could have "fallen" into this temptation and could not "walk back to the right path".

The point is that, as you've rightly mention, it's like drug/smoking and once addicted, it's hard to quit. The last he need is children like you to quit on him too.

Originally Posted by Fauxpas View Post
Hye Bro .... you summed it up well. Most guys I think were goody-goodies until they reach point-of-no-return.
Again, please give yourself a challenge to go through the temptations come back to tell us here how to quit. Perhaps then you can appreciate better what your uncle and dad is going thru and be in a better situation to HELP them?
Old 26-06-2008, 12:43 PM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by EtherC View Post
What is the right path?

You want a right path? I'll show you a right path: Quit this forum, study hard and achieve outstanding academic grades in law. Join PAP and become a cabinet minister. Propose a bill to weed out prostitution and render adultery illegal in the eyes of the law. Go shut down all the red light districts and implement a multi billion dollar domestic monitoring system like NSA. Track all Singaporean emails plus phone conversations to check for adultery and prostitution. Arrest all violators and throw them in jail. Sound right?
Wa bro,

If this guy really listens to your advice and does what you say here, in another 20 years we have no more WL to frolick with. Like that rape case will be up haha.

I think this guy is just living in an idealistic world where everything has to be perfect.
Old 26-06-2008, 01:16 PM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

i for one believe guys despite the hormones and the bad things we crave for sometimes, would want to stay true to good boyfriend, good hubby and good partner. of cos there are a few who are not, but most are or at least want to be one good dude.

on the other hand, some gals think love is all these airy fairy thingy in the heart...romance is more than just physical its spiritual..and caring about each other is all that SEX is just a small part of relationships and perhaps can be dispensed with or minimised as it is not critical

well..i say, this is precisely why men flirt and get FL. ask the marriage counsellor why people break off and u will find out that bad sex life is key reason...on some occasions, its the gals that demand it.

i used to believe that i will only marry one gal and stay with her for life. and i never understood why men strayed...

Now, i think i have fucked at least over 50 women (of various races and nationality) in the past few years.

i started this because my partner - despite my open conversations about the need to enjoy each other and keep the flame going - seems to disregard and ignore my request, complaint and begging attempt for her to change. when things did not change after 2 years, i strayed. my first stray was when a married gal in irc asked to meet for sex. we met, and in less than 30 minutes she was bonking me in my car. i felt alive that someone else find me attractive and enjoy making love with me. That was my first..since then i have not stop bonking others if the opportunity is right..

given a choice i wish my partner can somehow change , so that i can remain true to her like before...But then again, now that i am quite far from where i was before, i am not sure i can return back to just having 1 fuck buddy...

but if she changes, i think i will try hard to stick to her. since she trying, i should do the same.

meantime, its open season for me still...
Old 26-06-2008, 08:00 PM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by mdstud_99 View Post
i for one believe guys despite the hormones and the bad things we crave for sometimes, would want to stay true to good boyfriend, good hubby and good partner. of cos there are a few who are not, but most are or at least want to be one good dude.

on the other hand, some gals think love is all these airy fairy thingy in the heart...romance is more than just physical its spiritual..and caring about each other is all that SEX is just a small part of relationships and perhaps can be dispensed with or minimised as it is not critical

well..i say, this is precisely why men flirt and get FL. ask the marriage counsellor why people break off and u will find out that bad sex life is key reason...on some occasions, its the gals that demand it.

i used to believe that i will only marry one gal and stay with her for life. and i never understood why men strayed...

Now, i think i have fucked at least over 50 women (of various races and nationality) in the past few years.

i started this because my partner - despite my open conversations about the need to enjoy each other and keep the flame going - seems to disregard and ignore my request, complaint and begging attempt for her to change. when things did not change after 2 years, i strayed. my first stray was when a married gal in irc asked to meet for sex. we met, and in less than 30 minutes she was bonking me in my car. i felt alive that someone else find me attractive and enjoy making love with me. That was my first..since then i have not stop bonking others if the opportunity is right..

given a choice i wish my partner can somehow change , so that i can remain true to her like before...But then again, now that i am quite far from where i was before, i am not sure i can return back to just having 1 fuck buddy...

but if she changes, i think i will try hard to stick to her. since she trying, i should do the same.

meantime, its open season for me still...
at least i see one guy trying..maybe i dun get the same thing because my gf knows of my needs..and she's willing..temptations can be curb and control if u truly love a gal no matter what u will stay true to her..if u have betray her that means u say u love her totally is just a excuse for u
Old 26-06-2008, 08:08 PM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by goodpartner View Post
Hmmm.... has been sort of ignoring this thread wondering what is there to argue on the topic of why guys look for pros/wl... UNTIL I read the last few pages now, all fueled by our 21yo bro leonard21....

Okie, let me add my piece and issue one challenge to our little bro.

The above two posts set my context. Bro leonard87, 2 boats at one time is your "share" of it? Cum'on man... if you're not a CB from flowerpod, then I say you ain't seen no temptations yet.

Go read this post I had on the REAL kind of temptations that men get.

Go try some of which I'm mentioned there and cum back here to see how you can walk back to the "right path" next.

Now, don't cum telling me you're morally right now and given the saint advice from your friends you don't even want to succumb to try them. You are not your uncle or daddy, so you don't know how they could have "fallen" into this temptation and could not "walk back to the right path".

The point is that, as you've rightly mention, it's like drug/smoking and once addicted, it's hard to quit. The last he need is children like you to quit on him too.

Again, please give yourself a challenge to go through the temptations come back to tell us here how to quit. Perhaps then you can appreciate better what your uncle and dad is going thru and be in a better situation to HELP them?
the thing is i wont even go there..if i am married i will just go home straight after work to prepare dinner or accompany my wife and not spend my time on those places..i rather my money is spent on family..and i have frens that have gals hitting on them at pubs and clubs but they will show them the tell the gals that they are married or attached
Old 27-06-2008, 09:38 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Haha, if you are not married yet, and you intend to do what you said ... the most important thing now is dont come to SBF ... this is for people who like varieties in bonking ... once in, you will always be in ...
Old 27-06-2008, 09:54 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by leonard87 View Post
the thing is i wont even go there..if i am married i will just go home straight after work to prepare dinner or accompany my wife and not spend my time on those places..i rather my money is spent on family..and i have frens that have gals hitting on them at pubs and clubs but they will show them the tell the gals that they are married or attached
Brother Leonard,

Don't speak it too soon. Points :

1. You're [U]yet[U]] married - That means to say, you have not eaten kway tiao for the next ten years and getting bored with it...Brother..never say never...the world is round....I personally give you 5 years after your marriage (condition, you must be a normal man and not a nerd that pisses woman) ... if you still stay truthful ...come look for me..

2. You have yet gotten the $$ yet - when you have all your needs and committments address...and you are still not itch by the extra $$...tell me about it k ?

3. What is your career path ? Need to travel ? Need to entertain ? ... Many brothers here are veterans of many economy wars like now the oil prices and inflating CPI...when you need to climb the corp ladder and to strive....your're in it to flirt, play, fxxk, for god real .... and you have a loong way to go...if my staff ever comes to me and tell me this sort of moral issues of his....I'll show him the main door ... reason....he is not hungry for more!!

My 2 cents

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Old 27-06-2008, 10:57 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by unicorn View Post
Brother Leonard,

Don't speak it too soon. Points :

1. You're [U]yet[U]] married - That means to say, you have not eaten kway tiao for the next ten years and getting bored with it...Brother..never say never...the world is round....I personally give you 5 years after your marriage (condition, you must be a normal man and not a nerd that pisses woman) ... if you still stay truthful ...come look for me..

2. You have yet gotten the $$ yet - when you have all your needs and committments address...and you are still not itch by the extra $$...tell me about it k ?

3. What is your career path ? Need to travel ? Need to entertain ? ... Many brothers here are veterans of many economy wars like now the oil prices and inflating CPI...when you need to climb the corp ladder and to strive....your're in it to flirt, play, fxxk, for god real .... and you have a loong way to go...if my staff ever comes to me and tell me this sort of moral issues of his....I'll show him the main door ... reason....he is not hungry for more!!

My 2 cents

even if u need to play.u can play the morally correct way and if u want to play dun get married or get attached..wjhy hurt another person if your not serious,i have an elder brother whose older than me by 16 yrs he's a married person with 2 daughters and a chief programmer at a company,he needs to travel to countries too..and we discussed alot of things..he also tell me not to betray the one you love and if your not serious to settle down,dont fool with the girl or even go to bed with i dun think its a issue of whether what you work or what kind of situation your in it depends on whether you have the determination,if you keep thinking you have sex with ur wife or gf till sian le you go find others your just having lust and not love,,sex doesnt only concern about me even as a guy i dont do it just because of lust,only if i really love that person and i am serious then i will do another a man can u bear to be the cuckold?dun tell me if ur wife or gf is ok with u fooling around so ur ok with it too..because by then there will be no love or trust between both of you and it will just cause another break up and seriously if ur already 30 plus or into 40s why go and play with younger girls?..why not just go play with women around your age group and leave the younger girls to guys around their age
Old 27-06-2008, 02:11 PM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by leonard87 View Post
even if u need to play.u can play the morally correct way and if u want to play dun get married or get attached..wjhy hurt another person if your not serious,i have an elder brother whose older than me by 16 yrs he's a married person with 2 daughters and a chief programmer at a company,he needs to travel to countries too..and we discussed alot of things..he also tell me not to betray the one you love and if your not serious to settle down,dont fool with the girl or even go to bed with i dun think its a issue of whether what you work or what kind of situation your in it depends on whether you have the determination,if you keep thinking you have sex with ur wife or gf till sian le you go find others your just having lust and not love,,sex doesnt only concern about me even as a guy i dont do it just because of lust,only if i really love that person and i am serious then i will do another a man can u bear to be the cuckold?dun tell me if ur wife or gf is ok with u fooling around so ur ok with it too..because by then there will be no love or trust between both of you and it will just cause another break up and seriously if ur already 30 plus or into 40s why go and play with younger girls?..why not just go play with women around your age group and leave the younger girls to guys around their age
Dear Brother Leonard,

Seriously, I personally like the way you have cordially written your thoughts and also placing your concept in a very conscience manner....I personally appreciate your thought and comforting to know of our younger generation do have people like you around, and I do have a nephew your age, and do hope that he will have smiliar principle as your goodself...

Words of cautious though young one, remember the words you have put across here and adhere to it as you grow....if not....these words will come back to haunt you 10 times over due to forbearer principles. As for myself, I have seen the world few times over and experience life more. sex are lust are similar to me, but on the contrary love isn't. Manhood is as old as the world itself which, by far the most contradictory sentiments between one's terratorial procession and a greener patch out there

Take care Brother Leonard, till opportunities meet that I learn 1 or 2 things from a younger lad.


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Old 27-06-2008, 06:08 PM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by leonard87 View Post
even if u need to play.u can play the morally correct way and if u want to play dun get married or get attached..wjhy hurt another person
... blah blah blah blah...

One question bro leonard87: - What are you doing in this forum?

If you have a brain, you have the ability to learn and think, unless you have a big bag of 'lazy' between your ears.
Old 28-06-2008, 01:32 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by EtherC View Post
If men are truly monogamous in nature, we wouldn't have invented the Islamic rule of having 4 wives? Nor will there be suicide bombers blowing themselves to kingdom cometh for their afterlife virgins. Also the words Harem or Concubine will cease to exist if we are?
We are no different from mammals and which mammals are truly monogamous... it's inside even our DNA!
The only way to become absolutely free is that your very existence is an act of rebellion to the world...

only then... you can go "yo hooo, here I go again, stupid world!"
Old 28-06-2008, 04:32 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by leonard87 View Post
the thing is i wont even go there..if i am married i will just go home straight after work to prepare dinner or accompany my wife and not spend my time on those places..i rather my money is spent on family..and i have frens that have gals hitting on them at pubs and clubs but they will show them the tell the gals that they are married or attached
Bro, com'on dun give me the "i won't even go there" holy excuse and support with more angelic actions. You've completely missed my point of my post.

My main point is about your dad/uncle gone astray; you are not them and do not know how they end up where they are. Would you say they were once a goody man before?

Maybe you should have a man-to-man (if you are one) talk with them on this topic and get to understand why "Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings." from them BEFORE you throw in the towel to despise or disown them, etc.

My dare to you is but to drive home the point that human has weaknesses. Ya, you better don't try any of the things I dare you and better stay away from SBF as this is a temptation by itself.

From your posts, I got a strong feeling you're a she. Guys don't think like you do. Your reply to my post can only be from the eyes of a women and what they HOPE guys will do.
Old 28-06-2008, 09:35 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by goodpartner View Post
Bro, com'on dun give me the "i won't even go there" holy excuse and support with more angelic actions. You've completely missed my point of my post.

My main point is about your dad/uncle gone astray; you are not them and do not know how they end up where they are. Would you say they were once a goody man before?

Maybe you should have a man-to-man (if you are one) talk with them on this topic and get to understand why "Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings." from them BEFORE you throw in the towel to despise or disown them, etc.

My dare to you is but to drive home the point that human has weaknesses. Ya, you better don't try any of the things I dare you and better stay away from SBF as this is a temptation by itself.

From your posts, I got a strong feeling you're a she. Guys don't think like you do. Your reply to my post can only be from the eyes of a women and what they HOPE guys will do.

Brother Goodpartner,

You are obviously very observant in your stand !! Come to think of it, Brother, or rather sister Leonard does compose his/her literatures focus on the famine side. If indeed leonard is a her....this will be very very interesting...cause, she has never encounter man with an establish age and status male which could be very very attractive to a young woman


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Old 28-06-2008, 10:07 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by goodpartner View Post
Bro, com'on dun give me the "i won't even go there" holy excuse and support with more angelic actions. You've completely missed my point of my post.

My main point is about your dad/uncle gone astray; you are not them and do not know how they end up where they are. Would you say they were once a goody man before?

Maybe you should have a man-to-man (if you are one) talk with them on this topic and get to understand why "Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings." from them BEFORE you throw in the towel to despise or disown them, etc.

My dare to you is but to drive home the point that human has weaknesses. Ya, you better don't try any of the things I dare you and better stay away from SBF as this is a temptation by itself.

From your posts, I got a strong feeling you're a she. Guys don't think like you do. Your reply to my post can only be from the eyes of a women and what they HOPE guys will do.

kanina, i mentioned a few pages back that she sounded like a guniang from flowerpod liao..blah blah blah on and on....only a woman is capable of doing...
Old 30-06-2008, 11:36 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

i am also someone who is having a good and pretty gf......but once in a while i still eat outside......y ?? coz my gf always reject my advancement....after many rejections, i am sick and tired of it and i stop asking for it.....but y i am still wif her?? coz her looks is wat i dream of, and she will be a gd wife who will always tink for mi and not materialistic at all............i am still tinking should i be continue wif her and marry her or i should juz go find another 1..........
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