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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 18-04-2015, 02:25 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Originally Posted by ozymandias81 View Post
Yup she is still there at BT plaza. I wouldn't call her "legendary" though.
lol. cos during my time she was quite hot. quite talked abt in this forum.

if u dun mind can PM me address n shop name? i cant seem to find after walking rounds in the building. cheers

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Old 19-04-2015, 12:11 AM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Hi senior bros, i just wanna check, is this area of ops still good for us to go to? Are they charging market rates for entrance and specials?
Old 19-04-2015, 11:41 AM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Originally Posted by naugh View Post
Hi senior bros, i just wanna check, is this area of ops still good for us to go to? Are they charging market rates for entrance and specials?
This I'm not sure as not been there for ages.
But my feeling is that the MILFs should be cheaper than the ones in town areas. eg FC, Parklane, Adelphi
Pl correct me if wrong.

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Old 19-04-2015, 12:58 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Hi Bro
Pls Kindly PM location
Old 26-06-2015, 01:28 AM
Kvice Kvice is offline
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Hi bros,

I've never tried massage in a shopping centre before, so I decided to venture today. Went to a unit in one of the basement level. Most of the other masseuses were plump, but I found one with an average build. Middle aged.

Piano massage, was really just smothering you instead of massaging.
JG $100, BM $150, FJ $200. They might as well rob the bank upstairs. I took HJ at $60 after much negotiation.

Got my experience. Will never RTM.
Old 06-11-2015, 04:04 AM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

went for recce today in Bukit Timah area and found a MP. Writing FR here bcoz this is the biggest thread thought maybe can revive

most of the MPs from last time i think closed down liao - but managed to find one. Not going to say exact location here, PM for details

Vietnamese lady late 20s, looks quite cute, B cup - jumped up upon walking in - booked 45min. quite chatty and speaks good english.

Massage was quite shiok - small size but she stepping on my back and easing out all the knots. about 30 minutes later she reached over to dim the lights and pop GQ and offered HJ. I autoroamed n she smiled and didn't seem to mind afterwards cleanup and she mop dry with a wet towel.

Dmg - $90
RTM - probably
Old 08-11-2015, 11:01 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Bro can pm contacts and location?tks.
Old 09-11-2015, 01:02 AM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Originally Posted by Kvice View Post
Hi bros,

I've never tried massage in a shopping centre before, so I decided to venture today. Went to a unit in one of the basement level. Most of the other masseuses were plump, but I found one with an average build. Middle aged.

Piano massage, was really just smothering you instead of massaging.
JG $100, BM $150, FJ $200. They might as well rob the bank upstairs. I took HJ at $60 after much negotiation.

Got my experience. Will never RTM.
Bro apparently u didn't do enough homework. There were quite a few threads last time commenting on the notoriety of BTSC basement 1. High prices and close to zero quality service is meant for carrots only, not humans.

BTSC basement, three shops between lan and toilet area. All same boss. AVOID AT ALL COSTS
Old 09-11-2015, 09:12 AM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Originally Posted by trident80 View Post
Here's my fr on one of the HC there...

Enter shop, greet by slim young cheerful gal... Massage very good... Though slim but got strength. First she massages my back. Then legs... and of cos while doing the legs, once in a while touch my jewels to excite me.

Here comes the best part, she spread my legs n starts massaging my bum... Also plays with my crack. As she plays, she would once in a while slip her hand through my inner thighs and caresses my bro... It's so sensational... Many times the feeling was like going for the big O but its jus not enough to make u cum... After abt 10mins of mind boggling massage, she asked me to flip over and ask the GQ. Who wud say no!!!

As she plays with my bro, auto roam is definitely available, I reached for the buns beneath the dress, push the bra away and squeeze those buns. Other hand went under skirt and touched her soft p through the undies... Touched the butt too... Firm n curvey... Sad to say due to the mind blowing foreplay earlier, cuden hold long and blew everything out...

She came back with warm towel for clean up... And finishes with a head massage... The proper head....

origin: PRC
Age: mid twenties (guessing)
face: 6
body: slim
height: about 165
buns: A
Bottom: curvy
massage: 8
Auto roam: yes except P
damage: $50 + $40 (1 hour massage)
Cfm return

PM me for contacts if interested.... Up my points too pls...
share ctc please!
Old 09-11-2015, 05:13 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Bro share location n contact tks
Old 09-11-2015, 09:11 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Bro can share your gem please?
Old 11-11-2015, 01:08 AM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

famous WW still around?

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Old 13-11-2015, 05:05 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Hi Bros

Almost didnt know where to post this, too many treads talking about west joints... So post here, it's not exactly the 3 BT buildings but walking distance to it. Went to this new place. Thought it was a clean legit place. Needed a good rub cause sprained my neck. Didnt want to try tangs cause been there too many times and wanted to try something new.

The ML was quite old, think got 40s, looks 3, bod 2, type... massage is average if compared to a tcm type, I would rate it a 5.5. Of course much better than a piano joint. Paper undies provided, the entire massage was done properly no teasing, nothing, after I turn around, same half past six type massage no teasing all of a sudden ask me want to press there, funny thing is that she pointed to my leg. Then I clarified, leg or what? She said yao bu yao juagen? oh ok... now i get it... How much? 50? No lah dont want... Cheong for so long I rarely reject, but this one really quite bad... For me its simple, joints that offer proper massage must know how to massage, like tangs, like sheng nong etc, places that wanna go the "extra mile" must have at least some plus points in the looks/bod and youth categories. This joint is like neither here not there. Massage not quite there yet and the extras I was almost surprised when she GQ me and I had to double check!!

Went out thought got other gals next time can choose, saw a few better looking ones, at looks 3.2-3.5. bod one is 2 the other one is 3. All CMI... I wont recommend this joint and wont post the name openly but if you want to avoid wasting money you can PM me.

Been there done that, had plenty of good and not so good memories throughout the years... Now there isn't much excitement left and the places seem so mundane. Guess this is retirement for me for now...
Old 18-12-2015, 02:18 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Hello all, in light of Bukit Timah I would like to share with all Bros that I'm letting go an impulse package I purchased at one of these spas. They have 3 outlets and can be used at all without expiry date. It's not a voucher but your number will be used to indicated the membership etc. I have 500 + dollars on this and will let it go for only 350$. My loss at your gain.. No catches.
First come first serve thanks all
Old 19-12-2015, 07:51 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Originally Posted by tepes View Post
Hi Bros

Almost didnt know where to post this, too many treads talking about west joints... So post here, it's not exactly the 3 BT buildings but walking distance to it. Went to this new place. Thought it was a clean legit place. Needed a good rub cause sprained my neck. Didnt want to try tangs cause been there too many times and wanted to try something new.

The ML was quite old, think got 40s, looks 3, bod 2, type... massage is average if compared to a tcm type, I would rate it a 5.5. Of course much better than a piano joint. Paper undies provided, the entire massage was done properly no teasing, nothing, after I turn around, same half past six type massage no teasing all of a sudden ask me want to press there, funny thing is that she pointed to my leg. Then I clarified, leg or what? She said yao bu yao juagen? oh ok... now i get it... How much? 50? No lah dont want... Cheong for so long I rarely reject, but this one really quite bad... For me its simple, joints that offer proper massage must know how to massage, like tangs, like sheng nong etc, places that wanna go the "extra mile" must have at least some plus points in the looks/bod and youth categories. This joint is like neither here not there. Massage not quite there yet and the extras I was almost surprised when she GQ me and I had to double check!!

Went out thought got other gals next time can choose, saw a few better looking ones, at looks 3.2-3.5. bod one is 2 the other one is 3. All CMI... I wont recommend this joint and wont post the name openly but if you want to avoid wasting money you can PM me.

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