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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 22-11-2023, 07:47 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 23-11-2023, 07:44 AM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 23-11-2023, 08:54 AM
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Re: Juagen Talks

I have visited several Juagen therapists but none has the result like what Master Lucky offers. Before giving Master Lucky a try, the last therapist I went was a lady who using boiled egg to massage my little brother. She asked me to buy a medication oil at $60 to apply on in order to enhance the sexual function. After few visits, no obvious result has happened. My difficulty in urination persists and no improvement.

After reading the report from some of the brothers, I decided to pay Master Lucky a visit hopping to see some miracles that were mentioned. Her first visit gave me a free health analysis on my body and some advices on the diet and resting pattern.

During the therapy, she told me that I have 3 stones in my penis. I could feel the hard stones with my hands when she guided me to the exact locations. One smaller one and two bigger ones of a size of a small green bean. She then started to clear the stone with her treatment and told me that she will eliminate the small one for me today. However, the other 2 bigger ones need another 2 sessions to clear and as for today she could make them smaller and soften.

Amazingly after the therapy, I felt that the smaller stone has disappeared and the 2 bigger ones really become smaller and softer. I went to the toilet and pee after the session and found that my urination was much smoother than before. This was never happened before after visiting so many juagen therapy. She told me not to have sex during the next 24 hours and expecting a better sex life after all the stones have cleared.

Immediately I booked another 2 sessions with her, paid the deposits and look forwards to eliminate the stones in my penis. Hope this can help some brothers here with the same issue I have.
Old 23-11-2023, 10:38 AM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 23-11-2023, 06:16 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 23-11-2023, 10:13 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 23-11-2023, 11:57 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

I’ve been seeing Lucky for more than a year and she’s the real deal! Before I saw her, I faced some issues getting lil bro really hard during the deed and it troubled me much. She told me that it was because there were blockages (and not just from below) that caused it and helped me clear them up. The effects were immediate from day 2! Since then I’ve always gone back for “maintenance”. She doesn’t just focus on lil bro but my entire body well being which is great. (She even does this thing to help slim my face lol)

Btw, like what other bros mentioned, there’s strictly no hanky panky involved as she’s very professional. See her for your own health and don’t mess with her..
Old 24-11-2023, 03:18 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 24-11-2023, 07:59 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 24-11-2023, 09:06 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

Just came back to SG from business trip. Due to the work load, foreign food and cold weather, I felt weak and tired. Went to get a treatment from master Lucky. After she helped me to clear the blockages and gave me a diet plan, I feel so much better and stronger these few days. Highly recommended for brother who have issue on his body and 2IC.

Last edited by andysam; 25-11-2023 at 10:08 AM.
Old 25-11-2023, 07:56 AM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 25-11-2023, 12:49 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 25-11-2023, 03:43 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 25-11-2023, 07:23 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 25-11-2023, 09:53 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

Writing this report as a early-20s dude who has experienced real physical changes after each session. I’ve been to my 3rd consecutive treatment in 3 weeks so far and as much as it’s eating into my NS allowance (and I’ve to compete with fellow bros for a weekend slot &#128514, I’m definitely looking to continue treatment with Master Lucky cause she’s the real deal man

Two key changes so far for me:
1. I feel less shag over the week when in camp. I’m relying less on coffee nowadays but still able to get through the day pretty well. You can imagine her treatment to be a natural kind of energy booster for you with no side effects lol (and also last way longer than a sugar rush from Red Bull)
2. My gf feels the difference when we do it over the weekend lmao. I didn’t tell her I got Master Lucky backing me up; she think I eat viagra lmao but please don’t do that imo cause at least for me it gives me like added heart rush (which feels like my heart is on steroids). I used to last quite short but I give excuse say in camp damn shag lah but nowadays she gets it from me way longer

Ymmv bros but at least it’s well worth your money (than going siumdiu imo hahah but whatever works for u man)
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