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Old 04-04-2007, 07:07 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
AXL, glad to know you are past rehab now. No amount of sermonising (albeit well meaning) will see you through. No wisdom from me, but understand you'll just have to go through the gamut of your emotions, tantrums included.
yup yup, thanks for your concern... have a niggling feeling that u too feel the same as my group of buddies. the solution to every problem is to drink it all away!!! just kidding...

tantrums, eh? i m throwing one right now... my wireless died on me after i spent an hour typing my reply to bro suteerak1099... not posted and have to bloody do it again!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh............

Cause and effect
wahhhh... u make me feel that u sound like the merovingian in the Matrix!!! sorry, bad habit for a movie buff!!!
Old 04-04-2007, 07:15 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
wahhhh... u make me feel that u sound like the merovingian in the Matrix!!! sorry, bad habit for a movie buff!!!
Yeah yeah it hit me too. I mean that bugger did talk about it like forever... who can forget.
Old 04-04-2007, 09:46 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Bro suteerak1099, thanks for taking so much time and effort to reply to our posts here.

Originally Posted by suteerak1099 View Post
sg gals arent always materialistic, but its noted on many occassions that they're irrational & inclined to be idealistic. i.e.: expect the man to be the sole provider for anything/everything, while she's actually capable to splurge on less feasible ventures (eg: shopping, pedicure, menicure, hairstyling, shopping...etc)
Haha, tell me about it… when I bought a Liverpool jersey, it was a total waste of money but when she spent twice that amount on spa treatment, it was all worth every single cent of it. Not going to mention endless appointments for manicure, pedicure, body slimming, facial and those hair salons… I shudder whenever I think of them...

their willingness to share the load of domestic errands/chores now seems fast diminishing, but who to be blamed? society? bad media teaching them all about luxuries in life, when making ends meet still seems a big feat to materialize - while the man tightens his pocket strings, the woman is happily splurging on things less necessary.
And their immaculate ability to make u go hang the clothes when I m busy watching a live telecast match involving my favourite team??? Can she wait till half-time??? No, must do it immediately or face her wrath. Everything had to be done according to her timing. For that, I hired a maid for the family. But without fail, she will always most certainly find something else to push me to the edge… like suddenly having a craving for chilli crabs when she was supposedly dieting for the past 3 days! And it had to happen again when I m following a match…

what then evolves from there? even motherly duties have been conveniently transfered onto the to do list of the foreign maid (which the man is coughing blood for the levy).
Haha, seen that happen many, many times. My mum had to take care of my ex’s daughter on many occasions when she HAD to meet her friends to discuss very impt matters in a club. Now, the club is a conducive place to talk about matters of the heart. C’mon, she doesn’t even care the fact that my mum was actually looking after someone who is not even related to her by blood. and my sister-in-law has always been doing the same thing almost every Friday nite.

sg gals these days say our men are not realistic... funny it seems, bt havent we observed that while couples are still in the midst of courting, often times, the man sacrifices (does the saving up for the wedding & everything else that's to come after putting the pen to the paper), while the woman enjoys her swinging lifestyle of a bachelorette.
Not realistic??? So what is realistic to them??? Saving up blood $ to satisfy their fantasy of a dream wedding, struggle with payment of housing instalments and renovation loans…while making sure that I wear my engagement ring, she goes to clubs telling people that she is single. Ooh, no sir, no, she is not alone. U can find them in the truckloads in clubs, pretending they r single and very available…

But then again, I have a local female colleague who came up with a 6 figure sum to help her bf out of his betting losses and he has since changed. They r preparing to get married soon. Guess there r good ones, just that me and some bros here just do not have that kind of luck to find a gem in a full basket of rotten eggs.

as much as we yearn to take the gals seriously, treat them as equals, but... its rarely the case that they've shown they deserve it.
Aah… equals! Men r supposed to know when they want to be treated as an equal and when they do not. But rest assured that they want to be treated like princesses all the time. But they conveniently forget that princesses conduct themselves with dignity…

Originally Posted by suteerak1099 View Post
fren, u r not alone. many amongst us have suffered the same turmoil, i'm sure..
I was actually getting worried that it is just me who is damn suay!!!

the irony, when it comes to foreign chick, the response is very much different. sg spoilt with choices of food, regardless origination from any continent. and the foreign chicks hardly ever say they're bored of certain food, nor do they fuss about the fattening issues.... and they often sound off what they cannot eat eg: beef/ seafood...etc or allergies.
I really don’t understand this. What is so difficult about giving some inputs? I really don’t have that with my foreign lady friends, foreign colleagues, my current foreign gf and hell, I don’t have that problem with the foreign ktv gers… damn, just remembered that I don’t have that problem with my local female colleagues.

my inccumbent gf for example: gentleman's gesture, i ask for her opinion what she wanna eat. she let me decide, adhere to my recommendation. we settled for crystal jade kitchen. i ask her about my choice, she replies positively, and explains; food is still food, no fuss about whats fattening on the menu... even if it was a steak house, there's always something light, i.e.: salad, side dishes...etc.
Could see that u r really happy with her now. Wishing u all the best.

Bros here, I know that such personal and subjective experiences, negative statements about local gers cannot be conclusive. For a person dealing with stats everyday, I would know better. Just our personal experience and no offence meant. We r talking about matters of the heart here, so even if we have cold, hard evidence here, it would not be appropriate. Best if u can take our views, or at least mine, with a very big pinch of salt.

Would like to expand on bro surfer’s quote: to err is human, to forgive divine. I heard it somewhere and I feel it is more appropriate here: to err is human, to blame it on someone else, is even more human. I will look back to see if I played any part in her behaviour and attitude towards me, as objectively as I can. However, move on, I definitely will. Cheers, all.
Old 05-04-2007, 10:54 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
Not going to mention endless appointments for manicure, pedicure, body slimming, facial and those hair salons… I shudder whenever I think of them...
Facial you can give her what.... complete with pearl necklaces. Golden Showers optional.
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Old 05-04-2007, 10:56 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
I will look back to see if I played any part in her behaviour and attitude towards me, as objectively as I can. However, move on, I definitely will. Cheers, all.
Wah... again. Cause and effect.
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Old 05-04-2007, 11:07 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
Wah... again. Cause and effect.
Dammit there it is again....

Speaking of which I watched it last nite again (against my better judgement) but it was worth it. Remembered a few lines. Memorable lines.

M: Oh my god Persephone, how could ju do thish? Ju betrayed me.
P: Cause and Effect, my love.
M: Cause? There isz no cause for this. What cause?
P: What cause? How about the lipstick you're still wearing?
M: Lipstick? Lipstick?? Hah! Vhat craziness are ju talking about voman? There is no lipstick.
P: She wasn't kissing your face, my love.

M = Merovingian; P = Persephone

Nicee. Lol!
Old 05-04-2007, 11:12 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by surfer888 View Post
Wah... again. Cause and effect.
Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
She wasn't kissing your face, my love.
u guys r bored, arent u? how about meeting up in the afternoon??? office no govt and kimchi too busy today to bother about me.... haiz... whole afternoon nothing to do...
Old 05-04-2007, 11:29 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
u guys r bored, arent u? how about meeting up in the afternoon??? office no govt and kimchi too busy today to bother about me.... haiz... whole afternoon nothing to do...
I am far from bored. I am working. Seriously. What I have is this running on my laptop while I work on my main. Its mostly reading memos, correspondence. creative stuff... never boring mind you. Just that I am pretty good at multitasking. Lol

I will have to take a rain check on the lunch mate. Meeting my dad at the Marriott later. Than back to the studios. Have to finish up some stuff because of public holiday tomorrow.
Old 05-04-2007, 11:32 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
u guys r bored, arent u? how about meeting up in the afternoon??? office no govt and kimchi too busy today to bother about me.... haiz... whole afternoon nothing to do...
Cannot leh. Going Unit Trust shopping in the afternoon lah.
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Old 05-04-2007, 11:42 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

AXL: Go watch 300 if you havent already.
Old 05-04-2007, 11:58 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Derelict View Post
AXL: Go watch 300 if you havent already.
u r insulting me now... would i call myself a movie buff if i havent watch it? think i will go take thai lessons today...
Old 05-04-2007, 12:08 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
u r insulting me now... would i call myself a movie buff if i havent watch it? think i will go take thai lessons today...
Watch it twice than. Why thai btw, isnt Korean your targeted choice of 3rd language to master?

I think there is more to this 'lesson' thingy. Lets see... bloody hell i keep forgeting this is an adult forums. Silly me...
Old 05-04-2007, 12:34 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Gosh... for GOD sake, this is an adult forum... *LOL* so, no discussion on movies or Unit Trust (kidding nia).

Anyway, it's a long long weekend. Enjoy and have a good bonking weekend

Old 05-04-2007, 01:04 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
..think i will go take thai lessons today...
Multi linguist in the making arh? Boh kia si, wait you kena tirak (aka KC) trap by alluring, exotic puyings then you know..

Lucky you can twiddle thumbs, yours truly in low food chain can only dream of fiddling... oh, limited by imagination
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Old 05-04-2007, 01:16 PM
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Cars and women...

Gents, here's something to help brighten your afternoon -since some of you are car buffs:

Cars & Women

>> Henry Ford dies and goes to heaven. At the gates, an angel
>> tells Ford, "Well, you've been such a good guy and your invention,
>> the assembly line for the automobile, changed the world. As a
>> reward, you can hang out with anyone you want to in Heaven."
>> Ford thinks about it and says, "I wanna hang out with God,
>> himself." The befeathered fellow at the gate takes Ford to the
>> Throne Room and introduces him to God. Ford then asks God, "Hey,
>> aren't you the inventor of Woman?" God says, "Ah, yes." "Well,"
>> says Ford, You have some major design flaws in your invention:
>> l. There's too much front end protrusion
>> 2. It chatters at high speeds
>> 3. The rear end wobbles too much, and
>> 4. The intake is placed too close to the exhaust."
>> "Hmmm.." replies God, "hold on." God goes to the Celestial
>> Supercomputer, types in a few keystrokes, and waits for the result.
>> The computer prints out a slip of paper and God reads it. "It may
>> be that my invention is flawed," God replies to Henry Ford, "but
>> according to my Computer, more men are riding my invention than
You only live ONCE, pass this way but ONCE..
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