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Old 28-04-2024, 11:31 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by kopigaogao View Post
Fire up 14 shots kopi gao gao
Thanks Bro, just returned 2, will return to you tomorrow.

5 and above for exchange.

rd 2 - simple2kee, paganwinter
Old 28-04-2024, 11:41 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by kcy69 View Post
13 exchange
point returned

thanks for the exchange
Old 28-04-2024, 12:04 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Posting 7 bullets for exchange
Old 28-04-2024, 12:21 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by ToshibaRA View Post
0. Nov 2019 ; Posts: 38 ; Points: 8

1. your point low , few people will reply to your post or up your point , after you achieve 50 point 5 power , more people will up your point

2. make a few more post , will gain some point

3. from your post , have a feeling that you are not very clear how point system work

4. less people will up you , if you are not very clear how to return point using different method (mention ; quote ; pm ; User CP ; Advanced Search)

5. top-left User CP , use User CP to check who up your point

6. left , click user name , find all post by user

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=====For info only - Thank You

0. Oct 2020 ; Posts: 9 ; Points: -58

1. to post in peace , need min 300 point , to post in FL Dome need min 700 point (any time can zap 200 to 600 point from your account)

2. your have 9 post , negative point , few people will reply to your post or up your point , after you achieve 10 post 50 point 4 power , more people will up your point

3. make a few more post , will gain some point

4. [10 posts and 50 points to get power] [after got power , then return points]

5. Reputation system update = = You have to contribute positively

6. Newbies HELPLINE = = Question 1 & Question 21

7. gain 1 power every year ; gain 1 power for every 3000 points ; TWO up allowed every 24 hours ; after up 1000 times , can up the same user for 2nd round

=====For info only - Thank You
13 exchange
Old 28-04-2024, 12:23 PM
rawmaster101 rawmaster101 is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by ToshibaRA View Post
0. Nov 2019 ; Posts: 38 ; Points: 8

1. your point low , few people will reply to your post or up your point , after you achieve 50 point 5 power , more people will up your point

2. make a few more post , will gain some point

3. from your post , have a feeling that you are not very clear how point system work

4. less people will up you , if you are not very clear how to return point using different method (mention ; quote ; pm ; User CP ; Advanced Search)

5. top-left User CP , use User CP to check who up your point

6. left , click user name , find all post by user

7. or use , top , Search --> Advanced Search --> Search by User Name --> Show Results as - Posts

=====For info only - Thank You

0. Oct 2020 ; Posts: 9 ; Points: -58

1. to post in peace , need min 300 point , to post in FL Dome need min 700 point (any time can zap 200 to 600 point from your account)

2. your have 9 post , negative point , few people will reply to your post or up your point , after you achieve 10 post 50 point 4 power , more people will up your point

3. make a few more post , will gain some point

4. [10 posts and 50 points to get power] [after got power , then return points]

5. Reputation system update = = You have to contribute positively

6. Newbies HELPLINE = = Question 1 & Question 21

7. gain 1 power every year ; gain 1 power for every 3000 points ; TWO up allowed every 24 hours ; after up 1000 times , can up the same user for 2nd round

=====For info only - Thank You
11 ezchange
Old 28-04-2024, 12:47 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by wally888 View Post
Hi "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to WOOHOO again."

Guess will be quite a while to rtn
Sure np when you can ya 👍👍👍😛😛😛
Old 28-04-2024, 01:02 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Anyone wanna exchange feel free to add, thanks in advance.
Old 28-04-2024, 01:05 PM
marklui520 marklui520 is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by ToshibaRA View Post
0. Nov 2019 ; Posts: 38 ; Points: 8

1. your point low , few people will reply to your post or up your point , after you achieve 50 point 5 power , more people will up your point

2. make a few more post , will gain some point

3. from your post , have a feeling that you are not very clear how point system work

4. less people will up you , if you are not very clear how to return point using different method (mention ; quote ; pm ; User CP ; Advanced Search)

5. top-left User CP , use User CP to check who up your point

6. left , click user name , find all post by user

7. or use , top , Search --> Advanced Search --> Search by User Name --> Show Results as - Posts

=====For info only - Thank You

0. Oct 2020 ; Posts: 9 ; Points: -58

1. to post in peace , need min 300 point , to post in FL Dome need min 700 point (any time can zap 200 to 600 point from your account)

2. your have 9 post , negative point , few people will reply to your post or up your point , after you achieve 10 post 50 point 4 power , more people will up your point

3. make a few more post , will gain some point

4. [10 posts and 50 points to get power] [after got power , then return points]

5. Reputation system update = = You have to contribute positively

6. Newbies HELPLINE = = Question 1 & Question 21

7. gain 1 power every year ; gain 1 power for every 3000 points ; TWO up allowed every 24 hours ; after up 1000 times , can up the same user for 2nd round

=====For info only - Thank You
Upped 8 exchange
Old 28-04-2024, 02:15 PM
Skrotum Skrotum is offline
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Originally Posted by kcy69 View Post
13 exchange
Points returned!
Old 28-04-2024, 02:30 PM
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Exclamation Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by meatvegelove View Post
Hi, up 32 points for exchange.
( Min 7 pts )
up u 8 pts for trade
---Min 4 point to exchange, less no return, quote post after uping, TQ---
i believe that everygirl is fuckable, with the right amount of money
Old 28-04-2024, 03:19 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

24 for exchange

No queue
Min power 5 for exchange
Old 28-04-2024, 03:43 PM
meatvegelove meatvegelove is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by moneyinthebank View Post
up u 8 pts for trade
Thanks bro.
Return 32 points.
( Min 7 pts)
Old 28-04-2024, 04:42 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

+16 for exchange
5 and above for exchange.

Relax, have fun, chill out....

This clip relaxes me and makes me smile
Old 28-04-2024, 04:59 PM
Dr4ke Dr4ke is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Grind grind grind
Old 28-04-2024, 06:35 PM
NZKiwi NZKiwi is offline
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Upz for points exchange

Min 2 pts to trade
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