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Old 25-11-2010, 04:01 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
Sex was very good. We are so accustomed to each others’ bodies and needs that we cum together most of the time and usually, she would have cummed a few times before I did. I’m old already so I don’t usually have a second shot, and it is also due to time constraint, so it is important I make her cum a few times first. She commented that the other guy was really bad in bed – he came within 2 minutes of penetration and never made her cum

Oh, and don’t ever think you are the only guy who paid for that $5000 Chanel bag, ok?

Always admired WB and all the alpha males in this thread and would really love to meet these luminaries in person the next time I go LV, which would be next Thursday HH. I don’t post a lot because I can tell you – even the PRC WLs in GL surf Sammyboy. Once I wrote a FR and when I RTF the particular Ang Pai WL, she knew it was me and interrogated me! Some Samsters actually report and alert them to posts/FRs made on them. I think these Samsters are idiots but I digress.
Deja vu!!! Your experience is eerily similar ...! Must be a bloody "Idiots Guide to Being a PRC KTV MM" somewhere on sale in China or required reading for all MMs.

Fully agree how the MILFs (at least those I've had) are wha lou naturally solid in bed. Stunned to see the same sort of body function you describe above ... never thought I could cum simultaneously and regularly with a gal till started MILF sex actually.

Re: loyalty - looks like economic necessity drives non-baoees to two/3/4 etc timing us. However, for baoees - the two long RS were/are quite touchingly loyal ... but it's really the friggin RMB I think that made/makes them so. Plus I've met their folks and friends etc so that generates a deterrent.

I guess it's the Grandmasters on this site create the usual drain on the best SYTs at Havelock complex!! Everytime I tell my MMS, "that one that went by" and I get the standard "she's booked" answer. Now I'm pretty sure I know why
Old 25-11-2010, 04:07 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
I don’t post a lot because I can tell you – even the PRC WLs in GL surf Sammyboy. Once I wrote a FR and when I RTF the particular Ang Pai WL, she knew it was me and interrogated me! Some Samsters actually report and alert them to posts/FRs made on them. I think these Samsters are idiots but I digress.
This is the biggest mistake you made.
You dun post cos they read this forum?????
You are telling us that you are hesitant because you afraid WHORES will know and has interrogated you before???????

Sorry if i sound offensive, but its meant to be.
Are you a man?
You feed them or they feed you?
You pay them or they pay you?
Very bluntly, you are the typical Mr NiceGuy that they just love to wrap around their fingers!!!!!

I will not deny, i have done the same thing before and a mr nice guy now mr heart broken, sabo me and told plus show that PRC about my post, he challenged me online, she called and sms me kpkb and i just laughed.
Yes, i've met her again, she's now a singer at chinatown point but so what?
You mean just because you post here you cant get pussies?

The amount of pussies you get does not equate to how much or how little they post. ITS THE PERSON!

To all bros, sorry but everytime i see this kinda wuss postings, it always reminds me of a PRC telling me about 10yrs ago, 你们这边的男人太怕女人了,呵呵,在大陆, 可能那个女的被打了!

Take off your pants and what do you see, if you see a DICKY, please remind yourself not to sia suay OUR SPECIES!
Singaporean men already got a lot of bad press liao!

That's the prob wif our society, all so book smart, but street idiots!
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Old 26-11-2010, 08:12 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Dragonkeep View Post
Deja vu!!! Your experience is eerily similar ...! Must be a bloody "Idiots Guide to Being a PRC KTV MM" somewhere on sale in China or required reading for all MMs.

Fully agree how the MILFs (at least those I've had) are wha lou naturally solid in bed. Stunned to see the same sort of body function you describe above ... never thought I could cum simultaneously and regularly with a gal till started MILF sex actually.

Re: loyalty - looks like economic necessity drives non-baoees to two/3/4 etc timing us. However, for baoees - the two long RS were/are quite touchingly loyal ... but it's really the friggin RMB I think that made/makes them so. Plus I've met their folks and friends etc so that generates a deterrent.

I guess it's the Grandmasters on this site create the usual drain on the best SYTs at Havelock complex!! Everytime I tell my MMS, "that one that went by" and I get the standard "she's booked" answer. Now I'm pretty sure I know why
Hahaha, what gives? The only thing I can’t get my gal to do is squirt. I remember back in those crazy crazy days, in the heat of the moment, I went down on a KTV gal right inside the KTV room while simultaneously fingered her!! She moaned so loudly and after just 1 or 2 minutes, she pulled my head up again and at that moment, squirted! She looked at me with both astonishment and extreme elation. Those were the crazy days. Too bad she was caught in a raid and was sent home.

And don’t you worry, there will always be enough pussies to go around. Just ask if you have the time and money to invest in them.
Old 26-11-2010, 08:22 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
This is the biggest mistake you made.
You dun post cos they read this forum?????
You are telling us that you are hesitant because you afraid WHORES will know and has interrogated you before???????

Sorry if i sound offensive, but its meant to be.
Are you a man?
You feed them or they feed you?
You pay them or they pay you?
Very bluntly, you are the typical Mr NiceGuy that they just love to wrap around their fingers!!!!!

I will not deny, i have done the same thing before and a mr nice guy now mr heart broken, sabo me and told plus show that PRC about my post, he challenged me online, she called and sms me kpkb and i just laughed.
Yes, i've met her again, she's now a singer at chinatown point but so what?
You mean just because you post here you cant get pussies?

The amount of pussies you get does not equate to how much or how little they post. ITS THE PERSON!

To all bros, sorry but everytime i see this kinda wuss postings, it always reminds me of a PRC telling me about 10yrs ago, 你们这边的男人太怕女人了,呵呵,在大陆, 可能那个女的被打了!

Take off your pants and what do you see, if you see a DICKY, please remind yourself not to sia suay OUR SPECIES!
Singaporean men already got a lot of bad press liao!

That's the prob wif our society, all so book smart, but street idiots!
Dear bro DYB, yes, everything you said, well most of it, is right and I can’t disagree or fault you with. Therefore, no offense taken cos I know you must have gone through some bad experiences being a Mr Nice Guy, thus your strong opinion. Don’t get too worked-up. Been there, done that. And I quote Bro DragonKeep, its “Déjà vu” all over again.

Though I’m not going to explain myself at length which I feel is inappropriate in this thread, I shall briefly clarify a few things:

1) I am not afraid of not getting pussies if I post FRs. There are too many pussies, too little time. All my friends who cheong GL/KTVs/HCs etc etc, none of them, and I mean zilch, has ever posted on SB. All of them surf SB, only as a source to find who are the best pussies in town. They are too busy to post. Sometimes, they are too busy to even read! Cos a lot of them are just flaming wars, “who deducted my points without leaving a name”, mass-zapping wars, clone wars, etc etc childish behaviors. Real cheongsters just want to get info and things done. Who cares if who get how many rep points in cyberspace? For every posters like you and me, there are a 100 passive samsters who prefer to just read.

But how many of those fabulous FRs are true or can be trusted if the WLs reads them? There are idiots who lust over these WLs or so damn hard up to get into their good books so they post good (sometimes fake) reviews. If the WLs don’t understand certain things written in English, these idiots will even explain to them! To me, these are the real wussies. To me, these wussies are the ones to give us Singapore men the bad name.

Its like investment advisors or analysts who write investment reports or coverage on companies for their investment banks and clients – even if they are required by law to disclose pages and pages of disclaimers and what nots at the end of every report, how independent do you think they are?

2) Yes, I’m a Mr Nice Guy. I treat my baoee very nice and because of that, she’s so drawn to me. Of cos everybody knows its money that makes the world goes round but like I said, I have spent an average of less than $3K/month for the past 3 years and she always complain. I know she averages $15K per month, depending on how hardworking she is, so the money I give her is just a token. Its pay per fxxk for me now. I rejected her demand for a fixed monthly income becos she’s not a one-man gal for she still do ST. IU mean, how much do you think is enough for her to be loyal? It was a roller coaster ride initially but through the years, I’ve become battle-harden.

Sometimes, on 1 or 2 rare occasions when I sense that she has slacken on the GFE department (these KTV gals are very very dao and haughty becos of all the attention or “love” showered upon them by guys who want to get into their pussies), I will give her a good tongue-lashing and a piece of my mind. After that, her GFE will be tuned to 100%. I always remind her I am the 消费者. Nasty, yes. Push-over? You draw your own conclusion.
Old 26-11-2010, 10:51 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Sex was very good. We are so accustomed to each others’ bodies and needs that we cum together most of the time and usually, she would have cummed a few times before I did. I’m old already so I don’t usually have a second shot, and it is also due to time constraint, so it is important I make her cum a few times first. She commented that the other guy was really bad in bed – he came within 2 minutes of penetration and never made her cum. Of cos I took it with a pinch of salt, but judging from the ecstasy she displays in bed and the way she dumped him, I just smile and keep quiet.

I could not have written a better report with my MILF as well. Exactly the same. Yesterday, i went out with a 23 year old, quite pretty slim with big boobs gal. Very nice body but sex was awful and totally no Gfe. This just confirms the fact that MILFs are for me no matter how pretty the SYT is!! In fact I am about to plan a trip to CHina to see my long loss MILF who I have not seen for a few months. It should be wonderful - especially the first couple of hours. The last time I saw her in China, after 5 mins of chit chat, she just wants to start bonking. And it was wet, wet, wet. Yummy!!
Old 26-11-2010, 11:44 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Like i said many many times before, when you enter the elevator to a KTV, remember you're entering a dream.
When you leave the KTV and exit from the elevator, remember to wake up.
Treating a person nice is fine , but never apply morals to these WLs, cos they will never reciprocate, even if they do, what makes you think it''s real to begin with.
Remember, they're nothing but cars.
You pump petrol, they'll move, how much you pump will determine how far they'll go.
Morals are not applicable to these people!
Cos if they had any, you wont see them at the ktv's in the 1st place.
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Old 26-11-2010, 12:38 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
Sex was very good. We are so accustomed to each others’ bodies and needs that we cum together most of the time and usually, she would have cummed a few times before I did. I’m old already so I don’t usually have a second shot, and it is also due to time constraint, so it is important I make her cum a few times first. She commented that the other guy was really bad in bed – he came within 2 minutes of penetration and never made her cum. Of cos I took it with a pinch of salt, but judging from the ecstasy she displays in bed and the way she dumped him, I just smile and keep quiet.

I could not have written a better report with my MILF as well. Exactly the same. Yesterday, i went out with a 23 year old, quite pretty slim with big boobs gal. Very nice body but sex was awful and totally no Gfe. This just confirms the fact that MILFs are for me no matter how pretty the SYT is!! In fact I am about to plan a trip to CHina to see my long loss MILF who I have not seen for a few months. It should be wonderful - especially the first couple of hours. The last time I saw her in China, after 5 mins of chit chat, she just wants to start bonking. And it was wet, wet, wet. Yummy!!
I once had a FB, 7 years ago. She was 27 yo, a Singaporean HOD of a multimillion organization. She was damn horny. She shallowed every time, every single drop. There was one morning we woke up and fxxked through the entire morning. I cummed 3 times. She cummed 10 times. We almost tried AJ but I can tell you my little bro by that time couldn’t get hard enough to penetrate. She even HJ me while I was driving and proceeded to BJ while I was parked in a shopping centre carpark. She swallowed everything! Anyways, that said, SYT can be very horny too. The most important thing is whether there is chemistry between the two of you. My baoee always tell me she’s in the 狼虎之年, or cougars in English.
Old 26-11-2010, 12:40 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
Like i said many many times before, when you enter the elevator to a KTV, remember you're entering a dream.
When you leave the KTV and exit from the elevator, remember to wake up.
Treating a person nice is fine , but never apply morals to these WLs, cos they will never reciprocate, even if they do, what makes you think it''s real to begin with.
Remember, they're nothing but cars.
You pump petrol, they'll move, how much you pump will determine how far they'll go.
Morals are not applicable to these people!
Cos if they had any, you wont see them at the ktv's in the 1st place.
Thanks Bro DYB for your tireless reminders to fellow samsters, but I believe they will only learn after they get hurt. Some may even need to get hurt/burnt a few times before they can be properly immunized. Hahaha. Cos you are talking human emotions here. You can’t really tune up and tune down your emotions “professionally” like on the volume knob of the Hifi unless, I believe, one has gone through the baptism of KC! Even experienced cheongsters can and will succumb to the KC-ing of the occasional KTV gal/WL. We have seen it happen so many times.

Nowadays, my kakis don’t go to KTVs anymore. We all know its all an illusion. We are buying an illusion. Waste time, waste money. What’s more, I can’t do much at LV becos my baoee works there and she is fiercely territorial, those cougars. Even a magic trick or two for the MMS can trigger her jealousy! Nowadays, they prefer the instant gratification in GL. And because we are all so busy, sometimes, we even have to catch up over lunch at the whore house!
Old 26-11-2010, 05:44 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
Not sure if you can consider mine a baoee but I met her in one of those KTVs in Havelock 3 years ago. At first we exchanged a lot of SMSes and chatted on the phone and every time I go cheong KTV, she’ll be with me. Met up a lot, talked a lot, heavy petting but no sex. That went on for roughly 6 months until late one night, after sending her home from movie and drinks at Harry’s, I asked to use the toilet at her place. After I came out, she invited me to her rented room. We BJ each other till I CIM. Didn’t do the deed cos not prepared – no rubber.


Always admired WB and all the alpha males in this thread and would really love to meet these luminaries in person the next time I go LV, which would be next Thursday HH. I don’t post a lot because I can tell you – even the PRC WLs in GL surf Sammyboy. Once I wrote a FR and when I RTF the particular Ang Pai WL, she knew it was me and interrogated me! Some Samsters actually report and alert them to posts/FRs made on them. I think these Samsters are idiots but I digress.
Thanks for sharing, I'm learning a lot from your posts.
Old 27-11-2010, 03:05 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by hock19 View Post

... 狼虎之年...
Best sex always comes from such group I hav to agreed


Life is all about (enduring and overcoming) suffering. When you have too much of the good stuff, life will seems meaningless



Old 27-11-2010, 10:51 AM
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning!

I like to express my sincere gratitude to ALL bros who hv posted on this thread. I hv learned a great deal from ALL of u. The cumulative experience n wisdom of all the esteemed bros r incredibly useful to me.

I hv been very busy n will not be able to comment on all the posts.

It appears that most esteemed bros here prefer MILFs. I'm the exception here. SYTs can give very good service over time, w/ a little coaching n prodding. They r usually very wet n could be surprisingly responsive.

That said, I'll look at younger MILFs favorably as I hv detailed my wonderful experience w/ one of them.


Originally Posted by MoralEpitome View Post
Good move Bro WB....never show your cards upfront....tell her you are unemployed so she quote you lower...maybe her idea of gf is less commitment and bonking so can accept lower price....
Bro ME,

Yes, never let them know our cards...

She assures me that she will never 出街。 But I may not want her afterall bcos she is less cute w/o makeup n has some acne. I'm very picky.

Originally Posted by MillerV View Post
Good move le ... unemployed .. well done!!!
3k not bad le ... like paying a PA like that but can do more things!
Always tell them u r unemployed. If she sees u w/ lots of cash n an upscale car, tell her u r the top advisor of an international crime syndicate, hahaha.

Originally Posted by ObamaRocks View Post
Please do not as i am no where near the league of your famed chairman austin. You can call me Obama in short
Good morning, Mr. Obama!

Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
Not sure if you can consider mine a baoee but I met her in one of those KTVs in Havelock 3 years ago............

Since then, we would always go to her place for great sex. She was in her late 20s and I can tell you, women in their late 20s early 30s are tigresses in bed. She calls me her bf/husband but she still carried on working at TAM, LV, LP. By then I had invested a fair bit to get to that stage.

I didn’t stop her from working. And I couldn’t. I’m married and can’t give her enough time (and I didn’t want to spend too much money on her) and I have to keep it very discreet. I knew she went out with other guys and over the years, she has gone overseas with customers..........................

Always admired WB and all the alpha males in this thread and would really love to meet these luminaries in person the next time I go LV, which would be next Thursday HH. I don’t post a lot because I can tell you – even the PRC WLs in GL surf Sammyboy. Once I wrote a FR and when I RTF the particular Ang Pai WL, she knew it was me................
Bro fallen.angel,

Whether she is a BAO-ee or not is unimportant (she doesn't meet my definition as she makes it clear that her pussy is not exclusive). If u enjoy the arrangement then it's perfect for u.

If a gal's pussy is not exclusive to me, I'll just pay for each session or ST.

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
This is the biggest mistake you made.
You dun post cos they read this forum?????
You are telling us that you are hesitant because you afraid WHORES will know and has interrogated you before???????

Sorry if i sound offensive, but its meant to be.
Are you a man?
You feed them or they feed you?
You pay them or they pay you?
Very bluntly, you are the typical Mr NiceGuy that they just love to wrap around their fingers!!!!!
.................................................. ...................
The amount of pussies you get does not equate to how much or how little they post. ITS THE PERSON!

To all bros, sorry but everytime i see this kinda wuss postings, it always reminds me of a PRC telling me about 10yrs ago, 你们这边的男人太怕女人了,呵呵,在大陆, 可能那个女的被打了!
.................................................. ..................................
That's the prob wif our society, all so book smart, but street idiots!
Hi Chairman Austin,

Ths for ur post.

SIN men should wake up n take up arms! Most of us here r wussies when dealing w/ PRC gals. I know some of their China BFs beat them up n steal their hard-earned money. A Hunan gal once told me her ex-BF got her bank password n stole all of her money!

Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
Dear bro DYB, yes, everything you said, well most of it, is right and I can’t disagree or fault you with. Therefore, no offense taken cos I know you must have gone through some bad experiences being a Mr Nice Guy, thus your strong opinion.................

1) I am not afraid of not getting pussies if I post FRs..........

2) Yes, I’m a Mr Nice Guy. I treat my baoee very nice..............
I always remind her I am the 消费者. Nasty, yes. Push-over? You draw your own conclusion.
Bro fallen.angel,

Ths for sharing ur experience.

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
Like i said many many times before, when you enter the elevator to a KTV, remember you're entering a dream.
When you leave the KTV and exit from the elevator, remember to wake up.
Treating a person nice is fine , but never apply morals to these WLs, cos they will never reciprocate.........
Remember, they're nothing but cars.
You pump petrol, they'll move, how much you pump will determine how far they'll go.
Morals are not applicable to these people!
Cos if they had any, you wont see them at the ktv's in the 1st place.
Thank you, Chairman Austin.

Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
Thanks Bro DYB for your tireless reminders to fellow samsters, but I believe they will only learn after they get hurt. Some may even need to get hurt/burnt a few times before they can be properly immunized. Hahaha.

Nowadays, my kakis don’t go to KTVs anymore. We all know its all an illusion. We are buying an illusion. Waste time, waste money. What’s more, I can’t do much at LV becos my baoee works there and she is fiercely territorial....................................... ...
I dun get it. Why r u afraid to see ur gal in LV? If she can work n expose herself to all the men there n no doubt get fxked by many of them, n u can't even show up to look for other gals??!! Wat kind of an unfair arrangement is that? It's akin to unilateral disarmament during the Cold War!

Going to LV HH this coming Thurs? PM me n I'll come w/ a couple of bros. There r a no of gals there (6-8?) who r either my ex or BAO-ees-to-be or hv agreed to be BAO-ed in the past, hahaha.


Bro WB
Old 27-11-2010, 02:58 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
Like i said many many times before, when you enter the elevator to a KTV, remember you're entering a dream.
When you leave the KTV and exit from the elevator, remember to wake up.
Bro, so rightly said. Why do guys go KTV to look for MMs or Singers? Lonely? Wife not satisfying the guy enough? Stress? Life's lacking direction?

Basically going into a KTV/HFJ is buying a dream. A dream so rarely found in real life. A dream which you will eventually wakes up from, depending our how quick or slow - painful or joyful - expensive or cheap.

Everything is a choice, but cheongsters, you need to reach that decerning choice of yours for a right purpose. Why KTV/HFJs PRCs/Viets/Mly etc come to singapore to work and let men touch, roam, kiss, groupe - that they like it or they are shortage of love or cocks? Can these women actually nail down a proper job back in China? Many of these so called singers are actually waitresses, bargirls, sales assistants or worse, WLs back home. Many of these earn less than RMB2000 a month.

They are farking WLs - they are here to earn money - they are here to hit and run. How many sensational stories we have heard over the years vs happy-endings or live happily ever after types?

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
Treating a person nice is fine , but never apply morals to these WLs, cos they will never reciprocate, even if they do, what makes you think it''s real to begin with.
Remember, they're nothing but cars.
You pump petrol, they'll move, how much you pump will determine how far they'll go.
Morals are not applicable to these people!
Cos if they had any, you wont see them at the ktv's in the 1st place.
I buy a car, I pump the farking petrol. I lut the car, I happy. I abuse the car I happy. The car not performing proper, I sell/dispose it also happy. I crash my cars as well as taking the knocks on them, I also happy.Cars are not assets, you pay and you expense for them, so are WLs. I am a person who will thorough use anything I bought, anything exchange with monetary can be used and abused. That's my philosophy.

WLs, Singers are here to make you happy with a PURPOSE - a purpose that can be bought with money. Make them prove they are worth it. Just like why you fork out good money for a performance car, because it has proven to be good!

I got singers telling me that they come to Singapore for:
(1) escape from their China abusive BFs/Husbands - yes, some of them are married. Many WLs do have BFs and hubby back home. In China, many women are actually being roughly treated and abused by their BFs and spouses. Do you know?

(2) money - yes, the most obvious reason.

(3) education - yes, possible but why are they moonlighting in the first place. Are they taking their farking studies seriously and what are their standards right now?

(4) Singapore men money very easy to earn. NEEDS MONEY, NEEDS MORE MONEY!!!

(5) Singapore men all very nice and gentlemen.

(6) Singapore currency is bigger than China, i.e. FX. Earning power also greater and China standard of living much much lower.

(7) Cannot find proper job back home.

(8) Nurse a broken heart.

Make them prove that they deserve to be treated nicely, make them prove that they deserve your dime.

WLs are commodities, they earn your money with their smiles and their bodies. You pay for them, the luxuries. Tell me, what will you do when your purchased items farked you up big time!?! Still a Mr. Nice Guy?!? To me, you are a farking loser... sorry that I have to say so if I have to make sure some guys wake up from their purchased dreams.

A trivia: how much does it costs to go to a village in China to purchase a PRC Virgin?

Best wishes,


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Old 27-11-2010, 03:10 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
Thanks Bro DYB for your tireless reminders to fellow samsters, but I believe they will only learn after they get hurt. Some may even need to get hurt/burnt a few times before they can be properly immunized. Hahaha. Cos you are talking human emotions here. You can’t really tune up and tune down your emotions “professionally” like on the volume knob of the Hifi unless, I believe, one has gone through the baptism of KC! Even experienced cheongsters can and will succumb to the KC-ing of the occasional KTV gal/WL. We have seen it happen so many times.

Nowadays, my kakis don’t go to KTVs anymore. We all know its all an illusion. We are buying an illusion. Waste time, waste money. What’s more, I can’t do much at LV becos my baoee works there and she is fiercely territorial, those cougars. Even a magic trick or two for the MMS can trigger her jealousy! Nowadays, they prefer the instant gratification in GL. And because we are all so busy, sometimes, we even have to catch up over lunch at the whore house!
Bro, I cannot offer you more kind advices as many esteemed bros have done so before me.

Your last para on LV showed your fears because of a WL. Even a novice reader in SBF can see through that.

I am not going to say further, you know yourself best. Despite your retorts to DYBJ's comments, you know you appear strong and simply know what to do. Again, I ask of you - do you know yourself? Are you that strong?

Originally Posted by fallen.angel View Post
2) Yes, I’m a Mr Nice Guy. I treat my baoee very nice and because of that, she’s so drawn to me. Of cos everybody knows its money that makes the world goes round but like I said, I have spent an average of less than $3K/month for the past 3 years and she always complain. I know she averages $15K per month, depending on how hardworking she is, so the money I give her is just a token. Its pay per fxxk for me now. I rejected her demand for a fixed monthly income becos she’s not a one-man gal for she still do ST. IU mean, how much do you think is enough for her to be loyal? It was a roller coaster ride initially but through the years, I’ve become battle-harden.
Your gal or so-called BAOee continues to do ST with other guys. Not so bad for the definition of the word BAOee. She is drawn to you because you are nice nice or because you are so nice to allow her to further her ST income?

Simply put as battle-hardened cheongster, wear your pants and go to LV. Get your BY to sit with you with another 2 more WLs side by side. If your BY not happy, tell her to get the fark out. This is my challenge to you.

p/s: I have pay-for-fark several singers and WLs before, they are not my BAOee nor will they be FBs. They are piece-meal commercial farks.

Take care bro,


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Last edited by Loving_Dickhead; 27-11-2010 at 03:24 PM.
Old 28-11-2010, 11:55 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Fallen Angel

The comments here might be over harsh at a personal level but they are all meant to enhance you as a ruthless merciless cheongster. At the end of the day you will reap the fruits of all the knowledge imparted here. Don't shy away from this thread because of your personal experience. There must be a reason why this thread is alive till today. I told my friends there are 2 threads you need to read in SBF ...this one and the Mistress thread.

All the best to you!!
Always on the hunt for a (.)(.) MILF...
Old 29-11-2010, 10:40 AM
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Smile Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Loving_Dickhead View Post
Bro, so rightly said........

Basically going into a KTV/HFJ is buying a dream. A dream so rarely found in real life. .......................
Everything is a choice, but cheongsters, you need to reach that decerning choice of yours for a right purpose. .........Many of these so called singers are actually waitresses, bargirls, sales assistants or worse, WLs back home. Many of these earn less than RMB2000 a month.

They are farking WLs - they are here to earn money.........................

I am a person who will thorough use anything I bought, anything exchange with monetary can be used and abused. That's my philosophy.

WLs, Singers are here to make you happy with a PURPOSE - a purpose that can be bought with money. Make them prove they are worth it..............

I got singers telling me that they come to Singapore for:
.................................................. ..........
Make them prove that they deserve to be treated nicely, make them prove that they deserve your dime.

WLs are commodities....................................... .........
A trivia: how much does it costs to go to a village in China to purchase a PRC Virgin?
Originally Posted by Loving_Dickhead View Post
Bro, I cannot offer you more kind advices as many esteemed bros have done so before me.

Your last para on LV showed your fears because of a WL.....................

Your gal or so-called BAOee continues to do ST with other guys. Not so bad for the definition of the word BAOee. She is drawn to you because you are nice nice or because you are so nice to allow her to further her ST income?

Simply put as battle-hardened cheongster, wear your pants and go to LV. Get your BY to sit with you with another 2 more WLs side by side. If your BY not happy, tell her to get the fark out. This is my challenge to you...............
Hi bro LDH,

Wonderful advice for all cheongsters who engage in the operation of BY-ing.

Originally Posted by ObamaRocks View Post
fallen.angel, i will not call you bro cos you just not a man. You say she your baoyee but more like she bao your lanjiao and your lumpa ji! You got use her kotex or tampon bo? 你根本就不是个男人!
Hi Vice Chairman,

Very strong words but quite appropriate.

"The nice guy syndrome" is a severe n intractable sickness n requires strong medicine, hehehe.

Many SG men are wussies n they r intimidated by women they find attractive. They become submissive n put them on the pedestal...sort of role reversal; consequently, they become as attractive as eunuchs to the women they desire, regardless of their physical size/muscle mass, sexual skills, social-economic status, wealth, etc.

A real man must be dominant n has excellent self mastery. Everything else is secondary.

Originally Posted by Hooters666 View Post
Fallen Angel

The comments here might be over harsh at a personal level but they are all meant to enhance you as a ruthless merciless cheongster. At the end of the day you will reap the fruits of all the knowledge imparted here...............
Very harsh but necessary...could fallen angel be resuscitated?

Originally Posted by ObamaRocks View Post
Why you bother to tell him so much Hooters666, his nick already tells you everything. He is a FALLEN ANGEL, 什么都完了, you know XD
I'm more optimistic. Everything is changing constantly n nothing is impossible in this world.

There is hope even for fallen angel, hehehe. He must be willing to change n be prepared to take very strong medicine.


Bro WB
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